The boy who was given up

By Wasabi0_0Slytherin

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Harry Potter, a young wizard thrust into a world of death, evil and lies. In order to navigate through the fo... More

Chapter One: The Night Of Terror
Chapter two: The incident
Chapter three: Diagon Alley
Chapter four: Welcome to the gang
Chapter five: Sorting
Chapter six: Class and confrontations
Chapter seven: The boggart and flying
Chapter eight: Weekends, God fathers and the strange man...
Chapter nine: New information, who is this dude?
Chapter ten: A disastrous end to year one...
Chapter eleven: Coming home and starting again
Chapter twelve: God fathers
Chapter thirteen: Parties and sleep overs
Chapter fourteen: The zoo
Chapter fifteen: Back to school
Chapter sixteen: First day detentions!?
Chapter seventeen: The voice
Chapter eighteen: McGonagall and Dueling classes.
Chapter nineteen: The diary...
Chapter twenty: Answers and secrets
Chapter Twenty-one: Stopping the basilisk and rage...
Chapter twenty- two: Inheritance...
Chapter twenty-three: Gringotts...
Chapter twenty-five: Mastering and the holidays
Chapter twenty-six: Year three and secondary responses
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The inheritance...
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The scolding and the "incident"
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Memories
Chapter Thirty: Questions and TEA...
Chapter Thirty-One: The first date
Chapter Thirty-Two: Hostage
Chapter Thirty-Three: The new era
Chapter Thirty-Four: Christmas Special
Chapter Thirty Five: The Quidditch World Cup
Chapter Thirty Six: The Triwizard tournament announcement
Chapter Thirty Seven: The silent war
Chapter Thirty-Eight: DADA? I think not
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Sleep Over Part One
Chapter Forty: The Sleepover Part Two
Chapter Forty-One: The Tri-Wizard Tournament Troops Part One
Chapter Forty-Two: The Tri-Wizard Tournament Troops Part Two
Chapter Forty-Three: Feeling light-headed?
Chapter Forty-Four: The Shadowland
Chapter Forty-Five: And the Champion is...
Chapter Forty-Six: Too Much
Chapter Forty-Seven: Getting out of it?
Chapter Forty-Eight: Helping Harry
Chapter Forty-Nine: The First Task
Chapter Fifty: The Clue
Chapter Fifty-One: The Garden
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Second Task
Chapter Fifty-Three: The Annoying Beetle
Chapter Fifty-Four: Ballroom dancing
Chapter Fifty-Five: Is that a promise?
Chapter Fifty-Six: The Final Task Part One
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Final Task Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Final Task Part Three
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Infirmary
Chapter Sixty: The Beginning Of Forever
Chapter Sixty-One: Here is to Forever
Chapter Sixty-Two: Not Even Death Could Part Us, My Love.

Chapter Twenty-Four: Training

10.1K 330 135
By Wasabi0_0Slytherin

It had been three days since the group had last visited Gringotts and during that time they had all got better acquainted. You could say become friends. The oddest of friends but still friends none the less. James, Sirius and Remus were back to pranking although they never could get Harry...


The trio snuck around the corner of the lunge and saw that everyone was there. "Perfect." James chuckled as they all threw in a  changing hair color bomb. When the smoke cleared the three men looked inside gleefully at the orange, blue, purple and pink haired people. Only to be stumped seeing Harry sitting there reading casually as though nothing had happened. 

"Nice try." Harry simply said smirking not even looking up at the shocked faces. 

Everyone else in the room (who was previously) glaring burst out laughing because technically their prank didn't work. 

Through the laughter Draco made his way over to Harry and sat on the side of the couch pouting.

Harry finally looked up and had to hold in his laughter at a pink haired Draco.

"Harrryyyyy can you please change it?" Draco whined.

"Why Dray pink looks good on you." Harry chuckled and Draco's face turned the same shade as his hair. Everyone else cast knowing looks around the room and Narcissa cooed slightly at the two boys. Neither of them taking any notice.

"Pleeaaassseee?" Draco said rolling dramatically on top of Harry causing his book to fall and all of his attention to go to Draco.

"Hmmmmm," Harry pretended to contemplate, "Well maybe..." Harry trailed off.

"Please Harry?" Draco asked with the biggest pout and the cutest puppy eyes which made Harry chuckle and give in.

"Fiinnneee only because no one could ever resist that face." Harry said as he 'booped' Draco's nose. Harry then flicked his wrist and Draco's hair went back to normal.

"Thanks Har!" Draco exclaimed.

"Hey Harry can you do the same for me?" Dudley asked hopefully and Harry looked at him. He had bright blue hair and Harry laughed as he looked around the room and said "Sure but last one and good luck to everyone else getting their hair back to normal you'll just have to wait a few days." 

