The Cursed Sons of Dionysus

By annaiuuup

111K 5.5K 2.1K

"It will be seven that will be your undoing and it will be eight who will rise for the revolution" You though... More

The office
Who Are We?
Garden of Gesthamme
Black and Blue
Fear + Fun =
The power of Attraction
It's Just You're a Demon
Till Illusions do us apart
Death, Flowers & Brothers
Lies, Truths & Omissions
Shadows in memories
The visit
Madness & Ecstasy
Drunk in Love(?)
Hate is a strong Word
Mirrored & Masked
What is Sex, Love and the Truth?
Lunch (in) time
In and Out
The issue of Trust
The Goddess Awakens
Your Royal Highness
In the beginning
You can't Run You Can't Hide
The Rogue sun god
The silent man and the stars of night
Don't fight the past
Psychadelic visions
Until Death Do Us Apart
Death of the Universe
The very real fear of lossοΏΌ
A Song That You Sang
Queen Astarte and the God of Eros
A Servant's Lover
It takes two balance a universe and two to love
Face your Fates
Face your Fate pt 2
How it came to be
In the eye of the beholder
Love me Tender
A Collapse
A game of winners and Losers
Hera's final breath
Declaration of war
How it has to be
Peace of mind, war of the heart.
Rule of 3
When the universe died
This is Gospel
Author's note

The god of Night

3.6K 156 89
By annaiuuup

You stirred in your sleep groaning to yourself as you found yourself tangled in your sheets. From how they were crumpled you had assumed it had been quite the eventful night. Bleary, you caught your own reflecting in your dresser mirror, your coils wisped against your forehead and cheeks, you made out a simple gold tiara nestled atop your head. Crackles of red emitted from your body as if you were the source of an electrical storm, it casted a blood red haze in your room, a song echoed through your head causing that distant memory to creak up again. Blinking again you saw you were looking back at yourself with a pair of incandescing ruby eyes. Curiously you stared at your tether. Reaching for the mirror across the room, your traced your reflection not quite believing the person was you.

You blinked

Everything seemed still.

The wind wailed impatiently outside,
as your windows shuddered in response the rattling sound made you even more aware of yourself. This was stupid. You had a day off from work  so you decided to go back to sleep. Forgetting what you just saw. It had to be another of those dreams...

...The smell of burning and an impending storm lingered in your room.

You were always always felt so weak. Always tired...Always.

Except for when you were in the garden. Except when you near the blooming red Rose.

Jungkook lay in his pitch black room, the only thing illuminating the heavy darkness was the stars in the sky as he watched each constellation carefully studying it. This was something he did often. One of his duties as a god was to watch over the 12 zodiac signs. The new star continued to perplex him, he mapped the star continuing analyse where it appeared in the Taurus constellation. The suspicious star outshone the Aldebaran star the original brightest star of the constellation which made Jungkook even more agitated. It would flicker periodically from red back again to sliver as if disturbed by something or someone. He knew that you were a Taurus,  your birthday was 1st May he remembered that from your application, no doubt in his mind that the star had something to do with you...

But stars didn't often appear unless...

Just then Yoongi barged in on Jungkook. Not a word was said but the look that was shared indicated they both understood. You weren't a Titan that much was certain.

You had spent several hours wondering about your apartment looking for something to do but nothing interested you. Your flatmate wasn't home, she was a nurse who worked long hours, and if she wasn't at work she was fast asleep preparing for her next shift. You had blamed your job and those damned managers for making you crave the excitement at work. Yes they were ruining your life but at least it was more interesting than being cooped up in your home with nothing to do.

You silently cursed yourself now determined to find a way to pass the time, you scoured the cupboards and realised there was hardly any food left. At last an activity!
You grabbed a few shopping bags changing into gym wear and scraping your hair into a pineapple hairstyle. The sun blared brighter than usual for the winter, you shielded your eyes pressing on, debating wether you would have looked silly wearing sunglasses in the deep of winter. It was icy out as frost crowned leaves that stubbornly remained throughout the winter , Windows and the slabs of pavement did not remain untouched as they were also decorated with beautiful artist that was Father winter, as frost also laced them. The wind was unforgiving as you tried to retreat further in your scarf, your chin pointing inwards into your chest. Looking up at the sky you wondered if it would rain soon.

