Golden Storms | #Wattys2020

By highdisdain

465K 36.3K 5.2K

WINNER OF READERS CHOICE AWARDS 2020 (Historical Fiction) Stone hearts. Silver to gold. And the fierce nee... More

Golden Storms
Character Mood Boards
1. T H E L A S T D A N C E
2. F A M I L Y
3. A J N A B E E
4. M Y T H S
5. I N T I Z A A R
6. D A W N
7. A R R I V A L
8. F I R S T L O O K
9. R E J E C T I O N
10. R O A D S
11. W O U N D
12. R E F L E X E S
13. M E R R I M E N T
14. R E S C U E M I S S I O N
15. T R A P P E D
16. A D V E N T U R E S & T R U T H S
17. T H E D E S E R T
18. P O S S E S S E D
19. D A R K N E S S
20. B U R D E N S
21. C R O S S R O A D S
22. M I S S I N G
23. D O V E
24. C H A S E - P A R T ١
25. C H A S E - P A R T ٢
26. C A U G H T
27. B R I T T L E
29. S N A K E
30. W A T C H D U T Y
31. I N S U R A N C E
32. B A N D I T S
33. N I G H T
34. R E T U R N
35. T H E D E A L
Readers Choice Awards

28. D U O

8.8K 876 133
By highdisdain

A/N: Short update! I was feeling this scene so I wrote it :) hope you enjoy! Make sure to leave comments down below!


My heart has awakened from his slumber.


جُمَادَىٰ ٱلْآخِرَة

A new dawn greeted Russicada. It was the end of the rainy season - residents could feel it in the air and in the heat of the brilliant rising sun. A pair of golden eyes watched it rise. They were piercing as ever, the black pupils reduced to dots. The warmth greeted her face as the maids combed her hair and arranged it in a braided bun for the journey - for today the trio was back on the road.

A magnificent dress lay on the bed. It had a light blue net robe with delicate embroidery, accompanied by a shimmering under dress.  Where it came from, Falaq had no clue. But the maids were instructed to dress her in it and all Falaq could think was what a hassle it was going to be to ride in those skirts. The sun had barely risen and her temper was being tested.

As the maids added jewels atop her head covering, Falaq felt resentment settle in. All of this was a death trap. She could not move fast in these clothes. She could hardly move at all in fact - for the precious pieces on her head required a balancing act.

Finally the veil was tied securely behind her head, and Falaq allowed herself a glance at her own reflection.

The woman before her looked mysterious and...beautiful. Her eyes, now ringed with Kohl, were blinding. Her skin was clear, and her stature upright and proud. The jewels on her head glittered and gleamed in the sun rays. The fabric glimmered as she moved, gracefully swaying about her feet.

Let's see how long this lasts in the desert. Falaq thought grimly.

The only thing a dress like this was good for was hiding weapons...which Nuh and Hudayfa had confiscated as soon as she'd been brought to this house. 

A guard entered the chambers.

"His Highness, Prince Hudayfa requests your presence"

How eloquently put.

Still, that name caused Falaq's spine to tingle. Something had changed ever since the assassins found her. It was almost as though they respected her...absurd.

Hudayfa was waiting for her in his temporary chambers. He didn't even look up when her presence was announced, busily tying his gauntlets. One cord was caught between his teeth, the other he wound around. Falaq tried not to notice the strands of hair that fell over his eyes as he focused, or the way his jaw tightened as he pulled the cord.

Clearing her throat, she decided to settle her gaze out the window instead.

"You wanted to see me?" She inquired to the sparrow dancing on the window sill.

"Why would I request such misfortune?" Hudayfa replied coldly.

Falaq rolled her eyes, turning back to him to return a witty retort only to find he was already gazing her, drinking her in. She blushed under the veil, whilst trying to force irritation instead.

"Well" she snapped, "I did not seek you willingly-"

"God forbid" muttered Hudayfa.

"- that guard summoned me on your behalf-"

"Excuses" he smirked.

