Runaway (A Zayn Malik fanfict...

By exquisites

5.7M 198K 91K

"You are the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me, you bastard. I need you but I can't have you... More

Chapter 1 ♡
Chapter 2 ♡
Chapter 3 ♡
Chapter 4 ♡
Chapter 5 ♡
Chapter 6 ♡
Chapter 7 ♡
Chapter 8 ♡
Chapter 9 ♡
Chapter 10 ♡
Chapter 11 ♡
Chapter 12 ♡
Chapter 13 ♡
Chapter 14 ♡
Chapter 15 ♡
Chapter 16 ♡
Chapter 17 ♡
Chapter 18 ♡
Chapter 19 ♡
Chapter 20 ♡
Chapter 21 ♡
Chapter 22 ♡
Chapter 23 ♡
Chapter 24 ♡
Chapter 25 ♡
Chapter 26 ♡
Chapter 27 ♡
Chapter 28 ♡
Chapter 29 ♡
Chapter 30 ♡
Chapter 31 ♡
Chapter 32 ♡
Chapter 33 ♡
Chapter 34 ♡
Chapter 35 ♡
Chapter 36 ♡
Chapter 37 ♡
Chapter 38 ♡
Chapter 39 ♡
Chapter 40 ♡
Chapter 41 ♡
Chapter 42 ♡
Chapter 43 ♡
Chapter 44 ♡
Chapter 45 ♡
Chapter 46 ♡
Chapter 47 ♡
Chapter 48 ♡
Chapter 49 ♡
Chapter 50 ♡
Chapter 51 ♡
Chapter 52 ♡
Chapter 53 ♡
Chapter 54 ♡
Chapter 55 ♡
Chapter 56 ♡
Chapter 57 ♡
Chapter 58 ♡
Chapter 59 ♡
Chapter 60 ♡
Chapter 61 ♡
Chapter 62 ♡
Chapter 63 ♡
Chapter 64 ♡
Chapter 65 ♡
Chapter 66 ♡
Chapter 67 ♡
Chapter 68 ♡
Chapter 69 ♡
Chapter 70 ♡
Chapter 71 ♡
Chapter 72 ♡
Chapter 73 ♡
Chapter 74 ♡
Chapter 75 ♡
Chapter 76 ♡
Chapter 77 ♡
Chapter 78 ♡
Chapter 79 ♡
Chapter 80 ♡
Chapter 81 ♡
Chapter 82 ♡
Chapter 83 ♡
Chapter 84 ♡
Chapter 85 ♡
Chapter 86 ♡
Chapter 87 ♡
Chapter 88 ♡
Chapter 89 ♡
Chapter 90 ♡
Chapter 91 ♡
Chapter 93 ♡
Chapter 94 ♡
Chapter 95 ♡
Chapter 96 ♡
Chapter 97 ♡
Chapter 98 ♡
Chapter 99 ♡
Chapter 100 ♡
Author's Note

Chapter 92 ♡

57.3K 1.4K 1.3K
By exquisites

Be careful, a lot of POV changes in this chapter. But I made it especially long for you guys. 💖


Chapter 92:

(Kat's POV)

The sound of loud and painfully annoying ringing was set off next to my ear. My stomach churned and my head skinned with so many different thoughts that were completely random. I groaned and covered my face with my hands.

The worst part of my day; waking up.

I slammed the alarm next to me, forcing it to shut up. I knew Zayn never woke up to the sound of the alarm, always giving me the responsibility to wake up first. The undeniable perks of having two deep sleepers in the house, one of which is you.

I took my hand off my face, turning to my side, prepared to see the wonderful sight of Zayn asleep next to me, getting ready to ask me for five more minutes. But I was surprised not to see him besides me, instead there was a note on his pillow.

I rubbed my eyes then croaked out quietly, "Zayn?" There was no response, and I was shocked. Where could he have went?

"Zayn?" I called again, sitting up and stretching my arms. I sighed, then turned and picked up the note that was in his place. I blinked a couple of times, letting my eyes adjust to the light before reading it.

