Mountains Shelter Secrets (Be...

By OmniAni

77.2K 2.1K 1.3K

Y/N Kane is trapped inside a secretive mountain inhabited by secretive people and has no idea if the rest of... More

I - The 48
II - Inclement Weather
III - Reapercussions
IV - Many Happy Returns
V - Human Trials
VI - Fog of War
VII - Long Into An Abyss
IX - Remember Me
X - Survival of the Fittest
XI - Coup de Grรขce
XII - The Rubicon
XIII - Resurrection
XIV - Bodyguard of Lies
XV - Blood Must Have Blood I
XVI - Blood Must Have Blood II

VIII - Spacewalker

5.2K 132 143
By OmniAni

After Lincoln's miraculous recovery, everything happened so fast. Abby and the Grounders escorted us back to Camp Jaha, which we'd renamed Arkadia, and were left to wait, wringing our hands as Clarke went to go negotiate a peace treaty with the Commander. Lincoln was taken to the infirmary and Octavia went to sit by his side. As for me and Bellamy, we stood outside, waiting impatiently for news. Raven had joined us at some point, but I wasn't sure when. All I could think about was that this negotiation needed to go well. My father needed to come home. We needed peace.

"It should be enough for a truce, right?'" Raven asked. "The whole thing with Lincoln, I mean."

"I hope so." I leaned against a crate and picked at my cuticles, giving my mind something else to do. "The Grounders seemed impressed. They've been fighting Reapers for decades, so knowing how to turn them's priceless."

"Enough for them to forget about Finn, I hope," Bellamy said.

Two painstaking hours passed by filled with occasional small talk and pacing, but more often than not we just stood in stressful silence. Finally, moonlight illuminated two Grounder warriors escorting Clarke back to camp. Bellamy, rifle trained on the Grounders, shouted at the other guards to hold their fire.

The riders stayed outside as Clarke entered, and the gates were shut once again. She grabbed Finn's sleeve and dragged him further away as we followed, eager for information. We were quickly joined by Abby, who embraced her daughter. People watched, tense, waiting to see what news she brought.

"What did the Commander say?' Abby asked. 'Is there a chance for peace?'

"Yes," Clarke answered, her voice firm and her eyes tortured. There was a catch. Of course there was. Nothing could be easy down here, could it?

"What's wrong?' Finn asked.

Clarke turned to him, slowly, her eyes defeated. "They want you. If we want a truce, we have to give them Finn."

Whispers broke out around us, the crowd shifting on their feet as the information was passed around. Finn. Finn was all that stood between the taut line of war and peace.

"What are you talking about?" Raven asked.

"That's their offer," Clarke answered.

"That's not an offer."

"It's punishment," Finn whispered. "For what happened at the village. Blood for blood."

"That's insane," Bellamy huffed.

"If we refuse?" Abby asked.

"They attack," Clarke answered.

Restlessness washed over the crowd. Shouts echoed around us, people screaming to give Finn up. Byrne and the other guards tried to calm things down, but the yells only got louder. I was painfully reminded of what had happened when it was just the hundred getting riled up, when they almost hung Murphy. Was this to turn out the same?

"Give him to the Grounders!" A man roared, approaching Finn with an enraged, menacing look in his eyes.

"Back off!" Raven spat, shoving him away.

He went to shove her back, but a guard stopped him as Clarke dragged a struggling Raven away.

"Raven, listen to me!" She said. "Nothing is gonna happen to Finn. I promise, okay?"

"Maybe," I began, and they both turned to me. I hesitated. "Maybe he should leave. Sneak out of camp."

"What?" Clarke gasped. "They'll hunt him down!"

"At least he would have a chance!" I argued. "I know it's a little insane, but he can't stay here."

"How can you say that?" Raven snapped. "We can't give up on Finn. We have to protect him!"

I clenched my fists, trying to keep my anger under control. Raven was hurting. Finn was the love of her life, the only family she'd had growing up. I understood that she didn't want to risk anything happening to him, but for as much as I didn't want Finn to die, I didn't want all our people to pay for what he did.

"I agree. But if it comes down to him or all of us, you know what we're going to have to do." I gave her a pained look, keeping my voice gentle, even as my words were bitter in my mouth. I hated what I was saying. Hated it. But the truth was never easy.

Raven paled, and loathing simmered in her dark eyes, lighting them with a strange, sentient fury I'd never seen in anyone before. It was terrifying. But I wasn't going to back down. I knew I was right, and everyone else thought it. I was just the voice of the people.