Seeing that you were so cold you stopped at the Starbucks. You thought ordering a hot beverage wouldn't harm anyone, it was your treat after all. The air of the Starbucks was filled with the aromatic scent of coffee beans and the seasonal and savoury sweet smile of cinnamon. There was low of hum of voices with the occasional ring of laughter that came from the group of teenagers huddled in corner. A smiling barista ushered you forward.

"How can I help you?" She asked her voice too high pitched and syrupy sweet. 

You eyed the menu not impressed by the gimmicky new items on the menu, in your distaste you ended up scrunching your nose lightly. Was it too much to ask for a simple delicious drink.  Sighing you turned  back to the barista who's smiled had faltered with impatience.

"A white hot chocolate to go please."

Nodding the barista punched in your order, she turned to make your drink as you tapped your card at the receiver turned to loiter aimlessly waiting to be called, desperately refreshing any social media feeds for a glimpse of excitement. When that didn't work you googled Greek gods, particularly the sons of Dionysus. Unfortunately the Greeks didn't give much details, or any details they did give were woefully inaccurate to your reality. Some of the names of sons were different and the other sons were completely omitted making you wonder briefly if they really were playing and elaborate prank on you.


Frowning, irritated at the lack of results you picked up your drink, bracing yourself for the cold. You shivered, knocking back the smooth and cosy drink, allowing it to warm your inside up. Deep in your thoughts you became less aware of the people around-

"Ah- I am so sorry!"


Well here was the excitement you thought darkly to yourself as you found you were looking up at one of Dionysus's sons, Jungkook. Of course he wasn't dressed in his suits, but instead wore he wore large white hoddie, layered with a red puffer jackets. This was matched with a pair of black distressed jeans and finally a plain black face mask that ate up half of his face. If it wasn't his easily distinguishable eyes you wouldn't have recognised him. It annoyed you that even when it was clear he had put little effort in his appearance he was still incredibly attractive...

You didn't finish your thoughts realising  how they had a habit of rummaging through them deliberately, it did NOT help that they could also smell your arousal now; like a dog could smell cooking meat. You noted the twitch of his lips, as those thoughts passed.

"This can't be coincidence." You told him stand- offishly

He smiled politely: "Well it is."

Your pursed your lips, curtly deciding to believe him and then go your own way. With them nothing was really coincidental, not with gods who could control every aspect of mortal life, particularly this god who had the ability to mess with your everything! You took another sip of you hot chocolate, deciding it would have been best to go your happy place. Taking a deep breath in you wished him a good day went on your merry way.

"Wait!" He called "Why don't I join you?"

He finished managing to match your speed incredibly fast.You raised an eyebrow asking him about the other plans he had before he bumped into you.

"Not as fun or important." He replied honestly.

"You're making it hard to believe this wasn't a coincidence."

He didn't reply, only beaming at you instead. You shoved shopping bags into his chest, if he was going to join he may as well have made himself useful, maybe he would fly you home to avoid you having to haul your shopping all the way back, something that you had dreaded. The walk was silent as Jungkook seemed to sense that you preferred it that way, he just enjoyed taking in the scenery of your neighbourhood. You saw how his eyes sparkled as he took in people, the shops, the cars and absolutely everything  else. You hated him for it. To him human life was novelty, but to you this was real, every hardships, every struggle, every pain. Humans, mortals whatever they called those who lived on earth, they had to live this everyday. It wasn't just some novelty that they could leave behind at any time. 

Eventually, you got to the supermarket grabbing a trolley resting your weight on it as you lazily pushed past shelves, nonchalantly throwing stuff in from your list. You had forgotten that he could still tap into your thoughts, so you had unwittingly allowed him in to see how you felt about him and the other gods. He had felt he felt guilty for being so out of touch. You were right, to him humanity was a bit of a novelty, throughout the decades him and his brother had tired to give mortals a helping hand, but it didn't erase the everyday the pains they would suffer. As for
you, you continued comparing prices obliviously, popping a lollipop in your mouth chewing and down on it hard.

