The Mist Comes To Remnant

Galing kay Gyuki-stuffs

86.1K 1.7K 1.1K

This book is not mine I was simply given permission to continue it Itachi uchiha and kisame hoshikagi are gi... Higit pa

Opened Eyes
Chapter 3
Initiation Shenanigans
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 6

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Galing kay Gyuki-stuffs

With Itachi and Kisame

"Let's see if this person will be interesting or not." Kisame said looking at the doors they had stopped in front of.

"With how long it took them to get ready I hope it isn't a waste of time." Itachi muttered more to himself than his partner.

After a few days wait with nothing of interest happening the duo had finally been sought out by their multicolor-haired friend. They were then led through the city to what they had been told was the meeting place. Roman had joined the group partway through the trip, but now that they were here the two criminals had gone through the doors and told them to wait a moment.

"If they were going to set a trap it would probably be right now." Itachi said causing Kisame to nod.

"If it is a trap then we can at least have some fun with them. We still haven't had that spar and I'm getting restless." Kisame said with a dark grin.

"Just don't attack first. If they make the first move then we will go from there." Itachi instructed.

"Right." Kisame said as the door opened revealing Neo motioning for them to come in.

When the two entered the dimly-lit room, they took note of several things. Neo moved off to the side next to Roman, but they just stood and waited. A woman was sitting in what almost looked like a throne near the end of the room. Two individuals were standing behind her partially hidden by the shadows. Finally, another individual was standing on the other side of the room with his back against the wall. Even with the mask on Itachi and Kisame could tell he was staring at Kisame.

"So... you two are the ones who interrupted our robbery the other day." The woman in the chair said motioning for them to come closer which they did slowly.

"We just happened to be nearby." Itachi said staring into the woman's almost glowing eyes.

"I see..." She said standing and walking up to the two. She stopped in front of Itachi and put a hand to his cheek.

Itachi had never taken his eyes off the woman, but he wasn't looking at her like she thought he was. He was looking into her very soul looking at the strange aura the woman had it wasn't natural. 'She is different.' He thought before speaking. "Is that really necessary." He asked leaning his head slightly to the side away from her hand.

Cinder narrowed her eyes but put her hand down nonetheless. "Why did you want to meet me?" She asked.

"We all have questions it seems and want answers. Why did you send Neo to spy on us?" Itachi asked the woman.

"I heard from Roman what you did during the robbery, and what he told me was interesting."

"What exactly did he tell you?" The Uchiha asked.

"He told me about a man with black hair who summoned a flaming skeletal arm to protect a girl from an explosion." Cinder said looking at him. "And that interests me very much." She finished with a sultry smile.

"I take it you're interested in my abilities then?" Itachi asked.

"I most certainly am. An ability like that must have several uses to it, and I could think of so many ways to use them." She said with her alluring smile.

"You want us to work with you?" Itachi asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, it would be beneficial to the both parties I can assure you." She said easily.

"In what way could you benefit us?" He asked.

"We have resources and can get you just about anything you might need." Cinder offered.

"Is that so... What do you think Kisame?" Itachi asked looking to his partner.

"After watching for a second... I say Orochimaru." Kisame said with a grin.

"I was thinking the same thing." Itachi said with a nod.

The others in the room were completely confused.

"The little kiddies back there are probably her pets like that kid... what was his name?" Kisame asked.

"Kabuto." Itachi answered before looking back towards Cinder. He definitely remembered his first reanimator.

"What is your answer?" She said her smile gone and replaced with a frown.

"Well I think I can speak for the both of us when we say we have no interest in working with you." Itachi said making her scowl. Her two shadows started moving to the sides of the room, but Roman, Neo, and the other individual didn't move.

"Such a shame. I think you might want to reconsider." She said a fireball appearing in her hand.

Kisame had to keep himself from laughing out loud. 'Is that supposed to be intimidating.' He thought his grin growing bigger as he eyed the two moving to surround them.

"Are you sure you want to be doing this?" Itachi asked not having moved, and honestly being faintly amused. 'This might be fun.'