"He isn't innocent Raven. You didn't see what he did. Killing all those people. Children. Children!"

I was well aware of everyone watching us with intensity, unsure what to do. Part of me hoped they stopped it before it got any worse, but part of me wanted to fight until Raven understood.

"You're hardly innocent yourself!" Raven seethed, shoving my shoulder. I stumbled, but didn't break my glower. "You've killed people too!"

"In battle! To protect myself. It's different, Raven. You need to understand that!" I argued, trying to keep calm, but failing miserably. "But you also have to understand that I'm not giving him up. I don't want him to die. I'll defend him, of course I will. But if it ever comes down to him or everyone here, then..."

It didn't seem to convince her. Raven was fuming, furious tears welling in her eyes. Her words were hot and her tone ice cold. "And his blood will be on your hands, same as those Grounders you killed, same as Charlotte."

I reeled back, like I'd been slapped in the face. Raven hadn't even been down here when Charlotte threw herself off the cliff. Of course, she'd probably heard what happened through the grapevine, but she didn't know the kid like I'd known her. Charlotte had almost been like a little sister to me. My family, same as Finn was to Raven. I knew she was just trying to hurt me. It worked.

Frozen, I blinked away a few tears that had welled up of their own accord. Several times, I opened and closed my mouth, trying to make my voice work, but it didn't. Nothing worked. All I could see was the unwavering fire raging in the darkness of Raven's eyes. Instead of trying to say anything to her, I forced myself to turn around. Walking towards my room was like trying to step through air made of molasses, on ground made up of quicksand. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think.

Time snapped back to normal when I closed the door behind me, and threw myself to the mattress. Bursting into tears, I pushed the heels of my hands into my eyes, trying to stay the flow. But the tears didn't stop, and my sobs threatened to choke me. When my door opened, my eyes were red and puffy, my throat raw, my nose dripping with snot. I glanced over to see who it was. Bellamy. Of course. I didn't want him to see me like this, so broken, so distressed. But I didn't want him to leave either.

For a moment I stared at him. Myriads of emotions swamped his eyes. Concern, anger, sorrow. But above all, a kindness unlike any other.

I buried my head into my knees. When I spoke, my voice was small, shaking. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Bellamy took a seat next to me. Not quite close enough to touch, but his presence was enough to stifle my sobs. "Y/n."

I stared at my hands, rubbed them together, trying to wash away all the blood on them, trying to get those stains to fade. But it only made them redder and redder.

"Y/n," Bellamy repeated, his voice soft. He took my hands in his. "Look at me."

Sniffling, I raised my head and forced myself to meet his gaze. I didn't say anything. Just stared.

"What happened to Charlotte was not your fault," he said, his voice soft but authoritative. "There was nothing you could have done. Not about her, not about the Grounders attacking, and not about Finn in the village."

"I always make the wrong decision. Somehow, I always fuck everything up," I warbled. "And now I'm going to lose Raven because I'm trying to make the right move. I'm going to lose everyone."

More stray tears rolled down my cheeks, so hot they almost burned. I didn't bother brushing them away. Bellamy did that for me.

"You'll never lose me, alright? Never. You can't keep torturing yourself like this. We've all made mistakes, and we've all bounced back from them." He lifted my right hand and rubbed his thumb over the ring he'd given me. "You forget what this stands for. Hope, Y/n. Maybe it's your symbol for it, but you're mine. Know why?"

Trying not to cry again, I shook my head.

"Because you never give up. Not on me, not on your friends, and certainly not on yourself. Raven's upset. Don't let her get to you. Don't give up. You have to keep fighting, firecracker. Or all the people we've lost, our friends, everyone died for nothing."

I remained silent for a while mulling over his words. But he was right. Damn, he was right. I sniffled and chuckled softly. "Never would have pegged you for the emotional speech type."

"No, just the rouse a crowd for war speech type," he teased, his voice playful but still soft and comforting.

Weakly, I smiled. "You're..."

"Beautiful? A genius? Amazing?"

My smile grew wider and I punched him on the shoulder. "A moron. But just what I needed right now."

Bellamy wrapped an arm around my shoulders and drew me into him. I leaned my head against his shoulder. Enveloped in his arms, warmth tingled through me. As always, his presence was grounding, keeping my emotions from spilling, form turning into a jumbled mess.

"Is there anything else I can do to help?" He murmured into my ear.

