Heed The Roar: Hogwart's Lion...

By AshleyGryffindor

316K 6.8K 5.4K

I'm Y/n Lily Potter, eldest daughter of James Fleamont Potter and Lily Evans/Potter, and Big sister to Harry... More

My Houses!🦁🐆🦅
🦁Me; The Author🦁
Prologue & Chap 1 - 11th birthday!
Chap 2 - Leaky Cauldron & Diagon Alley!
Chap 3 - 9 3/4 & New Friends!
Chap 4 - Sorting & My housemates
Chap 5 - Classes & Godfather
Chap 6 - Snitches & Detention
Chap 7 - Leaving and Summer
Chap 8 - Your Turn Harry
Chap 9 - Hogwarts is my Home
Chap 10 - Halloween Surprise
Chap 11 - Quidditch & Broomsticks
Chap 12 - Christmas & Mirror of Erised
Chap 13 - Creep & True Family
Chap 14 - A House Elf Named Dobby?
Chap 15 - The Burrow & Floo powder
Chap 16 - Back to Hogwarts
Chap 17 - Chamber of Secrets and Quidditch
Chap 18 - Butterbeer & Heirs
Chap 19 - X-mas and Valentine's
Chap 20 - Chamber of Secrets and Tom
Chap 21 - Aunt Marge & Black Dog
Chap 22 - My Golden Boys & Memories
Chap 23 - Friends and Scars
Chap 24 - Legends & Truth
Chap 25 - Full Moon & Family
Chap 26 - Freedom & New Memories
Chap 27 - Days til Quidditch World Cup
Chap 28 - Quidditch World Cup & Fire
Chap 29 - News & Glory Await
Chap 30 - DADA & The Chosen Champions
Chap 31 - First Task & Battle
Chap 33 - Riddle Song & Second Task
Chap 34 - Final Task & True Bravery
Chap 35 - Saving The Family & The Order
Chap 36 - The Hearing & Sixth Year
Chap 37 - Umbridge's DADA & Rules
Chap 38 - Birth of DA & Nightmares
Chap 39 - The Marauders Never Die
Chap 40 - The Battle for the Prophecy
Chap 41- Final Year & Task at Hand
Chap 42 - Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
Chap 43 - What A Sister Must Do

Chap 32 - O.W.L.S & Yule Ball

5K 121 64
By AshleyGryffindor

Y/n's POV

A few days later Harry and I are still recovering from our injuries from the first task. I'm sitting in between Fred, George and Lee drinking some pumpkin juice while I saw Harry smile and accidentally spat up his own juice onto his pants making me choke laugh on my own drink. Fred and George patted my back while I looked at the Daily Prophet biting into some bacon before seeing a heart shaped picture of Fred and I kissing then one of Cedric with me hugging him below it. "I'm going to destroy that wretched beetle of a woman!" I yelled out as I read mine section of the "Me, Myself and I" by Rita Skeeter. "Although Ms. Potter is known for her feats of daring, humor and mischievous pranks. She is not afraid to kiss a certain red haired Pureblood by the name of Frederick Weasley, Are they dating or is it a one time fling for Ms. Potter since up until her third and mid fourth year she was dating her friend and fellow Hogwarts Champion form Hufflepuff, Cedric Amos Diggory." The image of Rita Skeeter spoke as I began ripping the paper apart. "I detest that woman!" I growled angrily then saw a first year Nigel of Gryffindor hand Ron a parcel.


Y/n, Fred, George and Lee laugh at Ron's clueless before those in Gryffindor's Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh year followed Minevra into a large room with girls on the left and boys on the right. "The Yule Ball is a tradition that goes back to the deceit of the Triwizard Tournament, on Christmas Eve you all will be representing Hogwarts but the Yule ball is first and foremost, a dance." Minevra spoke as the girls chatted excitedly and the boys groaned displeased. "Silence! The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries and I won't have any of you besmirching the name by acting like a babbling bumbling band of baboons." Minerva said looking at Y/n and gestured for her to stand up. "In every girl is a secret swan slumbers, longing to burst forth and take flight." Minevra said as Y/n did a few ballet moves with ease then curtsied making the head of Gryffindor smile before looking at the boys then Ron saying. "In every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley would you join me, please."

As Ron was humiliated by Professor Minevra, she told everyone to find a partner while Fred walked up to Y/n bowing as she curtsied before they began to practice the waltz slowly.

♤Fred's POV♤

"I didn't know you knew how to dance N/n?" I said as she looked up at me with her beautiful e/c eyes and her long h/c hair loss on her back. "My aunt Petunia signed me up for ballet and formal dancing classes when I was but five years old, Freddie." She said while smirking up at me as we danced on then she kissed me on the lips lovingly. I could probably never get enough of her soft lips on my own even if her favorite red chapstick stained my own lips a bit. "I love you, Y/n Potter. My best friend and fellow prankster." I said making her turn bright red and laugh. "And I love you, Frederick Weasley. My greatest friend in the world and mischievous prank maker." She said smiling sweetly.