You weren't perfect, you had very unlikable traits about you, you were incredibly secretive which made you prone to lying, you were a bit brash and unapproachable. It pained you to say sorry and sometimes it seemed like you lacked manners, you also had a red hot temper. But you cared. He could see that now you cared for the people around you, wether you knew them or not, from the way you had allowed the frantic mother in front of you at the checkout, or from the way you had smiled at the cashier and sincerely wished her nice day. To the fact that most of the stuff on your shopping list wasn't for you, but your flatmate who was constantly working.

He carried most of the bags, you had managed to get away with carrying a singular lighter one, happily using the Jungkook to do the heavy lifting not like he was complaining. He had zero problem with the load. In the time you had shopped you had barely spoken to each other. He found your company strangely soothing, as you did things in a steady and methodical pace, you weren't in any particular rush. You suddenly crunched down on your cherry lollipop already feeling it cut at your tongue, there was something satisfying as the your blood and the sweet taste of cherry mixing.

"I know you lied to me." You said to him.

He simply smiled to himself not at all ashamed for his deeds, well, he was a little.

"It's not not true about you, the shadow gods liking me more than the rest...what a long winded way to tell me how you felt." You sighed, you should have felt angry at him for confusing you, but you didn't really have it in you.

"How do you know I wasn't lying about the confession?"

You simply shrugged

You managed to get back to the flat, letting him in. You decided that at some point they would inevitably all end up in your flat some day so there was no point in stopping them. He took his shoes shyly thanking you. Another thing you didn't get about him was that he would flow from shy to cocky and back again. Whilst you continued to tackle the puzzle that was Jungkook, he scanned your apartment not really surprised to see it was incredibly neat, he was however interested in your little trinkets and the little posters you had collected from other countries. On a shelf he saw dictionaries for many languages. Korean...Japanese....German....Spanish to name a few. He asked about them to which you replied that always liked to pick up the languages from the places you visited. He continued to watch you as you packed a away your shopping. In your natural habitat he could see you for who you were, you were incredibly earthly and calm. Even as you packed away a thoughtful yet serene look remained on your face, as if you were puzzling over the meaning of life, he liked you like this. He liked the real you.

"Would you like some hot soup?" You asked casually, avoiding eye contact.

"You're being kind?" He asked scoffing a little.

"Yeah it's a thanks for not eating me." You mumbled, now it was your turn to be shy.

He tilted his head surprised that you really were hung up over that.

"I was just kidding-" He started.

"I know." You interrupted, sighing a little to yourself. "I know that."

You pulled out a chopping boards cutting up various vegetables for the soup, he liked watching you carrying out such a mundane task, it suited you. You did everything so seamlessly, like it was art you were making instead of just mixed vegetable soup. With a smooth movement of you wrist you seasoned them threw, them in a blender before putting the items on the stove to cook.

"You know I always thought if I were to disappear someday it wouldn't have mattered, that there wasn't much for me in this life, that if I died well I would die and that would be that. When you guys threatened to eat me I don't know I was scared all of sudden, I realised I wanted to live, or at least try and live. So..I guess what I am trying to say is thank you."

Snow started to fall outside, lightly hitting the ground. Just like the snow silence fell, just as hush covered the world outside a hush fell on the apartment. Nothing stirred outside. Slowly the world was getting covered by a white shimmering blanket,  as you handed him the soup

"You know your life is very important, you're very important. Your life is a gift something so special. Do you know how wonderfully special you are?" Jungkook encouraged, his voice was soft and gentle, his expression was so earnest.

"I am a manager's assistance." You replied dubiously turning to look at him from the sink, looking into his dazzling eyes. Every word he meant it, he really did think you were something special.

"You're a great Manager's assistant, the Office wouldn't function without you. We need you. Besides Jimin  was the one that picked you, do you know how picky he is? Have you ever seen him order food it's stressful. So for you to have been picked? You must've left your mark."