Kiss me. Tell me you love me.

I smiled softly, and closed my eyes. "Just hold me."

And that he did. Even as sleep lulled us into its gentle embrace, he held me. Curled against Bellamy's chest, I realized for the first time in years...I was finally at peace. Perhaps it was only fleeting. Perhaps tomorrow everything would change, I'd go back to being overwhelmed with stress, to fighting, to war. But for now, in this moment, I was at peace.

When I awoke, the bed was empty. No longer was I comforted by Bellamy's warmth. Only cold sheets greeted me. He was probably out there, readying for another fight. I appreciated that he gave me the extra rest. I needed it. But reality called. Reality sucked.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I yawned, pulled my boots on, and slung my bow over my shoulder. Shaking the exhaustion from my mind, I stepped outside. On the brink of war I had to keep alert and awake. Hardly appropriate to be falling asleep.

My mood darkened when I left the building, greeted by the hopelessness on everyone's faces. The Grounder army was still out there, waiting for us to deliver Finn to them. I wasn't going to let that happen. Taking him away from here was the best option. I firmly believed that. Perhaps it was heartless, but I stood by my belief that no one else here deserved to pay for his doings. Same that I never deserved to suffer for what my father did on the Ark.

In the crowd, I spotted Bellamy. I smiled, and he returned it. God I should have told him last night that I love him. Maybe it would have made all of this easier to bear.

"Hey," I said, when I reached him.

"How are you?" He asked, tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear. My skin tingled where his fingers brushed it, and I longed for more of that feeling.

I sighed. "Better. Good as I'm gonna get I think. Thanks to you."

"Ah, it wasn't all me, firecracker," he conceded. "You've got all the fight in you that you ever needed. All it took was a little push from me."

"I'll push you into the river."

He laughed. "There she is."

Grinning, I hugged him. "Only teasing. For now. But really, thanks for last night. What would I do without you?"

He opened his mouth, a witty glint in his eyes. Before he could speak, I threatened, "Say anything like a smart-ass and I actually will push you into a river."

Bellamy held up his hands in defense, but the glint in his eyes remained, along with our smiles.

Chanting from deep within the woods shattered our euphoria. I turned my attention to the trees. Thousands of Grounders were shouting. Repeating the same words, over and over again. Blood must have blood.

It was starting.

Octavia joined us as we headed for the gate. Machete in her hand, bow in mine, grim resignation fell over us. Whatever was about to come, none of us were going down easy. That being said, they wouldn't either.

Abby soon joined us and ordered the guards to open the gate. She stepped outside, staring down the two riders.

"Where's the boy?" The one on the right asked, his words distorted by the mask he was wearing.

"We're not giving him up,"Abby answered firmly. "We're ready to fight, if that's what it comes to."

A horn blared, echoing throughout the land. It wasn't the same as the one that announced the acid fog. I assumed it had something to do with war. Which wasn't comforting. The riders turned their horses around and galloped back to the forest without another word. I guess this meant we'd have to fight.

"Watch the woods!" Bellamy ordered. "Watch for movement!"

I kept my eyes fixed on the trees, my hand clenched around my bow. Only mere seconds later, I saw a shape step out of the darkness. It was a man, and he was walking towards us with his hands raised.

"Don't shoot!" the man shouted, and I stopped breathing. I knew that voice. I knew it better than I knew my own.

It was my father.

Shock and joy struck me, pulling tears from my eyes. I didn't care that there was war on hand. I thought I'd lost my father, but there he was. Alive. My bow slipped from my fingers and it fell in the mud, but I couldn't care less. I started running. Hands tried to grab me, keep me back, but I escaped them and ran.

"Dad!" I shouted.

My father smiled widely as he recognized me and opened his arms. I crashed into him, my hands clutching his jacket as I laughed. Or perhaps I was crying. I couldn't tell.

"You're okay!" I exclaimed. "You're okay, oh God, you're okay. I thought you were dead!"

He pressed a kiss to my hair, his arms wound tight around my back. "I thought the same for you. I'm relieved you're alive."

I didn't want to let him go. He was my family, and he was alive. Soon, we all might be walking right into a slaughter, and I didn't want to see him die. Nor anyone here.

'Come on, let's get inside.'

He kept an arm around my shoulders as we turned, entering the camp, and I clutched at his jacket, afraid to let go for even one second. We stopped in front of Abby, who was looking at my father with a strange, deep emotion in her eyes. Same that I looked at Bellamy with. It was very disconcerting, to say the least.

