The Nanny

By Selenegreyy

4.5M 166K 28.6K

Jessica Cullen is a simple girl who is a part time student who works at a restaurant to support herself. But... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Positive thoughts โค
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 9

103K 3.6K 342
By Selenegreyy

It's already been ten minutes since Liam is crying. I badly want to go and console him but when I hear Stefan talking with him, I stop and smile.

"You don't love me anymore, don't you? Why do you love her so much?"

His tone is almost accusing. I fix my glasses and concentrate on my books. I guess that dumb ass have forget that my room have a baby monitor as well. I can hear him.

"Liam", Stefan voice almost pleads. "Please stop crying and get some sleep. Daddy have to work tomorrow."


Liam cries get louder and I get up this time. It's already midnight when I check the time.

I'm about to open the door when I hear a knock. I grin. I walk quickly towards the door but stop instantly when  I realize my glasses are still on. I remove them and throw it on the bed.

"Hey", I say when I open the door. Stefan looks tired with a crying Liam on his arms and as for the latter, he's already red from all the wailing.

He tries to reach me and I take him instantly.

"I got you baby", I coo gently. "Stop crying"

I rub his trembling body and kiss his head. He stops crying but hiccups from time to time. I forget that Stefan is standing right before us and continue murmuring sweet words to Liam.

"It's okay", I whisper. He's gripping my shirt tightly. I give him another kiss on his cheek.

I look straight and that's when I realize Stefan is watching us. There's a lot of emotion on his face. He appears shock, surprise and moreover he's looking as if longing for something.

"Are you alright?", I ask, confuse.

"Yeah", he replies and sigh. He looks so tired.

"You can go to sleep Mr Black", I say looking at his eyes. His gorgeous blue eyes appear so drowsy.

"You're looking so tired."

"How do you do that?", he demands instead.

"Do what?"

"Make him quiet so quickly", he frowns slightly and looks at Liam then at me.

"I don't know", I shrugs.

He sighs and tries to take Liam again but I stop him.

"Don't. He'll cry again. I'll put him back in his crib. You can go to sleep."

Stefan ponders over it for a few beats then nod. He gives me the little bottle and leaves.

I wince when I feel pain shooting up my arms again. Walking towards my bed, I sit cross-legged.

Liam falls back sleep after drinking the milk. I walk inside his nursery and place him back inside the crib.

I look at him for a few minutes. His color is back to normal now and he looks peaceful. I stroke his soft hair and he smiles. My heart just melts again.

Leaving the nursery quietly, I decide to make some coffee. I still need to work on my assignments.

"What did you do to my child?", Stefan asks when I'm stirring my coffee. I gasp in fear and turn around.

"Oh my God!", I place my palm over my over beating heart. "Don't do that."

Stefan is sitting on one of the high stool and still waiting for apparently my answer.

"What do you mean what I did to your child?"

"Why does he likes you so much?"

I cradle the hot mug between my cold palm and grin slightly.

"What do you think?"

He stares at me blankly but with a serious gaze. I take a sip of my coffee and look at him over the rim.

"Black Magic", I joke and shrug.

"What?!", he demands with his blue eyes widening. "Are you serious?"

I stifle a giggle. It seems like this dumb ass believes it. He's an idiot. Well I guess I can play along.

"Yes", I nod, lifting my shoulders.

His mouth is slightly open as if he can't believe. Unbelievable.

"Are you dumb or are you dumb?" I say and sigh.

"That means you're joking right?", he asks looking in deep thoughts.

"Of course", I admit. "Oh my God! I can't believe that you actually believe I did black magic! Do you really believe in it or have you been watching supernatural shows?"

His brows creases in an adorable way and he murmur.

"I only watched one episode."

"Whatever", I say and start walking away. "Goodnight."

"Wait", Stefan says. "You do know that caffeine will keep you awake."

"Yes", I sigh. "I have some work to do."

I turn to walk away again but stop when he starts speaking.