Not being able to suppress a giggle you joined him with your soup, thinking back to when your mum used to make it for you on cold days like this. It stung a little bit to know she would never make one like it again ever. You paused stirring at the bowl, it didn't even matter your parents weren't even real.

"I am sorry." Jungkook whispered.

Slightly annoyed you asked Jungkook to stop scavenging through your thoughts.

"I am not going through your thoughts." He muttered looking down at his bowl awkwardly. "I can feel what you're feeling and it hurts..."

You scanned his face trying to understand what he was thinking, but he only seemed to reflect you back to yourself, you couldn't stand seeing yourself in his eyes like that and eventually lowered your eyes.

"Do you want more?" You asked quickly trying to change the subject.

He looked hesitant, trying to shuffle through decades of human etiquette. Before he could even try and comprehend what he was supposed to do then, you had already taken the bowl and refilled it. Incredibly grateful he took the bowl and continued to eat, as you washed your own bowl. Washing the dishes gave you time to think about what he had said. He had the ability to feel what you were feeling...did he know how lonely and foreign you felt? Did he know what it felt like to be lost?

He appeared besides you gently nudging you out the way so he could wash his own dishes, in his own clothes he felt less intimidating and more personable.

"Sorry about your parents."

You closed your eyes trying to steady yourself as intense feelings washed over you. You inhaled deeply, not allowing yourself to cry. You had to keep control. You couldn't let yourself feel too much, you were strong and you would get through this one way or another.

"Did they tell everyone then?" Your voice was detached and monotone.

"They didn't have to." Jungkook told you calmly searching your eyes. "An intense sadness followed you in that day, it suffocated even me, it was so painful that-I- I am really sorry."

In front of you was the untamed, wild Jungkook, he brushed his hair out of his face as you caught the many piercings glint briefly in and out the light, you stared into his deep burgundy eyes, they were like mirrors his eyes. They reflected the beholder, he was the opposite of the eyes were the windows to your soul. You would never see his soul but you would see your own, every corner reflected back.

He was just in his hoodies and ripped jeans. He honestly reminded you of the type of boy you would obsessively fantasise about  in High school, with the tattoos on his fingers and arms and his excessive piercings and his underlying dark aura that should've made you run but it made you stay.

"We would never hurt you Astra, we want to keep you safe you can live I don't want you to see life as a chore." He continued. "You're so Special..."

You stepped back from him drying your hands and moving back to your living room. He wanted to protect you, keep you safe, but from what? Why were they protective of you? They treated you with scorn but seemed so bent on keeping you safe.

"Thanks." You mumbled realising that your heart was going a gajillion beats per minute, you flopped down in your couch, as he leaned against the wall, watching and smiling at you. It wasn't as smug and dazzling as Jin's, it was a small smile that made you wonder how many secrets he held, it made it seem like he was on your side... He had a beautiful alluring scent that matched his cute maybe coy smile. He smelt like dreams and when it was about to rain.

"What?" You grumbled.

"Ask your questions." A sweeter smile caused the corner of his eyes to crinkle up as his eyes seemed to glimmer like the stars in the sky.
He was pretty, he was so warm too, you wanted to trust him, you heart willed you too. For a shadow god he seemed like reassurance, like the sun after a storm he made you feel peace. You felt the corner of your own mouth tug up, as you unwillingly smiled back at him.

"I have a question for you Mr Jeon Jungkook you seem so sweet and innocent but also..." you trailed off

He raised his eyebrows "Also what?"

"You know what!" You cried not meeting his gaze.

"Oh do you mean... our charm? How we attract?" He asked

You nodded

"Well each of ours is unique and I promise it's never deliberate it's natural. Only Taehyung and Jin can amplify their charm. I mean naturally you wouldn't look at goofy old Jin and think sex and yet you mortals do...I can sense you seem conflicted with me as well. If you feel...then we..."

You broke eye contact immediately firing your next question.

"So I know all those times your blinds were shut and your office was locked you were..." you tried feeling suddenly very embarrassed as he waited for you to finish.

"Well." He shrugged "I am a man."