"If you aren't willing to reconsider then yes." Cinder said taking a step forward.

"I see that is unfortunate then." Itachi said closing his eyes and activating his Mangekyo Sharingan. "If you don't retreat then we won't show any mercy." Itachi warned opening his eyes again.

Cinder just narrowed her eyes and nodded to the other two who jumped at them. Kisame brought his sword up and spun around knocking the two attackers away.

"Now now this isn't our fight it's theirs." He said with a grin before appearing in front of the silver-haired male and throwing him towards his green-haired compatriot.

The green-haired girl ducked to the side as her partner righted himself in the air and landed in a crouch.

"You good with her Itachi?" Kisame asked.

"Yes I just finished." Itachi said watching as Cinder's body fell to the ground.

"I haven't even started are you sure you didn't go overboard?" Kisame complained with a frown.

"She's still alive she can be thankful for that." He said looking to the people standing to the sides of the room.

"I guess you're right." Kisame said placing Samehada on his shoulder.

"Cinder!" The green-haired one screamed running over to the fallen woman. "Mercury get over here she's out-cold." Mercury ran over and helped pick her up before fleeing with the green-haired girl. Kisame was about to stop them but Itachi put his hand on his shoulder.

"Let them go." He whispered. Kisame grinned and nodded. "I see."

Roman and Neo were just watching shocked.

The other man at the end of the room walked over and looked at the two again. He turned to Kisame and spoke. "Why do you work with this human?" He asked.

"I'm sorry I don't believe we've met..." Kisame started.

After a moment's hesitation he obliged. "Adam. Adam Taurus." He said.

"Adam why do you ask that?" Kisame asked.

"With everything the faunus have been through how can you stand to work with this human?" He sneered

"Well Itachi here has been my partner for years, and he's the only one I trust with my life." Kisame answered.

"I see. Itachi was it? How do you feel having a faunus as a partner?" Adam asked.

"I don't really care what he's called. Faunus, human, or anything else he is my partner, and similar to his answer he's the only one in this world that I'd trust with my life." Itachi answered.

"I see maybe it is possible." He muttered the last part more to himself. Looking up he gave a small smile to the two. "Well even though you're a human you and your partner have earned my respect. No one I know could've done anything like that. If you have any interest in the White Fang we would be happy to have you both." Adam said before turning around and walking out of the building.

With that interesting exchange out of the way the duo turned towards the criminal duo who were still just staring. "I believe we were making negotiations last time." Itachi said causing Roman to snap out of his stupor.

"Yes we were. You want in on my information network you got it. Anything else?" Roman asked.

"No that's plenty for now, but if we come up with something we will get into contact." Itachi said.

"We would like to stop by from time to time for certain things that we can talk about later." Kisame said causing Itachi to quirk an eye, but he didn't say anything against it.

"Sure just take this, and if you want to call me just call, but it's only a burner scroll." Roman said handing Itachi a black scroll.

"Thank you. We will be in contact." Itachi said before turning around and walking to the exit with Kisame following.

When they got outside Kisame spoke up. "You did go overboard with that jutsu didn't you?"

"It wasn't the usual pain or anything in the eyes, but it still takes a lot of chakra especially since we were in there for a month." Itachi said making Kisame look at him.

"You've never lasted that long." He said.

"The pain would eventually become too much and make me stop. This time I just exhausted a lot of chakra." Itachi said.

"Well that's good, but why keep her in there for so long?"

"I wanted my questions answered, and only then did I let her pass out." Itachi answered.

"That's why you let them go?" Kisame asked.

"Yes today went vey well." Itachi said with a smile.

"Good to hear. What's our next step?" Kisame asked.

"Well tomorrow starts the weekend, and Ruby did want her team to meet us, and maybe after that we do something to get some more lien. We're starting to run out."

"Really? We must not have gotten much from that job. We haven't been eating much." Kisame said more to himself than Itachi.

"I know... and you said it yourself we still do need to spar." He said with a smile before dashing off.

