FADED (book I)

By oopsydaisy95

1.9M 54.1K 63.9K

In the attic of Jade's childhood was an old trunk, locked. And even though she couldn't pry it open, nor did... More

Author's Note


41.7K 1.1K 1.9K
By oopsydaisy95

Jade's POV

I used the little sink to freshen myself up a bit. I roughly brushed my teeth, scraped my tongue and spat out the toothpaste and vile taste in my mouth. It was almost enough to make my stomach churn and gag again. The doctor had given me some medication that I needed to keep taking until the excessive drugs were fully out of my system - only side effect, I was constantly sick. Or maybe that wasn't a side effect at all, maybe that was the purpose.

I rinsed my mouth thoroughly and then splashed the clean water onto my face. I gasped. The water was shockingly cold but I loved how it momentarily snapped me out of my daze. I felt better already, awake.

I rose onto the tips of my toes to study myself in the tiny mirror. How was it possible to still feel and look exhausted when all I did the past few days was sleep. My appearance was horrible and that's exactly how I felt at the moment. The blood had drained from my face, my eyes were dull with dark bags underneath. It was truly depressing to watch myself in this state.

I haphazardly ran my fingers through the strands of hair, trying to smooth down the tangled mess. It didn't change anything about my face. The only thing that might help was a long, hot shower.

The thought of home never tasted sweeter. The vibe that hung around the hospital room made my skin crawl. The smell was sickening and the food was even worse. I couldn't really complain about the medical staff, the doctors and nurses were really nice but it still didn't change how uncomfortable I felt at this place. I was literally counting the last minutes I had to spend in here.

A gentle but firm knock sounded on the door. Before I could even think of turning around to see who it was, a pair of skinny arms suddenly engulfed me in a warm embrace, squeezing too tight for comfort.

"I missed you so fucking much," Lily murmured, rocking me back and forth.

"Hey Lily," I chuckled. I tried to hug her back but her hug was too restrictive.

"I still can't believe this happened to you. You have no idea how happy I am to see you again."

Her arms squeezed tighter and I winced when my elbows dug into my ribs. "Uhm, Lily ..."

"Loosen up, will ya. She still needs to breathe," Tristan commented dryly. He walked in carrying a backpack and winked when he caught my eye.

"Oh sorry," Lily smiled sheepishly. She finally released me and gave my cheek a good-hearted pinch.

"'s okay," I smiled back.

"You ready to go, princess?" Tristan asked as he unzipped the backpack.

"Yup!" I nodded eagerly. "I can't wait to get outta here."

"You and me both," he clicked his tongue in agreement. "C'mon get dressed. The sooner we get out of here, the better."

I watched as he took out a simple pair of black leggings, a sweater and some clean underwear. I tried to meet his gaze. My brother put the clothes on the stripped bed.

"What is it?" his eyebrow lifted in question, oblivious.

I shot him a look. I was pretty sure he'd understand but he remained as puzzled as before. With a huff, I used my finger and gestured at him to turn around.

Tristan tossed me a dramatic eye roll but did as he was told.

"Need some help?" Lily offered.

"Yes please," I admitted with a light blush.

I felt like a baby asking for help to do something as simple as getting dressed. But my body was still weak, not fully cooperating. My limbs weighed a ton and the littlest movement I made felt like I was straining myself.

As I reached behind my back to undo my hospital gown, my fingers fumbled with the strings, blindly trying to undo the knots. After ten seconds I sighed, giving up.

Lily cracked a small smile and helped. She gave me some privacy as I slipped the underwear under the gown before she assisted me with the rest of my clothes.

"Noah told me that you and Tristan found the white van," I started as I stuck my head through the collar of my sweater with Lily's help. "Thanks."

"Well, technically I found that van. That dick standing across the room was too busy wallowing in self-pity. Should've seen him, it was pathetic."

Tristan turned around to face her and scoffed, offended. "I'm standing right here."

"Uhu," she smiled sweetly.

"I still have feelings you know."

"Too many feelings if you ask me," she mumbled under her breathe. She kept her voice low but not low enough because Tristan shot her a glare.

"What's that even supposed to mean?"

Lily went to fetch my shoes. "All I'm saying is that when life's being a bitch, be a bigger bitch. Don't let it fuck with your head."

"Wait, you're still on about that?"

"Yes Tristan, as a matter of fact I'm still on about that," she mocked with false humor. "'Cause I'm a woman and that's what we do, we don't know how to let things go."

I slowly put my leggings on, wishing I could hide somewhere or be invisible. The tension between the two was stiff and I never felt this awkward before.

"What's going on?" I barely dared to ask.

"Nothing," Tristan cut in before Lily could open her mouth. His eyes narrowed, almost daring her to say what was on her mind.

Lily turned to me, smiling. "It's nothing."

It took more than just a false smile to convince me though.

"Are you two breaking up?"

Tristan snorted and I couldn't tell what it meant exactly.

"Of course not, babe," Lily reassured me with a genuine smile this time, drawing me in a side-hug. "I'd be stupid to let him go. I've never met a guy that can eat me out like your brother - "

"Oh my god," I gagged. I pulled away, utterly disgusted. "You did not just say that."

"You're not gonna throw up again, are you?" Tristan suppressed a smirk as he crouched in front of me to help me with my shoes.

"I will if I don't get the image out of my head." I needed bleach. "Now I'll never be able to look you in the face again."

"Oh get used to it, baby girl. 'Cause this face will be around for a very long time," he teased with a wiggle of his eyebrow.

I wrinkled my nose.

Lily laughed. "Wait you think this is bad? Want me to describe our make-up sex in detail?" she whispered, an evil glint in her eyes. "I'll start with the foreplay ..."

I smacked my hands over my ears and sent a pleading look at my brother. "Please, make her stop."

"Babe, knock it off." Tristan plastered a serious expression on his face but he couldn't hide the little amused twitch of his lips. "She's only thirteen, I don't want you to corrupt her mind already."

"I'm not corrupting her mind," she scoffed. "I'm showing her the wonders of the female's body and what it needs to push all the right buttons."

"Lil," Tristan warned.

Lily instantly clamped her mouth shut and pretended to lock her lips. Only then, I reluctantly lowered my hands.

"You're an awful human being," I told her.

She planted a noise kiss on my cheek. "You love me."

"Alright, that's done," Tristan declared once he finished tying my shoes.