It was a white note with a golden outline, Zayn's messy but legible handwriting inside. I looked around to see if I could spot him playing a joke on me or something, but found nothing. I took a deep breath and read the note:

Good morning baby, I hope you had a good night's sleep. Sorry I'm not beside you to hear your voice and wake you with kisses, but it's time to go freshen up. I love you.

- Z. xx

I wasn'tquite sure what Zayn was doing, but I guess I was in no place to question, seeing as he was no where to be seen. I yawned quietly and stood up out of bed, my whole body being hit by that refreshing yet deadly morning breeze.

I ran a hand through my tangled and messy hair, my bare legs growing goosebumps. As I walked to the restroom, I realized that I hadn't woken up alone in a long time. Well, without him at least in the house. Sleeping on the couch counts as waking up with him.

It was something I definitely did not want to get used to.

I walked inside the bathroom and felt chills run down my spine as my bare feet touched the tile. I felt extremely cold without Zayn for some strange reason. I quickly hopped on the carpet and looked in front of me on the bathroom counter, and smiled.

Zayn had set out a flowery sundress, all my makeup, matching accessories, and some shoes out for me. What a cutie.

There was a note resting on top of the dress and I didn't think twice before picking it up and reading it to myself.

Although you'd look beautiful in anything you wear, I picked out a couple of things for you so it doesn't take hours for you to get ready. I already checked the weather and decided that it's time you finally wear that sundress that you promised me. When you're done, feed Tigger, I bet he's hungry. Don't take too long, I'm waiting for you.

- Z. xx

I put the card besides me, along with the other card I had received from him earlier. I didn't know what game Zayn was playing, but I didn't mind playing along.

I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face, not being able to control the extending grin covering my face. I saw the flowery, yellow sundress and imagined Zayn picking it out earlier in the morning, probably not knowing how to dress a girl. But I stripped off my clothes and slipped on the dress quickly, wanting to reach Zayn as fast as I could.

After doing the rest of my dressing up to the best to my ability, I took a sigh of relief. I finished doing my hair, makeup, outfit, and everything else in a total of twenty minutes; that had to be some type of world record.

I slipped on my tan heels, smiling as I did so. The didn't match completely with my dress, and I know I had a pair that did, but I didn't want to switch them out with anything else. Zayn picked it out for me. He is so cute with his awkward matching skills.

I grabbed the two notes and walked as fast as I could in the shoes to the kitchen to feed Tigger. He circled my feet and purred as soon as he saw me walking to the pantry. I searched around and looked for Fancy Feast, Tigger's favorite. Once I found a can, I smiled after seeing a note resting on top of it.

I picked up the note and the can of food and fed tigger first before opening the note. After he started to eat, I threw the can away and opened the note. It read;

I think you get the point of what game I'm playing here, but if you're still confused on why I'm doing this, you'll find out soon. Go to the doorman and he'll give you the next clue. Oh, and I bet you look beautiful baby.

- Z. xx

I grabbed my purse and stuck my three notes in there. I walked outside of the flat, locking the door before walking to the elevator. I was glad I was the only one inside because I was jumping with joy of what Zayn might have in store for me.

Once the elevator opened, I ran outside and towards the doorman.

"Hi Lenny," I said to him, making him turn around.

Lenny was an old man who was probably the sweetest man you'd ever meet. Once he saw me, he smiled and took off his hat, "why hello Ms. Katrina. You look lovely."

"Thank you," I grinned. "Um... Did Zayn happen to give you a note or something?" I asked, impatient for some strange reason even though I knew Zayn would probably stay wherever he was until I found him.

He looked at me for a second before saying, "oh, yes, indeed he did." He reached into his coat pocket and took out a golden slip, handing it over to me.

I opened the slip, reading it;

Say thanks to Lenny for me, he's a nice guy. You might have guessed that I cancelled work for us today, but you still might not know why. If you want to find out, go to where you would buy your favorite roses. Love you sweetheart.

- Z. xx

I stuffed the note in my purse and smiled at Lenny. "Thank you."

He opened the door for me and nodded his head, "no worries."

I walked outside and tried to find a flower shop or a flower stand. I walked down the crowded city road and tried to guess why he was doing this. It was the 28th of March, nothing special was happening today besides Carlee's birthday. Maybe I missed something?