"We most certainly do." Kisame said with a grin dashing after his partner.

The Next Day


"Good Morning Team RWBY!" Ruby shouted to her formerly sleeping teammates.

"Rubes it's the weekend let us sleep." Yang whined stuffing her head under her pillow.

"Yang it's like ten, but alright fine I suppose I'll just go see Itachi and Kisame alone." Ruby said with a small shrug. She was doing her best to hide her smile.

"Like hell that's happening!" Yang yelled bolting out of bed and hopping into the bathroom to get ready.

'Too easy.' Ruby thought with a laugh. "Weiss! Blake! Wake up!"

"I can't I'm dead." Blake muttered into her pillow hiding under the covers.

"It's far too early in the morning on a weekend to be this loud." Weiss said into her own pillow.

"Again guys its ten in the morning." Ruby tried.

"I stand by what I said." The heiress replied.

"Alright you've both forced my hand." Ruby said pulling something out of her desk drawer.

Blake immediately opened her eyes in horror. "I thought we destroyed that." She muttered.

"Destroyed what? That infernal whistle? Of course we did." Weiss said still not looking up.

Ruby gave Blake a grin that shook her to her very core before leaning next to Weiss.

The screams a mix of agony, anger, shock, and laughter echoed through the halls of the dorm.

After a good hour Team RWBY was out at the landing docks waiting for a bullhead. Ruby was smiling happily, while Weiss and Blake still looked annoyed. Yang having had the partial protection of a wall between her and the whistle thought it was hilarious and was still all smiles.

When the airship arrived the group quickly found themselves on their way to Vale. "So Ruby you said we're meeting these friends of yours?" Weiss asked.

"Yep." She said popping the 'p'.

"Where exactly?" The heiress asked.

"I'm not really sure they said they'd find us eventually, so we are just gonna walk around Vale until they do." Ruby said happily.

"That doesn't sound like a very good plan." Weiss muttered.

The rest of her team didn't seem to share her sentiment as they just followed Ruby out once the airship landed.

The group walked out into the central area of Vale and started looking at random shops they came across. For Blake and Weiss, it was their first time being able to really see Vale. Weiss never got to visit the city since she arrived from Atlas shortly before the semester started. Blake was too scared to go out of her temporary apartment for fear of the White Fang finding her.

Ruby was happily skipping along while talking to her team before smelling something simply delicious. They had come across a bakery and were now stopped in front of the shop.

"You really do like sweets don't you?" Came a voice from behind the group.

Ruby jumped and turned around with a smile. "Itachi! Kisame!" She said happily jumping up and hugging Itachi who just looked at her before patting her on the back.

"It's good to see you too red." Kisame said with a grin. He then looked to her teammates. "Who're your little friends here?"

Ruby let go of Itachi and stood in front of her teammates. "Well you remember my sister Yang. The one with the bow is Blake her partner, and Weiss is my partner." She said pointing out each one. Without missing a beat, she turned around to face her team. "Team these are my friends Kisame and Itachi."

"It's nice to meet all of you." Itachi said with a smile.

"We've heard a lot about you all." Kisame said with his grin showing off his teeth scaring Weiss and Blake but for different reasons.

Blake knew that Faunus could recognize other Faunus by their scents and other minute traits. Weiss just didn't know what to make of what appeared to be a large Faunus standing right in front of her sizing them up. She had been taught her whole life to hate and degrade the dirty Faunus and their scum White Fang for being lesser beings.

Kisame and Itachi noticed Blake's fear, and it seemed to be directed at Kisame. Not very uncommon, but her eyes were darting between the swordsman and the white-haired girl.

'Strange.' Kisame thought before looking to Weiss seeing her flinch under his gaze.

"Your teammates seem rather tense." Itachi said drawing attention of the group back to him.

"S-sorry about that." Weiss said hating her stutter.

Yang was glaring at the duo the whole time. "Yeah Rubes you don't really seem to realize these guys are intimidating!" She almost yelled. Almost.

"Intimidating?" Ruby asked aloud. "Maybe at first, but they're nice when you get to know them." She finished happily.

