Spiders Mark [discontinued]

By luna_renn

4.7K 93 116

Jade Rose lived a peaceful life with his family. There was only one danger and that was they lived on the out... More

bank robbery
The beginning
Beacon pt.2
Dying star
Unusual snow
Snow fall
On the other side
A talk before the trip
forever fall
Following the trail
Even more complicated
The day (volume 1 end)
Best friends
Another escape
defeated by cookie
The dance
Golden Rose
field trip
the first day
All aboard
ice cream problem
A Grimm situation
An Experience (volume 2 end)
a new gem
start of the Festival
Winter is coming
a bird came to visit
crime decrease
the return
A single choice
beginning of the end
A slow destruction
A blinding white end
Without a doubt in the world! (Volume 3 end)
A big reunion
Back in action
Moving on
A hard encounter
What're you doing here?
Taking things apart
Oniyuri Pt.1
Oniyuri Pt.2
The Rose curse (Volume 4 end)
Back in the saddle again
A very random set of events

Speacial surprise

166 3 3
By luna_renn

The weird snowfall has canceled the field trip. It was pushed to Friday instead of tomorrow.

Jade ran through the hall and entered his dorm room to see all the girls changing.

Weiss: GET OUT!

He scrambles to turn around and headbutted the door, completely knocking himself out like an idiot.

Ruby: is...is he okay?

Blake: I think he's completely out?

She walked over and poked his cheek with her finger. Absolutely no reaction comes out of him. Movie tickets fall out of the fallen Roses pocket, peeking Blake's interest she picks them up.

Blake: movie tickets? There's only two?

She stands up and turns to everyone else.

Yang: movie tickets? Who was he gonna ask?

She says obviously looking at Weiss.

Weiss: I have no idea, buts it's not good to snoop!

She crossed her arms.

Weiss: put them back and put him in my bed. When he wakes up he can go about his business.

Without question, Yang moved on over and shoved the tickets back in his pocket and threw him on Weiss's bed.


Jade shot up from Weiss's bed and checked his pocket. He lets out a sigh of relief as he looked around the room.

Jade: no ones here?

He flips the cover off him and got off the bed. He opened the window and put on his suit and jumped above the window hanging from the wall.

Mina: yes?

Jade: where are team RWBY?

Mina: do you think I have access to beacons camera system?

Jade: uh, yeah.

Mina: your right! Uhhhh, they just left.

A camera view appears in his visor and he sees Weiss and her team hop in a ship.

Jade: well, damn. Call Weiss for me.

Mina: yes sir!

He hears ringing and eagerly waits for some type of answer.

Jade: is she gonna pick up?

After a few more seconds, she picked up.

Weiss: Jade?

Jade: hey Weiss. You wanna see a movie with me?

Weiss: of course!

Yang: what was that?

Weiss: quiet you! See you later Jade. Send me the info.

Yang: what's with the smile Weiss!

She hangs up the phone.

Jade: I think Yang knows?

Mina: really?

Jade: maybe.

He begins to swing away.


Back at his original home he jumped through the window and arrived in his home.

(Author: I've finally decided that this is a stand-alone house. And I've changed the setup for his and Ruby's room to be on the second floor and her lab on the first.)

When he opened his room door he was in his normal outfit, which was a long-sleeve black shirt and some black sweatpants with matching combat boots.

He walks through the hall and walked downstairs but stopped midway.

Jade: RUBY!



The stairs then turn flat, basically becoming a slide. He quickly stuck his hand to it and slid down safely.

Jade: not this time!

He casually walked to the garage door and went in.

He looks at his motorcycle with a big smile.

Jade: been a while since I've rode this.

He puts on a black helmet and flipped the visor only for a map to appear on the inside, the map gets smaller and fits perfectly in the corner. A gas gauge also appears and the time of day is at the top.

He gets on the bike and it immediately turned on as his hand was scanned by the bike.

The garage opened and he drove out. Jade speeds down the street without even knowing where he's supposed to be driving.

Jade: wait? Call Weiss!

This helmet doesn't have Mina, but it can look for the keywords for calling people. She picks up fast.

Weiss: hello?

Jade: where are you guys?

Weiss: we are at a cafe.