I scanned the roads and found a stand of flowers and walked on over to it. I reached it, and smiled at the man who was behind the counter, helping a women pick out some daisies. I waited patiently before the old man turned around and saw me, his wrinkles stretching as the smile on his face widened.

"You must be Ms. Katrina Desire," he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yes, I am. How'd you know?"

He bent down and took out a bouquet of white roses, my favorite flowers. He handed it over to me and said, "the young man who was here earlier instructed me to give you this."

I took it from him and grinned, noticing the note hidden in between the roses.

"He told me that I would see a beautiful dark haired women at my stand at this time who looked hopelessly in love," he smiled, "and you, my dear, are far in love."

My heart melted. Another women came to the stand, and the man was soon distracted. But I still said, "thank you."

He turned to me, "don't thank me, thank him when you see him."

My cheeks heated up and he turned away, back to his job. I looked down at my bouquet of roses and took out the note, my heart racing in joy. It read;

I hope you like the roses, they're your favorite. I don't mean to tire you but you'll have to walk to the nearest chocolate shop. Don't eat them just yet, unfortunately chocolate is not for breakfast.

- Z. xx

I smiled, then put the note back in my purse. I walked around, eager to find the nearest chocolate shop. But more importantly, eager to find Zayn. Wherever he is.

I finally found 'Ghirardelli', the closest chocolate shop to me that I sincerely hoped was the correct one. I walked inside, smelling a sweetening scent that just makes you ten times happier than you already are, if that's even possible.I walked to a blonde lady standing behind the counter.

"Welcome to Ghirardelli, what can I help you with?"

"Um, my boyfriend, Zayn, told me that-"

"Oh! You're Katrina, correct?" She asked, eyes beaming.

I was surprised on how all these people knew me with just knowing of Zayn. I smiled, then nodded.

She leaned down behind the counter and handed me a heart shaped box of chocolates. I gratefully took it, more impatient about my next clue than the actual chocolates.

"You're a lucky girl," she said, "only some of us find really good ones to hold on to."

"Thank you," I said to her, "don't get your hopes down, you'll find one too."

She grinned, super happy that I told her that. I was glad that I was able to make someone besides myself happy today. It just seemed like a fantastic day.

I turned away from the counter and walked towards the door, opening the box. Like I expected, there was a note inside. My heart fluttered as I took it out and opened it. It said;

You're good at this, and thankfully, this is the last clue. If you haven't figured out why I'm doing this, then you'll find out soon. There's a taxi waiting outside the chocolate shop and all you have to do is sit inside and say your name, the rest is for you to figure out. Good luck darling, I'm waiting.

- Z. xx

I walked outside of the chocolate shop and saw a taxi parked next to the meter. I felt my mouth ache from smiling so much as I walked towards it and bent down in front of the open window.

"Excuse me?" I asked the man who was on his phone. He looked up at me, then sat up straight.

"Sorry, I'm waiting for-"

"Katrina Desire," I interrupted, "Kat. Right?"

He nodded, "hop in."

I opened the back door and sat inside, feeling like Cinderella in her pumpkin carriage even though the taxi smelt like smoke. But I didn't mind, I was so close to finally seeing Zayn.

As the taxi drive pulled out of the driveway and started driving, I came up with a million different scenarios in to why Zayn was doing this. It was about ten minutes into the car ride when I realized why Zayn might be doing all of this.

It was Carlee's birthday today, and last year on this day, I met Zayn for the first time. The day that changed both of our lives.

"Where are we going?" I asked the driver, which was quite weird because I wasn't the one who was supposed to be asking that question.

He looked at me briefly through the mirror. "Apologies, Madam, but Mr. Malik instructed me not to tell you."

I sighed, but was practically bouncing in my seat with enjoyment. I didn't understand when Zayn had time to set this up, but at this point, all I wanted was to see Zayn.

The driver finally pulled up in front of a restaurant called Sunrise, one of the best breakfast places in Cambridge. My heart fluttered and I wanted nothing more than to escape the taxi, and once I did, I turned around and looked at the driver.

"How much do I owe you?"