"Marcus," she said, and although her voice was steady, her hands shook.

"Chancellor," my father answered. I twisted my head, so I could look at his face, and I smiled. He was looking at Abby Griffin the same way he used to look at my mother. With surprise, as if he couldn't quite believe she was real. And although I knew that could be attributed to the fact that he had been captured by Grounders, there was something genuine underneath. Seems I had missed a lot.

I slipped away from underneath his arm, stepping closer to Clarke. My father and Abby exchanged a few more words, never looking away from the other.

"I thought I'd never see the day," I whispered. "It's strange. But I'm happy for them."

Clarke didn't need to ask what I was talking about. She knew. And although there was a bleakness on her face, there was relief as well. "Soon we might be family, I guess."

I put a hand on her shoulder. "We already are."

She smiled.

My father interrupted our conversation to explain to everyone that he had managed to buy us some time. He left with Abby to talk about a solution, while I paced around outside, waiting for something to happen.

Their meeting lasted for hours. The people around me grew more and more restless, fear making them angrier with each passing second. They were going to turn on Finn soon, I had no doubt about it. These were parents, brothers, sisters, wives, and husbands. They would protect their loved ones at all costs. And who was I to tell them they were wrong? If Finn didn't leave soon, he wouldn't have to worry about the Grounders. Our people would get to him first.

In the end, it seemed he had reached that conclusion as well.

"We're leaving," Bellamy said. He had joined me outside, fuming. He believed Abby was about to give Finn up.

"Good. Finally!" I exclaimed. "Finn isn't safe here."

"We're going to the drop ship. I'm going to get Finn. Grab your gear. Meet at Raven's gate in five. She's cutting the power for the fence."

I nodded and brushed off my bow. "I'll be there."

"I checked again. Still no sign of them," Raven huffed.

Bellamy, Raven, and I had been waiting in the drop ship for much too long for comfort. If they weren't here by now, something was wrong. I pursed my lips and took to pacing back and forth in front of the entrance. Bellamy kept shooting me concerned glances, but I ignored them.

"Where are they?"

Raven crossed her arms, her voice getting gruffer. I still didn't really want to be around her after our fight yesterday, but I was steadily getting over it. Perhaps if everyone was deciding to sacrifice Bellamy I would try to make everyone hurt as much as I was. "We shouldn't have split up!"

"Shh," I said, raising a finger, and pulling an arrow from my quiver. "Someone's coming."

Murphy popped in through the tarpaulin, and jumped back a little when he saw me aiming an arrow at his chest. "Hey, hey, hey!"

"Murphy," I grunted, slowly lowering my weapon. "What are you doing here?"

Murphy stepped past me and I turned around looking at the other two. "I believe I was invited."

"I thought we could use an extra gun," Raven said. But the dark look in her eyes told me of a different agenda. Something else had drawn her to invite him here, and I didn't like the maliciousness emanating from her. It was so wrong. So not Raven.

Bellamy nodded. "Might be a good idea."

"Finn should have been right behind you."

Murphy shrugged. "Don't worry. Spacewalker's gonna be fine."

No one else seemed to think so. I certainly didn't. I had a bad feeling about all of this. I gave Raven a sympathetic smile, but she just kept staring past me.

Not but a few moments later, Finn burst through the door, carrying an unconscious Clarke in his arms. Blood stained her hair and the side of her head. I slipped my bow over my shoulder and helped Finn set Clarke down.

"What happened?"

"Grounder hit her on the head," Finn replied, clearly frantic. I myself was feeling a bit panicked. Clarke was essentially my sister if what I thought was happening between our parents was happening. I wasn't going to lose her like I lost Charlotte.

"I need a bandage, a wrap, anything," I ordered, trying to keep my voice calm.

Murphy handed me some cloth and I pressed it against the wound on her head.

"Clarke," I murmured, "can you hear me?"

She didn't respond. Finn put his hands on his head and paced around. Tensions were high, but I couldn't focus on anything but my friend. I didn't want to lose anyone else. Not even Murphy, for fucks sake. I'd had enough of seeing my friends die.

"Clarke?" I cried, my voice shaking. "Clarke!"

Thankfully, she responded. Not as much as I would have liked, but she groaned and her eyelids fluttered for a moment. I sighed in relief. "You're gonna be fine. Just rest."