After a few days passed; Y/n, Herimone and Ginny walked down the corridors talking excitedly about the ball. "I already told, Aunt Petunia about it some I got money to go dress shopping at Hogsmeade this weekend and you girls are joining me." Y/n said smiling while Victor and two other Durmstrang's boys were behind him. Y/n and Ginny shrugged looking at each other then saw Victor asking Herimone out to the ball which she said yes. Once the boys left Y/n hugged Hermione squealing. "Mione, oh my GODRIC! I'm going to make you look smashing on the night of the ball." A days passed by as Y/n sat besides Angelina and Katie while they all were taking their O.W.L.S, Ron read a paper then looked over at Fred saying in a whisper shout tone. "Who you going with, then?" Fred lightly bit his bottom lip before tossing a paper ball at Y/n's shoulder then whispered towards her once she looked up. "Oi, Y/n?" Y/n mouthed at him anger that he get them caught while Fred did a odd game of charades. "Do you...want to...the ball...with me?" He asked as George held in a laugh as did Y/n but nodded smiling. "To the ball, yeah." She said while making Ron groan as Harry laughed at his friends actions. "They are dating Ron, did you forget that?" Harry whispered. Y/n got up from her seat and walked up to Severus and handed him her work folder then noticed Herimone stormed off before looking at Ron and Harry sighing. "Boys..." she said honestly then pushed their heads down towards their books. "Focus on your work, boys." She said standing up straight as she loosened her tie from her neck slightly before winking at Fred thus making him gulp down hard.


Y/n finished Herimone's hair along with Ginny's as she smiled sweetly at the two girls she considered as sisters. "Oh you two look so beautiful!" She said honestly as Angelina took their photo then the girls did Y/n's hair making it into a lovely fishtail braid and two streaks of her h/c hair was colored red and gold. "Fred's not going to be able to keep his eyes or hands off of you, N/n." Angelina and Katie said together as they all left leaving Herimone and Y/n alone as the eldest Potter clipped on the necklace that Severus gave her earlier today. A gold necklace holding a love crystal so when she was near her heart's love it would shine a ruby red, family love was blue and white was undying friendship. "Shall we, Mione?" Y/n asked while holding out her hand near the door. The girls walked down the stairs leading to the great hall as Fred, George, Lee, Ron and Harry could not believe what they were seeing. Y/n laughs lightly before walking up to her best friends and closed their mouths then whispered to Ron. "You should tell Herimone, how you feel about her before it's to late." Ron looked at Y/n as she fixed Harry's bowtie and hugged him close as he did her before taking Fred's hand. "You look beautiful, Lioness." Fred whispered in her ear as she smiled sweetly while the five champions and their dates walked into the gorgeously winter themed hall. Every guy from Hogwarts and Durmstrang looked at Y/n, her dress had a slit to show off one of her legs and had an open back that displayed the scars she had gotten in her fourth year with pride, once the music began they danced the waltz beautifully til Professor Flitwick announced The Weird Sisters. Y/n, Fred, George and Lee with their dates cheered crazily as they danced.

*In a far hallway under a staircase*

Fred pushed Y/n against the brick wall as they made out with a few times stopping to breath. "Merlin, N/n, you are such a tease." Fred said as Y/n giggled mischievously as she grabbed onto his tie. "True, true but you like that, Freddie.~" She said while pulling him back down into a deep french kiss as Fred wrapped one arm around her waist as his other hand rested on her bare leg. Y/n tangled her fingers in Fred's long hair as she kissed him passionately while he did the same til someone cleared their throat making the two separate and fix their formal clothes and hair. Y/n laughed softly before waving slightly. "Evening, Uncle Snape." She said nervously while the fully dressed in black man looked at the two fifth year students. "Fred Weasley leave us be so I may talk to my goddaughter in private." Severus said in his normal not caring voice as he glared at the young man. "I'll see you back in the Common room, love." Fred said before kissing her cheek lovingly and walked towards the Gryffindor tower dormitory. "Young lady, you better explain yourself." Severus said as they two were now in the potions classroom as Y/n sat on her desk sighing. "I'm nearly sixteen years old, uncle Severus. You don't have to be concerned about whom I choose to date or kiss." She said while Severus rubbed his temples slowly. "I'm painfully aware of that fact, Y/n but you must remember to be vigilant about your next two tasks coming onto you." He said seriously as Y/n looked up at her godfather. "I am if I can find out the blasted way to get the clue for the next task from that blasted golden egg. Anyway I should head back to Gryffindor tower, Goodnight Uncle Severus." She said before hugging him gently as he did her while Y/n walked out Severus walked her leave. "Oh, Lily your daughter is so much like you and regrettably James yet she sees the good in people where they can't." Severus said to himself as he looked at a copy of the picture of him holding Y/n as a baby.

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