got7 imagines 🎇

By babydys

154K 3.1K 228

there's a moon like you ✨ More

gym; jackson
pretend; mark
library; jinyoung
playground; bambam
failure; mark
dog cafe; youngjae
paper hearts; bambam
hide and seek; yugyeom
morning kiss; mark
player? ; jackson
trust; jb
basketball; yugyeom
dress; youngjae
so am i; jinyoung
shopping; bambam
home; mark
rain; jb
savage; jinyoung
cheating; jackson
dear diary; jinyoung
sleep; mark
cross her; yugyeom
badass; jb
night walks; mark
disappointment; jb
jealous; jinyoung
dance; yugyeom
truth or dare; bambam
overprotective; jb
prank; bambam
perfect; jb
rejection; jinyoung
photo; jinyoung
comfort; jackson
bracelet; mark
coffee; jb
shoelace; jinyoung
smile; youngjae
punch; jinyoung
pretend pt 2; mark
exCusE mE; bambam
secret admirer; youngjae
thank you; jb
not you; mark
clown; jb
thief; jinyoung

woods; mark

2.9K 59 13
By babydys

"why did i agree to this?" you mumbled in exasperation to yourself.

you and the boys had agreed to go on a camping trip, but this wasn't in the itinerary sheet.

out of the blue, they had pushed you into this mess of dark trees saying that all of you had to find the way out of the "maze" by yourself.

since young, you were terrified of the dark, often leaving the lights on when you went to sleep.

but you had an even worse phobia of SNAKES, and the forest is exactly somewhere you would find them.

now, you were enveloped in total darkness, as you extended your hand out to feel for anything you were going to bump into.

"this is so stupid." you sighed.

everytime you heard leaves rustle, you would immediately start shrieking and turn into a panic  mess.

"help me, i hate this." you complained, looking around in some hope for a source of light.

phone flashlights would come in handy but sadly, yours had long died.

"i really hate th-" your words got cut off as you broke into an ear-piercing scream, tripping over a stray branch on the ground and falling to the ground with a loud thud.

groaning in pain, you cursed under your breath at yourself for being so clumsy.

wiping off the dirt on your knees, you realised that your left knee was totally screwed up.

you wrinkled your nose in disgust as you stared at the bloody mess which made up your knee.

although it was dark, you could still make out the oozy dark liquid as blood.

it didn't even seem like a scrap of the knee, it looked like you got stabbed.

despite the unbearable pain, you grabbed onto a nearby tree for support as you pushed yourself up.

the injury made you want to get out of this horrid place even faster.

you thought your mind was playing tricks on you.

did you just see the pile of leaves in front of you move?

fear taking over you, you broke into cold sweat and started shrieking madly.

stumbling backwards,

you hit something or more like someone behind you.

you were too scared to look behind.

if you ever got out alive, you were going to kill those 7 boys for making you come here.

due to your sweaty palms, you lost your grip on the tree and almost slipped, letting out yet another scream as you felt gravity pull you down.

but before you could reach the floor, a pair of warm arms grabbed onto you and prevented you from falling.

that cologne..

"(y/n)? are you alright?" mark questioned as he turned you around to face him, scanning you up and down.

"omg mark." you didn't care that the boy standing before you was your crush, you just wrapped your arms around him and buried your head in his chest, glad to have another human being around.

you were too frightened to think straight.

chuckling, mark wrapped his arms around your small frame as he asked, "are you scared?"

"yes." you mumbled timidly.

suddenly, the stinging from your knee came back and hit you like an electric shock. you screeched, detaching yourself from mark and falling onto the ground again.

"what- (y/n)?" mark called, worry etched in his voice.

"i'm alright. i fell- i fell just now and my knee is being really uncooperative now." you croaked out.

kneeling down next to you, mark took out his phone and flashed the torchlight at you.

"(y/n), your knee looks really bad.." mark muttered.

turning to your knee, you grimaced at the amount of blood flowing out.

there was a deep cut right in the middle, and a dark and mean-looking bruise forming on the outside.

"its fine, we can just head back to the camp." you lied, flashing him a pained smile.

running a hand through his hair, mark shook his head, before starting to tear off part of his white t-shirt.

uh oh.

you knew what was coming.

cliche, like those scenes in the movies.

"uh mark, what are you doing?" you asked, as you laughed dryly.

you gulped as the hole in his shirt exposed part of his abdomen.

his *ahem*, sexy abdomen.

"it won't do much, but its all we have for now to stop the bleeding." he replied, as he started wrapping the cloth gently yet firmly around your knee, causing you to groan in agony.

"its okay." he whispered soothingly, taking your hand in his as he squeezed it lightly.

tying a knot with the cloth, he stood up, wrapping his arms around your waist and helping you up as you winced.

"get on my back. i'll carry you back." he mumbled, turning and facing you with his back, as he squat down hesitantly.

that was such a bad idea.

who knew what would happen to you?

something could just grab you from the back.

you shivered as you thought about it.

"uh mark? i- i'm scared-" you started, but he cut you off.

"its okay, i promise i won't drop you." he reassured.

"no, that's not it. i um- you know i'm at the back and like well- its so dark and-" you rambled on.

"ah i get you." he chuckled before turning to face you, your face burning with embarrassment.

"i will carry you like this then." he suggested, wrapping his arms around your waist before lifting you up gently.

automatically, you flung your arms around his neck.

although you trusted him, you were afraid to fall, and people make mistakes.

it was silent as mark tried to find the quickest way out of the forest, while you didn't help at all, merely leaning your head on his shoulder.

"i think you should eat more, you're especially light (y/n)." mark laughed suddenly.

"i don't know if you're being sarcastic, but anyways thanks." you grinned.

"seriously i'm not joking." he said, trying to sound stern but failing.

at that, both of you burst into laughter.

forgetting about the sharp pain in your knee, you suddenly thought about confessing to him right there and then.

there wasn't much thinking process, it just suddenly occured to you that what better place then when both of you were alone together.

"mark, i have something really important to say that may be a big impact on both our futures." you blurted out carelessly.

"hm? sure go ahead." he replied instantly, without any form of suspicion.

"i-i um," you said, as you advanced to the next word hesitantly,


"TOOK YOU BOTH LONG ENOUGH!" somebody who you recognised as jackson screamed as he came pouncing on both of you.

the rest of the boys ran towards you guys as they started screaming and cheering like wild animals.

"you." you whispered.

you were sure he didn't hear you, but it didn't matter, you weren't in the mood anymore.

"oh yea (y/n), you were going to tell me?" mark asked turning to look at you as he flashed you a sweet smile.

"nothing." you mumbled coldly, shaking your head as you looked away from him.

there will be a next time.

you hoped.

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