I watched as he fetched the wheelchair at the door, pushing it towards me. I pulled a face.

"What is that?"

"It's a wheelchair. Come on, hop in."

I gave him a look of disbelief. "I'm not going on that thing. I can walk just fine."

"Doesn't matter, it's hospital policy. Let's go." Tristan patted the seat. "Babe, it's either this or you let me carry you all the way to the car."

I didn't know what was more embarrassing - being treated like an old, incapable lady or being carried around like a full grown baby. Probably the latter.

With a sigh of defeat, I slid off the bed with the help of Lily and plopped down in the wheelchair. Two large hands suddenly smoothed down the sides of my head, tipping my face backwards. Tristan pressed a warm kiss on my forehead.

I frowned at the sudden show of affection. "What was that for?"

He merely smiled, eyes glimmering with tenderness, and pushed the wheelchair forwards.


Home sweet home.

I took a deep breathe through my nose, inhaling the familiar scents - black coffee, air freshener, a tinge of nicotine, and another smell I couldn't describe other than home.

Lily had to go back to work and promised me a girl's night with just the two of us. She hugged me goodbye one last time and briefly kissed Tristan's lips. It wasn't any of my business but there was definitely something going on between them. I would be heartbroken if they split up, they were literally made for each other. But when Lily pulled away and Tristan drew her back, locking his lips with her in a more deeper and intense kiss, I had a feeling that they were going to be okay.

I pushed my toes against my heel and took of my shoes without undoing the laces. I put them at the front of the door where I always put my shoes. I then untangled Tristan's scarf around my neck - he had forced me to wear it because he had forgotten to fetch my jacket and was scared I'd catch a cold even though it wasn't anywhere near cold outside. I had to stretch my arm to hang the woolen scarf on the coatrack, right next to Ashton's denim jacket.

I turned around and noticed Tristan had been watching me with that same, soft expression on his face.


The corners of his lips curled into a little smile. "Nothing. Just happy to have you back."

"Well, it is good to be back," I said, meaning every word. He kept watching me with that silly smile on his face. "Alright stop looking at me already."

He chuckled but didn't say anything. I trailed to the living room, tracing my fingers over the back of the couch. Everything was exactly the way I had left it - I know I had only been gone for five days in total but that was the longest I had ever been away from home. Even when I went to summer camp once, Jordan had to fetch me after three days because I nearly passed out from getting heatstroke.

"Where is everybody?" I wondered out loud. The house was quiet, more quiet than I was used to.

"Jordan should be here in a minute. Noah's probably still sleeping and God only knows where Ashton is."

"What time is it?" I yawned, curling up on the couch, hugging a pillow close to my chest. I buried my nose in the soft material like a child holding onto its blanket. My eyes suddenly felt too heavy as they started closing on their own accord.

"It's nearly noon." Tristan stood before me, raking his fingers through my hair and gently scratching my scalp. "Hey, don't fall asleep."

"I'm not sleeping," I mumbled, leaning into his soothing touch.

"Jade." Tristan startled me when he suddenly picked me up before putting me down. I briefly swayed when I was back on my feet but luckily he kept his hands on my waist, steadying me. "Why don't you go upstairs, take a shower, and I'll fix something for lunch."

I yawned again, forcing my eyes open. "What if I throw up again?"

"I'll make something light. Go on then, up you go," he gently pushed me forward with a light smack on my butt.

"Okay, okay, I'm going."

My feet were heading off into the direction of the stairs when Tristan suddenly yanked at my arm, pulling my back. I nearly lost my balance and ended up in his arms. He once again cupped my face to press another kiss right between my eyebrows.

"You need to stop doing that," I scowled with mild amusement.

A playful grin plastered onto his face. "Got a lot of kisses and hugs to catch up on."

"Oh poor me," I mumbled.

His eyes squinted dangerously as he lunged forward. I shrieked and jumped away, narrowly missing his hands. I bounded up the stairs, my giggles traveling across the house. When I was at the top, I stopped long enough to look down at him through the banister. He still had that stupid smile on his face. What a weirdo.


Noah was indeed still fast asleep but not in his own bed. It seemed like he had spent the night in my room instead of his. Seeing his hair poking out from under my covers hit me like a wave of nostalgia. With a mischievous glint in my eyes, I stuck my finger in my mouth and wiggled it around in his ear.

Noah instantly shot up, swatting my hand away. He rubbed his ear and pulled a disgusted face. "What are you, five?"

"Good morning," I sang cheerfully.

It was quite funny to see the grumpy frown on his face almost drop instantly. His half-lidded eyes turned gentle as he shot me a small, happy smile.

"Welcome home," he croaked, voice still thick with sleep.

I tugged at his arm. "Come on, get out of bed. You're not supposed to sleep when I'm awake."

His arm shot out from underneath the covers and he grabbed a fistful of my sweater, tugging me with a hard pull. I let out a surprised sound when I landed on top of him.

"Not yet," he said, kissing my cheek. He pushed me to the other side of the bed and threw the covers over both our shoulders.

I scooted over until my head was on the pillow, his hair tickling my forehead. "What are you doing here? Don't you have your own bed?"

"Ashton brought a girl over last night," was all he said, and it was all he needed to say.

He searched for my hand and dragged it to his head, silently asking me to stroke his hair like some puppy demanding to be patted. I circled a strand of hair around my finger when I suddenly noticed something.

"Who cleaned up my room?"

"Ash," Noah mumbled through closed eyes.

My eyebrows shot up. "Ash? As in Ashton Wood?"

"The one and only," he chuckled.

"Wow." I was in shock and that was not an exaggeration. "Never thought I'd live to see the day. He never even cleans up his own room, let alone mine."

I wanted to sit up to really inspect Ashton's work, half-expecting to find all my stuff cramped under my bed. But Noah's arm curled around my waist, holding me so close I could practically feel his heart hum from contentment.

I closed my own eyes and rested my chin on top of his head, my hand still buried in his hair. He wasn't kidding when he said he missed me. I had missed him too, so much that his absence made me realize how empty my life was without him.

My eyes shot open when I heard a shuffling sound from across the room. I craned my neck to check.

Jordan was leaning against the doorframe, that exact same smile as Tristan's etched onto his face. Why were they all looking at me like that?

"I knew I'd find you here," his voice deep and soothing as always.

"Hey," I smiled back. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough," his eyes tender with affection. He took a few steps until he was standing near the bed and leaned over to kiss my cheek. His stubble scratched my skin and it took everything in me not to grab his face and rub my cheek against his the way I used to when I was little.

