The Underestimated Sin (Seven...

By Fantasy_Dreamer63

617K 14.8K 10.7K

The sin of trickery was deemed the weakest since all it could do was illusions, so when the grandmaster died... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Howzer 2.0
Alternate Ending
Alternate Ending Part 2

Chapter 8

35.3K 945 283
By Fantasy_Dreamer63

You ran across the town saving whoever came across then you saw Diane using herself as a shield to save Zeal because of What Dreyfus did and you took this opportunity to switch sides not that you were on theirs anyway. You kicked Dreyfus in the back as he fell forward

"Why aren't you in our side?!" He demanded as you shrugged

"Whoever said I was on your side anyway? I just joined the Holy knights so I can get some information. That's all" You said as you took off the rubble off of Diane

"You traitor!" He said as he charged at You but Howzer blocked it for you

"I'm also switching sides" Howzer said as did Guila while you watched in the sidelines fighting cause why Not? But of course Guila almost died if it wasn't for the Goat sin

"Good job Gowther!" You cheered as he trapped Dreyfus in a nightmare but got stabbed in the process and he falls to the ground but you want to Zeal

"Are you okay Zeal?" You asked as he nodded having a few scratches here and there then you turned to Guila

"Guila, now that your on the other side I have to confess to you that your father was an guinea pig of Henderickson and I was ordered to see that he remained dead" You said confessing as Guila looked shocked but nodded

"Thank you for the information (Y/n). I know you wanted to have nothing to do with it but thank you for telling me" She said as Dreyfus manages to snap out of the nightmare and leaves with Gilthunder as you see Helbram

"Diane watch out!" You said a little too late as Diane was about to die until King came and stopped Helbram

"Show yourself. It's pretty hard to fight in that form" He said as that Helbram changed into King' s best friend

"King, take care of Diane I'll go help and help the others" You said as he looked at you

"I don't know since when I took orders from you but I'll let it slide just once. Now go" He did as I said and I did as he said. I ran helping all the children and adults that were stuck under the rubble but when I reached the orphanage they weren't there

"Maybe the others already evacuated the orphans" You thought to yourself as you found a note that was addressed to you


The nice man we told you about before came to the orphanage and played with us! He even gave us sweets! He told us that we'll be going to the city for the first time! We're all really excited! Hope that we can see you there and maybe you and the nice man can get along and I don't know.. *Cough* *Cough* fall in love? Well I gotta go before you kill us. Bye!

-The orphans (Mostly Angel wrote this though since we don't know how
to write TvT)

You read the letter and thought where they could have got the falling in love part but there were more important things at the moment like where they are and are they safe and something about this 'nice man' just didn't sit right with you. You could call it a gut feeling

"Something feels so wrong with this. I need to find them" You said running all over the town and shout in their names like a mad woman but still nothing

"I need to check on the others" You ran back to see Diane wrestling a demon that had Jericho in the middle while Guila was on the floor and King was fighting Helbram again because he risen from the dead

"Guila! Guila! Are you alright?" To asked as you went near hear

"Do not worry she will be fine. Leave her to me" Gowther said as you nodded and you turned to find that Jericho was no longer there

"Diane! Where's Jericho?" You asked her as she pointed in the direction

"Ride on my shoulder. I'll take you there" She said as you got on her shoulder and saw her almost killing her brother. You sliced the demon hand off

"Jericho! Stop this!" You could see the fear I hear eyes from almost killing her brother

"(Y/n)! Please kill me!" She begged you while the demon was doing who knows what

"D-don't tell us to do that" Diane said as she looked at Jericho sadly

"If you can't then step aside" Ban said as you stepped aside knowing what he was about to do

"But..." Diane seemed hesitant but Ban did it anyway and took out the demon plant thing as Jericho was now free and falling luckily you caught her

"Are you okay Jericho?" You asked as she nodded slightly and you put a piece of cloth around her because she has no clothes on then you put he on her feet

"Ban! Help me get rid of these demonic plants!" You said as he nodded

"I'll help too" King said as he finished off Helbram

"Alright. Diane, make sure the others are safe" You said as she nodded and you took out all of the demonic plants from the Holy knights and regrouped with the others that were facing Henderickson

Then they went into a hole that Ban had made and You wanted to follow them but your role as a sin would be revealed so you had to hold back

"Are the sins really on our side?" A knight asked Gilthunder as you stood next to them

"Didn't they just save us?" Gilthunder asked as they nodded

"Yeah, it was Ban, (Y/n), and that child" The knight responded

"That child was King" You said as the knights looked shocked but who could blame them?


Somehow Hendrickson survived that 0.00001% chance but he was barely hanging and everyone thought that was the end of him so the sins just watched him but NO! He had to be an ass and he brought out the orphans that went with that 'nice man' as your eyes widened but only you did since you were the only one that ever visited them

"Hendrickson you ass!"

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