"But you're not, you're a god." You pointed out.

"Not to our employees we're not." Jungkook shrugged. The subject changed to you as his sweet smile faltered slightly and became slightly darker.

"You're quite sexually charged's a shame you allow stigma to be attached to sex, yet you're so curious about it."

You were at a loss for words, this was how he lured people in, with his cute smile and his gentleness, you would want to fall into his arms, the cute golden boy who was a little shy and insightful. The perfect person who would comfort and actually understand how you felt.

"Why act so coy princess?" He teased "You can't judge us when your appetite is so big. No need to be ashamed of liking sex." He moved closer to you, leaning over you tracing his fingers over your lips. He straightened up almost distractedly staring at the open door, smiling sweetly again.

"What does you room look like? Can I see it?" He asked, despite where the conversation was going a moment ago you naively thought this was an innocent enough request. It was also possible that you were incredibly thick. His eyes roamed  every surface  as if he was trying to remember everything in detail. You room was neat, apart from the bra peaking out from under your bed.

He asked about your underwear drawer, he explained he promised a new pair, they should've been replaced. You pulled it open it to prove him wrong, again not your best move considering your track record with the gods. Before you, were brand new sets of underwear, you jumped back from the dresser as if you had been burned, this wasn't Victoria's Secret this was Victoria's Scandal. You slammed the drawer shut turning towards him. He smirked as you leaned against it, your heart was racing.


You could feel the arousal pooling in your underwear, and you knew this time he could smell it now. Your cursed yourself for being so easily aroused. Darting your eyes around the room you looked for an escape, or a segway into a much safer topic, like the weather. No that was stupid and too obvious. You were desperate, you couldn't keep looking this needy.

"You don't look needy." He chuckled his voice lowering. "See that time I was in your mind."

He leaned into you as he whispered softly: "I did say I was going to risk it all, so let's find out what that feels like to do so."

Your eyes widened.

"J-Jin said that you shouldn't." You tried 

"Jin isn't here. I am."

His inviting expression briefly becomes menacing at the mention of his half brother. He didn't need you mentioning Jin now, he really had met you with coincidentally today, he had been visiting an old camera shop to see if he could get a refill on the 1972 110 film, it was the only place nearby selling them. He really hadn't expected to meet up with you,it had been a lucky coincidence.

He placed a hot kiss on your lips, savouring the softness of your lips. Oh god and your smell, it was so intoxicating, he just wanted to be like this with you forever. His hands fell to your waist, gently pulling you closer to him, so there wasn't even room for air to pass between you. He tugged at the top of your leggings pulling you past your hips...

Soon your leggings and your hoodie was discarded in some sad corner, as he marvelled your lacy red underwear and matching bra. Truthfully, you did not remember putting them on, the thought passed as he placed soft butterfly kisses at the base of your neck leading to the collar bone. You fingers threaded his hair as he continued to worship you with little kisses,  he admired the colour red on you, it caused the hues of bronze in your skin to just flourish allowing an earthy glow to emit from you.

His eyes fully swirled  with lust, as he finally pushed you unto your bed surveying you. He loved the way the red lace farmed your soft dark skin, he loved your pretty glimmering eyes and your small slender frame. He remembered how pretty your nipples looked in Jimin's mouth, maybe they would be just as beautiful in his own.

"Princess..." he breathed pulling your bras straps over your shoulders, he expertly fingered the bra strap clasp loose until you lay revealed underneath to him. Exposed and vulnerable.

Jungkook laughed to himself seeing the marks that Jimin left behind, he wondered to himself if he could cause any more damage, it didn't really matter he was just happy to have you all to himself, he climbed over you, letting his fingers trace your skin, following the lines from your neck to your breast. Holding one he leaned down to take them into this mouth letting his tongue run over your now sensitive nubs.

"Jungkook" you managed "This is very bad..."

He bit down on one of your nipples. "I never said I was good."
He kissed a trail from your mounds down your stomach until he reached the band of your underwear, he hooked his fingers pulling them down slowly before discarding them in the growing pile of your clothes. He loved the sweet smell of your arousal and it was all because of him. You were spilling as his fingers squelched into your warmth, you whimpered a little, feeling his fingers graze your sweet spot.