Weiss and Blake hesitantly nodded.

"Now then Ruby what exactly did you want us to do when you had the idea to meet your team?" Itachi asked.

Ruby froze. Weiss broke out of her uneasiness and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"You didn't have a plan of some kind for today?" Weiss asked annoyed.

"Ummm..." Ruby started unconvincingly.

"Since we're here why don't we sit down and grab something to eat." Kisame suggested getting a thankful smile from Ruby.

With some small mutterings from Weiss the group went into the bakery and sat at a table.

RWBY looked over the menus while the morning mist just waited quietly looking at each member of the team.

Ruby looked up to the two and frowned. "Are you two not getting anything?"

"I'm not hungry right now." Itachi answered.

"Neither am I." Kisame said after.

"Oh... alright then." Ruby said before looking back at her menu.

After the waiter came by and took their orders they finally started talking.

"So Itachi and Kisame what is it that you all do?" Weiss asked.

The two looked at each other. "We aren't really employed per say." Itachi said.

"We are pretty good fighters, so little red's uncle lets us take on hunter missions for money." Kisame explained.

"So you're able to do hunter missions, but aren't actually hunters?" Blake asked.

"Yeah we're from outside the kingdoms, and they don't have hunter academies out there." Itachi answered.

"How'd you survive out there?" Weiss asked surprised.

"We have been training to fight and survive since we were young. That's just how it was for us." Itachi said.

"So you're from outside the kingdoms like Blake is?" Yang asked causing the group to look to Blake.

"It's not impossible to get by outside the kingdoms it's just difficult. If they survived out there then they probably are strong." Blake said.

"What about you all? You're training to be huntresses correct?" Itachi asked.

"Yep from all different walks of life we come together to save the day!" Ruby said making hand motions.

Weiss pinched the bridge of her nose while Yang grinned. Blake stayed neutral, but you could see a small smile if you looked hard enough.

"Is that so? Do you think your team is ready for what lies beyond the kingdom walls?" Itachi asked.

"Well... I've trained out there before... but I always had Uncle Qrow. I don't know if we're ready for that as a team yet." She said looking down.

"Hmm why don't we test you?" Itachi said a grin appearing on his face when Ruby immediately looked up. His was only matched by Kisame's own grin.

"You want to test us?" Weiss asked somewhat skeptical.

"Sure it could be the two of us versus the four of you with some restrictions of course." Itachi said.

"What kind of restrictions?" Yang asked somewhat interested in beating the two "baddies" up.

"Simple Kisame and I won't use our weapons." Itachi said looking to his partner who nodded.

"You think you can handle four huntresses-in-training weaponless?" Weiss exclaimed.

"I'm fine with that." Kisame said before looking straight at Weiss. "Unless you'd like to add another handicap."

Weiss scowled. No one could just treat her like a joke and get away with it.

"Very well we accept your offer and will gladly spar with you." She said.

While Blake nodded and Yang grinned, Ruby looked hesitant.

"Umm guys I don't know if you really want to do this." She said getting somewhat ignored by the rest of her team.

"Ruby could you show us one of the areas we talked about before?" Itachi asked before mentally saying they could talk in a minute.

Ruby let out a breath before nodding. After the group ate they left and started following Ruby. Itachi was walking with her while Kisame was farther back near the rest of her team.

"What has you so worried? Are you scared for your teammate's lives?" Itachi asked calmly.

"No I'm not worried about you two hurting them too badly. I'm worried about you guys. Most of our weapons can turn into guns and you two don't have an aura." She said looking up to him.

Itachi just smiled. "Let us worry about that. You guys just come at us, and if someone does get a good hit in then maybe you'll see something cool." He answered causing her to smile at the idea.

"What'll you do!?" She asked excitedly.

"You all will have to work together to make us do it." He said his smile becoming more of a taunt.

"Hmph we'll definitely show you!" She said fired up garnering the attention of the four behind them.