He sat on the edge of my matrass and rested his hand on leg. "Good to be back, huh?"

"Oh you have no idea."

The hard lines on his face smoothed, reflecting the same sense of peace I was feeling. It felt like I had been through hell but home was my little piece of heaven on earth. This is where I was the happiest, this is where I belonged.

"Hey," Jordan ruffled Noah's blonde hair. "Wake up, you sleepyhead."

"I'm up," he moaned, even though his eyes were still closed and his words slurred.

Jordan's thumb rubbed my leg, catching my attention. "How're you feeling?"

"Still a little sick," I admitted, trying to push Noah's hair out of my face.

"That's normal. Doctor said it should be over in a few days."


"What's your temperature, still running a fever?" he asked, even though his hand already brushed the bangs out my eyes to palm my forehead, his thumb stroking my eyebrow.

"38 °C," I muttered, my eyes already drooping again. Jordan had that power over me, his touch always lulled me to sleep. He once told me he was the only one that could rock me to sleep when I was a baby. Anyone who could put me to sleep had a talent.

I felt a gentle tap on my leg and my eyes snapped open. "Mhmm?"

Jordan's lips curved into a fond smile. "Go take a shower, we're eating in thirty minutes. I promise after that you can sleep all you want."

"Okay," I nodded reluctantly. I stifled a yawn as I rubbed my fists over my eyes. When I opened them, I realized he was still watching me. "You guys really need to stop that, it's creepy."

Jordan grabbed both of my hands, pulling me into a sitting position so he could hug me. He held me flush against his chest and rubbed my back with both hands.

"I love you," his voice rumbled through my body.

"I know."

"Feels like I don't say it enough," his lips moved against my temple.

"You don't have to tell me, you already show me every day." I nuzzled the crook his neck. "I love you too."

He pulled away just far enough to see my face. His hazel eyes flickered between mine and I could see my own reflection in them. I could see what he was seeing. I could see what he was searching for - the old Jade. He wanted to make sure that I was still me, the same Jade with eyes too big for her face and heart too big for the world. He was looking for some trace of innocence, something rare after all the things I had seen and went through. But I was still a child at heart, not all my innocence was lost, there was still something in there. He just had to look closer.

And when he relaxed in relief, I knew he had found it.


I took my sweet time washing my body from head to toe. I felt their touches linger on my skin and needed to scrub myself clean. When I looked down at my arm, where the needle used to poke into my skin, I could practically feel his hand pinning me down. I shivered.

It only happened three days ago but I already felt like I was forgetting everything. Not because I was pushing the bad memories away, not because I couldn't deal with the trauma; but because I simply couldn't remember.

With the pictures my parents used to take of me it was different. I had remembered, but I suppressed it instead. I was too young to really understand what was happening in the first place so I morphed the memories into something that fit my imagination. Those men became scary monsters that hid under my bed or behind my door or in my closet. As a six year old, having monsters in my room seemed more logical than having strange men visiting me in the middle of the night.

But the kidnap was another situation. I hadn't suppressed anything, I just wasn't conscious enough to remember something. I was knocked out, asleep, drugged until I could no longer tell the difference between night and day. And somehow that was so much scarier to me. It was one thing to forget what had happened to you but it was a whole other thing not knowing what happened to you.

I could vaguely recall the day those two men snatched me from the parking lot. And the only reason I remembered their faces is because it happened before they drugged me. Everything that took place after that was lost to me.

Except the voices.

I could still hear them in my head, on replay. Funny how sounds could filter into your brain even when you're asleep. Your sight might be eliminated but other senses like your hearing don't necessarily 'stop working'. The voices were the only thing I could use to fight against the ones that took me. They were my secret weapon.

Especially that voice.

The air suddenly shifted and my eyes opened just in time to see a hand wrenching the shower curtain aside - nearly ripping it from its rings.

I looked up to see Ashton glaring at me. My face turned a dark, red shade.

"A-Ash! What are you doing!" I sputtered. I abruptly sat up in bath, sloshing the water in the process. I hugged my knees against my chest to preserve some modesty - luckily I went a little overboard with the bath bombs and an abundance of soapy bubbles covered the entire surface.

"Are you fucking deaf?!" he practically growled.

"W-what?" I asked with a puzzled expression.

"Are you fucking deaf?" he demanded again.

"N-no," I stammered, still confused as hell. "What are you - "

"I've been knocking on that door and calling your name for three minutes straight!" He was fuming, shaking, nostrils flaring. "You don't even make a sound, what was I supposed to think? I thought you - " he knocked his teeth together, cutting off his own sentence. "What is the matter with you?! Next time you fucking answer me when I fucking call your name."

I was still too stunned to form any coherent words. My eyes, wide as saucers, took in his clenched jaw and trembling fingers. He ran both hands through his hair, tugging at the ends. That's when I caught the veins on his forearms, pulsating.

He wasn't angry. He was scared.

"I'm sorry," I said, my voice small.

He closed his eyes and inhaled through his nose before exhaling through his mouth. He did it again until he was no longer bristling. Without looking at me, he grabbed a towel and tossed it in my direction.

"Get out."

"But I'm not finished yet - "

"I said get out!" he snapped.

He slammed the door shut and I flinched. I didn't move, paralyzed and shocked.

What the hell just happened?


I put my clothes back on, the same pair of leggings and sweater. I had only worn them for two hours so they were still clean and very comfy. I wanted to put some conditioner in my hair and use the blow dryer but I didn't want to take too long, scared Ashton would barge in a second time and drag me out with force.

I didn't understand his reaction. I understood why he yelled at me when I didn't answer him, he probably thought the worst. But why act as if I was going to cut my wrists open until I bleed to death?

I debated my next move - should I go look for him or leave him alone?

Before I made a decision, I walked back to my room to find a t-shirt. It was getting hotter outside and the sweater I had on was a little too warm. I opened my drawer and froze. It was empty. I opened the other three and frowned.

"What the hell," I whispered. Where did all my clothes go?

I made my way to Noah's room and picked a t-shirt out of his wardrobe to wear. I quickly changed, tying a knot on the side of the oversized t-shirt.

"What are you doing here?"

I twirled around, watching as Ashton walked in.

"Looking for a t-shirt," was my lame excuse.

He nodded, still not really looking at me. "You should go down, Tristan made you lunch."

