Sanders Sides Pride One Shots

By EchoInFadingLight

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A One Shot book based around pride month prompts. Content warnings at the start of each story. More

Day 1 - First Kiss (Logince)
Day 2 - Pets (Royality)
Day 3 - Affirmations (Logicality)
Day 4 - Closet (Prinxiety)
Day 5 - Flowers (Analogical)
Day 7 - Shadows (Royality and Moxiety)
Day 8 - Writing On Skin (LAMP/Polysanders)
Day 9 - Stars (Logince)
Day 10 - Rainbow (Moxiety)
Day 11 - Road Trip (Prinxiety)
Day 12 - Shopping (Logicality)
Day 13 - Anniversary (Analogical)
Day 14 - Best Friend (Royality)
Day 15 - Truth(LAMP/Polysanders)
Day 16 - Parade (Royality)
Day 17 - Dance (Prinxiety)
Day 18 - Shapes (Analogical)
Day 19 - Art (LAMP)
Day 20 - Wilderness (Logince)
Day 21 - Language (Royality)
Day 22 - Tears (Platonic Analogical and Logince)
Day 23 - Club (Analogical and Roceit)
Day 24 - Colours (MLP)
Day 25 - Blankets (Analogical)
Day 26 - Remembering (Logince and Royality)
Day 27 - Nicknames (LAMP)
Day 28 - Wedding (Royality)
Day 29 - Storm (Analogical)
Day 30 - Last Goodbye (LAMP/Polysanders)

Day 6 - Coffee Shop (Analogical)

1.2K 37 81
By EchoInFadingLight

Trigger warnings: Making out, police, swearing. 


Logan sat in a corner booth. He was reading by moonlight in a small coffee shop in the middle of the night. Why? The owners, Patton and Roman, had noticed stock was going missing overnight. Logan offered to stay up and find out what the problem was.

So, there he was. He was rather engulfed in The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd, when a sound came from the back entrance. He put his bookmark in and set the book aside and listened to cautious footsteps edge closer. The kitchen door opened, and a figure edged out. They were hunched over, wearing baggy clothing, but stood up straight in shock when they saw Logan.

"Hello? Who are you?" Logan had planned ever since being asked to do this that he would hear them out, if it was a person.

They started backing away, trying to escape back into the kitchen. Logan grabbed their arm and pulled them into the light. A man who seemed to be around the same age as Logan stared up at him, eyes wide in alarm.

"I'm sorry, please don't call the police," he blurted.

"I haven't, so you better have a good reason why you're breaking into a coffee shop."

The man shrunk back. "There's kittens outside. They're strays. I didn't want them to go hungry and if I brought any food from my dorm, my roommate would be mad and this was the closest place-"

"Hold on, this is about cats?"

"Yeah..."Logan sighed and walked back towards his booth, gesturing for the man to follow. They sat down together and an uncomfortable silence settled on the room.

"Let's take this slower. My name is Logan. I work here. I won't call the police unless you give me reason to."

The man nodded along with what he was saying, still hesitant, but feeling a strange sense of trust towards this stranger.

"Okay... you can call me Virge."

"Verge? Like the verge of a cliff?"

Virge tilted his head and stared at Logan in confusion. "Sure..."

"Alright. You mentioned cats near here. Can you take me to see them?"

Virge stared down at the table. He'd found the cats due to them being dumped near one of his 'safe places'. Sure, it was weird to have one down a random alley, but who was he to explain his actions?

"Okay, but can I take some food to them?"

Logan nodded and gestured towards the counter, offering its contents for Virge to take. "Just don't take too much, I don't want Patton and Roman to be mad at me."

Virge, who had made his way behind the counter and was rifling through the shelves, shot his head up to look at Logan."You know Patton?"

"I don't think we're talking about the same person here."

Virge stood up. "Slightly smaller than me, really bubbly, dad friend?"

"Okay, maybe we are talking about the same person."

Virge chuckled and wandered through the kitchen doors. Logan walked after him over and watch Virge grab food from random shelves.

"So, who's Roman?"

"Patton's husband. They own this coffee shop together. As some would say, they are 'meant for each other'. At least, that is something Roman would say."

"Hold on, are we talking about Roman Prince?"

"Yes? They've known each other since school."

"Damn, Patton scored on that one. I didn't think he'd get the guts to ask him out."

"What do you mean?"

Virge stood up, holding a cotton bag filled with food. Logan chose not to acknowledge that Virge had taken way too much. He walked towards the back door, gesturing for Logan to follow. 

"Patton was head-over-heels for one of the popular kids, that being Roman. I told him time and time again that he should just ask him out, but he always got flustered talking to him. Turns out it worked out."