Harry flicked his wrist and Dudley's hair went back to normal. A huge smile went onto Dudley's face.

"Harry your not even going to help the woman who raised you." Petunia asked with a fake hurt face.

"I mean I love you to the moon and back mom but come one, purple suits you!" Harry laughed at her fake glare.

Current time

Seeing as none of the adults could figure out what spell Harry had used and they couldn't find the counter curse the adults had to wait the next few days with outrageous hair. But much to their amusement, Sirius, Remus and James all came down the next day with bright green, yellow and pink hair. It seems like Harry had paid them all a visit in the night...

Now that everyone's hair was normal today everyone was heading back to Gringotts to get the Goblins to 'train' Harry. Whatever that meant, but Harry was keen so they were going. 

When they arrived it was no surprise that the Goblins acted weird once again. Bowing and calling Harry Master. Who knew they were the slaves of the Master of Death? 

At least it was Harry who is the Master and not some horrible person like Dumbledore, they would manipulate them and that was just... Inhumane.

They walked through the same passage as before but this time they took a left instead of a right. 

Once they reached a huge black gate the Goblin turned and addressed everyone else for the first time that day.

"None of you past here, it's not safe yet." 

"What! No!" Draco exclaimed immediately and Harry turned to talk to them.

"He's right I don't want to hurt any of you so until I can control my powers, which I will remind you I don't know the full extent of, no one comes, you can all go home I will meet you there." Harry said softly and the adults all grumbled but nodded. 

Once everyone had turned to leave Draco stepped forward and grabbed Harry's hand softly and whispered, "Stay safe okay, remember we are in this together, I want to hear everything." 

Harry smiled and replied, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Harry then turned back to the Goblin who gestured for him to open the door.

As soon as his hand touched the cold metal it instantly heated up turning a bright red as the gate opened with a groan. Obviously it hadn't been opened for a long time.

"How long has it been since someone has been down here?" Harry asked casually as he looked around.

"It has been centuries, only the Master of Death himself can open this gate, it is an honor to see inside." The Goblin once again bowed.

"There is no need for that truly not in small company at least, oh and by the way I don't think I caught your name." Harry smiled at the small creature who's features lit up.

"My name is Eablir Sir!" Eablir exclaimed happily to which Harry smiled back.

"Now Sir, I must warn you this will be hard training because your powers can be un-reliable and shaky when angered so control is important." Eablir explained, "It is all Goblins duties to serve and protect the Master of Death from everything which also includes training you to your full potential." 

Harry nodded understandingly and they got started.


"Focus! All your energy needs to be on this task!" Eablir yelled at Harry as he fell to the ground.

"I am trying!" Harry yelled back panting on the ground.

"Are you or are you not the Mater of Death!" Eablir yelled at Harry as he attempted to  pry himself off of the floor.

"I am!" Harry said triumphantly as he stood up straighter. His eyes turned black as he concentrated, his face a mask of everything.

"Again!" Eablir barked and Harry lifted his arms letting a black cloud engulf him, carrying him up and into the air before the tips of the smoke turned red, changing from fire to ice and back again.

"Focus on one element!" Eablir yelled over the noise, "Picture it in your hands!" As Harry did this the room got chilled, icicles started forming around the room and as Harry descended form the black smoke holding him captive there was a white and blue mist expanding from his hand. Swirling around in his palm.

Eablir smiled before saying, "Good now, focus and change it to fire!" 

Harry's black eyes trailed to the ice and after a few seconds the ice turned alight and a flame was bobbing calmly above his hand. 

Eablir smiled and gestured for Harry to sit on the ground with him, only after the flame had disappeared and Harry took a breath did Harry's eyes turn back to normal.

"You see, Master, when you let it control you it engulfs you, you are no longer in control and then people get hurt. When you are in control you are the Master." Eablir smiled a sickly grin.

"But what happens when it does engulf me? How do I calm and get into control."

"Well when you are out of control you are wielding a dangerous element, like fire, ice or even wind. Take a moment, breathe and use the element of earth to your advantage, grow something to calm you, a flower anything. Earth is the easiest to control and the least lethal. Go now, bring me a flower."

Harry looked down at his hands and imagined a purple and white Petunia bobbing in his hand. When he opened his eyes the flower had traveled all up his arm. He smiled and looked to Eablir.

"Good, you have gained good control Harry, much quicker than the last Master. I can see some big things in your future. Now go a Mr Malfoy has been pacing outside for half an hour now." 

Harry looked confused but nodded and said goodbye to Eablir and headed to the door.

Once outside Harry saw Draco pacing impatiently around the corridor.

"Draco?" Harry asked confused.