"Already covered," he smiled, "don't worry about it."

I smiled back at him as he started his car. I turned around and stood across the street from the restaurant and bit my lip, overly excited. My heart started racing when I spotted Zayn sitting in a chair, looking down at his phone to probably check what time it was for the hundredth time. He was sitting on a table outside of the shop, preferring to eat outside because of the weather perhaps.

Zayn looked up and scanned around once again. I noticed him look past me then immediately look back and grin, standing up off of his seat. I smiled, checking both sides of the street before practically skipping across the street and towards the restaurant.

I walked to Zayn and he walked to me. We met in the middle and his face lit up. Without saying a single word, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me against him. I gladly wrapped my arms around his neck, laughing as he lifted me off my feet and squeezed me tight. I laughed and dug my face into his neck, feeling relieved that I had found him.

"You took long enough," he joked, setting me down.

I looked up at him and grinned. "You know how long it takes for me to get ready."

He laughed, a laugh that reached his eyes as they crinkled slightly in joy. His whole face lit up, his smile getting the best of me. Lord, he was so perfect.

"You look beautiful as always," he commented, looking down at me.

I leaned up and kissed him softly, his lips feeling so great against mine.

"Thank you," I whispered once we pulled away. "For all of this."

He took my hand and blushed, "oh this, pshht, It's nothing." He looked down at my hand and smiled.

"Zayn," I whispered, "I know why you did this."

He raised his eyebrows, "do you?"

I nodded, rising on my feet to reach his height. I pressed my forhead to his and smiled. He inhaled my scent, looking into my eyes.

"It's been one year," I spoke quietly.

"And the best year of my life," he sighed in bliss. "How'd you find out?"

"It took me a while," I admitted, "but I figured it out on the way here."

He looked at me, biting his lip. He leaned down again, kissing me once more, gently. I'm pretty sure that if we were in public, he wouldn't be kissing me so gently. But I guess that's saved for later.

Once we pulled away, he took my hand and guided me to the table which was already set with food. At this point, I didn't even have to order for myself anymore, Zayn knew what I wanted, even if we've never been to this restaurant. I sat down on the round table and he sat down across from me.

"I can't imagine how much all of this cost," I said, picking up my fork.

He shrugged, "just one of the many things that Grace's dad owns. So she hooked me up."

"Grace helped you with this?"

He smiled, "well I needed a female's help and I couldn't ask you, otherwise that would ruin the surprise."

"Well this is wonderful," I placed my hand on his.

He interlocked his fingers with mine. "This is just the beginning, we have so much more planned for today."

"Do we?" I asked him.

He nodded, "but it's all a surprise. So I'm not telling you anything."

I groaned, "I hate it when you do this. You know how impatient I am."

He shrugged, "well you know how much I love surprises."

I rolled my eyes lovingly but picked up my fork and started eating. Zayn started eating and said, "you know how long I'd been waiting here?"

"How long?" I asked him.

"So long that the waiter gave me a ten minute warning," he chuckled. "Good thing you came at minute nine."

"What? I thought I set a world record because of how fast I got ready," I told him.

"How long did it take you?"

"Twenty minutes," I replied.

"Oh come on," he smiled. "Even after I set out everything for you?"

"Zayn," I whined, "try being a girl for a day. It's not as easy as everyone makes it out to be."

He smirked, "well try being a super great boyfriend who has to plan the day for his very late girlfriend."

I shook my head, "that would be easy considering the fact that I wasn't late."

"Twenty minutes baby," he smirked, "twenty minutes late."

"Okay okay," I surrendered, "you win. I was late and I am a bad girlfriend."

He chuckled, "now I didn't say that. You know you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. Right?"

I smiled, "I know. I am pretty amazing."

He smiled and shook his head, taking a bite of his food and staring at me as if he was falling in love with me all over again.

"I'm just kidding," I said to him, "you're also the best thing that's ever happened to me. And this has been the best one year of my life."

"I agree," he took a bite of his omelet, "and that's why I've made sure that you have the best day ever."

"Just give me a hint," I asked him, "please."

"Keep dreaming babe," he winked at me. "You'll find out when it happens."