"That's interesting. From what I hear, it was Roman who asked Patton to be romantic partners."

"Lucky bitch. The rest of us don't get so lucky..."

They walked down a nearby alley, and began to hear faint meowing. Virge pulled back a tarpaulin, revealing the kittens underneath, sitting in a cardboard box.

"Hey guys," he said, in a slightly higher tone than usual. He pulled some food out of the bag and fed it to the kittens, making sure each one got a piece.

"If you don't mind me asking, why don't you take them home if you're so attached to them?"

Virge froze. He had hoped Logan wouldn't ask, because that one question would lead to many more, most of which he didn't want to answer. But he saw something different in Logan. He couldn't place what it was. He decided it was trust. It surely couldn't be anything more considering Logan was still a stranger. Right?

"My roommate would kill me."

"I'm sure they'd understand."

"No, you don't get it." Virge growled, with more anger than he intended. "Sorry, I... I should go."

He stood up and walked away from Logan, taking the bag, but leaving a few open packets for the cats to eat.

Logan debated following him, but decided against it. Looking back down at the food, he saw a slip of paper. Picking it up carefully from under a package one of the kittens were feeding out of, he noticed a combination of numbers. A phone number, with 'Virge ;)' written above it.


L - Hello Verge.

V - hey

L - I hope I didn't do anything to make you uncomfortable last night. It was not my intention to hurt you in any way.

V - nah its just a touchy subject

L - As long as you're okay. Are you coming again tonight? I would rather like to see you again.

V - sure

L - I will see you tonight then. Have a nice day.


A few months later.

Logan watched the door creak open, and saw Virge slip through, gently closing the door behind him.

"Hey." A soft smile sat on Virgil's lips as he walked over to Logan. He slid into the booth, sitting opposite his friend. "You wanted to talk about something?"

"Yes." Logan straightened his tie, a clear sign he was nervous. "I have had an interesting revelation."

Virge stared at Logan through squinted eyes. "Okay, stop stalling, it's making me anxious," he mumbled, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself.

"I apologise. It has come to my attention that I have romantic feelings for you."

Virge sat back. He tried to say something, but the words got stuck in his throat as a result of the disbelief. Instead, he shuffled around to Logan's side of the booth, taking his hand and intertwining their fingers.

"Okay. I like you too. Romantically, I mean."

Logan turned to Virgil and took his other hand, which he was fidgeting with. Virge always fidgeted with his fingers when he was anxious, and he hated it. Logan would often place his hand on his to stop him, but considering the discovery of their romantic feelings, Logan though holding his hand would be better.

"In which case, would you do me pleasure of being my boyfriend."

A soft smile passed across Virge's lips, before dropping again.

"I would love to, but..." Virge looked down at their hands, knowing if he didn't end this guilt, he'd feel bad for their whole relationship, however long it lasts. "I need to tell you the truth."

Logan nodded, urging Virge to go on. Virge took a deep breath and rubbed his thumb over Logan's finger.

"Virge isn't my real name."

"I didn't think it was," Logan replied without thinking.

" didn't?"

"No. I figured that Virge was a nickname, especially after learning you don't mean Verge, as in the verge of a cliff."

"Oh. Right..." Virge muttered, letting go of Logan's hands. "But, my real name..."

"Don't worry. You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable." 

"No, I need to tell you. I feel guilty enough as it is. My real name is... Virgil." 

"Sorry, what was that?"

Virgil stared right at Logan, the hurt clear in his eyes. "Are you mocking me?"

Logan's eyes blew wide. "No, no, you just said it too quietly for me to hear. I assure you I would never mock you, especially when sharing important information, or information you were anxious about sharing."

Virgil pressed his lips together and took another deep breath. "It's Virgil."

"Virgil? Well, it's not what I anticipated, but I do like it. It suits you."

Virgil smiled. Every inch of his body was screaming at him to say something, but he didn't have the words. So he leaned forward and pressed their lips together for a moment.

Pulling back, he watched Logan's eyes for any sign negative emotions, but only saw a smile.

"I'm sorry, I should've asked first," Virgil started. Despite seeing Logan's happiness, he was nervous that he was just being polite.

"It's alright," Logan assured him. "Is it okay if I kiss you?"