Jade: which one? I'm coming to pick you up.

Weiss: we're at Falls Leaves.

Jade: bet. Be ready to head out.

A blue line indicating the girl's location appears on the road and he follows it to the shop.

Jade: see you in a bit. I love you.

Weiss: I love you too.

She whispered so the others wouldn't hear. The call ends and he floors it to the shop.


Team RWBY walk out of the shop and start walking down the street.

They all stop as a blue motorcycle pulls up next to them. They all stare as the person looked at them.

Jade takes off his helmet and his hair falls down.

Jade: hop on.

Weiss blushes as everyone looked at her. Yang gives a thumbs up to Jade and he smiles at her in return.

Weiss: did everyone have to know?

Jade: it's better if they found out this way, and not in some weird way.

Weiss: true. Do you have a second helmet?

Jade looks around with an "oh fuck" expression.

Weiss: of course you don't.

She sighs but quickly catches Jade's helmet.

Jade: I don't need it. I'd prefer if you were safe.

Ruby: awww.

Weiss removed her hair clip letting her hair fall down, she puts on the helmet and hopped on the back of the bike.

Weiss: I expected this to be a special type of hud or something.

Jade: it does but only when I touch it.

He puts his left hand on the helmet and the hud popped up. It surprised her but not enough to get a big reaction.

Jade: but enough chat, let's go.

She nods and hopped on the back of the bike. She slowly wrapped her arms around Jade and he speeds away.

Weiss: are you allowed to drive this thing?

Jade: nope! But it's never stopped me before!

He drives even faster spooking Weiss which makes her grip him even tighter.

Weiss: slow down!

Jade: I think not!

He hits a wheelie making her grip him with her life.

Jade: you're cute when you're scared!

Weiss: shut up!

The wheelie stops but he continues to speed.

Jade: don't worry, we're almost there! Also, you're cute with your hair down! then again you're cute in general.

She was too busy holding on for her life to hear him.


He pulls up in front of the movie theater and Weiss hopped off the bike immediately and handed him his helmet.

Jade: was I going to fast?

He said obviously knowing he was going too fast.

Weiss: it's like you wanted to kill me!

Jade: I could never do such a thing.

Weiss: ugh, wait? Where my clip.

Jade: Well, I thought you looked better without it...so I threw it.

Weiss: what!

he leaned back.

Weiss: why would you-

She calms herself down with a sigh.

Weiss: thank you for the compliment but please, don't do that again. If you wanted me with my hair down you could've just asked. Anyways go park, I'll wait inside for you.

He nods and puts on his helmet and drives away.

Weiss: I swear those two are related. Ruby would've thrown it too.

She walked into the theater and waited for Jade to show, which didn't take long.

Jade: you ready?

Weiss: of course I am.

Jade: good.


Now in a movie theater both sit watching the movie.

Weiss looked over to a couple who were leaning on each other holding hands. She blushed at the thought of her and Jade doing it. She was brought back to reality when Jade held her hand.

Neither says anything but she does lay her head on his shoulder after hesitating to do so.

Jade: there's my snowflake.

Weiss: shut up.

She said in a playful tone.

Jade: you know, for you to be so cold, you surely are warm.

Weiss: Oh, really now? You know your pretty pale yourself.

Jade: blame my mom.

He gripped her hand tighter and she does so as well.

Weiss: I never would have thought I would have fallen in love with someone.

Jade: I mean I've had a crush on you for a while. I never thought I would meet you or for you too even like me, at that.

Weiss: well, dreams come true sometimes.

Jade: they surely did today. Also, I have another place to go after this.

Weiss nods.


Jade and Weiss walk out the movie theater still holding hands.

Weiss: so what was this place you wanted to show me?

Jade: it's a cliffside that looks perfect with the sunset. I think it will be great for us to go.

Weiss: I bet you just wanna get me alone to try and put the moves on me.

He doesn't say anything but he does have the perfect poker face.

He walks off with Weiss with him. After a short walk they arrive at his bike, he hopped on but Weiss was too keen with riding with him again.

Jade: I promise it won't be a wild ride. I'll drive normally, I promise.

Weiss: your such a great liar. I believed you until a flash of a smirk on your face.