I huffed but took a bite my very delicious breakfast, wondering what Zayn could have planned for me today.

The rest of breakfast went by very quickly, and the excitement was killing me. The day was great so far and I had no idea what was next. Zayn showed no hint of what was going to happen. I didn't ask again, for I knew he wouldn't reveal a thing.

When we were finished with breakfast, we left the restaurant and walked to the car. He opened the passenger door for me and smiled, "milady."

I sloppily curtsied and sat inside, unable to hide the huge grin on my face. Zayn shut my door and walked to the driver's seat, sitting inside and starting the car.

"So how was breakfast, my love?" He asked, pulling out of the driveway.

"It was perfect," I leaned to him and kissed him on the cheek. "I was not expecting this at all today."

"Well I guess that's what the good part of the surprise is," he winked.

I smiled, hitting the radio station to turn it on. I changed the station and found a radio station that was playing Be My Forever by Christina Perri and I started singing along.

I had listened to this song so much when I was near Zayn that he knew the lyrics to the song as well. If I ever caught him on a good mood, he'd end up singing Ed Sheeran's parts too.

"You're my bright blue sky," Zayn sung over Ed. He was obviously in a good mood today.

"You're the sun in my eyes!" I sung. Not very great, I might add.

Zayn chuckled but I continued singing, nowhere near as good as he was. He didn't mind though. Even my most horrible voice didn't bother him.

As my favorite part came, I turned to Zayn, "will you love me forever?" I sung.

"I'll love you forever," he sung back, his voice undeniably perfect.

"Be my forever!" We both sang together. He chuckled as the song ended, reaching over and taking my hand before kissing it sweetly.

"Be my forever," he whispered, even after the song ended, thinking I didn't hear it. But I did, and I couldn't think of anything better than being Zayn's forever.


(Zayn's POV)

"The mall?" Kat asked as I parked the car.

I nodded, "the mall."

We both got out of the car and walked to me. I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed the side of her head instinctively.

"Why are we here?" She asked.

"To get you a dress," I replied, "and you can't ask why."

"Zayn, I already have dresses at home," she said to me. "I don't want us to spend too much money."

We walked inside the mall and she took my hand, probably out of instinct also.

"Baby, it's nothing. Besides, we can return it right after you wear it and it won't cost us anything."

She looked up at me, "Zayn-"

"No excuses," I warned her. "I don't think I have ever heard a girl complain about shopping before."

She rolled her eyes but giggled, "well I'm just saying that because it's almost the end of the month and we need to pay the rent. That is all."

"Don't worry about anything like that today darling," I reassured her. "Today's about us."

She looked up at me, "you sure?"

I kissed her nose, "positive."

She smiled, "well in that case, you're going to have to tell me where I'm going so that I know what type of dress to get."

"Nice try love," I said to her, "but you're not getting a word out of me."

"Then what am I supposed to look for?" She asked.

"Think glamorous. As if you were Cinderella and you needed to go to the royal ball or something."

Her eyes widened, "are you serious?"

I nodded, tugging on her arm. "Let's go pick a dress."

She grinned and pulled me towards LOFT, trying to find a dress from there. We walked to the back of the store, finding a whole secret section full of fancy dresses. I don't know how girls can manage to wear all this fancy stuff unless they really needed to, but I'm not saying a word.

"Oh!" She squealed, running towards a gold and black poofy one.

I shrugged, "find one more glamorous."

She raised her eyebrows, but continued looking. We looked around for a while before she said, "can you please tell me where we're going?"

I smirked, leaning against the counter. "No way. Just find something sparkly and very pretty. Like everyone's eyes will be on you."

She sighed, then turned around to the rack of dresses to try to find some more. I offered to help, but she said that I only confused her more.

"Go to the men's section and find yourself a tie or something," she said to me. "Let me shop in peace."

I chuckled, "okay Kat, I will leave. Just yell my name if something is needed."


I stuck my hands in my pockets, taking a breath. I walked away from the dresses and was walking to the men's section when I was distracted by a watch that was in the jewelry section. I turned and walked towards it, not meaning to, but getting distracted. It was a golden Rolex and I really wanted it, until I turned over and saw the price.

