Willow Academy (Spanking Stor...

By WillowXWriters

392K 5.3K 1.3K

Penny and Owen Kherrington are a freshman and a sophomore at the illustrious boarding school, Willow Academy... More

Chapter 1, Part 1: Owen's POV
Chapter 1, Part 2: Penny's POV
Chapter 2, Part 1: Penny's POV
Chapter 2, Part 2: Owen's POV
Chapter 3, Part 1: Penny's POV
Chapter 3, Part 2: Owen's POV
Chapter 4, Part 1: Owen's POV
Chapter 4, Part 2: Penny's POV
Chapter 5, Part 1: Penny's POV
Chapter 5, Part 2: Owen's POV
Chapter 6, Part 1: Owen's POV
Chapter 6, Part 2: Penny's POV
Chapter 7: Owen's POV
Chapter 8: Penny's POV
Chapter 9, Part 1: Penny's POV
Chapter 9, Part 2: Owen's POV
Chapter 10, Part 1: Owen's POV
Chapter 10, Part 2: Penny's POV
Chapter 11, Part 1: Penny's POV
Chapter 11, Part 2: Owen's POV
Chapter 12, Part 1: Owen's POV
Chapter 12, Part 2: Penny's POV
Chapter 13, Part 1: Penny's POV
Chapter 13, Part 2: Owen's POV
Chapter 14, Part 1: Owen's POV
Chapter 14, Part 2: Penny's POV
Chapter 15, Part 1: Penny's POV
Chapter 15, Part 2: Owen's POV
Chapter 16, Part 1: Owen's POV
Chapter 16, Part 2: Penny's POV
Chapter 17, Part 1: Owen's POV
Chapter 17, Part 2: Penny's POV
Chapter 18, Part 1: Penny's POV
Chapter 18, Part 2: Owen's POV
Chapter 19, Part 1: Owen's POV
Chapter 19, Part 2: Penny's POV
Chapter 20, Part 1: Penny's POV
Chapter 20, Part 2: Owen's POV
Chapter 21: Owen's POV
Chapter 22: Penny's POV
Chapter 23, Part 1: Owen's POV
Chapter 23, Part 2: Penny's POV
Chapter 24, Part 1: Penny's POV
Chapter 25, Part 1: Penny's POV
Chapter 25, Part 2: Owen's POV
Chapter 26, Part 1: Penny's POV
Chapter 26, Part 2: Owen's POV
Chapter 27, Part 1: Penny's POV
Chapter 27, Part 2: Owen's POV
Chapter 28, Part 1: Owen's POV
Chapter 28, Part 2: Penny's POV
THE END (Sort of ...)

Chapter 24, Part 2: Owen's POV

3.8K 72 15
By WillowXWriters

This was bad. This was really, really bad!

Of all the things I had gotten away with in my short, mischief-filled life, I had been sure I had those answer keys in the bag. Sure, maybe Dana would eventually notice that big hole in the wall behind his dresser, and maybe Ben would finally realize that antique glass pitcher was now in fact plastic, and maybe Cooper would one day see that his autographed LA Galaxy ball wasn't as authentic as it used to be, but those answer keys had been a sure deal.

Well, not anymore. All because of damn Zachery Oliver.

Speak of the devil.

The asshole sauntered up to me in the lunchroom, where I was currently trying to act like I was not eating alone like some social pariah- even though I was. The news of my drug dealing had traveled fast, and as a result, most of the student body had been avoiding me like a plague. The Deal or No Deal (though I would avoid them even if they were to welcome me with open arms), the soccer guys, and even Danny.

I missed my best friend; I missed him so much that my chest twisted uncomfortably when he passed me in the hallway without looking my way, and I had to clench my jaw against the oncoming tears. I couldn't think of the last time we'd actually talked. Hell, I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen him in our room, awake and actually acknowledging my presence. I didn't even know if we were best friends anymore.

Zach slammed the Styrofoam tray down onto the table obnoxiously, as if I wasn't already coiled and waiting for his arrival. I glared down at the tabletop, not bothering to look up at the damn smirk that I was positive was plastered on his face.