Jade: okay...I promise it will just be a normal ride and no crazy stuff.

He puts up a warm smile forcing Weiss to put on the helmet and get on the bike.

Jade: Yee haw!

He immediately starts speeding.

Weiss: I hate you sooo much!

She gripped his waist tightly as he continued his speeding.


Jade pulls up at the cliff side not speeding for once, so Weiss actually was looking.

Weiss: is this the place?

The sun was just setting and you could perfectly look at it from the cliff face. It was a clear area with trees pretty far behind them.

Jade: Yup.

Weiss takes off the helmet and actually seen the view. She was amazed at how beautiful it looked.

Weiss: I'm surprised you actually found something like this.

Jade: we Roses are full of surprises.

He unfolded and put down the blanket he had with him and did an unnecessary backflip to stand on a rock.

Weiss: your whole family is dramatic.

Jade: well my dear Weiss.

He jumped into the air with Weiss trailing him with her eyes. He lands and shot a web attaching to Weiss, he pulled her close and took her by the hand.

Weiss: like I said, overdramatic.

Jade: well if I wasn't so dramatic would I truly be me?

Weiss: that's true.

He puts his other hand around her waist.

Weiss: I read you like a book Jade.

Jade: the question is, will you continue to read the story?

Weiss: of course.

She hits him with a surprise kiss. He greatly accepted this by wrapping his arms around her and falling backward onto the blanket. She breaks away for air and to ask a question. With a deep gasp, she stares at Jade.

Weiss: so that's why you brought the blanket.

Jade: Yup.

(Author: okay, so I had my friend write some obvious NSFW stuff here so you can just skip over it if you want. It stops at the black dots.)


They stare into one another's eyes for a few short seconds before continuing the kiss. Weiss snakes her arms around jades shoulders to deepens the kiss and tangles her fingers in his hair.

Surprised at first, Jade moans into the kiss though he quickly recovers. Jade, wanting to take charge, licks Weiss's lips for an entrance. But it seems like luck isn't on his side at the moment since she declined him any access because, she too, wanted to take charge.

In response to her actions, he slips his hands under her dress and lingers them under her breasts, making her moan slightly into the kiss. She loved the feeling of his smooth hands on her skin, not that she'll ever admit that. He took notice of the small sounds leaving her lips and starts to come up with a plan.

He slowly moves his hands to Weiss's nipples and gently plays with them. Weiss, at this point, is a blushing, moaning and squirming mess; jade loved that, he loved knowing that he's the cause of her pleasures, that he could turn her into the mess she is now, and they haven't even gotten to the best part yet.

He continued to play with her nipples for a few minutes before he decides to put his plans into action. Jade opened his eyes to glance at Weiss's reaction on what he was about to do, hopefully, his plan wouldn't backfire, he really didn't know how sensitive Weiss's body was and how she would react.

So he just goes for it, he squeezes her nipples and surprisingly Weiss's reaction was better then he expected, her body reacted beautifully.

With a loud moan and gasp, her lips part and that gives Jade the access he was looking for, he pushes his tongue in and explores every inch of his lady. She tasted as sweet as he thought, if not more.

Weiss, overwhelmed by all the sensations, could only conjure whimpers and moans l; her body would jerk with every little touch from jade. He massaged, squeezed and twisted her nipples a few more times before becoming aggravated by the piece of clothing that was restricting his access to his goddess.

Breaking away from the kiss, he removed his hands to grip Weiss's dress, successfully ripping the fabric.

Weiss didn't have a second to complain due to Jade stealing her lips yet again; though, the kiss didn't last too long as much as he wanted to but he hoped to fulfill his lady's needs for the rest of the night.

As he breaks the kiss, Jade immediately moves to Weiss's neck. He leaves behind sweet short kisses in search of the sweet spot that'll make Weiss more worked up.

It didn't take too long for him to find it as he heard Weiss gasp and moan slightly. He then decides to suck on the sensitive spot and leave behind deep red marks in which Weiss, without realizing, added her own marks on Jade as she was gripping and clawing on his bicep.

After Jade felt the marks he left were enough, he slowly kissed his way down to Weiss's breasts and nipples. He left soft, butterfly kisses around her left nipple and gently played with the other one.