"You're so wet princess" He laughed pulling off his shirt and jeans. Your eyes widened as revealed himself to you. You were right, he was well built, just as you had suspected. It was impossible to tear your eyes away from his gracefully sculpted abs. They were seamless , as he still remained slim and smooth, rather than chunky, the muscles suited his body rather than over powered it. Letting your hands trail his midriff, you wondered what it would be like to lick any type of alcoholic beverage off the chocolate bars on his stomachs. How would you go back to work now, knowing that this was under his suit?

"You're so cute, you know that? Why forget what you saw? It would be such a waste." He teased a smile flashing on his face, you both knew he was only  half joking. He wanted to you to always have this replay in your mind.

"I-I mean- I didn'-" you tried to make out.

He leaned back into the crook of your neck  nibbling your earlobe. "Touch yourself to the thought of me, like you will when all this all comes rushing back."

You tried to hesitate, trying even at this stage, to feign innocence as you felt your body enter a flush. That was dirty, he would see couldn't...could you? The idea turned you on a little bit more which made you a little more mortified. You had never realised you were  this perverted, you should have been ashamed but you continued to pool. It didn't help your clit was swollen and needy, begging to be touched.

"Don't be shy we all do it." He continued coaxing you , placing a long smouldering kiss unto your lips.  "I want to see how pretty you look when you have a little fun...I am sure you moan so cutely."

Without thinking your hand started to move, slowly touching yourself. Your fingers moved in circles as you rubbed your pearl. Your head fell into pillow, your back arched as you succumb to pleasure. Jungkook watched on, he couldn't even begin to imagine anything sexier. Well, he had several more ideas all including you of course, but for now his eyes darkened even more as the snow became a blizzard, darkness fell in the room your bodies illuminated by the light of your eyes reflecting of layer of sweat of each of your bodies

He needed to taste you again, he needed you on his tongue, he caught you wrist moving your own hands away and replacing you with his tongue, as he lapped at you pressing kisses on your against your pussy lips, he watched over your stomach as you fell apart under his masterful tongue, as it continued to flick at your clit.

"Sit on my face." Was all he said. There was a moment of silence, finally you scrambled to get on top of Jungkook, he pulled you over his face, he licked languidly at your slit causing an airy moan to escape.

"Rub yourself on my tongue." He instructed again. You could still feel the pressure of him pressed against you, so slowly you started to wind your  hips, letting his tongue shoot electricity through your body. You could feel the sparks build up to an explosion.

"Jungkook I think I am about to-" you breathed.

"Then cum princess let me taste you."

You didn't need to be told again as you cummed over his face as he licked you through your orgasm. It was then you noticed you were shaking from the aftermath, you climbed off his face and decided he deserved something too. You unbuckled his belt, pulling his Tommy Hilfiger boxers down to reveal an aggressive erection. The tip was flushed red, and veins prettily trailed the length. You grip tightened around the base.

"Astra shit." He groaned his head fell back revealing his sharp jaw line and bobbing Adam's apple. You used his Precum as lube as you continued to pump his raging hard on swiping your thumb over his tip, enjoying hearing low groans and strings of curse words, you allowed your hands to tighten around him and twist downwards, the slick sound of your Precum soaked hands around dick filled the room, you could feel him slowly start to throb and wondered if he was close, but before you could find out he spoke up.

"I need to be inside you
Before you had time to think he had already trapped you underneath him, his dark hair tickled your forehead, he squeezed himself a couple of times before aligning himself with your entrance, you wanted him to stuff you full, you craved him.

"Fuck." He muttered "Your tighter than I imagined." His grip around your hips become tighter ensuring you couldn't move until he let you. You felt too good one wrong move...He continued to press further until finally fully embedded in your walls. After several seconds he moved. You moaned enjoying how he filled you up, remembering that what both of you were doing was forbidden, somehow that made you hungrier for him. He moved slowly his strokes were deep, he had no trouble hitting your g-spot but you needed more, you needed him. He felt so good but you were greedy

"Jungkook please...." your voice hitched as he pushed into you again.

