By My Side (Kidge - Keith x P...

By MoonLightStroy

7.8K 289 252

Everyone got use to being heros as voltron and living in space, everyone has a reason to keep fighting and ev... More

Space. Chapter 1.
Songs. Chapter 2.
Lazier. Chapter 4.
Win Or Lose. Chapter 5.
Oops. Chapter 6.
Closer. Chapter 7.
Seen. Chapter 8.
Pidge-Katie. Chapter 9.
Battle. Chapter 10.
Truth. Chapter 11.
Love. Chapter 12.

Emo. Chapter 3.

683 25 2
By MoonLightStroy



Pidge was walking to her room for her laptop since they were all dismissed for the day. Lance and hunk were heading to wherever since lance wanted to check out some girls but make it look less obvious and hunk was just gonna snack next to him. Since Pidge didnt really want to sit next to lance as he check out fellow females soldiers who walk pass and get seen as a perv like her friend she was gonna sit outside but first she needed her laptop. As she walked down a hall not knowing for sure if this would lead to her room and just hoped she went down the right hall since it was only her second day. She heard a voice and froze when she saw her brother matt dont another hall and before she knew it she ran behind the corner waiting for him to keep walking just in case he notice it was her, no one else guessed she was a girl but siblings always know when your hiding stuff. 

"we been given a day of this Thursday, you gonna go home" another soldier said with a smile as the stood down a different hallway from pidge. "nah just cause i got a day of wont mean my parents do, its a bother to go home and chill alone, i can just mess around in the labs here instead" matt smiled and pidge frowned a little, he wouldn't been alone she would have been home, she was always home when one of her family members could come home but they never did. But this time she wouldn't have been their waiting all day and night for them, now she was training to become a soldier and proud about it. As heard her brother voice fade away she started to walk forward again but bumped into another soldier and landed on her ass with a thud. "I'm sorry" pidge said with worry and quickly stood up. "are you lost kid" the male soldier she bumped into ask with a smile. "I'm not a kid, I'm a soldier in training" Pidge said with a frown, she hated height jokes the most. "its true look at her uniform" another soldier who he was walking with said with a smile. "oh man sorry didnt think they let kids joined up" the man laughed and pidge just sighed. "well i guess once they start letting jerks in then anyone can join" Pidge smirked and pushed pass them as she kept walking not looking back. 

She finally reached the room and grabbed her laptop before heading to the roof stairs. She did read the sign that said no entry but at lease she be alone and wouldn't have to put up with anyone. She sat against the wall and started up her laptop while she looked to the sky. She couldn't believe she was gonna become a soldier, she cant believe she finally ran away from her home. She cant believe she doesn't need to be a holt anymore, she can just be herself.   

She started typing and doing her only this smartness stuff. (Sorry i only did well in maths and English, science wasn't my thing). She noticed it been an hour and was gonna get up to go find her new friends since she never really said where she was going and thought they be done with checking out girls. "you type fast nerd" a voice sighed and pidge knew this voice, it always sang with her this morning and looked to find the person. "hey, who you calling nerd" pidge yelled back after realising what he said. "you and I'm up here" the voice said with a little joy and pidge looked up to find the black hair and red socks emo from breakfast smirking as he sat on top on the ceiling to the roof door. "well i might be a nerd but your an emo" Pidge smirked back as the boy jumped down. "emo" the boy said shocked but kinda smiled at her. "yep and a crazy one who crashed during the simulator" pidge grinned.

"oh yeah who was the first team to crash because of puke" the boy smiled and pidge laughed a little making him laugh. "well at lease we worked as a team, you went solo as you flew the ship wildly" Pidge smiled and held her laptop behind her. "well i dont work well with teams but you got to admit I'm a great flyer" the boy said proudly and smirked. "well you did have some cool moves and your flying was really good but your still emo" Pidge grinned and started walking being surprised the boy started to walk next to her. 

"so will i ever know emo name" Pidge asked with a bright smile, she wont tell him but she was having fun chatting with him a little. "Keith" the emo boy said looking away and Pidge giggled a little. "keith" she repeated with a smile making keith turn to her. "so what is the nerd name who sings during training" Keith asked with a grin. "pidge and you were singing with me" Pidge smiled and they kept walking down the hall. "ah so you noticed it was me" keith said embarrassed. "only until our meeting on the roof" pidge smiled. "i see well do you come to the roof often" keith asked with his hands in his pockets. "it was my first time but i might make it my little nest from now on" Pidge said with a grin making keith laugh a little. "good, it be nice to chat more, but i call dibs on napping on the door ceiling, its a good spot" keith said proudly and Pidge giggled with a nod.

"well keith this is my stop" pidge said with a smaller smile as they reached her shared room. "funny enough my stop is next door" keith said as he pointed to the room next to pidge, lance and hunk. "wow really" pidge said excited. "yep, i share it will one other soldier" keith said with a small smile. "ah i share mine with hunk and lance, but lucky for me i guess the single bed on the right" pidge said with a smile. "oh really, well listen out for knocks since i sleep on the bed on the left" Keith smirked and walked to his door. "nice singing with you emo" Pidge laughed and entered her room. 