Draco instantly sprung into action and launched a hug onto Harry, "How was it? Are you okay?!" Draco exclaimed.

Harry smiled and replied, "Yeah it was alright, I learned good control and Eablir said I am already doing better than the last Master!" 

"That's great!" Draco sighed.

"You okay? I thought I said you guys could leave?" Harry asked.

"We all did, but I could feel something was wrong, I don't know how but I just- Was worried I guess so I snuck here." Draco mumbled and Harry smiled.

"That's okay, it was hard but I am okay, thanks for checking." Draco beamed.

"Now come on let's go otherwise we will both be in trouble with everyone." Harry chuckled and extended his arm for Draco to take.

They both apparated to the aparation point and walked into the house happily.

Luckily for them no one noticed Draco's absence and they could sneak up to Draco's room without being caught.

"Hey I am just going to shower before Dinner so can you tell everyone I am back, Oh and Draco?" Harry added as Draco started to turn to leave.


"I have something to show you after." Harry replied excitedly.

Draco nodded and they parted ways, both smiling widely.


Once Harry was showered and changed he walked out to see Draco waiting on the bed for him, reading his favorite potions book.

"Hey." Harry said snapping Draco out of his thoughts. 

Draco put down the book and moved over for Harry to sit by him. Harry took the seat happily.

"So what is it you wanted to show me?" Draco asked bubbling with excitement.

"Okay but first what's your favorite flower?" Harry asked.

"Ummm... Probably Gerberas why?" Draco answered confused. A/N the photo at the top is the ones Draco likes.

Harry smiled before closing his eyes, his hand outstretched.

As Harry opened his eyes Draco's widened. In his hand was a bunch of flowers, gerberas to be exact. 

"Here," Harry said to Draco as he passed them to him.

"They're beautiful Harry, how?" Draco asked breathless. His gaze so filled with love, all directed at the flowers. Before the same loving gaze shifted to Harry and he flushed, smiling softly as he answered.

"It's a calming technique Eablir taught me." 

Draco beamed back at Harry and excitedly said, "We have to show everyone!"

The two boys ran excitedly down to the lounge where they found everyone chilling in various places. 

"Guess what!" Draco exclaimed as they ran into the room.

"What?" Narcissa asked, wondering what put such a big smile on her son's face. No doubt Harry she assumed.

"Look what Har can do it is truly remarkable!" Draco exclaimed and pushed Harry forwards slightly, whilst Harry's cheeks went red at the sudden praise.

Harry to distract himself, instantly closed his eyes and started forming Draco's favorite flower. 

When he felt the familiar soft feeling in his hand he opened his eyes. Meeting wide ones of everyone present.

"Wow how did you do that!" Narcissa asked, holding back a smirk at the choice of her son's favorite flowers. 'Those two are going to be good for each other.' Narcissa thought.

"It is a calming technique Eablir taught me." Harry repeated to everyone.

"Wow this is amazing Harry, but he didn't work you too hard did he?" Petunia asked worriedly as she stepped forward towards Harry.

"Nah nothing I can't handle." Harry grinned cheekily and Petunia ruffled his hair laughing. 

"What else can you do Harry?!" Dudley exclaimed running over.

"I'll show you guys tomorrow, I don't want to push it plus we will need a strong room." Harry said casually as if he was talking about the weather.

"Cool!" Dudley exclaimed and he laughed at Harry.

"Come on guys dinner is ready let's not make the house elves wait." Lucius said breaking up the conversation and everyone nodded and followed. 

Narcissa and Petunia waited a moment and rushed to each other when everyone had evacuated the room.

"Did you see that those were Draco's favorite flowers!" Narcissa exclaimed.

"Oh my gosh and the way they look at each other!" Petunia exclaimed with equal amount of enthusiasm.

"They are so mates!" They said happily.

"I can't wait to be sister in laws!" Narcissa said imagining all the shopping trips.

"Same oh my goodness it will be great." 

"You should stay for longer, I know you have a life but still just for the holidays!" Narcissa pleaded.

"Why not I always take the holidays off to see Harry, and Dudley loves the magic!" Petunia agreed.

They both had a small squealing moment thinking of all the opportunities as Lucius walked in.

"Oh no what are you two scheming?" He asked as he broke up the moment.

"Oh nothing." Petunia said in a sing song voice.

"I'm sure..." Lucius chuckled at the huge smile on his wife's face.

"They are staying for the holidays." Narcissa blurted out, the excitement was too much for her to handle.

"That's fine, they are great company." Lucius said happily.

Narcissa smiled and they all went to eat their dinner, excited for what the future had in stock.


A/N Hey guys great news! Exams are over... Well for now but still yaassss! Anyway have a great day/night

Word-count = 2241

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