I bit the inside of my cheek, not really knowing what to say. Which was weird because this was Ashton, my brother, I should be able to tell him anything.

"Listen, I'm - "

"I'm sorry - "

We both spoke at the same time. I sunk my teeth into my lower lip and let him speak.

He sighed and leaned against the edge of his desk. He patted the space next to him and I pushed myself to walk. I was about to hoist myself onto the desk when he grabbed my waist and effortlessly lifted me up like I weighed nothing.

I looked down at my legs, dangling them back and forth while he stood next to me, hands gripping the edge of the desk.

"I overreacted back there," he suddenly broke the silence. "I shouldn't've - I shouldn't've yelled at you like that. I'm sorry if I scared you - "

"You didn't scare me," I told him.

"You were scared, Jade," he said. Who was he trying to convince? "I know that look, you were scared."

I lowered my gaze to the floor. "I'm sorry."

"What for? I should be sorry. I scared you," his head turned to watch me. "You shouldn't be scared of me, Jade."

I looked at him, feeling myself getting sucked into his blue eyes. "I'm not scared of you, Ash. I don't have any reason to be."

He held my gaze for what felt like a full minute. "You scared me."

An intense wave of emotion washed over me, something sticky, something hard to rub off - shame.

"I really didn't hear you, Ash. I was lost in my thoughts- "

"Thinking too hard again? Your head's gonna explode one day," his lips quirked in a little smile and the dark clouds above our heads shifted, letting some light shine through.

I managed to smile back. "I am really sorry."

"I know," he barely nodded. "I'm sorry too."

And with those three words, dripping with the same stickiness that had coated my skin, I knew he wasn't talking about the bathroom incident anymore.

"Don't do that, Ash. I'm not gonna tell you that none of this is your fault or that you shouldn't blame yourself, because you already know this. And if you still don't believe it, then you're stupider than you look."

He snorted. "Stupider is not a word, stupid."

"Uhm, pretty sure it is."

"Pretty sure it's not."

I rolled my eyes. "You know what I mean."


Silence wrapped around us again - a comfortable silence this time, the kind where you needed the quietness to really hear each other think.

I realized that even though my brother was sitting right next to me, it still felt like oceans were between us. My hands itched, I wanted to hold on to something, I wanted to hold him. But it felt like he was keeping a wall between us, to protect me from him because he thought he had scared me. I needed to break through that wall, I needed a way in.



"Can I hug you?"

He cocked a single eyebrow. "You wanna hug me?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"... Okay."

"You won't push me away?"

And that's when his wall crumbled right in front of my eyes. For a second I could have sworn I saw his eyes glistening but when he blinked it was gone.

"I won't push you away, Jade." He moved to stand in front of me and lifted me off the desk. He grabbed my left wrist, and then my right wrist and circled my arms around his middle. I locked my fingers, keeping him there. "Not you." His own hand cupped the back of my neck as he leaned over to kiss my hairline. "Never you."

His arms surrounded me and I melted into the embrace. I know I had asked permission to hug him and I was hugging him but he somehow made it feel like he was hugging me. As if I needed it more. As if all this time he had been waiting for me to just ask. 'Cause that's all you have to do when you try to break down someone's wall - you don't do it by force, you just ask.


"Who's he talking to?"

Tristan looked up from his phone. "Did you say something, babe?"

I pointed at Jordan pacing back and forth on our porch. "Who's he talking to?"

"Oh," he cleared his throat. "I don't know. Work probably. How's the soup?"

I tried not to think of how fast he changed the subject. I put my hand on my stomach, feeling it twist into a tight knot. "I'm full."

"Try to finish one bowl, baby girl. I know you don't feel well but this will help you get your strength back up."


I could tell he was surprised I didn't put up a fight like he was used to, especially when it came to food. There was a time I would have flat out refused to even swallow down another spoonful of soup, there was even a time I used to throw a temper tantrum over it. But I grew past that phase. I knew now that my eating habits or lack thereof were not my fault, and it wasn't theirs either. And yet they still tried to help. So instead of being ungrateful, from now on I was going to suck it up and go through with it.

I shoved the last bit of soup in my mouth and swallowed it down. I pushed my now empty bowl away from me. "I'm done."

Tristan who had been watching me as I finished the soup, reached over my shoulder to grab the bowl. He rinsed it and put in the dishwasher. He poured some water in a tall glass and put it down in front of me with my medication which I wasn't allowed to take on an empty stomach.

I swallowed down the two pills and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

Tristan winked. "That's my girl."

Jordan finally walked in, pocketing his phone. Those worry lines were back on his forehead which meant he had a million things on his mind again. Was he ever gonna catch a break?

"Did she finish everything?" he asked Tristan, even though he was standing right behind me, his hand on my shoulder.

"All of it," I could hear the proud smile in Tristan's voice.

"Good girl," Jordan said with a gentle squeeze around my shoulder.

I threw my head back to look at him upside down. "Who where you talking to on the phone?"

His hands found my damp hair, running his fingers down the length. "Is it me or has your hair gotten really long all of a sudden. You need a haircut."

"I've been telling you that for weeks now. So who was on the phone?"

"Remind me to take an appointment at that hairdresser's - the one with the green hair."

"It's grey now," Tristan corrected. "Or as Lily calls it, silver crystal."

"Why don't you ask Lily to take her instead? Didn't she say she wanted to spend some 'girl time' with Jade?"

"I'll ask her."

"Stop it," I interjected, glaring at them both. "Stop trying to avoid my question. Just answer me. You guys said no more secrets."

How could they after I had told them my secret.

Jordan scratched around his chin. "Mooney's out of the hospital."

I stiffened. "He'll be locked up, right?"

"Of course he will. And so will Miller."

I swallowed hard. "What about ..."

"They will all be locked up. All of them."

Jordan and Tristan exchanged a sidelong look. I felt guilt gnawing at me. I didn't want this for them, I shouldn't have to put them in this kind of position. Haven't they gone through enough?

"Hey," Noah said as he walked through the kitchen. He was oblivious to the tension in the air but something else had caught his attention. "You're only back for four hours and you're already wearing my t-shirt?"

"Yeah, about that." I had totally forgotten to ask. "Where did all my clothes go?"

Noah's lips formed a perfect 'O'. "Uh, listen," he started hesitantly, debating the fact if he should tell me or not. He casted one look at our brothers as if to ask their permission. "Carla packed some of your stuff."