He bit down on the hardened bud and was met with a loud gasp. Weiss's eyes shot open as her back arched slightly. With a smirk, Jade continued the playful torture.

Not for long though, as Weiss was begging to get impatient with his actions she begged him to go further. Jade complied, he rose up only to see Weiss's glossy eyes, swollen lips, and pink flushed skin.

His eyes clouded, a hunger took him over. He wanted to pound into her lady and show her just how much he loves her, he wanted to make sure Weiss knew that she belonged to him and him only, oh how many things he wanted to do to her, to make her orgasm by only his tongue, to tie her up and overstimulate her to the point that she would be shaking, to feel every inch of her insides, and that is exactly what he did.

In an inhumane speed, Jade brought Weiss's arms over her head and webbed them to the ground. He then kisses her with force and spreads her legs open; with slow kisses, he travels down to her womanhood and gives a long slow kisses lick to her clit, slow and sweet seems to be his mood right now, not for long though. Weiss's angelic moans and trembling thighs give him an ego boost.

He takes a hold of Weiss's thighs with his arms and spread her open to gain more access to her hot sex, he then proceeds to suck on her sensitive nerve that left her breathless, he lapped his tongue over the nub multiple times to the point that Weiss was screaming out his name for the whole world to hear, and Jade loved that, he loved that very much.

He then decided to step farther and insert his tongue into Weiss. The moans leaving Weiss's lips were heavenly, but she wanted nothing more than to be able to lock her fingers in Jade's hair and push him into her further, she fancied this situation much more though; plus, they would have more chances to fool around after this.

As Jade felt like Weiss had enough preparing for what was to come, he slowly pulled away from her and instead planted kisses to the inside of her shaking thighs and at the last minute he added a few red marks to decorate her porcelain skin.

She could not formulate any words, his actions left her in need of something that would cure her craving and he was being a big tease about it, but she couldn't say anything aside from pleads and moans. This left him with the want to fulfill her request.

Jade finally takes his shirt off and tosses it to the side, he then Loosens his sweatpants and pulls both his sweatpants and boxers to his thighs. He takes his shaft and strokes it a few times, the precum glossing over it.

He takes his shaft and coats it in Weiss's wet opening, making her needier in the process.

He takes a hold of Weiss's thighs and aligns himself with her opening, he pushes through the tip slowly at first but halfway into hearing Weiss pant and moan he slams into her with full force.

Her back arches more than it did before, her trembling thighs squeeze around him and her choked voice asks for more, and he does not disappoint.

Without a warning he pounds into her warm insides, she screams and tells him not to stop, he leans over and captures her lips in his own.

The kiss is short lived though, after a while of hard, rough and pleasurable sex they can feel themselves nearing the edge.

Jade can feel Weiss tightening around him and with a high pitched moan she cums, the feeling of her walls closing around him overwhelms Jade to the point that sends him over the edge, with a low growl he cums inside of her.

Weiss lays there in her afterglow with Jade still inside of her, the two ride off their high and Jade slowly pulls out of her with a moan of satisfaction. They then share a loving kiss and smile at one another.

After the two were completely back to normal he rips the webs off her hands and she weakly sits up. He holds her in his arms as she continues to gasp for words.

Jade: you won't be able to walk for a while.

Weiss: yeah...

He then realized the first problem. He completely ripped her clothes in his trance and she had absolutely nothing to wear.

Jade: your gonna have to wear my clothes.

Weiss weakly nods as she was finally able to get her first straight breath out. She slips on her underwear and bra and looked over to her ripped dress.

He walked over and picked up his shirt and pants and tossed them over to Weiss.

Weiss: what about you? What are you gonna wear?

Jade slipped on his underwear and his spider suit covers his body. She tried to stand but fell back down to her knees.

Weiss: also, did you really have to cum in me?

Jade: yes, yes I did. My dick doesn't have an off switch.

He walked over to her and helped her to her feet and sat her down on his motorcycle. She slipped on his helmet and he sits down comfortably with her holding onto his waist.

Jade: I'll drive real slow this time.

Weiss: thank you...

He turns the bike around and drove away from the spot. Leaving Weiss's torn dress and the remnants of himself along with the blanket.

End of chapter 13 volume 1

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