"Are you sure we have never met or seen each other before?", he asked slowly. My eyes pops wide open.

"I'm hundred percent sure", I say quickly. I stiffen when I feel him behind me.

Oh my goodness!

Stefan walks slowly from being and stand right in front of me. He's so freaking long. Like a giant. My head is level only till his chest. I tip my head back to look in his blue orbs. He's staring into my eyes as he's trying to look inside my soul.

"Are you sure?", he almost whisper. My heart is beating so fast and I cannot trust my voice right so I nod.

He looks like he's about to say something else but I walk away rapidly.

Once in my room, I place my hand over my beating heart.

"What just happened?", I say aloud. "Why is my heart beating like this?"

We are currently at the doctor's waiting room. Liam have to get his shots. Stefan is on his phone and Liam is on my lap. We are waiting for our turn. I see another parents getting out and Stefan gets up. I don't think I should go inside as well. Only parents have the right.

I get up and Stefan takes Liam from me. I wince again when I feel pain in my arm. It seems like I really should take another painkiller.

I sit back down when Stefan turns to leave. Liam twists and starts whining when he sees I'm not following them.

"Miss Cullen", Stefan sighs. "Come inside."

"Are you sure?", I demand, shock.

He gives me a nod and taking it as my cue, I follow them. Liam squeals when he sees me behind them.

We enter inside and there's a woman inside. She gives Stefan a flirty smile. I cringe inwardly. The name tag on the table says, she's doctor Ashley Manhattan.

"Mr Black", she says and if I'm correct, it sounds seductive.

"How are you? Hey baby", she tries to take him but Liam turns and gives her her back. Instead he looks at me and smile and a little drool escape form his lips.

Without thinking, I move forward and wipe it away.

"Who are you?", the doctor demands. "I'm sorry but you have to wait outside."

"She's with me", Stefan states. I feel a flutter in my chest and frown in confusion. What the hell is happening to me?! Maybe I should get myself check later.

"I didn't know you already have a girlfriend", she says with a smile. I can totally see it's fake. Her eyes moves from down to up, taking in my appearance.

Dumb bitch! I say in my head. Stefan turns his head in my direction and I look at him at the same time.

Ewwww, I think and scrunch my nose up. I'm not his girlfriend.

"She's Liam's nanny", Stefan says once he averts his eyes.

"Ohhh", Ashley grins and claps her palm together. This bitch looks relief and I wonder why.

"It's good to know. So ready for the shots?"

Stefan nods and walks towards the little bed. I just follow them like a lost little puppy and frown. Ashley is touching Stefan's arm. Well it's more like caressing. And Stefan doesn't care. I bet he's loving the attention.

"Bitch", I murmur.

"Hey Liam", Ashley coos. "Come to me."

I stifle a smile when Liam refuses again. But this time she trys to gain his attention with a little rattle toy.

"Just place him on the bed Stefan", she says and smile at them. Liam looks at the toy with wide eyes. His attention is solely on the toy.

Stefan places him on the bed and just as he looks like he's about to cry again, Ashley rattles the toy once more. Liam trys to grasp the toy and she lets him have it.

She plays with Liam for a while and I can see it's genuine. She really looks like she adores kid.

"Well no wonder she's a pediatrician Jessica", my inner voice drawls sarcastically.

My eyes open when she removed a little syringe. Actually there's two. Oh my God! Liam is going to cry. It's going to hurt so bad.

She gives Stefan a smile and tap her eyelashes flirtingly. Stefan doesn't notice that but I do.

Desperate much!

I roll my eyes and watch as she injects the first syringe in Liam's thigh. His lips trembles but Stefan quickly diverts his attention. Ashley inserts the other syringe in his other thigh and that's when all hell breaks loose.

Liam starts crying loudly. Stefan quickly takes him in his arms. He rubs his back in a gentle way. Ashley puts bandaid on the two spots.

"It's okay", he says softly. "Daddy's here."

When I see Liam continues crying, I debate whether I should move forward or stay where I am but when Stefan gives me a look, I know what I have to do.