After I was done with the watch, I was distracted by something else, but it wasn't for me. Multiples of rings were lined up, and I didn't even think about the price. The only thing I thought of at the moment was how one of them would look on Kat's finger.

"Are you interested?" The man behind the counter asked me after he caught me staring.

I looked up at him and shook my head, "not right now, but one day."

If I said that I hadn't ever thought about proposing to Kat, I'd be lying. But rings are so expensive and I didn't want to get her a cheap one that held no value. When I proposed to Kat- because believe me, I will one day- it will be perfect. The weight off of our shoulders will be lifted. We'll be free. Everything will be perfect.

"Hey Zayn, I think I found a dress," Kat said, walking up to me. She realized what section I was in and stood beside me, looking down at the rings.

"They're all so pretty," she told me, her expression reading what a kids on a Christmas morning would.

"I know," the man behind the counter said. Pretty creepy, considering the fact that she wasn't talking to him. At least, I don't think she was.

"Oh my God," she whispered, "that one is gorgeous."

She was pointing at a pure diamond ring. The front was made into the shape of a heart, the band was doubled. It was gorgeous, and I knew it would look so beautiful on her finger.

"Can she try it on please?" I asked the man, eager to see it on her finger.

The man smiled at me, knowing that I was weakening by the second. He reached into the glass and took the ring out carefully. Kat grinned as the man handed it to her. She slipped it on her finger eagerly and smiled.

I caught my breath, wanting nothing more than to slip that on her finger myself. She stared at it with so much adore in her eyes, and I wanted her to feel that way all the time.

"How much is it?" She asked the man.

"3,500," he replied.

She sighed, quickly taking it off her finger. She handed it back to the man and said, "thank you. It's lovely."

He nodded, looking disappointed himself that we couldn't have got it. He slipped it back inside the case and smiled at us. "You guys have a great day."

We both nodded at him and Kat turned away, but I couldn't. I needed to make that money to buy the ring for her. If she wanted it, I would get it for her. No matter what the cost.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the rings. "Help me find a dress."

I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to her. "I thought you said you had found one?"

She shrugged, "yeah, well I change my mind. I'm not feeling it anymore."

My stomach sank when I realized that she probably changed her mind because she was reminded about how little money we actually did have. Her eyes told me everything, but she didn't say a word.

"I don't like this store. Let's go to Dillard's," she pulled me out of the store, knowing that nothing in here was in between our price range. I knew that she thought I didn't understand, but I knew everything, I just decided not to say anything.

We searched for a dress for hours and hours. Mostly, we ended up arguing about why I wasn't telling her where we were going instead of actually finding a dress. She kept dragging my to the clearance section, and I always took her to the expensive stores. We both knew what was going on, but neither of us decided to start anything.

"I quit," she finally said after we miserably failed at searching for hours and hours.

I smiled, pulling her close to me and kissing her forehead. "It's about time."

"Now what am I going to wear to wherever we end up going?" She asked me.

"Don't worry," I smiled at her, "trust me, I know that you'll look beautiful in whatever you wear."


(Kat's POV)

We gave our car to the valet after we pulled up in front of Grace's house. Even though Zayn didn't say a word to me about what we were doing, I guessed that there was a party at Grace's house.

"You could've told me we were coming to Grace's house," I said to him as we walked inside.

"Trust me, this isn't it."

I furrowed my eyebrows and saw Grace right as we walked in. She ran to us, giving us both a hug.

"Thank God you guys are here," she said. "We can't exactly have a party without the guests of honor."

"Guests of honor?" I asked her, confused. Then I turned to Zayn, who winked at me.

"Yes. I am throwing a party for you two. Did you find a dress at the mall?" She asked in a hurry.

"No," I replied. They were all way to expensive, but I never said that to Zayn.

"That's fine, I have tons in my closet. Let's go get you ready. Come on Zayn, you too." Grace took my hand and guided me upstairs, and I had no doubt that Zayn was following close behind me.

"What's happening?" I asked as we ran upstairs.

"No questions," Grace said. "You'll find out soon."