I frowned. "Why?"

"She got this crazy idea of winning back custody of me and you."

My breath hitched. "W-What?"

"It's not gonna happen Jade," Noah quickly assured me. "Right Jordan?"

Jordan pulled out the chair next to me and sat down. He put his two hands over mine. "He's right, sweetheart, I'm not gonna let her get away with this."

I started shaking my head. "I don't wanna live with her. I won't. She can't make me."

Tristan caught my eye. "And you don't have to, if you don't want to, babe."

I jumped out of my chair. The cramps intensified and my arms hugged around my middle. I felt sick. "Do we have a say in this? Can we refuse? I mean they can't take us away from you against our own will, right?"

"Jade - " Tristan tried to make me sit back down.

I pulled away from him. "Is she allowed to do this?"

"Jade," Jordan interjected, "Listen to me - "

"You said we'd never have to go back again," I cried, silent tears streaming down my face. "You said - you said that Noah and I would always stay with you, as long as we wanted. Always. You said that, I remember it."

The thought of living with my mother again didn't scare me, it terrified me. The day I started truly living, the day I started making good memories, was the same day Jordan became my sole guardian. Everything that happened before that was something I tried not to reflect on. I never liked to dwell in the past. The past was dark.

My mother yelling at me for no reason, not knowing if she'd remember to pick me up from school, having strange people around in the house at all times, forced to sleep on an empty stomach - I had subconsciously suppressed those flashbacks, letting them fade into a big black hole. But they were still there, somewhere hiding in my brain, waiting to remind me of those awful times.

I didn't want to relive those.

Jordan finally managed to get a hold of me. He pulled me into his lap, cupping my chin and tilting my head until he had my full attention. "When I said those things, I meant it. Why would I ever lie to you?"

"I don't know," was my pathetic answer. I clumsily wiped away my tears.

Tristan crouched in front of me, his hand on my knee. "Do you honestly think we'd let her take you kids so easily?"

"She doesn't stand a chance, Jade," the corner of Noah's lips curved into a half-smile.

"Jade," Jordan's voice was warm and safe just like his embrace. He emphasized every single word, "You and Noah are not going anywhere. You have my word."

"P-promise?" my trembling lips mouthed, voice barely audible.

"I promise." He sealed his words with two kisses in my hair.


I didn't think I would sleep that night. I didn't think I'd have no nightmares. I didn't think I'd feel rested once I woke up. I didn't think I had it in me to be honest. Like I had accepted the situation - mentally and physically. Standing still wasn't an option, I needed to move on. Was this called surviving? No, not surviving ...

I was coping.

In a healthy way - without the night terrors, without the fear, without the negative thoughts and feelings. Don't get me wrong, the thought of leaving the house by myself still scared me to death. I couldn't even imagine my reaction every time I'd see another white van in my life again.

But I wasn't going to deny it or beat myself up about it. I was a work in progress. I'll get there eventually, a little at a time, not all at once. I just needed to surround myself with positive energy, positive people like my best friends.

Kylie jumped on my bed, bouncing a little. "You should have seen it, everyone was looking for you. Like literally everyone, even my cousin's daughter's best friend. And she lives like in a different time zone."

Sophie was on the ground, kneeling behind me as she played with my hair. "Your pictures were all over in town. Claire and I even made a Facebook page, spreading your pictures, asking everyone to share as much as possible."

"So you're saying my pictures are all over the internet?" I groaned. "Now everyone's gonna recognize me as the girl that went missing."

"If it helps, it was a really cute picture. You looked great in it."

I shot Sophie a look. "That doesn't help."

I noticed Lauren sitting at my desk, flicking through some book. She was quiet which wasn't odd, Lauren was a quiet girl, but this was a different kind of quiet.

"My dad's like overprotective right now," Olivia started saying. "I mean I guess he was always overprotective, but now he's super overprotective. Yesterday he nearly grounded me because I forgot my phone when I left the house to walk the dog."

"Yeah, I get you," Anna joined, sitting cross legged on my bed, next to Kylie. "I can't even go anywhere by myself anymore. My mom's worried those kidnappers will strike again."

"They won't," I told her. "Jordan said they'll be in prison for a very long time. He promised."

"Yeah, but what if someone else gets the same idea. What if there's some lunatic watching this on tv and thinking to himself, 'hey I can do that too'?"

I picked at a loose thread on my sock. "You can't think like that, Anna. There will always be dangerous people who are out to harm girls like us, or anyone really. But you can't let them dictate your life. You should feel safe wherever you go. You'll go mad if you always think about all the bad things that could happen."

"Yeah, and before you know it you'll lock yourself up in your house with your twelve cats and grow into an old lady that hasn't seen the daylight in years," Kylie chuckled. "Like my aunt Tessa - she hasn't left the house since the summer of 1999 because she witnessed six car crashes and she's convinced she's bad luck so she won't go anywhere near cars."

I gave my friend a weird look. "That is so not the same thing."

"We get your point, Jade," Olivia smiled. "We're really happy to have you back."

Kylie grinned. "Yeah, we missed you."

"GROUP HUG!" Anna shouted.

I tensed up, eyes wide. "Don't you dare."

My threat fell on deaf ears, before I knew it I was buried underneath a mass of tangled limbs.


Two hours later the girls had all gone home except for Lauren. She was on our couch, waiting for her mom to pick her up. Like every other girl my age, she was not allowed to walk the streets alone after the incident. I was mad that those pricks had instilled such fear into the community, they shouldn't be able to have that kinda power.

But I knew it was a matter of time. As soon as they were locked up, people would be able to breathe more easily. And restrictions and rules will be less rigid.

I plopped down next to Lauren and nudged her.

"You okay?"

She nodded, keeping her eyes on her fiddling fingers.

"Lauren," I tried again. "Talk to me."

She swallowed thickly and I could tell she was having a hard time keeping her emotions in check.

"You were gone ... and I thought - I thought I'd never see you again."

"Aww Lauren." I slung my arm around her shoulder, resting my head against hers.

"I was so scared for you, Jade," she sniffed. "I couldn't sleep or eat. I could only think about my best friend and those scary men that had taken you."

My throat closed up, feeling my own eyes sting. Out of all my friends, Lauren was more than that. She wasn't my best friend, she was the sister I never had - she was family. She had been there since day one, we were attached at the hip since the first day of kindergarten. At first people really mistook us for sisters - we nearly had the same shade of blonde hair, the same shape of lips, the same build, the same interests, the same mentality.