"Let me try", Ashley says with a smile just when I'm about to take Liam. I move quickly ignoring the pain in my arm and take Liam. Well I hope Stefan have not notice that I sort of pushed her arms away.

That's pretty rude, I know but I don't give a fuck.

"Don't worry", I say giving her a fake smile. "I got it."

She appears shock and when I turn to look at Stefan, he's staring at me like usual. But this time there's a little smirk on his lips. He looks amuse. I look at him in a weird way. His son just got injected and he's amused. What is wrong with him?

Nevermind, I think and concentrate on Liam.

"It's okay baby", I murmur and kiss his head repeatedly. "It's going to stop hurting soon."

I find Ashley glaring at me before taking her seat behind her table. Liam cries become lower and lower and he just rests his head in the crook my neck.

"He really likes her", Ashley says to Stefan. From her tone, I notice she doesn't like it.

Well I guess she can suck a dick for all I care. I imagine Leo saying this and smile.

Stefan ignores her and ask instead,

"Ashley is there anything I should know because of the shots?"

Ashley turns serious instantly and crosses her slender fingers on the table.

"Liam might get swelling around the area where he's been injected. Also he might get fever, vomiting and abnormal crying. If he's fussy about his food, don't force him too much. The shots can make baby's lose their appetite sometimes."

I look at Liam. He's already quiet and looks sleepy. My heart hurts. My poor baby have to bear all that.

"If that's all we'll take your leave now Ashley", Stefan says and moves his hand forward for a shake. She quickly grasps it but doesn't leave it.

"We can go for some coffee if you want", she offers, trying to make her voice sounds sexy. Oh my God! I can already imagine her like those clingy girlfriends.

"No I don't want to", Stefan says bluntly and pulls his hand away. I resist the urge to laugh and look away. Ashley's face falls and I snicker.

"Well maybe some other time", she tries again. "You already have my number."

Stefan gives her a curt nod and turns towards us. I give Ashley a glance and wonder why Stefan have refuse her offer. She's really pretty with her green eyes and black hair plus she's really tall.

Stefan opens the door for me and we walk outside. I try to shift Liam into my arms and hisses in pain.

"What happen?", Stefan asks in a concern voice.

"Nothing", I say and hugs Liam more tightly. I feel a tingling sensation on my arms and it's really not pleasant at all.

SHIT! My arms are falling asleep. I wince again when I try to shift my hold on Liam. Without warning, Stefan suddenly takes a sleepy Liam from my grasp.

"I can carry him", I say instantly.

"Don't be silly Miss Cullen", he says. "You clearly looks like you're having pain in your arms."

As if on instinct I rub my arms and wince when pain shoots up when I cross them. Stefan's eyes flickers on my arms then back on my face. His eyes appear concern.

"We can show it to the doctor if it's hurting too much", he offers and his face softens.

My eyes widen and I shake my head instantly.

"No I'm fine. They don't even hurt that much", I say quickly and add under my breath.

"What if they inject me?!"

"Are you sure?", Stefan smirks and clutching my arms gently, he turns me back toward another doctor's door.

"I'm fine. I don't want to go", I almost plead and try to remove his hand from my arm.

Suddenly he chuckles and appall, I just stare at him. Stefan is smiling at me. Wow! The skin near his eyes crinkles, giving him a mature look yet at the same time because of his smile, he looks young.

Placing his hand around on the small of my back, he turns me towards the exit again. I stop breathing when I feel his hand on my back. I look at his profile and he's still grinning.

"For someone who have a really smart mouth, you sure are a scaredy cat."

I stare at him blankly. "What?"

"Why can't you just admit that you're scared of injections?", he asks with amusement still twinkling in his eyes.

"Who told you that Mr Black?", I ask trying to forget about his whole hand situation. "You're getting wrong information."

"So why don't you give me some right information about yourself then?", he smirks and bends his head towards me.

