May I Steal Your Girl?

By aareadsaa

148 6 11

Brent Capitol thought he had everything perfect in life, all the girls raging for him, the captaincy of the s... More

Water Coolers and Fooseball
Dress Shopping and Milkshake Fights
Interrogations and Goodbyes
Story Telling and Trapped

Curling Irons and New Found Popularity

25 2 1
By aareadsaa

"Brent! For the 1 000 time! Get out of bed you're going to be late!" I awoke to Lana's pitchy morning voice. I groaned and rolled out of my bed, which wasn't the brightest idea. I hit the hardwood floor with a 'THUMP' and moaned as Lana giggled. Hey, I never said I was smart in the morning. I finally opened my eyes to see Lana, fully dressed and curling her hair, in my doorframe, the smile still present on her face. I untangled myself from my comforter and struggled to my feet. I ran a hand through my dishleved hair and stuck my toungue out at Lana.

"You're such a child." She said, turning back to the mirror, wrapping another strand of her black hair around the burning rod.

"So I've been told. How do you not burn you're head with that thing?" I ask, referring to the curling iron.

"You know I'd love to have this covnersation, but I'd perfer if you had a shirt on."

"Whatever. Where's dad?"

"He left this morning, sorry."

"It's okay, after six years I'm pretty used to it." Work. Work. Work. That's all it is with him, he got home late last night from a meeting and left early this morning.

"Sorry bud." She says, putting down the death trap and hugging me with one arm.

"Whatever, you're giving me a ride this morning right?" I hug back quickly before pulling away and walking back to my bed.

"Yep, ready in 20?"

"No problem, see you then." We may seem like we fight, but we tend to put up an act at school. Truth is, since my mom went 'away' we needed to work together, which meant no fighting. Trust me, it wasn't easy, considering she's a typical head cheerleader, starbucks loving, white girl. She headed back to the bathroom and I closed my door, throwing on an old band t-shirt and loose jeans. I rubbed some gel into my black hair, spiking it carelessly. I left my bedroom, heading towards the kitchen. Lana was there, eating her Cherrios and texting on her phone. I grabbed a blueberry muffin from the bowl in the middle of the table and took a seat across from her.

"I have to pick up Sarah, is that okay?" Lana asks, looking up from her phone and having another spoonful of cherrios.

"Ya, but I call shotgun." She snickers and types something else before locking her iPhone and shoving it into her purse. I finish the muffin and throw on my vans.


When we get to school, I hop out of the car and head to the stairs where we meet in the morning. There's a bigger crowd of people gathered there than usual and it takes some effort to shove my way through the people. When I break throuh the group of students, I see Lilly laughing with Megster on the steps with the boys sitting next to them.

"Hey guys," I grin at them, taking my seat next to Troy.

"Hey Brent." They chorus.

"Hey Latte?" She turns towards me, the smile still present on her face. "Need a tour of the school? I can show you one or two things." I flex my muscules. She wrinkles her nose in disgust and we arupt in laughter.

"Um, I'll take the tour but please, leave your shirt on, I'm taken." I know she meant it as a joke but I couldn't stand it when she talked about him. My face fell for a moment but I smiled again, making sure no one saw the hurt in my eyes. By the look on Troy's face, he saw.

"If you saw my abs like the cheerleaders did yesturday, you'd be begging the opposite." Cole high fived me and Noel snickered.

"It was quite a show," A new voice joins the conersation. I turn to see Brooke smiling at the group. Her blonde hair was in a side braid and she was wearing a tight crop top with dark jeans. She stepped next to me and I slung an arm over her shoulder loosely as she blushed at our contact.

"Hey, Brooke this is Latte, Latte this is Brooke." Brooke gave me a puzzled look.

"Latte?" She asked and Latte giggled. She stood up from her seat on the stairs and stuck out her hand for Brooke to shake.

"It's Lillian. Nice to meet you." She said in a chirpy voice. Brooke returned the smile shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you too. You new?" Latte nodded.

"I moved here yesturday."

"And you already have a group of friends? I've been going to school with them for 6 years and they've just started talking to me!"

"Hey! It's not all our fault. You didn't talk to anyone!"

"I did talk to people but no one could understand me because of my stupid headgear!"

"Well your teeth are perfect now." I whisper in her ear and plant a sweet, quick kiss her lips. Surprising everyone, including Brooke. I pull away and see that her cheeks are beet red.

"Er, Brooke? I think you got a little tomato stain on your cheeks there." Cole points out and I step away from Brooke to punch his arm. He rubs it and pouts in mock hurt. The bel rings, interupting our conversation and we part ways. I'm about to lead Lilly to her first class when Troy pulls me aside with an annoyed look on his face.

"What's up bro?" I say casually only making him madder.

"Oh cut the crap Brent. What are you doing with Brooke?"

"Um, kissing her. Do you have a problem with that?"

"I thought you liked Lilly, you know Brooke likes you a lot and you can't just play her to make Lilly jealous." Was I doing that?

"Look man, I could care less about Lillian, I like Brooke and I'm going to ask her out. If that's okay with you of course." I reply bitterly, he can't tell what and what not to do, especially about girls.

"Fine, fine." He throws up his hands defensively and I scowl. "Just don't hurt her, or I will hurt you." It's hard to be threatened by a guy I know everything about, but I manage to put on a straight face and nod.