Lauren was my soulmate, a friend for life.

And I came to the realization that I hadn't always been honest with her. I never knew why I never felt the need to share my deepest secrets with her. Maybe I was scared of her reaction, maybe I was scared she'd look at me differently. But out of all people, she never once let me down. She never asked me questions, never pushed, never tried to dig - and yet she always knew exactly what I needed.

For the first time in my life I was ready. Ready to come clean.

"Lauren? I need to tell you something."

She dried her eyes and looked at me. "What is it?" Her eyes shining with trust and unconditional love.

I moved my tongue around my dry mouth and licked my lips. "I never really told you the full story."

"What full story?"

"The reason Noah and I live with our bothers and not our parents."

"You said your dad left when you were little and your mother's a drug addict."

This was harder than I thought. "Uhm, there's more."

"You can tell me." Her hands enveloped mine and I knew I was safe.

It suddenly hit me that for the first time in my life, I could finally tell my story. My past had always been an enigma to me, filled with holes and questions and darkness. But I had clarity now, I could see what had happened. And if I had to choose someone to share my story with, I'd always pick Lauren.

I cleared my throat. "It all started when I was five ..."


"Marion, I really have to go now," I giggled.

The old lady couldn't stop hugging me. Even little Elvis kept yapping excitedly, licking my face every chance he got.

"Oh my sweet child, I prayed so hard for this moment," she squeezed me against her bosom, "I asked the Lord to let me hold you in my arms just once and now I'll never let you go."

I hugged her back. "I missed you too, Marion."

She pulled away and cupped my face, smiling sweetly. Out of nowhere she suddenly got a hold on a kitchen rag and smacked my thigh.

"Ouch!" I jumped, rubbing at the spot. It didn't hurt at all, I was just surprised. "What was that for?"

"For causing me all that worry. I aged ten years in three days. Look at all these grey hairs!"

I bit back a smile. "Oh Marion, you still look lovely."

"I see, still cheeky as ever." She tried to remain serious but faltered. Instead concern flashed in her eyes. "How're you holding up, my darling? I can't imagine what you must've gone through."

"I'm dealing with it, Marion. Step by step. You once told me that life is too short to spend it at war with yourself."

The crow's feet around her chocolate brown eyes wrinkled as she smiled once again. "You're proof that you can walk through hell and still be an angel, Jade. I swear God smiled down at me and sent me an angel to love."

My heart filled with a warmth I couldn't describe. I blinked back a tear.

When Marion finally let me go with another hug and a few other kisses from Elvis, I found myself taking a walk back home. My eyes involuntarily scanned the street, searching for a particular kind of car, and when I noticed what I was doing I quickly stopped. Now was not the time to be paranoid, I had to trust my brothers - I was safe.

Kyle Mooney and Quentin Miller were far away from me. But what if someone else decides to take revenge? What if their third partner finds me -


I startled, snapping myself back to reality. My eyes scanned our driveway and I was surprised to find someone sitting on the steps by the front door.

"Preston," I breathed. "Hey. What are you doing here?"

"Just came to see you," he offered sheepishly.

I perched down on the step next to him. "How're you doing?"

"How am I - what?" His eyes flickered to mine, searching for something. "Uh, shouldn't I be the one asking you that?"

I shrugged. "I suppose."

"How are you though?"

"I'm good," I replied with honesty. "Better than ever."

"That's good."

"It is."

He rested his arms on his knees, playing with the dirty laces of his shoes. He was acting weird and I decided to put him out of his misery.

"I know what happened Preston. My brothers told me."

His teeth clenched. "Listen, I can explain - "

"It's okay," I offered him a tiny smile, hoping it would put him at ease. "I'm not blaming you or anything. You did what you had to do to protect your family."

"I really am sorry, Jade." He looked at me for the first time, his eyes wet with genuine guilt and sorrow.

It was strange seeing him like this, he appeared truly heartbroken which was odd because for the longest time I thought Preston O'Connor didn't have a heart. Until I got to know him, really know him. Preston did have a heart, it just needed some fixing.

"I forgive you. Preston, I don't hate you." I hoped my words could heal those cracks, even if it was just a little bit.

He looked away, as if he didn't deserve my mercy. It was sad. How could he not see that he was doing this to himself? It must be tiring, constantly battling your own demons, continuously fighting them.

I shifted on the step, inching just a little bit closer without actually touching him. It was my attempt at showing him he wasn't alone.

"I also came to say goodbye," he suddenly spoke, bringing me back to reality.

I turned to face him. "Goodbye?"

He nodded, morose. "I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?"

"My sisters and I are gonna live with my uncle. He decided to take us all in until Morgan is old enough to file for custody. I mean it's better than foster care, right?"

I let the realization sink in. "Will I be seeing you again?"

"Maybe," he said. "It's a five hour drive. But I mean we can still keep in touch. You have my number."

"Yeah ..." I had to force myself to sound happy for him. "At least you're staying with your family. You and your sisters won't be split up. I'm glad everything turned out fine in the end."


We stayed like that, on the steps for another five minutes. Just trying to think of things we were never going to say out loud. I startled when Preston suddenly rose to his feet.

"I have to go now."

"Oh okay," I awkwardly stood up. I was one step higher which brought me to his eye level. Preston had always been taller than me so it was weird to see him from this point of view. "Thanks for coming over."

His lips parted and I thought he was going to say something but then his mouth clamped shut.

I cleared my throat nervously. "Uhm, I'm happy for you and your sisters. Tell little Kenzie I said hi."

Preston was still not talking.

"Okay ... well goodbye then."

Was I supposed to hug him? What if he pushed me away? Shouldn't he be hugging me? Friends hugged, right? Wait, are we even considered friends? Maybe I should let him make the first move.

"Can I - " he suddenly said, stopping mid-sentence.

I raised an eyebrow. "Yes ... ?"

Something in his eyes hardened, like determination. I was puzzled until he suddenly leaned in.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Wh-what?" Did he just - did he ask - he wanted to - huh?

His lips brushed mine and I startled, nearly tripping over but his hands on my waist steadied me. I wanted to pull away, knee him in the balls like I did the last he kissed me. But he asked this time, he asked.

His lips moved against mine and I thought he was closer than before until I realized I was the one moving towards him. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy, it was a funny feeling. There were no sparks, no birds singing, no little cherub flying above our heads. It was just a kiss.