"Hey, Kherrington," he drawled, plopping easily into the chair across from me.

"What the hell do you want?" I muttered, lifting my eyes so that I could see his slice of pizza through the fringe of my hair. Time for a haircut.

"Hey, what's all this hostility? I thought we were over all that. We're friends now, buddies!"

I was shaking in pure anger, teeth surely grinding themselves to bits. The mere thought of Dana's face when he told him about the answer keys was the only thing that kept me from lunging across the lunch table and pounding that asshole's face into the dirty tile below.

"What do you want, Oliver?" I sighed, just wanting him to leave me to my sulking in peace. If only Penny could see this side of him; then, I wouldn't even have to convince her to kick his ass to the curb.

"I just wanna have a nice conversation with one of my good friends! Is that so hard to understand?" His sarcasm seeped into my skin and wrapped itself around my bones mockingly. Inside, my blood spit fire. Outside, I remained placid and achingly submissive. I wasn't so sure I could keep my composure if this asshole didn't stop talking to me like I was fucking five years old.

"Fuck you," I mumbled, just slightly above a whisper. Part of me wished he hadn't heard it, but the more daring part of me wished to scream it in his face until his ears were ringing.

"What was that? Did you say you wanted me to tell Mr. Kherrington something?"

Fuck him. Fuck him and whoever thought it was a good idea to raise him like he was some fucking king and fuck him for making my sister think he was some decent human being and just fuck this whole thing!

"Listen, Kherrington. I can tell him anytime I want. He may not like me, but he sure as hell won't like you either after he hears about those answer keys."

This wasn't fair. What had I ever done to him? It was Zach's fault in the first place, ragging on soccer like he knew what the hell he was talking about.

"How do you even know?" I couldn't keep myself from asking. I mean, I knew Zach was one of those guys who had all kinds of connections, always knew what was up and who was doing what and who had cheated on who. However, something like this should have been totally out of even his league.

He laughed, a sharp bark, and looked at me as if I'd just asked him to go jump off a cliff or something.

"What in everlasting hell makes you think I'd tell you that?" I wished I'd never even bothered to ask.

"What. Do. You. Want?" I spoke slowly, clenching my fists around the knees of my khakis and hoping he would just go away. I just wanted him to go away.

"That's easy. Penny."

Icy cold gripped my stomach, shriveling it up and making me feel physically sick. This wasn't some game- this was my sister! My baby sister!

"What the fuck are you playing at?" I hissed, scraping my nails against the fabric of my pants. They left jagged, parallel indents, and I was sure I had matching markings on the skin underneath the thin layer of clothing.

"Do I really have to spell it out for you, dumbass?" he remarked, smirk clear as day on his fucking face. I was gonna rip that smirk off if it was the last thing I ever did!

I didn't answer, for fear that I couldn't stop myself from screaming out obscenities. How dare he think he has any right to go anywhere near my baby sister.

"Your brothers. They fucking hate me," he seethed, finally adorning an emotion other than sarcastic amusement.

"Yeah. I noticed," I replied, smiling down at the tabletop in satisfaction.

"The good thing is, is that you can change that. And you're gonna. At least, if you want to make it through this school year alive."

I looked at him in confusion. What did I have to do with my brothers hating him?

"Do I really have to spell it out for you, Kherrington?"

I didn't answer; Did it look like I could read his fucking mind?

He sighed heavily, as if it were my fault that I didn't understand his fail at subtlety.

"You're gonna make your brothers like me so I can date your sister, got it? Your sister came up to me today and wanted to break up! With me! Said your goddamn brothers don't want me anywhere near her. Well, guess what? You're gonna make them like me; hell, not just like me- you're gonna make them fucking love me!"

What in the hell was wrong with this guy?

"And what makes you think I'm just going to do whatever you say?"

His smirk came back then, condescending as ever. Zach stood up, rested his palms flat on the lunch table, and leaned over so close that I could see my reflection in his dark pupils.

"Answer keys."

He strode away as casually as he came, those in the cafeteria none the wiser of the affair that had just taken place.

This fucking sucked.

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