A Jedi's Journey

By thedjgirl

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Contu Wan-Gi is a twelve year old girl from the planet of Alderaan. Her parents have recently arranged for th... More

A Jedi's Journey
Welcome to Tatooine
The Hunt
Authors note
Canva, Kenobi, Baegon, Wan-Gi
Whose side are you on?
A Past Revisited
More trouble
Trial one - Deception
Trial two - Stubborness
Trial three - family

Now what? (Epilogue)

141 11 4
By thedjgirl

Contu sat by Layla's side for hours waiting for her to wake up. She had sustained a concussion in the fight with her father. Layla had just layed there and even Master Kashaack was becoming worried. Her life force was weak. Contu had poured out the force into her sister's small body. But it had still been hours. The blast had really shaken her up badly. Contu thought back to when she saw Laeta holding her in his lap. The big brother in him had come out. Something she had always wanted to experience. A big brother to protect and take care of her. She had to admit that she was jealous of Layla. She knew what it was like. Contu wanted that. But she had to put away such foolish thoughts. All that mattered now was protecting the innocent and keeping her family safe.

"Master Canva?"

Sheema looked up. "Yes Master Wan-Gi?"

"Please call me Contu. What do we do now? Obi's gone. I've finished my training. What else is there for us to do except go into hiding?" She really needed to get used to having the title of Master.

"Well..." Sheema began. I believe we should wait for Layla to wake up. Then I believe the Rebellion could use our gifts for good."

"But how do we find them?" That was a big thing. They had one ship and a lot of people. "It's not like we can cram everyone into Laeta's cruiser! Can we?"

Sheema laughed at the young jedi. "Do we really have a choice? Gracen can help us. He was sent by Ambassador Organa. I'm friends with Senator Organa. Her father. Surely, he can help us find a base."

The sound of coughing caught their attention.

"Momma?" Layla!

Sheema hugged her daughter. "Momma's right here Lay. I'm right here."

Layla smiled. "Momma? My head hurts."

"I know baby. But it'll get better. I promise."

Contu smiled and decided to give them some space. Maybe Gracen or Laeta would be willing to talk to her. If that didn't work she would try her luck with Conai. Hopefully Gracen or Laeta would talk to her. "Hey guys!"

Laeta looked up from his lightsaber. "Hey Contu. Is my mom with Layla?"

She nodded her head. "Hey Gracen."

"Hi." He quickly stood, gathered his weapons, and exited stage left. He couldn't get out of there fast enough.

She watched him shuffle by her. "What's the matter with him?"

Laeta shrugged. "He's just a little confused. That's all.... Just give him some space."

"Okay.... Whatcha doin?"

He smirked. "Thinking. About what we're gonna do next."

"Me too." Thank the force she wasn't the only one.

"Any ideas?" He began to mess with his lightsaber. Turning it over and over in his hands.

Contu sat down on the floor in front of him. "Join the Rebellion? Seems like fun. Not to mention that they could use our help."

"True. Use Gracen to find a base for us?"

"That's what I was thinking." She smiled at her brother. He smiled back at her.

He tucked his lightsaber back into his belt. "I'll have him take us to the nearest base."

"Yes sir!" She laughed at him. He had a commanding presence. One that demanded action. Once he completed his training he would be a force to be reckoned with.


"Princess Leia! Princess! We've located General Kenobi!"

She looked up from her datapad. "Good. Where is he? Where did you get your information?"

"He's on Tatooine. We learned this from the scout you sent. Gracen Balian. He and some jedi's just joined the Dantooine base." The young Rebel announced.

"That's wonderful!" She smiled. "We can use all the help we can get. Any word from Ami?"

The rebel soldier shook his head. "That's a negative ma'am. No contact from commander Thalken in over two weeks." Leia pressed her lips into a firm line and nodded. "But ma'am?"


"One of the jedi's.... Master Sheema Canva sent a message."

Leia perked up. "Well? What does it say?"

"If you ever need us, we shall be willing to defend the innocent. No matter how long until our presence is needed."

Leia smiled. She would remember that.

"And Balian is here to see you."

"Send him in." She smiled as the young boy entered the room. "Gracen. A sight for sore eyes. What brings you here?"

The boy smiled sheepishly. "I came to give you my assessment of the jedi, ma'am."

"And that is?"

He took a gulp. "They are the most ruthless people I have ever met. I watched one of them kill their own father."

Leia gasped. That didn't sound like jedi!

"Yet they are some of the most loyal people I have ever met. Compassionate, strong, beautiful...."

"Gracen?" Leia couldn't help it. He was acting like a love sick child!

"Yes ma'am?"

She motioned for him to sit. "You like one of the jedi's don't you?"

"Her name is Jedi Master Contu Wan-Gi ma'am. I guess I'm asking not to be sent back to Dantooine. I can't work with her."

Leai smiled. A child's crush. How cute. "Granted. I'll send you to the Yavin base. You know it?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good." She smiled. "I look forward to meeting with you again Gracen."

He nodded. "Thank you ma'am. Take good care of those jedi's. They're mighty special."

"I know." She said with a smile as he walked out. "I need special."

So that's the end of A Jedi's Journey! This is a part of a trilogy of which I'll be releasing the second book shortly. It's called A Journey Continued. In the media section, there is a trailer for it. I hope you've enjoyed our little journey! If you have any questions about anything please PM/Inbox me! I'll be happy to answer them! Enjoy my padawans! -Jasmine

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