Spiders Mark [discontinued]

By luna_renn

4.7K 93 116

Jade Rose lived a peaceful life with his family. There was only one danger and that was they lived on the out... More

bank robbery
The beginning
Beacon pt.2
Unusual snow
Snow fall
Speacial surprise
On the other side
A talk before the trip
forever fall
Following the trail
Even more complicated
The day (volume 1 end)
Best friends
Another escape
defeated by cookie
The dance
Golden Rose
field trip
the first day
All aboard
ice cream problem
A Grimm situation
An Experience (volume 2 end)
a new gem
start of the Festival
Winter is coming
a bird came to visit
crime decrease
the return
A single choice
beginning of the end
A slow destruction
A blinding white end
Without a doubt in the world! (Volume 3 end)
A big reunion
Back in action
Moving on
A hard encounter
What're you doing here?
Taking things apart
Oniyuri Pt.1
Oniyuri Pt.2
The Rose curse (Volume 4 end)
Back in the saddle again
A very random set of events

Dying star

108 2 2
By luna_renn

Jaune: I can't believe it! Your-

Jade shoots a web at his mouth.

Jade: calm down. Please...

Jaune nods and jade motions for him to come over. He walks on over and he tears the webs off his mouth.

Jade: you do realize you can't talk about this to anyone, right?

Jaune: yeah. But can I like be you right hand man? Like a sidekick?

Jade: no. But remember if you tell anyone I'll throw you off a building.

Jaune: was that a joke?

Jade: yes. But please don't tell anyone it's better this way.

Jaune nods as jade jumps off the ledge and web swings away.

Jaune: wow...I know spider man!

Ruby: and so does everyone else he's meet. They know him but don't know the complete him.

Jaune flips around to see grown up ruby.

Jaune: who are you?

Ruby: I'm his sister, but you heard the boy don't tell anyone!

She gives him a little wink and he gulps as she walks away.

Jaune: did I just fall for his sister....


Jade was now standing on the side of a wall. He calls ruby and she picks up quickly surprisingly.

Ruby: nice job getting caught.

Jade: oh shut up, but do we have a lab at beacon? I'm trying to...resigns my weapons.

Ruby: finally! You may want to keep those blades for spider work, though. Or you could lie and say you make the weapons for spider man and photoshop yourself in a picture with him.

Jade: yeah that's what I was planning on doing.

Ruby: oh but here's the coordinates for the weapons lab. Wait a second, Your standing on the wall of it! I'll open it.

The wall he was standing on starts to open so he backflips and sits above to opening once it was completely open he goes it. His mask comes off as he looks around.

Jade: I've got this. I'm used to fighting with my hands so a weapon like Yang's will be good.

He smiles and starts to get to work and a ember cilaca design...but better! And it black and red!


It was night.

Team RWBY were all asleep in their beds. Ruby was knocked out with books all around her with a coffee mug, Weiss and Blake were sleep like a normal people, Yang was sleeping upside down in her bed. The door slightly creeped open as Jade peeked inside. He had a sleeping bag and had his new more compact version of ember cilaca on his wrist. They were black and a bit smaller than the first version.

He slowly walks in and lays his sleeping bag up against the wall and laid down. He was about to fall asleep until the light was suddenly cut on. He sits up to see weiss glaring at him.

Weiss: where were you!

Due to her yelling everyone else woke up.

Blake: why.

Since they were all woke they ended up circling him and staring.

Ruby: where were you actually?

Her feet were dangling off her bed.

Jade: I was out...

Yang: out? Like what kind of out?

Jade: well...I got new weapons made, well I made new weapons and ended up going to vale and helping Spider-Man in a fight. He ended up liking my weapons and used the design to also use.

Ruby: HA, you fought crime in a skirt!

Blake: you wear a skirt.

Ruby: but it's for combat! His is just a normal uniform one!

She points at his skirt and then to her combat skirt and crossed her arms afterwards.

Yang: wait? Are those ember cilaca?

Jade stands up and activated the gauntlets which are black and red lines in stead of black ones. It was also a bit smaller and could take dust rounds.

Yang: spider-man liked my weapons! Take that ruby!

Ruby pouts and flopped over onto her bed.

Jade: I even have a picture.

Yang: oooh! Let me see!

He gets out a picture of him and Spider-Man and Yang looks at it in excitement.

Yang: I wish I could meet him! Even if it's only for a couple of seconds!

Ruby: HA! I've meet him! I even fought roman torchwick with him!

Jade: that's cool and all but can we go to sleep now? I'm tired.

She hands him his picture and he switched his weapons (which he named dying star) back to the inactive state and flopped onto his sleeping bag.

Weiss: heh, look at his butt.

His skirt slightly flipped up and was showing his butt just a little. 

Yang: what was that?

Weiss: nothing!

She quickly lays down and Yang cuts off the light and lays down herself.

End of chapter 9 volume 1

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