Saving Crystal

By bestiesfor

138K 4.9K 209

(First Book in the Saving Series) Lauren had Crystal when she was 18 with a mysterious man that left her the... More

6:water park
10:Family pt.1
11:Family pt.2
12:The Fair
15:Leaving pt.1
16:Leaving pt.2
20:The beach
28: Proposal
29:The Doctors pt:1
30: The doctor pt2
31:New School
32:Home Practice
33:The meet up
✨Authors Note✨
Epilogue pt.1
Epiloge pt.2
✨Sequel Out Now✨


16.8K 423 51
By bestiesfor

Picture of Lauren ^^
Lauren's P.O.V
"Help Help"I yell I was chained to the wall hoping one of the workers would come save me I hear a key opening the door
"Mommy mommy wake up" Crystal says while hitting my face I smile seeing my baby she's the reason I'm still alive and why I finally moved to my dream place New York I was scared at first but there was no way to stop it from happening but I love her with everything in me i can see she's starting to throw a tantrum so I pick her up and give her a nice bath.

After the bath I take her down stairs so I can start breakfast I ask if she wants to help and she says "no thank you" so I  turn on The rest of Frozen from yesterday and see today is a home day so I decide to let her decide if we go swimming or go to the mall "Princess come here do you want to go to the mall or go swimming"
She looks like she's really concentrated on making the right decision so I wait she says "I want to go the mall mommy when do we leave and can I wear the new outfit auntie got"
"Once we eat and sure I'll get it once we get ready" the timer goes off and I see the puffs are done so I make her a plate and we eat watching the end of Frozen
"I want to take a bubble bath today"
Ok sweetie you can take a bubble bath if you can get to 5"I say
She smiles and starts "one two thee five"
"You skipped one but ok I'll be in the bathroom in a minute with the bubbles"
I grab her outfit and the bubbles and turn on the water to warm then grab her toys I finish getting her ready then grab my outfit.

(Crystals outfit)
I get dressed in a dress and here Crystal open the door "no nooo I want you to match me" she says on the verge of tears
"We don't have to match everyday it's ok if we don't match today" I say
"No we have to match everyday" she yells
"I will match you  if you ask nicely using kind words" I say
"Mama can you pwease match me today"
I change and match her so we look like the perfect mother-daughter duo.

                (Lauren's Outfit)
We take our matching picture and post it on Instagram then we leave and get in a taxi to the mall
                   •At the mall•
   When we get there the first place she wants to go to is the Disney store I love Disney but going there every time we go to the mall is annoying I let her watch the cartoon with the other little kids while i get the stuff I can use for her party and gifts when I see it's coming to an end I check out and put the stuff in a cart and go get her so we can go to the next store which is Nike I get her little rainbow huaraches and a Nike Outfit to match. I have money because I had started a savings account when I was 5 and it had gotten to a million dollars then my grandparents gave me some money once my parents kicked me out.

We got a couple more outfits and stuff for her birthday when I saw a man that I felt like I had seen before so I decided to hurry up and leave I asked crystal "do you want to watch a movie or go swimming" she choose swimming so I took us home and put her in her adorable swim suit.

I put on my swimsuit then I put on Crystals floats and we start swimming all around once it gets to 8 I give her a bath then braid her little curls into two Dutch braids I can tell she's tired because she was falling asleep in the bathtub i pick her up and change her into some pjs then put her to bed and turn on her night light.
"Good night I love you" I hear my princess say
"Good night princess love you to the moon and back I say"
I hear a knock on the door and it's...

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