His glowing burgundy eyes stirred, his face becoming a bit faded, lust taking over him.

"Princess come on now." He teased nipping at your neck "Tell me want you want."

"Jungkook fuck me please, fuck me so hard."
Without thinking his hand traced round your throat before his fingers wrapped around it, he pushed his hips into your firmly causing you to squeak in pleasure, he pushed himself deeper into you every-time moving quicker, slapping into you.  You were so close to cumming, he felt so good, his body... you drank him up with your eyes, realising he had the stamina, more stamina than any of your male partners, as he continued to raw fuck your into the mattress. He was lapping up your Moans and whines, when  all of a sudden you squeezed yourself around him.

"Fuck!" He Moaned.

"Astra- I can't ." He voice became hitched his breathing became erratic, he pounded into quicker and harder, not sure if that was even possible. That was it you couldn't hold on anymore as the orgasm tore you apart for the second time. You scratched at his back  tearing his skin, you loved the feeling of the muscles in his back tensing. One last thrust and you felt him empty himself inside you, milking himself until he had leaked everything in your walls.

He looked at you, as his hair returned from the charcoal black to dark brown and his eyes faded back to brown.

He pulled out of you at last. A smile formed on his lips, satisfied. Even at the end of something like this took in your slightly vacant expression and the glow from the sweat and thought you were radiant, to him your beauty was akin to an everlasting flower.

You both ended up wrapped in each other arms, enjoying each other's company. You had just slept with a god. Oh fuck!

"Jin can't find out." You mumbled.

"Of course not, Jin can't read my mind and I am not planning to tell him." Jungkook said easily "However, despite your nifty trick he can still read your mind, so I'll remove the image of us sleeping together completely from sight."

He placed his hand on your head, a warmth spreading through skull, as your perception became  warped and changed making it difficult for you to understand that this was your room and the person you were with was Jungkook. After another 30 seconds he removed his hands as reality blurred back to normal. He was a little sad that even now you were worried about Jin despite what had transpired between the two of you. He knew that you and Jin had a magnetic attraction to each other, that despite hating what you and Jin had, he knew it was real. He knew this because  Jin was a man who would not hesitate to sleep with someone. If he couldn't fuck the person then he wasn't interested, but you were an exception, he was willing to wait, another thing which was foreign to Jin.

You turned to look at the young god as he captured you in sweet kiss hoping to leave one last impression on you.

"Why did you risk it?" You asked

"Something tells me you're a risk worth taking." He closed his eyes and resolved to sleep. Before he fully drifted off he saw in the dresser mirror a fleeting image.

For the next few days you kept checking if you were pregnant, it only really dawned on you after he had left the next day that he had cum in you and after Jin's explanation of god sperm you were sure you would get pregnant with a an accidental Demi god. You knew that Jungkook wouldn't have risked it if he knew you were a risk but you had to make sure. Simultaneously you were also waiting for the wrath of the gods, maybe Zeus would strike you down for sleeping with one of his grandsons, but your retribution never came. The only thing that did happen was that you were now extremely needy for Jin, you craved him more. You had been off the week following so you had no excuse to see him either, so it was just you and your imagination.

So, when Monday came, you bounded out your house excited to see your manager. He was just as happy to see you as a smile curled on his lips.

"Good Morning." He told you. Your cheeks flushed with delight as you saw him stood by a cabinet. He ushered you over pulling you into his body. You were once told that you and your lovers heartbeat would match when embraced. You found it to be true. He smelled of good things. That's the only way you could describe it, it made you slightly nostalgic but also triumphant, happy, triumphant, peaceful. His arms were your home and you had missed...home. Chuckling at your tightening clutch he kissed your forehead warmly.

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(Vampire AU) You are sent to a luxurious mansion after winning a beauty pageant. What you don't realize is that it was all a trap set up by a group o...
18.3K 1.2K 39
And the phrase; "She is our everything" slowly changed to "She was our everything-" β˜†. β˜†. β˜†. K...