Mario and Luigi: Darkness In...

By Writer_Sky

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"Light and Dark are like two halves of the same coin. One can't exist without the other." Mario suddenly woke... More

Chapter 1: Real or Fake?
Chapter 2: Unheard Saying
Chapter 3: Power Within The Heart
Chapter 4: The Truth
Chapter 5: A Selfless Act
Chapter 6: Hurt
Chapter 8: Strength For Protection
Chapter 9: Freedom Or Control?
Chapter 10: Not Who You Think
Chapter 11: Promise
Chapter 12: For The Taking
Chapter 13: Close Calls
Chapter 14: Neverending Pain
Chapter 15: Shattered Memories
Chapter 16: Twilight
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Just A Start
Chapter 19: Right And Wrong
Chapter 20: Time Limits
Chapter 21: Saved By A Flame
Chapter 22: Serene Darkness
Chapter 23: Inner Demons
Chapter 24: Breaking A Promise
Chapter 25: Test Of Strength
Chapter 26: The Awakening
Chapter 27: Held Onto Pain
Chapter 28: Reason
Chapter 29: A Life's Choice
Chapter 30: When Hope Is Lost
Chapter 31: A Second Chance
Chapter 32: Light In Darkness
Chapter 33: No Matter What
Chapter 34: Don't Give Up
Chapter 35: A New Ending
^-^ Thank you ^-^
Remaster Published!

Chapter 7: Power or Personality?

868 32 3
By Writer_Sky

Luigi screamed in pain as he hit blasted through two trees and landed on the ground. He put his hand on his chest as Salem was floating above him.

"Pathetic. Lucian made the wrong choice for you to be his vessel." He said. "This was a good fight while it lasted."

"...Who said...I was done fighting?" Luigi pushed himself off the ground and yelled as he blasted multiple lightning bolts at him. Salem smirked as he vanished out of the way of each of them. He then appeared behind him as he slashed his blade at him, but Luigi quickly ducked as he swung his leg at his feet, causing him to trip and he punched him in the chest. Salem' eyes widened as he gasped for breath and he stumbled a few steps back.

He put his hand on his chest as he was catching his breath. Luigi's eyes widened realizing his weak spot: His chest. Salem managed to recover quickly and he growled for a moment, but it turned into a smirk.

"It looks to be that I underestimated you." He said. "You put up a strong fight, just like Lucian did."

"I'm not Lucian." Luigi said. "I am his vessel...but that doesn't mean that's gonna change who I am. He made his choice, so I'm gonna make mine. And I chose to accept it...and make sure no one gets hurt. This is my home, and I won't let you tear it apart!"

"Confident words from a cowardly person.." He muttered to himself. "...I wonder if that's what a heart truly gives."

"Huh?" Luigi had a confused look on his fsce as he let his guard down...and that was exactly what Salem needed. He snickered as he gripped his blades.

"Let's see if you're brave enough to handle this!" Salem disappeared as Luigi looked around for him. He sensed him behind him, but he gasped as he was moving straight at him at lightning speed. Luigi managed to dodge him the first five times...but he successfully hit him right in the chest multiple times, and he lost his balance as he fell to the ground.

He put his hand on his chest as he was breathing heavily. Salem then floated in front of him as he had one of his blades pointed at his neck.

"Tell me, Light: Do you fear death?" Luigi gulped nervously as he tried to scoot away from him, but he got cornered into a tree.

"Where is your brother now?" Salem taunted as Luigi clenched his hands into fists. "Face it, Luigi. The only way you can find your true to eliminate anything that stands in your way. What I am only for the greater good. If Lucian won't bother to find that outcome with me...then I will search for it myself."

"...Y-You won't get away with this." Luigi said, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. Salem growled as he pointed his blade closer to his neck.

"You know, Luigi, underneath that small bravado you are just a pathetic little boy with delusions of hope!" He said. "Family is what slows you down in life...I learned that the hard way."

"W-What?" Luigi became a little surprised hearing that. Salem only put his foot on Luigi's chest as he gasped for breath.

"Your brother won't be able to last long in the upcoming war." He said. "Your fates are intertwined. Your loyalty to each other shall break apart in a matter of time, where fear will be the only emotion you will ever feel."

"..." Luigi grit his teeth in anger as clenched his eyes shut.

"It would seem to be this is my cue."

Luigi gasped hearing the voice as he looked around. Salem, however, growled as he had an enraged look on his face.

"I knew you would help this coward!" Salem swung his blade behind him, but a ray of light hit him from the side as he screamed in pain as he fell to the ground. Luigi tried to stand up, but he only fell to his knees as they gave out on him. However, he saw a faint light aura surround him and he immediately felt better as if he could run all around the world. He jumped up to his feet and his eyes widened seeing a figure that looked exactly like him floating in front of him as his back was turned towards him, but he was shrouded in light as he had a cloak around his neck.

"If you wish to become victorious of the fight, you must learn the beauty that lies within it." He said to Luigi.

"Lucian.." Salem glared at him, but let out a dark chuckle as he smirked. "So, you finally decided to take form."

"I am not the one who has become impatient." Lucian pointed at him. "You on the other hand are giving Mario many risks to his life. I am not the one draining his lifeforce with every second that shall pass."

"W-What?!" Luigi got shocked hearing this. He had a glare on his face as he tried to charge at Salem, but Lucian put his arm out in front of him as he glanced back at him.

"Your brother needs your aid, Luigi." He said. "Go to him. I shall keep Salem at bay."

"B-But.." Luigi wanted to argue...but he just found that he couldn't, because he was right. Mario did need him. He needed to be there to make sure he wasn't hurt, and that he was still alive.

"O-Okay. T-Thanks, Lucian." Luigi nodded his head as he ran off to go back to where he placed his brother, leaving the two gods alone. Lucian had a glare on his face as Salem had an angry look.

"...It's been a long time since we have last seen each other." Salem said.

"It has been many centuries." Lucian said. "...We always stood side-by-side, Salem. What has happened to you to make you become so malcontented?"

"You know what happened to me the last time we fought." Salem said enraged. "You destroyed the Edge of Darkness!"

"Do you not realize what would happen if it still exists?" Lucian asked. "That very blade is strong enough to execute the world from existance. You have full information on how powerful it can become! It has changed you in the past, Salem! It drove you mad!"

"It was the source of my power!" Salem argued. "Just like your Scepter of Light, it made me invincible! Powerful! You took away the one weapon that made me human!"

"Even when you did have it, you were not human at all!" Lucian said. "You're lust for power has driven you mad!"

"..." Salem looked away for a moment before he faced him again. "...Their bond won't last, Lucian. This world needs to have leader. It needs someone to stand and lead it."

"...You are not worthy of that title, Salem." He said. "We may be the gods of what keeps this world at peace...but we cannot control destiny. Mario and Luigi share a very special connection towards one another. Mario is your vessel...but there is another lesson you must be taught."

"And that is...?" Lucian smiled determinedly as he put his hand on his chest. He felt very confident with the words that came out from his mouth. He knew this would be able to work one way or another.























"Light can shine bright within the past."

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