"Alright! That's the spirit sis let's kick these old guy's butts." Yang shouted causing Itachi and Kisame to look at each other.

"I might be a bit older than the rest of you, but that doesn't mean I'm old." Kisame said with a chuckle.

RWY laughed while Blake put together what he said.

"Wait you said the rest of you." Blake said to Kisame who nodded.

"Itachi you wanna hear them guess your age?" He asked grinning.

"I'm curious how old do you all think I am?" Itachi asked only to receive blank stares from all of Team RWBY.

Kisame full out started laughing. "They think you're as old as I am!" He said laughing.

"How old are you?" Ruby asked.

"I'm twenty-two now." Itachi said after thinking for a moment. 'Death really alters your perception on time.'

RWBY just stared at him. Yang's mouth was hanging open. Blake was blinking while staring at him. Weiss was doing pretty well at hiding her shock. Ruby was like her sister with her mouth hanging open.

"What?" She asked before shaking her head and moving forward again.

The group was silent for a few minutes except for Kisame antagonizing his partner.

Finally Ruby stopped near the gates of the city limits. "Alright guys we need to move quickly if we want to avoid Grimm and get back at a reasonable time."

"Ruby where exactly are we going?" The heiress asked.

"An old training ground of mine. Itachi and Kisame wanted to know where it was anyways, so we might as well kill two birds with one bone." Ruby said causing Itachi to shake his head.

"It's stone Ruby." He said.

"What is?"

"... never mind." Itachi said with another shake of his head.

After a nice "jog" our heroes were in an open field. Weiss and Yang were visibly panting while Blake was just slightly winded. Ruby, Itachi, and Kisame weren't fazed by the short trek.

"Alright then I think now that we're here your teammates need a moment to catch their breath." Kisame said looking over her teammates.

"N-no we're ready... to take you both... on." Weiss said.

"This isn't going to be easy guys rest up a bit before our fight." Ruby ordered.

"You don't think we can take them when they aren't using their weapons?" Yang asked.

"It isn't their weapons I'm worried about." She muttered to the side. "I just want to make sure we're at our best when we fight them."

The rest of her team begrudgingly followed their leader's order, so for the next half hour they rested and planned how they were going to fight the duo.

When everyone was well and rested the two groups took opposite sides of the clearing facing each other.

"Whenever you are ready come at us." Itachi said activating his Sharingan.

True to their word they wouldn't be using their weapons in this bout. Samehada was on the side of the field sometimes wriggling unhappily. They both had their pouches with kunai and other items, but they didn't plan on using them.

"Kisame don't use any ninjutsu if we can help it. The most I'd do is use a clone or a substitution. Ruby hasn't told anyone about who we are, but her team doesn't seem as... trustworthy." He said to his partner.

"Fine simple taijutsu it is then." He said before pausing. "What about the hidden mist jutsu?" He asked with a grin.

"We were already seen in the forest after pulling that stunt, but most people haven't connected us to the mist, or at least they don't have proof. I know you can be a flashy fighter but do keep it toned down. Besides the less they know the better if we continue this path then hunter teams could be sent after us. It'd be an annoyance if they knew about one of your jutsu." Itachi answered.

"I take it that means you won't be using genjutsu then?" He asked.


Meanwhile RWBY was fanning out slowly approaching the two. "Alright guys you know the plan." Ruby said before planting the tip of her scythe into the ground and firing two shots at the duo.

Itachi and Kisame both dodged the attack before going to their default tactic. Divide and conquer.

"Scatter." Itachi said before he and Kisame dashed to opposite sides of the field.

"We can't leave one of them to our backside! Weiss and Yang go after Kisame Blake and I will handle Itachi." Ruby shouted to her team.

'Smart choice and reasoning, but that is what we wanted in the end.' Itachi thought with a small smile watching the black and red duo come towards him.