My first, official kiss.

My eyes opened when the warmth on my lips disappeared. I had stopped breathing. Preston's lips pulled into a small, smug smirk - yep, the old Preston I knew was still in there.

He picked up his skateboard and shot me one last wink. "Bye, Jade."


I don't know how long I stood there, at the front door, like a stupid statue. I drew in a sharp breathe, finally able to breathe again. My fingers grazed my lips, I could still feel his touch linger - a tingling sensation.

It downed on me that a boy had kissed me and I had kissed back! For the first time ever! The teenage girl in me was squealing and jumping around. I couldn't wait to tell the girls.

"You're blushing, Jade."

I snapped out of it and saw Noah shooting me a funny look. I cupped my face, feeling the warmth radiating off my cheeks.

"I'm not blushing," I retorted lamely.

His eyes twinkled with amusement. "So Preston, huh?"

My eyes grew in mortification. He saw.

"Were you spying on us?"

"You know, he's lucky he's moving across the country. Ashton would kill him."

"He won't cuz he'll never find out." I narrowed my eyes in warning.

Noah cracked a challenging grin. "Jade and Preston sitting in the tree! K-i-s-s-i-n-g - "

"Noah, shut up!" I pounced on him, wrestling him to the floor, trying to cover his stupid mouth.

"First comes love, then comes marriage," he continued singing obnoxiously loud, his voice muffled.


He was laughing so hard, tears were trickling from the corners of his eyes.

"What's going on here?" Ashton walked out, looking down at us.

Noah moaned and I tightened the palm of my hand around his mouth. I smiled up at Ashton, innocently. "Nothing interesting happening here. Just Noah being a dick."

Noah's face was turning red - from laughing too hard, from not being able to breathe, I couldn't tell. He caught me off guard when he suddenly overpowered me, flipping me over and pinning me down.

"Preston and Jade kissed!" he exclaimed loudly. "It was the cutest thing I have ever seen. Our little baby girl is growing up, Ash. It's making me all emotional."

"Shut up!" I yelled.

Noah cupped my face, pursing his lips and making kissing noises. "C'mere so I can give you a big smooch."

"Noah, get away from me!" I growled, trying to push his face away from me. "Ashton, help!"

Ashton lit up a cigarette and smirked. "Nope."

"Noah, you disgusting pig! Get off of me!" I was still struggling to avoid his nasty lips. "Ashton, please. I'm gonna throw up."

"You didn't wanna throw up when Preston tried to kiss you."

I gasped. "That was different!"

"It wasn't," he nodded with a wink. "Consider this as your punishment. All boys are disgusting. Don't let them kiss you. And don't try to kiss them."

I rolled my eyes.



Cooking always relaxed me. It wasn't really the product that fascinated me, it was the process. I loved the different smells and tastes, I loved to experiment with the ingredients.

Tristan walked in with a bottle of wine.

"Are we celebrating something?" I asked him, standing at the sink as I was doing the dishes.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind and reached over to swipe his finger through the bubbles of soap. He tapped the tip of my nose, "You."

"Ugh," I scrunched up my nose, rubbing the soap off with my shoulder.

"Are we expecting someone?" Noah suddenly questioned, eying the table. "There are six plates."

As if on cue, a knock sounded on our front door.

"I'll get it," Ashton said.

I dried my hands, swallowing hard. A hand swept through my hair, tucking some strands behind my ear. Tristan tilted my head to catch my eye.

"You sure you want this?"

I nodded.

He touched my cheek, giving me an encouraging nod before letting go.

"My baby!"

I hmph'd when my mother seized me in a bone crushing hug. She swayed me from side to side, blubbering uncontrollably.

She cupped my face, stroking my cheeks. "I was worried sick about you. How're you feeling? Are you okay? Did you get some sleep? You still look pale," she turned to Tristan, "Is she taking her meds?"

I grabbed her wrists, lowering them from my face. "Mom. I'm fine."

"That's good to hear." She squeezed my hands and let go. "It smells great in here, is it lasagna? It's your favorite dish, right Jade?"

I forced a smile.

Of course it wasn't my favorite dish. I didn't have a favorite dish. I hated food. She of all people should know that. The only thing I could eat non-stop were strawberries.

Jordan joined us after a few moments and in no time we were all sitting around the table. The boys were about to dig in when our mother interrupted.

"Let's say a little prayer before we eat." She reached for Ashton's and Jordan's hands, they were both sitting closest to her.

My brothers exchanged looks but none of them took her hand.

"We're not religious, Carla," Jordan pointed out.

"No, we're hungry," Ashton cut in. "Bon appétit."

An annoyed look flashed across her face but she quickly masked it. "Mhmm, this is really good, baby," she praised after a few bites.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"You're gonna have to teach me to make this." She shot me a longing look. "You can show me the ropes one day. When you'll be living with me."

I choked on a piece of cheese. Noah patted my back while I drank some water.

"So you're really doing this, huh?" Tristan said. "You're really gonna fight us for custody."

"Of course I am. Why would I be lying about that?"

Jordan leaned forward. "Say you win the custody battle, where are you taking them?"

"Don't know yet, far away from you that's for sure," she fake-smiled, twirling the wine around in her glass.

Jordan wasn't fazed. "With what money?"

"I'll get a job."

"What about school, their friends. You're just gonna rip them away from all that and force them to start over somewhere else?"

Mom rolled her eyes at Tristan. "I've always done it when you were kids, you turned out alright. And what is this, an interrogation?"

"Noah doesn't want to go, he's sixteen," he pointed out. "He's gonna have a say in this."

"Fine," she snapped, putting the glass down. "Then I'll just take Jade with me. It's probably for the best, the girl needs a mom. Right, sweetie?"

I stared at her with a dumbfounded look. "Uhm, mom ... I don't - I'm not coming with you either."

"Jade ..." she looked hurt and I had to steel my heart not to fall for it. "We're gonna have so much fun you and I. Don't you want to be with your mommy?"

I hesitantly shook my head.

Her face hardened. "You're too young to know what you really want. Trust me, I know what's best for you. You need me, Jade. You need a mother."

I ducked my gaze. "I already have everything I need right here."

Noah grabbed my hand under the table, repeatedly running his thumb over my knuckles. No one said anything for a long time, and I didn't dare to meet my mother's eyes.

