The Kuran Twins (Vampire Knig...

By Tsukino_Kimiko

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There was a legend foretold on a particular family of Pureblooded vampires. Said family was the descendant of... More

Chapter 1: How it all began I
Chapter 2: How it all began II
Chapter 3: Who are you?
Chapter 4: Departure to Cross Academy
Chapter 5: Arrival
Chapter 6: Disciplinary Committee
Chapter 7: First day I
Chapter 8: First day II
Chapter 9: Hello Night Class and Curry?
Chapter 10: Mission
Chapter 11: Back Again, To Where It All Began
Chapter 12: Rido Kuran
Chapter 13: Back
Chapter 14: Sleepless
Chapter 15: Grocery Trouble
Chapter 16: Grocery Trouble II
Chapter 17: Wild Heart
Chapter 18: Moon Party
Chapter 19: Birthday Party?
Takuma's Gift: Special Chapter
Chapter 20: Damn Cake!
Chapter 21: Don't You Dare Hurt Him!
Chapter 22: His Saviour
Chapter 23: Jealousy I
Author's Note
Halloween Special: Let's Go To The Queen's Castle!
Chapter 24: Jealousy II
Chapter 25: Wrong Room?
Chapter 26: Decision
Chapter 27: Back
Chapter 28: Untitled
Chapter 29: Ichijo Asato
Chapter 31: Shall We?
Chapter 32: A Flash of Memories

Chapter 30: Zero's First Mission

3.1K 102 15
By Tsukino_Kimiko

A day has passed after the memorable confrontation with Ichijo Asato.

And as Kimiko had expected, Zero received the order from the Hunters' Association.

Kimiko and Kaien weren't pleased, but they don't have the power to oppose the Association...yet.

Because Zero came from a family of renowned vampire hunters, as the last Kiryū, he's responsible for continuing their family lineage.

Zero see it as an obligation and his duty, but Kimiko see it as a collar set by the Association to keep him at bay.

They are wary of him.

Funny thing is, the President of the Hunters' Association is a vampire too—not that anyone from the Hunters' Association knew.

What a hypocrite.

Kaien had excused Zero from class. When he left, Kimiko followed from the shadows.

It was one of her original mission after all.

To look after Kiryū Zero and kill him if he showed any sign of changing into a Level E.

Unknown by the association, Kimiko choose to disobey the half part.

"Yare, yare. I wish both the Hunters' Association and the Senate would just leave my students alone." Kaien stood by the window, his glasses removed. His solemn expression reflect on the window.

"I sincerely hope that there are no more mishaps."

Thick fog surrounds the Sun Dorm. Yuki climbed down the stairs, caring heavy thoughts of her encounter with Zero at the bathroom last night.

Yuki felt worried about Zero's predicament so she volunteered to be his blood bank. He has been a dear friend of hers and she wouldn't want anything horrible happening to him.

She was also very thankful of Kimiko. If it weren't for her, Kaname wouldn't agree letting Zero stay within the Day Class.

These past few days, she would notice Kaname's changes every time he sees Kimiko. She admits that she can be an airhead at times but, she would notice that the man she had admire for long...has his affections for someone else.

Yuki longed for the day Kaname would look at her as a woman. But when Kimiko came, she gave up.

Yes, she willingly stepped back.

Because you cannot force love.

Kaname would not love her even if Kimiko did not appear here at the Academy.

Why waste time believing that her one-sided affection would one day be reciprocated?

It's not worth fighting for...

Yuki was already content with the sisterly affection he was giving her.


Yuki's thoughts were interrupted by a door being opened. She peered closer to the window and saw Zero going outside wearing his trench coat.


Yuki secretly followed him to the town.

"For him to skip classes...Where is he heading?" She thought, peeking from the wall.

As Yuki pursued Zero, she failed to note another shadow, now following the two of them.

"*sigh* and just when I thought my job was getting easier." Kimiko sighed from the roofs.

Arriving at the standard vampire lair, Kimiko thought that they can't be anymore obvious.

Like really, an abandoned building?


At least those she hunted before hid underground in a candy store.

It was, by no means, abandoned.

Then again, she really can't blame those guys. Their intelligence were leaving them slowly, turning them into mindless, bloodthirsty vampires.

Again, when Kimiko thought that her job can't get anymore easier, a car parked by the gates of the abandoned building.

Senri and Rima stepped out.

Vampires going out with the sun high up in the sky?

Kimiko then remembered that these two were models. They should be going back to the Academy by now.

Why are they here?

"Why do we have to dispose of an ex-human vampire this early in the morning?" Senri asked his female companion in a lethargic tone as she held the umbrella for both of them.

"Because the Senate issued us a warning: Don't let the Association beat you to it." Rima stoically cited.

She then faced Senri and added, "The Dorm Vice-President also seems to have been given strict orders by his grandfather."

"Eh. So it's a competition?" Senri summarized. it was the Senate again.

Well that answers everyone's question.

They want a competition on who's going to hunt the Level E first?

She will not let them.

Kimiko entered the building through the window, cloaking her presence. It looks like Yuki also encountered those two, based on the voices.

This should give her time to find Zero and the Level E before any of them comes.

Sensing two strong presence and a faint one, Kimiko found Zero and the Level E with an unconscious girl in his arms.

The vampire asked why Zero hesitates in killing him and the two fell into a small conversation.

"Being sympathetic will only prolong the mission, Zero. A quick kill is best for both parties. One will be released from torment while the other finishes their job. You also can't forget about the victim."

The Level E suddenly swung his sharp nails toward Zero, distracting him in an attempt to escape, bringing along his victim.

Zero fired Bloody Rose, only to shoot the door where the Level E left.


With a hand covering his face, Zero chuckled half-heartedly. Kimiko watched how his eyes glinted darkly in the shadows.

"I don't understand...why are vampires like this?" He coldly muttered to himself. "Each and every one of them, they don't deserve any sympathy."

"I will end this once and for all." He said with determination.

"You finally realize it, Zero. It seems I no longer need to worry." Kimiko slightly smiled.

When Zero traced the vampire's tracks, he saw Yuki on the ground being cornered.

Without a moment of hesitation, he shot the vampire on his shoulder.

"Get your filthy hands off her." He calmly said as he reloads Bloody Rose.

He placed his foot ruthlessly on the vampire's chest and said, "This ridiculous chase ends now."

The vampire became angry at first but suddenly,

"This is the end for me, huh. I guess...I finally get to stop killing people." His expression softened, relieved that he'll finally be set free.

Zero did not prolong his suffering and end the vampire's life in one shot.

"May you rest in peace." Both Kimiko and Zero thought.


Published: July 20, 2019

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