Ruby opened up with a charging slash that Itachi jumped over. Blake followed up with her own series of slashes. Itachi dodged the attacks before appearing behind the girl and lashing out with a vicious kick that sent her tumbling. While she was down for the moment Itachi turned his attention back to Ruby just in time to duck under a high swipe. She continued her motion and lashed out with a kick of her own that Itachi blocked before grabbing her leg and throwing her towards her still recovering teammate. Blake realized what was happening and was able to catch the cloaked reaper pushing her back a bit. The two stood again and looked to Itachi who was still just standing there waiting.

"This might be a bit tougher than I thought." Blake admitted with a frown.

"I told you guys that earlier." Ruby mumbled readying Crescent Rose for another attack.

Blake heard her but didn't acknowledge it. Regular humans shouldn't have been able to hear that, and she wasn't about to blow her cover.

Without another word Ruby activated her semblance and went after Itachi again. Itachi dodged each of her slashes frustrating the girl to no end. "Why. Can't. I. Hit. You!" She said between attacks.

"In my eyes you all are just moving in slow motion." He said as he ducked Blake's failed sneak attack. He went to retaliate with a punch to the black-haired faunus but his fist went through her and the image faded. 'A clone?' He thought before jumping back to avoid her blade.

"Interesting." He said before finally going on the attack.

With Kisame, Yang, and Weiss

"Come on then." Kisame said with his usual shark-like grin.

Yang grinned and charged forward shooting blasts from her gauntlets to close the distance. Kisame's grin never faded as he ran towards Yang. He had to jump over a volley of ice lances from the heiress and punched towards Yang who jumped away. Standing back up Yang and Weiss saw the cracks on the ground from where his fist had just been.

"Yang I have an idea." Weiss said to the blonde who deftly ignored her and charged again.

"I do too it's to beat him up!" She yelled as she threw a punch to his head which he easily dodged.

"You'll have to do better than that." Kisame said as he caught her arm and threw her over his shoulder. When he looked back to the heiress he saw she was also coming at him with her rapier. 'It's definitely not on the level of the seven hidden blades, but it isn't terrible.' He thought as he avoided her jabs.

He spun around one strike and grabbed her hand pulling her towards him then grabbing the back of her clothes and lifting her up before slamming her into the ground. Unfortunately for him he wasn't paying enough attention to her teammate who punched him away from her teammate.

He righted himself before landing and grinned at the brawler. "I almost felt that one." He taunted.

Yang's eyes flickered red. "I won't just sit by and let you harm my teammates!" She yelled running at him again.

"You got good morals kid." Kisame said as he readied himself for the attack. Just as the brawler was about to reach the swordsman a wall of ice erected between the two causing Yang to look at the heiress who was propped up on one arm.

"You can't just run in half-cocked like that you brute he was about to take you out of this fight." She scolded as she slowly got to her feet.

Yang looked like she was about to make a retort before sighing and calming down slightly. "You said you had a plan?" She asked.

"Yes I do." Weiss said as she walked towards the brawler.

"I know you're still lacking in experience, but no one would ever sit by and let you strategize in the middle of a fight." Kisame said appearing behind Yang.

Yang looked back shocked only to receive a fist sending her off her feet.

"I held back a bit on that one, so she shouldn't be dead." Kisame said with a grin before turning to the heiress who held her rapier warily.

"You're just playing with us aren't you?" She asked.

"Of course we are this is just a simple spar for fun." Kisame answered. "That said this can still be a good opportunity to learn something."

"What exactly do we learn from this?" She asked rotating the dust chamber in Myrtanester. (Might've spelled that wrong I never look it up.)

Kisame's grin turned feral. "That there are many who are stronger than you, and almost as important what utter and complete defeat tastes like."

Weiss had had enough of his talking and landed on the fire dust chamber then shot a blast of fire at him with the help of her glyphs.

A large fireball engulfed the area where he had been standing leaving her with a satisfied look on her face. "Maybe you should learn not to underestimate your opponents." She said taking a knee. She was running low on aura and dust.

"I learned that lesson long ago." Said a voice from behind her making her freeze. Before she could act she was kicked towards her teammate who was just getting up. When she opened her eyes she looked at the man in disbelief not finding a single mark on him. When she looked back at the dying fire she didn't see anything except a charred log. "" She mumbled before passing out from aura exhaustion.