"Something bugs me," Ashton suddenly broke the silence. "How can you just choose between your own kids?"

Mom shot him a menacing look. "Mind your own fucking business."

"Let's be honest," Ashton continued as if she hadn't said anything, "you don't give two shits whether Noah joins you or not. You only want Jade, it's always been Jade. She's the only one that matters. Why's that?"

"What kinda question is that?" Carla huffed, a sound of ridicule. "She's my baby girl, it's different."

"She's our baby girl too," Tristan reasoned. "I don't love her less or more than I love my other siblings."

"Are you saying I play favorites with my own damn kids?"

"Why Jade?" Jordan demanded with a tone that left no room for nonsense. "Why do you insist on having her. I've never seen you fight this hard for the rest of your children."

She looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You can't stand the thought of her hating you," he continued. "It never bothered you that we, us boys, shoved you out of our lives, but god forbid if Jade ever casts you aside."

Jordan was right. I was the only one she blamed for not visiting her a the rehabilitation center. The only one she needed to see. The only one she threatened for not coming over.

"I never wanted boys, did you know that?" Mom held the glass of wine in her hand, staring at it with a far looking gaze. "I always wanted kids but never boys. Boys grow into men and men are monsters. They feed off of women."

"We turned out alright, your words," Tristan retaliated.

"Listen, I don't know what you're trying to achieve with this heart-to-heart, but I'm not changing my mind about it. In a few months, Jade will leave with me so you better start getting used to - " she was cut off by a firm knock on the door. "Who's that?" she asked.

Ashton once again went to answer the door. When he returned, a tall and sturdy man followed him into the kitchen.

Mom instantly glared at my brothers. "What is he doing here?"

"Don't know." Tristan turned to the man, confused. "Dad?"

Chris shoved his hands in his front pockets. "Sorry to interrupt. I was in the neighborhood and I heard about what happened. I just thought I'd pay a little visit to see how the little one's doing."

"That's nice of you. Now fuck off," my mother hissed.

Ashton grabbed an extra chair. "Why don't you take a seat? Have a drink."

Chris eyed my brother suspiciously. "You're not gonna hold a knife to my throat again, are you?"

"I might."

Chris gauged my brother's reaction, waiting for the punch line but Ashton's face was unreadable. He suddenly burst out laughing, "You're a funny dude. Anyway, I can't stay. I have a restraining order, remember?" he chuckled.

"I made lasagna," I piped up, sliding a plate in his direction.

Chris looked at me, really looked at me. He seemed uncertain. My mother kept shooting daggers at him, but the rest of my brothers remained indifferent.

"Alright then," he eventually gave in, sitting down. "Can't remember the last time I had a home-cooked meal."

Jordan suddenly excused himself. "I'll be right back, I just need to make a quick phone call."

Chris eyed me from across the table. "So, kidnapped huh? That must've been some experience."

"You tell me," I said distractedly, pushing my food around with my fork. I felt like throwing up.

"You guys caught the bastards?"

"Two of 'em," Tristan replied. "We suspect there's a third person involved."

"Hmm," Chris hummed with mild interest. "You got any leads yet?"

"You're gonna have to ask Jordan about that."

"What about you," he suddenly watched me. "Remember anything? Maybe I can help, I know a fair share of sketchy dudes that might've had something to do with this."

My fingers tightened around Noah's. "No, I don't remember."

"They said you were drugged. Diazepam."

"What are you, a cop?" Mom sneered at Chris. "Leave the poor girl alone."

"You don't have to act so hostile, Carla. It rises suspicion."

My mother's eyes bulged out of their sockets. "Are you saying I had something to do with my own daughter's kidnap? Do you even hear how ridiculous that sounds? Why would I even do that?"

"Don't know," Chris shrugged. "People would do anything for money. Also 'diazepam'? Isn't that your favorite candy? And you have a weird obsession with the girl so it doesn't sound that far-fetched, don't you think?"

Mom jumped out of her chair, bristling with anger. "Get. Out."

Jordan slipped back into the kitchen. "What's going on?"

Chris pushed away from the table. He hadn't even touched the lasagna. "Nothing, just your mom acting like a crazy bitch. Some things really don't change."

"How dare you?" she forced through gritted teeth. "How dare you accuse me of doing something so - so unspeakable to my own daughter?"

"You've done a lot worse, Carla."


"Carla, calm down," Jordan interjected, stepping in between the two.

She looked at my brother with disgust. "How can you stand there and listen to him say those things about me? Just because he's your dad doesn't mean you have to defend him."

"I'm not defending anyone."

"But you're not denying anything he's saying!"

"Carla," Jordan's voice was low, composed. "I believe you. I know you didn't kidnap Jade."

She blinked. Taken off guard. "You do?"

"It wasn't you." Jordan turned around to face his dad. "... It was you."

Chris was at a loss for words. "Excuse me?"

"Don't try to deny it," Jordan said.

"What - why would I even do such thing?" he sputtered.

"I don't know. Why don't you tell us," Tristan confronted, arms crossed over his chest.

My death grip on Noah's hand intensified. My heart hammered against my chest.

"We found the phone Mooney and Miller used. We traced the only number they called and it lead us straight to you." Jordan straightened, jaw firm. "You didn't come here to pay your respects, you came to make sure Jade doesn't remember you. But she did. She remembered your voice."

"She was drugged!" his voice boomed and I flinched. "How would she even know what she heard?"

"Cut the shit, dad," Tristan said. "Your DNA was all over that van."

"I have a question for you." Jordan's eyebrows bunched together in confusion. "Why did Mooney tell me you guys weren't going to return Jade to us? What were you gonna do with her?"

Chris glanced at our mother and huffed through his nose. "Didn't you say you needed help to get your daughter back?"

"You son of a bitch," Carla whispered, the blood draining from her face. "This was your plan? This!?"

"You told me 'whatever it takes'!" he spat.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" she lunged at him, screaming, hitting, kicking.

Tristan grabbed her and restrained her.

Chris licked the blood off his lip. "I shouldn't've come here."

I watched as he walked away, frowning at Jordan for not going after him. But Chris didn't get far - as soon as he opened the front door, he was face to face with Marcus and another police officer. There was no point in running away. He was trapped.

"Chris Moore, you're under arrest for kidnapping Jade Jacobs."

A/N: plot twist... it wasn't Carla.

Ps: I lied, there's one more tiny chapter. Go ahead and read it!

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