"Wh-what?!" Falaq spluttered, blinking. Was he actually teasing her? She felt light headed. One minute he was cold, the next warm. Something was seriously wrong with the man. Where did he leave his stone-cold heart behind? Her heart thudded wildly. A playful, nice Hudayfa was even more dangerous than the icy Hudayfa she was used to. Her eyes narrowed as she prepared to set him straight, but before she could speak the doors slammed open and guards rushed in.

They surrounded Falaq and Hud, spears pointing at the duo. The assassin raised an eyebrow, one hand causally resting on the hilt of his sword. Falaq felt herself shift into fighting stance. She wondered why Hudayfa was so calm. There were far two many guards for the two of them alone.

"It was a ploy..." she realised - Hudayfa really hadn't summoned her. They were being rounded.

"Well done" Hudayfa muttered, glancing down at her unimpressed.

The guards parted slightly, allowing the Governor through. He had the glint in his eye of a victorious double-crosser. Falaq sensed Hud tensing, even though the smirk remained on his sculpted face.

"What is this?" Falaq hissed through gritted teeth, head turning this way and that as she surveyed the guards.

"I overstayed my welcome" the prince replied.

The Governor motioned at his guards. Two of them broke formation and approached the duo, barking at them to get down. Hudayfa sank to his knees slowly, silver eyes locked on the Governor, hands in the air.

When the guard approached Falaq however, she was hardly going to be brought to her knees. When his blade touched her shoulders she grabbed it and yanked him close, kneeing him in the stomach, hand closing behind his neck as he bowed down, winded. It was a trick Ehsan and Ibrahim had taught her a long time ago - if you were fast enough and held the blade at the right angle, it would not so readily cut.

The guard landed on his front, groaning. Breathing heavily, Falaq kept her hand locked around his neck, glaring at the Governor.

"How you were taken care of" the Governor observed, "and how you repay us"

"Forgive the woman" Hudayfa drawled lazily, "she is incompetent and impulsive-"

Falaq resisted the urge to smack him upside the head.

"-your quarrel is with me. Now what do I owe this pleasure? I believe we had an accord"

The Governor grinned, "indeed we did my prince, indeed we did! But you see-"
He motioned outside, "this accord of ours must not breach the walls of Russicada. I do hope you understand. Men, finish them"

With that the conniving, wicked man turned on his heels and swept away, leaving Falaq and Hud surrounded by advancing guards.

Falaq picked up the fallen sword with one hand, the other bunching her cursed skirts. Hudayfa too drew his sword, his smirk replaced by the expressionless look, those eyes filled with cold fury. One arm pushed Falaq behind him, at which she rolled her eyes. Did he really think she needed protecting? They were both done for.

Just as the spears were about to cross their blades, a hooded figure swept through the arched window, tiny blades flying from his gloved hands and burying themselves in the guards.


Chaos broke out as the guards broke formation. Their gazed locked at the same time, silver to gold for a split second. Hud nodded. The two of them snapped into motion. Falaq swung her sword into the din, engaging in combat with multiple guards. Their swords and spears clashed, but every second of training with Ustad and her brothers seemed to trigger her mind. She felt almost at peace, able to move as fluidly as water yet to stand as solid as earth. She was careful not to harm the guards any more than she needed to, focusing on disarming.

Hudayfa welded his own weapon with ease - it was an extension of his arm. He was surrounded, and yet each man fell one by one. His attention constantly diverted to his companions. Nuh was swiftly hacking down a multitude of guards, blood glittering on his armour. Falaq was a whirlwind of blue fabric, her golden eyes deep and focused. They were moving as though coordinated, as though they knew exactly where the other was. It was the first time Hudayfa had felt any sort of compatibility with the woman, and the energy that thrummed inside him was strange and foreign, but welcomed.

As a guard advanced upon Falaq from behind, Hudayfa hurled a spear at his back, before blocking yet another blow. Falaq blinked as the guard fell, glancing up at the assassin prince who continued as though nothing had happened. A grin touched her lips and adrenalin coursed through her veins.