"oh welcome back" hunk said with a smile as he and lance sat on the bottom bunk. "hey, what are you guys doing" pidge asked as she walked over to her bed and placed her laptop down. "just chatting since hunk tablet and my phone dead" lance said and pointing to the two objects charging under the bunk beds. 

Pidge knocked on the wall next to her bed, wondering if she would get anything back. To her surprise a small knock was heard back making her smile. "anything good happen" hunk asked with a grin after seeing Pidge smile. "what do you mean" Pidge said trying to act normal. "no way did you meet a hotie, did you get girls fall for you since your so small and cute" lance said excited he found chick bait. "nothing like that your perv" Pidge laughed and lance pouted. "no fun" lance sighed. "and you wonder why girls dont come running to you" hunk grinned and soon the three started laughing. 


"oh your back already" shiro said shocked as he entered his shared room with keith since they knew each other for a long time. "yeah i just got back" keith said sitting on his bed with his phone. "did something good happen, oh please tell me you didnt fight with anyone" shiro said with worry. "no i didn't fight with anyone" keith sighed but smiled when he thought about his and pidge nicknames. "oh what is this, the loner keith is smiling ... who the girl or guy" shiro asked with a smirk as he sat on his own bed. "what are you talking about, I'm a loner remember" keith said in a mood like his normal self but shiro saw the small smirk on his face. "ok i get it" shiro laughed and keith threw a pillow at him. 

An hour later keith heard another small knock on the wall making him smile a little and shiro notice this. Keith knocked back but tried to hide it from shiro who just pretend to read and his grin. "dinner" keith whispered as he noticed pidge knocking in code. "oh right its late now, want to grab dinner" shiro said with a smile and rolled his eyes since he guessed the person who was knocking was trying to invite keith but since keith didn't guess he felt like he need to help. "oh yeah sure" keith said as he lit up relisting what Pidge meant. "you know the food here is crap right" shiro said acting cool like he didnt know why keith was excited. "ah yeah i know" keith tried to act cool and pretend he didnt just light up. "good" shiro said with a huge grin that he hid by walking out the rood first. 

"shiro the hero" Pidge said surprised as she and her two friends walked out of their room meeting him. "Pidge" lance yelled with worry since she just did the joke with the guy in front of them and she quickly covered her mouth. "well its better then zero to hero" shiro smirked and crossed his arms and tried to figure out who was knocking in code with keith. "wow your a lot nicer and less scary then other leaders or important people" hunk said with a kind smile and shiro just smiled back. "well he is shiro the hero" Pidge said with a grin making them all smile and not noticed a certain emo standing behind shiro. "shiro the hero, that sounds really cool" shiro said with a smirk. "she tries, well more she cant help herself" Lance smirked. "your just as bad" hunk smiled and rolled his eyes. "dont start singing now, nerd" keith said making them all turn to him. "why, your scared you might sing along, emo" Pidge said with a grin and keith just smirked as he crossed his arms. "nerd and emo" shiro said with an eyebrow up and the two just shrug it of, now he knew who was coding with keith. "oh man not keith" Lance sighed like a child. "trust me I'm not to happy to meet your face again" keith sighed back. "now be nice, your all gonna be training together for a couple years" shiro smiled. "lets go get some food" hunk smiled trying to move on. "sounds good" pidge smiled and they all started walking. 


"I'm just saying the girls that smile at you as you walk pass is the best" lance said with a smirk. "i think the girls who smile at cooking is better" hunk said shyly back. "what are they doing" keith asked as they just watched them talk about what girls are better. "seeing what type of girl is best, its best not to get involve" pidge sighed. "well i think caring girls are best" shiro said shocking everyone else. "oh come on shiro, you could go for any girl and you just say caring" lance said with a frown. "well we not all pervs like you" keith said rolling his eyes. "but we all do have a type, his just everyone female alive" hunk smirked. "this is why your all die alone" pidge smirked. 

"oh yeah then what your type of girl or guy" lance asked with a smirk. "one that loves me" pidge said with a smirk and lance head dropped. "Pidge who knew you be the romantic type" hunk laughed making pidge stick her tongue out at them all. "i think my gotta be someone who catch's my eyes without knowing it" keith said with a grin. "then you will be dying alone my friend" Shiro smirked and everyone laughed. 

"so have you guys thought about you unit members yet" shiro asked with a smile as he knew most training soldiers would be trying to think who to join up with before the end of the week. "easy, its gonna be me, hunk and pidge, we all trust each other and can have a good laugh" lance said proudly and his two friends nodded with a smile. "we just need two more people who wanna join us then we become a new family of five" hunk said with a kind smile. "but we gonna need a leader we can trust and respect no matter what and someone else who we trust to cover our backs and who we can show our true self's with" pidge said with a embarrassed smile. "that' sounds nice" keith said with a caring smile and shiro just smiled at him. 

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