Yang looked to her downed teammate and literally erupted with anger making Kisame's grin grow even larger.

"Looks like you've still got some fight left in you let me change that." He said taunting her into rushing straight at him once again. 'A very direct fighter it seems which means predictable. How boring.' He thought with a frown.

He looked towards Itachi's fight. 'Those two may've been more interesting opponents.' He thought moving his head out of the way of Yang's punch. "You should learn from your mistakes." He said grabbing her overextended arm again and flipping her onto the ground then lifting her up and throwing her into one of the nearby trees breaking her aura.

"Well then now that that's done I should probably make sure they don't get killed by Grimm or something." He said to himself as he collected their bodies and put them on the ground next to each other. Weiss was coming back around trying to figure out what happened while Yang was still out.

With Itachi, Ruby, and Blake

"Interesting." He said before rushing the two.

Blake and Ruby readied themselves for his attack. He threw a punch at Ruby who blocked it with the shaft of Crescent Rose and tried swatting him away with its tail. In a shocking display of agility, to the girls at least, he grabbed hold of the scythe's shaft and hopped onto it before jumping off straight into Ruby making her drop her precious weapon. Then before landing he righted himself in the air so he was standing next to the downed reaper.

"Owie." Ruby mumbled before starting to get up.

Blake decided to give her leader some time to recover so she rushed the Uchiha in hopes of doing something, anything to gain some ground in this fight. Unfortunately, no matter what she did, no matter where she attacked from, no matter how many clones she used nothing ever connected. It was like he was reading her mind...

"Maybe I am." Itachi whispered with a smile. He had seen the look in her eyes before, and just couldn't help himself.

"Wha-" She started before he appeared next to her.

"You are a faunus, so I'm pretty sure you heard me." He whispered before giving another vicious kick to her side.

Ruby had by now gotten back up and took in what had become of their sparring match. Kisame was sitting near the downed bodies of Weiss and Yang while Blake was a few feet away on the ground. Itachi was in front of her waiting and her baby was sitting off behind him.

She chuckled softly and held up her hands. "I surrender." She said to Itachi.

"Already?" He asked curious.

"Yes you found my biggest weakness. I am garbage at fighting without Crescent Rose and we both know you could stop me before I get to her." Ruby said looking at him with a smile.

"Well then good match. Sometimes it's wise to retreat from an unwinnable battle but remember that isn't always an option." He said before signaling for Kisame to come over.

Kisame picked up Yang and helped Weiss over to where they were. Blake got up and looked at Itachi with an expression Ruby couldn't place, but Itachi knew it as a look of pure terror.

He walked over to her and lowered his voice. "Relax we won't tell anyone it isn't our secret to share." He said before walking back to the group.

When they had all reconvened and woken up Itachi and Kisame looked at the battered team.

"What're your thoughts on them Kisame?" Itachi asked.

"They did better than I was expecting." He admitted. "But they still have a lot to learn."

"I can agree to that, and it was also a decent spar given the situation." Itachi added.

"Damn..." Was all that Yang could say. "I'd hate to see what you two are like when you're serious."

"Agreed." Blake and Weiss said.

"I for one want to see them serious. I don't want to be facing them at the time, but I wanna see it." She said making Kisame laugh.

"Well we don't know what'll happen in the future, so you never know red." He said.

With that the group moved, at a much slower pace, back to the city. Team RWBY would never forget that spar.

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A student from the Paldea region took an interest in traveling to other regions to learn new things.
72.5K 2.1K 196
"In a world of pirates and adventure, meet Ryo, a half mink-half human with a tragic past. After losing his parents, Ryo was taken in and trained by...
65.5K 3.4K 93
What if it wasn't Japan that teleported to another world, but the superpower country on Earth, America's Cold War rival that in our OTL is collapsed...
15.1K 311 20
It's my first time writing an Story so please bear with me. Anyways...... Story: Future Caelus, lost everyone. His friends, family and Comrades...