She opened the door to her room once we got upstairs, leading me inside. I turned to look at Zayn who was smiling at me, and I knew he wouldn't say a word to me until whatever we were doing, started.

"Since I gave you the option to pick a dress and you didn't," Grace said, walking to her closet, "I'm going to pick one out for you."

"Okay." I said, she probably knew better than me anyways.

She ran into her closet and rummaged through it, trying to find a perfect dress for whatever we were doing.

"Oh, Zayn, your suit is on the chair next to my dresser," Grace called over her shoulder.

Zayn nodded, walking past me and to the chair, picking up his suit. I've seen it before, and I realized that Zayn must've handed it to Grace some time during planning.

"Aha!" She said, taking a dress off the rack. "I found one."

She handed me a red dress, jewels on the top and poofy as it reached my waist. It came all the way to the floor, and all I could do was stare at it.

"It's beautiful," I said to her. "But don't you think it's a little too fancy for whatever we're doing?"

"Trust me," she said to me, sitting me on the seat in front of her dresser. "The people who show up at parties I throw always go out of their comfort zone. You should too once in a while."

I looked at her as she took the dress from my hand and set it on the bed. "Zayn, go get ready. My brother's room is next door and he isn't here so change in there. He also has a tie drawer under his mirror so find a matching red one to go with Kat's dress."

"Okay," Zayn agreed, walking out of the room.

"Grace, what is all this?" I asked her.

"Olga!" Grace yelled, ignoring my question.

A few moments later, a short and chubby Russian woman ran inside the room in her maid uniform. "Yes Ms. Grace?" She asked in her Russian accent.

"Meet my friend, Kat," Grace said to her, "and Kat, meet Olga, my maid."

"Pleasure to meet you Ms. Kat," she smiled.

"You too," I said, trying not to be surprised that Grace had a maid. I was still trying to get a grip on the whole works-at-a-library-but-is-a-millionaire sort of thing.

"Okay, Olga," Grace clapped her hands together, "makeup time!"

Olga smiled and pulled up a chair for Grace. Both of us were sitting down as Olga said, "I go to get party makeup, be right back."

Grace nodded, then turned to me. "My dress is pink, you think I should wear light makeup or dark?"

"Grace," I said seriously, "what is going on? I need to know. Zayn hasn't said a word all day."

"It's a surprise darling," she winked, "I'm not one to spoil."

Olga ran inside with a cart full of makeup. I widened my eyes, not knowing what was coming.

"I'm ready. Who wants to go first?" Olga smiled, looking at both of us.

"Let's do Kat first, I'm still not sure on what I want," Grace told her.

Olga nodded, "of course. Ms. Kat, you ready?"

I took a deep breath, "not really, but I have no choice."


It took a solid hour and a half before everyone was completely ready. I still hadn't seen Zayn and Zayn hadn't seen me, and boy was I ready to find out what all of this was for.

"You look stunning," Olga told me as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"You think so?"

She nodded and smiled, "I'm sure. Mr. Zayn is very lucky boy."

I looked at myself, feeling accomplished. Not to gloat, but I did look good. My red dress fit perfectly on me and my makeup was amazing. My hair was tied up in an elegant bun done by Olga, and I couldn't help but smile huge.

"Thank you," I said to Olga.

"Don't worry," she smiled. "It was nice to see that Ms. Grace found great new friend."

I shrugged, "well she is pretty amazing herself."

"Are you guys talking about me?" Grace said, walking in from the bathroom. Her dress looked gorgeous on her, and she looked fantastic. She was a brunette and sometimes the way she acted reminded me of Carlee, but I tried not to think too much about home. Everything was going great so far.

"We have to hurry downstairs," Grace said, "some people are already here."

"Tell me what we're doing," I begged.

She walked out of the room and I followed. Right when we got outside of her room, there was a tall man who was carrying a try and inside were masquerade masks.

"No way," I whispered.

"Surprise!" Grace smiled at me, "a masquerade ball in honor of you and Zayn's one year."

I picked up a silver one with red lacing, staring at it. It was beautiful, and I was still not over the fact that all of this was happening.

I slipped the mask on my face and Olga tied it for me. Then, she did the same with Grace.

"Where's Zayn?" I asked her, looking around.

