Coffee, Cats and Connor.

By hailee_mccall

709 65 19

Sadie has had a pretty sad past, but will that change when she moves in with her brother and 5 other boys? Re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (The end)

Chapter 5

35 2 0
By hailee_mccall

I woke up to the bright sunlight shining through my window, ugh. What time is it? I check my phone, 6:30am. Wait. Why the fuck am I up so early?! I roll over and try to fall asleep again, but something is keeping me up. I can't seem to fall back asleep. Well I can't just get up at 6:30 in the morning! Great. Now what? Social media it is. I grab my phone and search on twitter, same old. Same old. I can't stop looking at the tweet the Sam had tweeted. About our date.. I thought it was sweet but I just didn't like him like that. I continue to scroll through twitter when there is a knock on my door, "yes?" I answer.

Connor walks in, "Hey. Sorry. I couldn't sleep... Cuddle time?" I nodded and smiled. We had these little things called 'cuddle time', if we ever felt like we couldn't sleep or if something was bothering us we would have 'cuddle time'. Its our thing and it just makes me happy.

He crawled in next to me and wrapped his arms around me, "Couldn't sleep, huh?" "No.. But that's not why I'm in here..." I was a bit confused. "Ok. What is it?" I ask him as quietly as possible, "Are you and Sam still together?" Why did he care? Its not like it matters either way. "I don't even know... I mean. Yes? No?" I sigh and he shifts around. "Oh....." Was all he said. We just sat in silence for a while until I noticed that it was 7:30am. I can finally get up without pissing everyone off! It would've bewn nice if I had fallen back asleep but obviously that wasn't gonna happen, I smiled at Connor then slid out of bed and started to walk downstairs, I could tell that he was following. "Coffee?" I ask as I pour myself a cup of warm French vanilla. "Well duh!" He laughs a bit and so do I, I hand him his cup and we both sit and talk for a while until the rest of the guys get up.

"Hey gorgeous. You wanna go out tonight?" I heard a smooth voice ask from behind me as he snaked his hands around my waist, I blushed slightly then turned around. "Sure." I reply. Why did I say yes?! I could've said no and told him that I wasn't interested!! Damn it! Ugh! He smiled and walked away, up to his room I'm assuming. I look at Connor and he seems.. Different... He told that he was just looking out for me though. He can't be jealous, could he? No. That's stupid to think. He only thinks of us as friends, or at least as far as I know.

I went upstairs and took a long peaceful shower then started to get ready, I put on a teal skater skirt and a black shirt that had laced sleeves, it showed a bit of my stomach as well. I slipped on a pair of flats, and then did my make up. I curled my hair and then exited my room quietly, "Ready to go soon?" Sam asked me as I entered the living room. "Isn't it a bit early?" I question, he slides his arm around my waist. "Yea but I wanna spend more time with you." That causes me to smile and I nod. Why am I doing this? Leading him on and then breaking his heart later? Its wrong. And I shouldn't be doing it.

He grabs a hold of my hand and we head for the door, "See you later guys!" I yell back into the house. We get in the car and I buckle up, "So where are we going?" I ask curiously as he starts the car up. "Somewhere." Is all he answers with. The rest of the ride is silent, but a good silent, not the awkward silent that I've been stuck in before. We soon arrive at the beach, shit I didn't bring my swim suit! Damn! "Fuck.." I mumble under my breath, "I'm sorry.. It's lame I know." He sighs and looks down. "No! No! Its nice but I didn't bring a bathing suit... Its ok." I give him a smile and he instantly grins, "Your sure this is ok?" He asks with nervousness, "its great Sam. Thank you."

I step out of the car and stretch my arms, then run towards the sand. I sit in the warm sand and stare at the water, it was truly beautiful. Yes I've been to the beach before, but every time I came it always took my breath away. Sam sits down next to me and places his hand over top of mine, "I'm happy your my girlfriend Sadie." He looks at me and smiles widely. I sigh, I need to tell him.

"Sam..." "What is it?" I look away, unable to stare him in the eyes. "I'm sorry. But I just wanna be friends....."


Hello! How is everyone?

Liking the story?

I sense some drama between Sadie and Sam!!!

Haha well I'll try and update tomorrow!

Love you!

Comment, vote, follow!

-Hailee ✌

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