Finn stormed out of the drop ship, Raven following close behind. I glanced over, but then kept my focus on Clarke. He was upset. I understood. So was I. We just were going to express it differently.

"Hey," Bellamy put a gentle hand on my back a while later. "Maybe take a break?"

I pushed his arm away. "I don't wanna leave her. Bel, she's like a sister to me. I don't want to watch her die."

He crouched next to me, and turned my face to look at him instead of Clarke's terrifying stillness. "She won't die. Clarke's a fighter, just like you. But give yourself a break from the worrying. Let Finn and Raven take over."

Slowly, I nodded. Bellamy helped me to my feet and guided me outside as Finn and Raven took my watchful place. Together, we sat down outside the drop ship, keeping our weapons at the ready and our eyes open. I didn't really want to talk. Sitting in watchful silence was enough for me right now. Distracted my mind from Clarke, and everything else.

After a while, I shifted my position to my knees, and caught a glimpse of movement in the woods. I motioned to Bellamy who trained his gun on the figures emerging from the trees.

"Get out here!" He yelled. "We got company!"

Finn came rushing out with a gun at the ready. Bellamy yelled at him to get down, and he did, taking cover behind a mound of charred dirt. To my relief, Clarke was right behind him. Thank fuck she was okay.

We scanned the area, readying ourselves to shoot at the stray Grounders but, soon realized that escape was going to be more difficult than that. We were surrounded.

Reconvening in the drop ship, I kept busy by pacing around. Bellamy kept peeking past the tarpaulin every now and then, but still the Grounders hadn't moved from their positions.

"They're not moving any closer," Murphy remarked.

Bellamy dropped the tarpaulin and turned back to us. "They're staying out of range. They'll be waiting until it's dark."

"If we hit them now, we take them by surprise," Murphy suggested.

I bit my nails and shook my head. "We don't know how many of them there are."

"I'm not hearing any better ideas, Kane," Murphy shot back.

I huffed and my irritation flared, but I let it fade away.

"We'll give them something," Raven said, keeping her eyes trained on the ground.

"All they want is Finn," Bellamy said.

Raven glanced up, her gaze shifting to Murphy. There it was, that darkness again. This whole situation was twisting her the wrong way. I hoped it didn't stick. "Finn wasn't the only one at the village."

"What are you talking about?" Clarke asked.

"Raven, hold on," Bellamy stepped towards her. Seems everyone was catching on.

Murphy turned to her, fear and detest clear on his face. "Whoa, whoa. Raven, I came here to protect him. You were the one who wanted me to come. You...That's why you asked me to come along?"

Raven glared at him. "Enough Grounders saw him. They'd believe he was the shooter."

"You sick bitch," Murphy spat.

"Raven you don't mean that," I pleaded.

"You know what they do to people!" Bellamy argued.

Raven seethed, "They want a murderer. I'll give them one. Drop your gun."

Raven lifted her rifle and aimed it at us, and a cold defiance in her eyes told me she wouldn't back down. Murphy took her up on that challenge and took steps forward until the barrel of her gun pressed into his chest.

"Go to hell, Raven."

"Put it down, Raven," Clarke ordered. "Like it or not, he's one of us."

Raven's voice was even gruffer than it had already been if that was possible. She barked, "I said drop it."

Thankfully, Finn stepped in and pushed the barrel of her gun down towards the floor and stepped in front of Murphy. "Stop! Stop. We're not doing this. They've got us surrounded. The only thing we can do is stay and defend this place."

Bellamy nodded. "I'm with you."

"So am I," I said, stepping forward.

Everyone nodded, showing their support.

"Murphy," Finn said.


"Go upstairs. Watch the rear. I'll take the lower level." Finn rolled his eyes over the rest of us. "You four take the front gate."

We all exchanged glances, not sure if that was the best thing to do. But Finn wasn't having it.

"That's the plan, alright?"

Hesitantly, we all nodded and took to our positions. I crouched behind a giant log, aiming my arrow at the gate, waiting for the steadily setting sun to set and bring forth night and battle. Every now and then I glanced over at Bellamy to see him tense and rigid, jaw clenched, finger twitching on the trigger. My muscles cried for rest and so I set my arrow down, and touched my ring. He was right. It stood for hope. And I had hope this would work. We'd defend Finn. But I also had a gnawing gut feeling that he was up to something. Everyone always had another agenda.

Leaves rustled, catching our attention. Immediately, I drew my string taut again, ready to fire.

