My main thug

By NadiaNicoleeeeee

94.3K 1.5K 123

What will happen when a girl named Talia Mets a thug named EJ?? More

Chapter 1 😍
Chapter 2😍
Chapter 3😍
Chapter 4😍
Chapter 5😍
Chapter 6😍
New character🥳
Chapter 7😍
Chapter 8😍
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
New book🥳🥳
Change of plans 🥴
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Im sorry
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Go read
Chapter 21
Hey guys🤪

Chapter 17

1.6K 39 12
By NadiaNicoleeeeee

A year


So it has been a year since we came home and saw our house messed up. I know that bitch Kim did it, she has been trying to come for my family every since she first met Talia. I'm on my way to the trap, to handle some money and to plan out my next move on Luther since he kiddnapped Taila. Imma get his ass and make sure his ass is dead for real this time. But anyway I just pulled up to the trap. I went in there and dapped everybody up, and told Jai, Quan, and Izayiah to come to my office. Izayiah has been my bestfriend sine dippers, are moms are good friends so we grew up together.

"Okay so how we gone take out Luther" Izayiah asked 

"We going to have one of our niggas go and help us get information on what he's doing"

"Damn nigga thats a good ass plan" Quan said dapping me up 

We sat in my office trying to figure out what nigga was best for the job.

Talia POV: 

Wussup ya'll it's ya girl Talia, it's been awhile. i'm fine still fine asf PERIDTT.

But anyways my baby is now 1 years old and is talking clear as hell.

This lil boy be running every where, and he bad a hell. I don't be woping him that be EJ, I can't do that that hurts seeing my baby getting in trouble. But he needs to learn. My nigga getting fine too. Just playing he been fine.

"Braylen come here" I yelled trying to get him to put on his underwear

"No" He said running into his room and bumping into the wall 

"See baby you gotta stop running" I said putting his underwear on and hugging him 

"Daddies home" EJ said coming in the door 

"Daddy" Braylen said running to EJ 

"Wussup lil man" 

"Daddy can we go swim in the pool" 

"No you just took a bath" I said going to the kitchen 

"Hey baby" EJ said comming in the kitchen kissing me 

"Get your son" 

"Braylen what you do to mommy" 

" Nothing she just a crybaby" He said running to his room 

"Ah lil nigga get back here" Ej said

"What nigga" Braylen said 

"Who he getting this from" I said 

"Daddy" Braylen said

"EJ" I said hitting him in his chest

"Damn babe stop hitting me" 

"Stop teaching my son these words" I said going to our room 

"I didn't teach them to him" He said grabbing my waist

"Yeah Okay" I said rolling my eyes

"Girl when is we going to have another baby" 

" When Braylen is like 4 years old" 

"I'm not waiting three more years"

"Well I am" I said walking into the bathroom

"You trippin" 

"Nigga shut the fuck up" 

"mhmm" he said rolling his eyes

" I'm bout to start dinner" 

"No you not" 

"You tryin to cook it or sum" 

"Hell no I can't fucking cook" 

"That's what I thought" 

I walked downstairs and took some chicken out, and started cooking. 

Later on 

It was time for everyone to go to sleep. I but Braylen in the bed, then got in the shower. Once I got out the shower, and put my pajamas on then got in the bed. When I get ready to go to sleep I have theses fears that someone is outside of Braylens window, but EJ says theirs no one out there so I just go to sleep, but tonight I have a bad feeling that some one is out there. So I go in Braylens room to see if anyones out there, and theirs like a man standing there looking in Braylens window. I scream and go to Me and Ejs room.

"EJ wake up" screamed 

"What" He said panicking 

"There a man standing out side of Braylens window" 

"Okay" He said grabbing his Gun 

We walked to Braylens room and the man is still looking in the window.

"What the fuck, grab Braylen and go to the safe room" 

"Okay" I said as I grabbed Braylen and running into the safe room

We had build a safe room before Braylen was born, and one of EJ enimes had came to the house and tried to hurt him. 

"What the fuck" I heard EJ say then heard a gun go off. 

I screamed and ran to the living room to see Ej sitting there in a puddle of blood. Ran and got my phone and called 911. Then I called my mom to come get Braylen at the hospital. When the ambulance showed up they took EJ and me, and Braylen got in our car and went to the hospital. 

When me and Braylen got to the hospital, my mom was already there to get Braylen. After she got him I went to the waiting for the doctor to come out. After and hour the doctor finally came out.

"Family of Elijah Trill" The doctor said

"Yes" I said standing up 

"He is fine" He said I sighed in relief

"Can I go see him"

"Yes you can he's in room 299"

"Okay thank you" I said walking away 

When I got to his room I saw him laying down looking misrable.

"Hey baby" I said going into the room 

"Hey he said weakly

"How are you" 

"I'm good just a lil sore, wheres Braylen"

"Thats good, and he's wit my mom" 

"Okay, come lay wit me" 

"Okay" I said taking off my Jacket and getting my short ass on the bed

When I got on the bed he started snugling me, after that we both fell asleep.

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