Frowning, I avert my eyes away and that's when I realize some people staring at us. A couple of nurses are passing by and they are all staring at Stefan. Well I get it. He's drool worthy. No wonder he's a freaking model.

Another woman passes by, giving me a dirty look. My eyebrows lift automatically upon her reaction. She looks at me from top to bottom. I know she must be thinking what a klutz person like me is doing with Stefan. Little does she knows I'm just a nanny.

Rolling my eyes, I rub my aching arms and decide to not care. But suddenly a thought pops up in the back of my head. I look at Stefan. Well it's indeed true that a man like him will never want someone like me. Besides, he sort of made that clearly two years ago.

I turn my head to the opposite side and I see our reflection. Stefan is wearing his business suit while I'm in my sneakers, loose sweater and black legging.

Pretty basic right!

Stefan looks like a powerful person. He has the confident aura around him. Like he can face any obstacles in his way. He definitely looks like someone people will think twice before messing with yet here I am always arguing with him.

"Are you going to speak?", Stefan suddenly asks.

"I'm sorry", I blurt instead. He looks at me and frowns.

"Sorry exactly for what?"

I look at him and frown slightly. He sounds as if there are many things I should be sorry for. His stupid ass.

"My arms hurt. It's just that I'm not used to carrying a baby...."

"It's okay Miss Cullen", Stefan interrupts me. "I understand. There's no need to apologize."

I nod and remain quiet. We reach near his Audi in the parking lot and he straps Liam in his baby seat. Even in his sleep, his lips is trembling. I don't think I should leave him today, especially when the doctor said there's a possibility he might get sick.

"Get in the car, I'll drop you at the uni", Stefan says already opening his door. My belongings and bags are already in the back seat. My plan is to catch a bus from the hospital to university. It's quite far. But now I'm reconsidering the idea of leaving Liam alone. I know Stefan can look after him. He's actually been doing it since he was born. But I can't ignore the fact that he is peaceful in my arms only.

"Get in", Stefan says from inside and I do as he says.

"Mr Black", I start speaking after a while. " I won't go for my classes. I'll stay with Liam."

"No", he says instantly and slants me a glare before looking at road again.

"It's okay", I add and turn to look at the sleeping baby. "It's nothing important. Besides I can take whatever I missed from my friends."

"Of course it is extremely important Miss Cullen", Stefan presses. "Liam is not your responsibility. Your main concern and priority should be your studies not your work."

"My job as a nanny is my priority as well", I argue. "I'm looking after a baby and it's no joke. It is my concern to be honest because it involves Liam and I know he's going to cry a lot once he's awake."

"Miss Cullen", Stefan says. "As I said before I am fully capable of looking after Liam. You cannot miss your classes just because he's going to cry."

"I know you are fully capable of looking after him and I know you have been doing it for months", I say softly. "But I promise I don't mind skipping today."

Stefan suddenly stops the car and he sighs. I look at Liam again. I really don't feel like leaving him. Something in my head is just saying not to leave him.

"Miss Cullen", Stefan starts saying again. "I'm not a selfish person to make you skip your classes just because my son is sick. Your studies are important right now."

"I know and I don't mind. It's only for one day."

Stefan gives me a glare and I prevent myself from saying another word.

"Miss Cullen", he starts saying in a serious voice. "You do realize you take part time classes which mean you do not get enough time as full time students! So why will you waste your day and time unnecessary?!"

"It's not for unnecessary reasons", I try to reason with him.

"Yes it is", he argues. "Part time courses take far longer to complete and can also add extra pressure on top of your current workload. And I don't find it necessary to skip today's classes because it's just going to be extra for you in the end."

He does have a point and I don't know what else to say. I stare at him and his eyes seem to be challenging me to bounce back.

"You are going for your classes and it's final", Stefan orders in a stern voice leaving no room for any arguments. I look away.

"Well I can just get off", I mutter. "There's a bus stop ahead. I will wait for it."

"No you're not", he replies instantly and the car starts with a throaty purr.

"I'm still dropping you off."

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