Virgil smiled and nodded, allowing Logan to lean back in and join their lips again. Knowing this kiss would be longer, he pushed Logan back into the seat, lips still connected, and straddled his thighs, making sure not to hit the table. His fingers snaked into Logan's hair, tilting his head to the side to deepen the kiss. Logan's arms sat around Virgil's waist. He was enjoying this, despite it being a new sensation to him, and he wasn't planning on stopping it any time soon. Virgil pulled on Logan's hair, making him groan, and giving Virgil's tongue access to his mouth. Virgil broke away, both of them panting, before going to Logan's jaw. He pressed fleeting kisses along his jaw and down his neck.

"Is this okay?" Virgil asked.

Logan nodded, desperate for Virgil's lips to be back against his neck. Virgil smirked and leaned back down, undoing a few of his buttons and pulling his shirt off one shoulder. He started kissing and nibbling at his collarbone. He sucked at the base of Logan's neck, making sure any hickeys he left would be easily covered by a shirt and maybe a bit of concealer. Logan, who was busy biting back moans, opened his eyes and saw flashing lights, alternating red and blue.

"Virgil," he moaned, unable to keep his voice serious.

Virgil hummed against his skin, not showing any signs of stopping.

"Virgil," he said again, with more intensity, pulling Virgil back lightly.

Virgil pulled away, panting and was about to apologise. He stopped when he noticed the red and blue lights on Logan's face and the wall behind. He leapt off Logan, staying crouched low. They ran over to the door, making their way out of the building. They jogged through alleys so the police didn't see them walk round the front.

They finally came to a stop at the wall of a park nearby. They looked at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"I thought you worked there?" Virgil said through his chuckles.

Logan cleared his throat and sorted out his shirt and tie. "I may have gotten fired when Roman found out I was letting you take food."

"Wait, they know it was me?" Virgil cried in alarm.

"No, I didn't tell them. I told them it was probably rodents. As much as I hate lying, I did it for you."

Virgil smirked and pushed Logan back against the wall, "that's sweet, but can we continue what we started?"


3 years later.

Logan and Virgil walked in through the back door of the coffee shop.

"The coffee shop? Why?" Virgil asked.

"We met here, I thought it would be nice for our anniversary."


They sat on the floor opposite each other, and Logan set down the picnic basket next to them. They ate in silence. Logan fixed his hair and straightened his tie every few minutes and Virgil couldn't figure out why he was so nervous.

"Lo, you okay?"

"Hm?" Logan hummed, looking up at his boyfriend. "Oh, yes, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You seem really freaked out for some reason." Virgil set down his sandwich and scooted around to sit next to Logan.

"I'm never going to do this," Logan muttered under his breath. 

"Do what?" Virgil reached out and took Logan's hands.

Logan took a shaky breath. "Virgil, I love you. So much. I can't imagine a life without you. You taught me to love, and to be open about my emotions. I will forever be grateful for your doing so. That brings me to my question."

Logan got up, letting go of Virgil's hands, and leant down on one knee. He pulled a small box out of the basket and opened it, revealing a small silver ring.

"Will you marry me, Virgil?"

Virgil's jaw hung wide open. His eyes filled up with tears and he covered his face. 

"Lo..." he squeaked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I understand." Logan closed the box and went to put it away.

"No!" Virgil grabbed Logan's hands. "I will, yes, absolutely!" He managed to say in a hurry.

"Oh thank goodness."

Logan reopened the box and slipped the ring onto Virgil's finger. Virgil took a moment to hold his hand up to the moonlight, watching the metal shine. There were no jewels as Logan knew Virgil would want a plain ring. It was just his style.

Logan watched his fiancé and felt his heart aching with pure adoration.


Virgil turned around, and was met with Logan's lips against his. He crawled forwards into Logan's lap, not breaking the kiss. They lay down together, Virgil resting his head on Logan's shoulder. Logan had one arm supportively around Virgil's middle, and his other hand loosely holding Virgil's. They stole kisses late into the night and fell asleep together.

The next morning, Roman and Patton walked in to open the coffee shop, and saw Logan and Virgil curled up together. Logan had told them he planned to propose to Virgil there, so they weren't surprised. Patton grabbed and shook Roman's arm, trying not to squeal and disturb them. Roman pulled his phone out and took pictures. Good blackmail material.

Needless to say, the wedding reception was held in the coffee shop, and wandering around were seven adult cats that seemed very attached to Virgil.


So, I have no idea how coffee shops work. I'm sorry if this is painfully inaccurate.

IMPORTANT: one of my really close friends read this over and they told me we had to come up with names for the cats. With the help of another friend, we figured that Virgil would name three, Logan would name three, and one they would decide on together.

The one they decided on together was Coffee. 

Virgil chose Soul Eater,  Gerard and Reaper.

Logan chose Calculus,  Andromeda and Verge (named after what Logan though Virgil's nickname was for too long.)

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