"I have to go give Lillian a tour of the school, see you at lunch." I brush past him and head inside the school. I see Lilly looking around like a lost puppy. After my talk with Troy I'm not in the mood to deal with her right now so I swoop by unnoticed and head to my classroom. I have Chemistry first period with Mrs. Calliger. Or as the boys and I call her, Mrs. Couger. She's old, really old, and wheres pantsuits and long skirts, but finds it okay to flirt with her students. She takes any excuse she can to touch the boys, and sometimes she even leans over in front of us, giving a clear, and unwanted, shot of her baggy cleavage. I walked into the classroom and I swear I heard her growl as I walked by her desk. I bolted to my table, which I shared with my partner, which just so happens to be Brooke. She's already sitting down, doodling in her notebook. I slide into the seat next to her, and she looks up grinning at me. I tuck some hair behind her ear and plant a kiss on her forehead.

"You busy tonight?" I asked her and she closed her notebook and looked at me, as if studying my face.

"Why Brent?" She spoke in a puzzled tone. I seemed to be asking myself that question all morning. Why did I suddenly kiss Brooke? Was I really trying to make Lillian jealous? No. I didn't like Lillian, I liked Brooke. I decided to play dumb.

"What do you mean why?" I pulled my lips into a grin and she just shook her head.

"You've never talked to me before, except for yesterday and now you kiss me. Why are you doing this? Is it about that new girl?"

"What? No! I just realized that I like you. Don't you like me back?"

"Of course I like you Brent, it's just." She paused for a moment, as if having a silent conversation with herself. "Whatever, yes I'm free tonight. What do you have in mind?" I shifted in my seat so I was sitting up straighter.

"Movie? The new horror film is out." She shuddered and stared at me.

"Honestly?" She laughed. "You want to watch a horror movie for our first date?" I shrugged and smirked at her.

"Why is that so bad. I can protect you, I work out you know." I flex my arms, making her laugh again. Her loud laughter brings attention to our table and I give a wave to the spectators who quickly turn back to their work.

"Fine, whatever." I grin.

"Great pick you up at 7?" She nods just as Mrs. Cougar gets up from her desk and writes something on the whiteboard.

"Okay class," she begins and sends a weak at a nerdy boy who buries his head in his hands. "Who can name numbers 95-100 in the periodic table?" Several students raise their hands, not including me. Mrs. Cougar picks a boy in the back and I begin to tune out the lesson. Lana makes me memorize the periodic table anyway so why listen to a lesson about it.


"I see your adjusting nicely." I nod at Lillian who has a crowd of nerds surrounding her asking her about some dance. She nods back and Brooke arrives back at the table with her lunch. She places her tray beside me and takes a seat grinning at the rest of the group. Noel sits across from downing a coffee, Cole is at the vending machine, and Meg and Troy sit at the end of the table practically eating each other for lunch if you know what I mean. I take a bite of my sandwhich as the nerds surrounding Latte leave.

"What was that about?" I ask her as she takes a sip of her coke.

"I joined the dance commitee. The winter formal is coming up you know."

"I know," I reply snootily. "I didn't just get here today." She rolls her eyes at my comment and takes a forkfull of her salad. I turn to Brooke who is quietly eating her sandwhich.

"So babe, what colour is your dress? I need to buy a tie tonight." She smirks at me.

"And why would you need to match me?"

"Because we're going together, duh."

"I don't remember being asked." She sighs, I know where this is going.

"Brooke will you go to the dance with me?" She cups her ear and leans forward.

"What was that I couldn't hear you, it's loud in here." Is she trying to recreate a highschool musical 3 scene?

"Brooke! Will you go to the dance with me?" She shook her head and I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry I didn't understand that. I believe you were trying to say: Brooke you beautiful goddess, will you make my life complete and go to the Winter Formal with me? And louder too." I sigh, giving in. I stand on the table, being careful not to step in anyones food on the way up, and get down on one near, whilst shushing the entire room.

"Brooke you beautiful goddess," I could hear snickering and even Troy and Meg broke off to see what I was doing. "Will you make my life complete and go to the winter formal with me?" I say it in a bored tone.

"I need to feel your emotion, feel your desire for me." She gains another eyeroll from me and Lilly giggles.

"Brooke you beautiful goddess! Will you make my life complete and go to the winter formal with me?" I pleaded this time, but she frowned and shook her head. I'm done with this. 

"Say yes or I'll dump you." I said flately and amusement flashed onto her face. 

"Yes!" She cheered and stood up on the table to hug me. The lunchroom erupted in laughter and sighs, those were probably from the girls. A voice broke the reactions. 

"Can you say hashtag highschool musical moment?" Cole yelled from beside us, taking a picture of us embracing with his iPhone, no doubt posting it to instagram.


How was chapter 2? Can you say ship crash?! Let's see who can come up with the best ship names! Lillian and Brent & Brooke and Brent! Enough of my fangirling, after finishing Blood of Olympus by: Rick Riordan, I've determined my dream boy:

Looks like Leo Valdez 

Smells like Chocolate

Is fireproof

That's pretty much it. Anyway... don't be silent readers, vote and comment if you liked this chapter. Also feel free to pm me with any ideas, comments, or if you just want to chat. Trust me, I have time... 

Happy Reading! 


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