"Someone's coming," Raven uttered.

"There," Clarke nodded in the direction of the sound and I aimed my arrow. But it wasn't a stranger.

"Finn?" Raven said, dejected.

He had his hands up, standing at the gate. I dropped my arrow and got to my feet. He was surrendering.

"No, Finn!" Clarke cried, as the Grounders grabbed onto him.

I brought my hand to my mouth. There was nothing we could do now. They'd taken him. There was no way to save him now.

Night had fallen. Torches from the Grounder army lit the darkness with an ominous orange glow. I watched with unease and anger as they tied Finn to a post. Knowing these people, what they were going to do to him was not going to be pleasant.

"They want us to watch," Clarke said in a hollow voice.

My stomach twisted. These people were horrible.

"We'll get him," Bellamy said. "We'll get in close and we'll hit them hard."

"Son," my father answered gently. "There's thousands of them. Even if we could kill hundreds, they'd still wipe out this camp and your friend would still die."

"We have to try," Bellamy insisted, his eyes frantic.

I reached out and grabbed his hand, hoping it was comforting. He had told me I was his hope, and so that was what I was going to be. Even if Finn's fate was dire and inescapable, I would be his hope that no one else will meet such a fate. We would get our people out of Mount Weather and we would finally relish in peace. Finn would be missed, but his sacrifice would give us hope for a better future.

Raven turned to Abby, calling the doctor's name in a desperate plea. But Abby looked at her and shook her head.

Clarke's face darkened. he slipped away, and Raven, Bellamy, and I followed. Clarke took out her dagger and gave it to Bellamy as she headed for the gates.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm gonna talk to the Commander."

"What else do you have to say?"

"I don't know!" She exclaimed, raising her voice. "I- I don't know."

Bellamy called her name, but even he had nothing to say and he closed his mouth, his brows furrowed. Raven stepped forward, pressing something into Clarke's hand. It was a blade, small and thin, and invisible once slipped into Clarke's sleeve.

"Raven, no," I warned.

"If she won't let him go," Raven told Clarke, ignoring me, "kill her. Things will go crazy and we'll grab you and Finn. Clarke, you have to help him. I owe him my life."

It was an insane plan. But Clarke nodded, and I couldn't find it in me to tell her that she would only get herself killed if she tried to harm the Commander. Like Raven, I was clinging into one last hope: that Clarke would be able to persuade the Grounders to let Finn go.

Clarke slipped out of the gates, heading for the woods as we watched. I chewed at my nails, an old habit I performed when I was scared of monsters under my bed as a child. Now I was watching as my friend was going to die, and my other risk her life to do something dumb. We almost could have been biological sisters just on that front.

We watched as Clarke approached the Grounders, as she crossed their ranks until she stood in front of the Commander's general. We watched as she was kept back by a spear, as she moved forward anyway and as blood stained her shirt.

"Let her pass!" The Commander ordered.

Clarke stepped forward. We couldn't hear what they said to each other; we were too far away. All we could do was wait.

"Come on, Clarke, do it," Raven said next to me, shaking.

Clarke, to my relief, did not try to stab the Commander. Instead, she walked away and headed for Finn.

"What is she doing?" Raven whispered.

Clarke ran for Finn and embraced him. Kissed him. Next to me, Raven breathed in sharply. We watched as Clarke embraced Finn, tightly and his head fell to her neck.

"Something's wrong," Bellamy whispered.

And he was right. When Clarke stepped away, there was something metallic in her hand. And Finn was slumped forward, deathly still. A dark, undeniable stain grew across his shirt.

"Oh God," I whispered.

She had killed him. She had used Raven's blade and killed him, before the Grounders could.

Raven was shaking, tears sliding down her face as she slowly realized what had happened. She screamed, the sound raw and filled with so much pain that I couldn't bear it. She slid to the ground, Bellamy catching her as she broke down. A few tears of my own escaped, and I couldn't look away from the scene. After everything we'd done to try to save him, he was dead. But the rest of us were saved.

Our truce with the Grounders had begun.


Sorry this took so long to get out lmao I got distracted with life. Also, random side note out of everyone in this show I feel like (minus all the murderous tendencies and everything in season 1) I would be Murphy. I resonate so much with his dry sarcastic humor. When in the 6th episode or whichever of season 2 and he said "saved monty's still now only if we could save monty" that shit cracked me up lmao. He's exactly how I would act. Snarky and nihilistic. 

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