Nuh noticed the exchange. He felt his soul tremor. It was finally happening. His friend would be back soon.

He noticed the woman was spending more time doing what Nuh could do in seconds. Disarming and incapacitating, but never killing. She couldn't do it, he realised. She had been taught everything about combat except to kill.

The realisation seemed to have dawned upon his Master too, for he nodded at Nuh, jerking his head at the girl.

Nuh, who now yanked his sword out of another dead body nodded once, showing he understood. Flinging several tiny blades out of his gloves to bury themselves in the faces of oncoming guards, the Right Hand navigated his way to the woman, plucking her away from the fight.

"This wretched dress!" Falaq snapped, exasperated as Nuh pulled her along by the very fabric. She had no option but to follow him or risk the dress tearing itself into shreds. As it was the net was in ribbons, and she seemed to have lost several pieces of jewellery in the fight.

"Why are we escaping? We had them!" She protested as Nuh dragged her outside, clicking his tongue to summon the horses.

"Waste of time"Nuh replied, eyes searching the horizon.

Yells and screams could be heard from the residence. The maids were streaming out, running for their lives. Guards were surging in from every corner. Nuh pushed Falaq behind a earthen wall, hushing her with a single finger on his lips.

The sound of hooves grew near. Falaq peered around the corner. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Batal thundering toward them, his beautiful coat gleaming, his reins dragging on the floor. It felt as though it had been forever since she saw him. She'd missed his strong, loyal presence. Behind him was Balqis, in her ebony glory, and Nuh's beautiful chestnut stallion. They were fully saddled, and understanding dawned upon Falaq.

"You knew this was going to happen" She wondered outloud.

Nuh's face broke out in one of his rare smiles. She almost stumbled over her own feet - it was so beautiful.

"That I did" he conceded. His face grew serious, "I did not imagine he would include you in the threat to his accord - though I suppose I should not be surprised"

Falaq did not know whether to take this as a compliment. She looked around awkwardly.

"You know" Nuh went on, "you are certainly the strangest princess I have ever met"

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Falaq inquired earnestly.

"Hmm" he smirked, "that is not for me to decide"

"I am hardly a princess" Falaq motioned at her tattered attire, raising an eyebrow as if to say, see?

Their attention was diverted when silence suddenly swept through the residence. It was as though someone had stuffed cotton in Falaq's ears. She rounded the corner with Nuh, wondering if Hudayfa had simply killed everyone inside or she had gone deaf.


Nuh handed Batal's reins over. Falaq climbed on top of him unceremoniously, the dress now a mess of fabric around her lap and legs. She crooned over Batal, patting his neck and telling him how much she missed him. Nuh, who was tightening his stirrups, glanced at her incredulously.

Hudayfa emerged from the residence, a flurry of metal and black fabric. Falaq tried not to stare and failed. He strode toward Balqis, tall, lean, thrumming with energy. He sheathed his sword as though he had done it a thousand times. His shoulders were relaxed for once. He found a strange peace in battle just as Falaq did. Untouchable, undefeatable.

Swinging onto Balqis, Hudayfa spurred her forward and Nuh and Falaq followed in silence. As they rode through the residence's gates, Falaq noticed a gaggle of maids gazing up at the magnificent house in horror, tears glazing their cheeks. She made to turn her head too, see what caused them to stare -

"Falaq" Hudayfa's voice caused her to turn her head back around, surprised he was addressing her. Those silver eyes raked over her now unflattering dress thoughtfully.

"That won't do for our journey" He surmised.

Falaq rolled her eyes, "well spotted, your Highness"

Hudayfa turned back, spurring Balqis into a trot. He breathed a silent breath of relief.

For had Falaq turned around, she would have seen the Governor's body impaled on the highest turret of his home, his lifeless eyes gazing at the scorching sun above.

And for some strange reason, that was a truth he did not want her to see.

HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS! I decided I wanted more development at this stage. What do you guys think about Hudayfa being strangely nice? Is this a new tactic? How long will it last?

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