"You will have to find him," she winked at me, "he told me to give you this."

She handed me another golden envelope, the same ones from this morning. I smiled and looked at her, "you guys are killing me."

She giggled and took my hand, "first let's go downstairs, then read it."

I nodded as she and I made our way down the spiral staircase eagerly. Once I saw the downstairs area, I realized that there were more than just a few people there. The whole area was packed. These people really do get to places on time.

"Go find him," she said to me, "then I'll introduce you to everyone."

I nodded as she winked at me and walked away, leaving me and the note alone. I looked around for a quick second, trying to look for him, but there were so many people that I could see him anywhere.

I looked back down at the letter and opened it, smiling as I read it;

Last year at this time, we were strangers. This year, we're lovers. You don't need me to give you a hint, you'll find me on your own. Be quick baby, I'm waiting for you.

- Z. xx

I folded the letter and started my quest. I walked around, trying to look for him, but not having any luck. There were a lot of guys who had dark hair and were wearing suits, how could I find him?

I searched around, probably searching the same area more than once. I'm pretty sure a few people noticed. I stood at the center of the room and looked around, scanning the room vaguely.

That's when my eyes landed on a dark haired boy who was talking to a group of people, a devilishly familiar smirk played on his lips. I noticed tattoos on his arms, the same tattoos that I saw the first day and immediately fell in love with. I took a sigh of relief, then started to strut towards him.

Without a word, I took his hand and pulled him out of the conversation he was having. He didn't object, instead following me as I walked to a nearby room and lead him inside before closing the door.

I leaned up and immediately pressed my lips to his, not wanting anything more. His perfect lips moved with mine, his hands holding on to my waist.

I pulled away, "I found you."

He smirked, his Hazel eyes glowing from under the mask. "I never doubted that you would."

I smiled, kissing him again. "I see what you did here."

"A masquerade," he smirked, "creative, right?"

I bit my lip and nodded, "this time, we know who's behind the mask."

He chuckled deeply, leaning down and pressing his lips to my neck. I shut my eyes at his touch, feeling him wrap his arms around me and pulling me against him tightly.

"Did I mention that you look beautiful?" He asked, a certain rasp in his tone.

"Only every day," I replied.

"Well I mean it."

He kissed my neck again, making me hold in a breath. He took my hands and pulled away, guiding me outside of the room. I wondered why he didn't stay and talk for longer, but I had noticed by now that his mood was a bit off. It had been ever since we came back from the mall. I didn't ask him though, I didn't want to ruin the perfect night. I was thinking about this all the way until we reached Grace.

"You found him!" She said to me. "Okay good, follow me."

We both followed her as she lead us to the staircase. She stopped on the middle step and turned around, tapping the glass of wine in her hand with her fork.

"Can I have everyone's attention?!" She called out, and slowly, everyone turned around and all eyes were on us.

"These are my friends, Kat and Zayn. I threw this party in honor of them because this time last year, they met at a masquerade ball," she spoke confidently in front of the crowd. "I've known them for a short amount of time and I've grown to love them. I think that you all will grow on them soon also."

I smiled at her, feeling so blessed to have found such a great friend in the short amount of time that Zayn and I had been here. Zayn squeezed my hand, making my heart skip a beat.

"Would you guys want to say something?" Grace asked.

Zayn smiled. "I guess there isn't anything more to say other than to enjoy the party!"

A couple of people lifted their glasses and cheered as we all walked down the staircase. Once we got down, Liam and Niall, the lads we met at the other party, came up to us.

"Congrats guys," Liam said, giving us both a hug.

"Thank you."

"How about we go get some drinks?" Niall suggested, "it's on me."

"Niall, the drinks are on me," Grace said to him, sarcasm in her tone, "it's in my house. Even you're getting it for free."

Niall laughed, his laugh contagious. He draped his arm around Grace's shoulder and said, "I know, I'm just kidding with you."

She rolled her eyes but laughed, leading us to the bar. A couple of drinks won't hurt anyone.


I hope you guys enjoyed the update!! COMMENT SOME QUESTIONS FOR ME AND I'LL BE UPDATING ASAP.

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