The Mist Comes To Remnant

By Gyuki-stuffs

87K 1.8K 1.1K

This book is not mine I was simply given permission to continue it Itachi uchiha and kisame hoshikagi are gi... More

Opened Eyes
Chapter 3
Initiation Shenanigans
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

6.1K 114 47
By Gyuki-stuffs

With Ruby

'Well that was fun I guess.' Ruby thought skipping through the halls to her dorm.

When she got there, she was met with stares from her three teammates.

"Hey guys." Ruby said happily falling into the empty bed.

"Hey Rubes, what'd the headmaster want?" Yang asked curiously.

"He wanted to ask me about Itachi and Kisame." Ruby said simply immediately catching Yang's interest.

"Why did he want to ask you about them?" Yang asked.

"Something about initiation. They were in the forest during the initiation, so he wanted to know if I could contact them yadda yadda yadda." Ruby finished lazily enjoying her soft bed.

Weiss finally spoke up. "Who are they?" She asked.

"Friends of mine." Ruby said immediately upbeat again. Weiss and Ruby missed Yang's wince, but Blake didn't.

"Why were they in the forest?" Blake asked still looking at Yang.

"They wanted to see what the initiation was when I mentioned it to them, so they came to see it." Ruby answered.

"Right… Ruby why don't you go take a shower, you're still in the clothes you wore during initiation." Yang suggested. Ruby sighed but got up and went into the bathroom.

When she heard the sound of running water Yang looked to the other two.

"I know we just met, but I need to ask you a favor." She said to the other two.

"What kind of favor?" Weiss asked.

"I need to keep her away from those 'friends' of hers. I don't trust them. They're older guys, and I don't think a girl like Ruby should be hanging out with people like them." Yang said.

"Ruby does seem like the kind of girl who would befriend just about anyone, so I can see what you're worried about, but why don't you trust them?" Blake asked.

"Well I met them yesterday when we were in Vale, and they were getting way too close to her if you know what I'm saying." Yang said thinking of the blush Ruby wore, and the laughing from the blue one when she first saw them.

The other two just nodded. "Alright we'll keep an eye on her in case you aren't around." Blake said.

Yang looked thankful but couldn't say anything because the bathroom door opened up revealing a fresher Ruby.

"Alright guys we should get to sleep we have classes tomorrow morning." Ruby said yawning.

With that the newly formed team went to sleep.


With Kisame and Itachi

"What's on the agenda today?" Kisame asked as they walked through the mostly empty streets of Vale.

"Well I suppose we should continue with our observations of Vale since that's the closest major city. We know Beacon can't be trusted, but we don't know much about Vale itself." Itachi said.

"See what we can find out in the city itself then?" Kisame asked before grinning. "If you want to know something in a city ask the rats."

"Let's see if this young lady can help us with that." Itachi said.

In her defense Neo was doing a much better job at stealthily trailing the two, but against real ninja there isn't much she can hope to accomplish.

"Yes it seems our illusion making friend might be of assistance." Kisame agreed before the two seemingly disappeared.

'Where'd they-' Neo suddenly felt a pressure on her shoulder making her freeze in place. When she looked to her left she saw the massive blade Samehada resting on her shoulder draining her aura.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!' She cursed trying to activate her semblance to escape.

"Relax." Came Itachi's calm voice.

"We aren't going to hurt you we just wanted to ask some questions and thought you might be able to answer them." Kisame said lifting Samehada off her shoulder. He was satisfied thinking he took enough of the girl's aura.

She slowly turned around to face the two who were watching her patiently.

"What do you want?" She typed out into a scroll.

"We want to know why you've been tailing us around Vale." Itachi said.

"I'm not at liberty to answer that." She typed staring into the man's red eyes.

"I see." Itachi said simply. "Your employer… is it the orange-haired man from the other day?"

Neo didn't want to give anything away but lying in this situation seemed like a very bad idea, so she gave the smallest nod of her head.

"Would you say your employer is smart or cautious?" He asked.

She nodded again not getting where this was going.

"So someone is above your employer." Itachi guessed noticing her eye twitch. 'Guess I was right.' He thought.

"If he was smart or cautious then he probably wouldn't have sent you back after us with how poorly that went last time, so I assume he isn't in charge, and the one truly in charge isn't really worried about your wellbeing." Itachi surmised to the girl in front of him.

"Well if that's the case then can you take us to your employer's boss?" Kisame asked with a grin.

Neo wasn't really sure what to do. She knew she couldn't trust the two in front of her, but she trusted Cinder even less. She really hated that flaming bitch. 'I don't know what to do…' She thought to herself. 'What's worse is I'm actually considering it.'

Making up her mind Neo looked up at the two and typed something out. "No, I won't take you to his boss, but I can get you into contact with my boss."

"Very well." Itachi said with a nod. "You can probably find us around here when everything is ready."

"If you turn out to be lying to us then we will just hunt you all down, and deal with you then." Kisame said with a grin.

Neo quickly nodded before running off.

"So what do you think?" Kisame asked his partner.

"I'm not sure yet. There are many possibilities. She could stick to our agreement which would be the best-case scenario, but two other possibilities are sticking out to me." He said.

"Either she will run or…" Kisame started.

"She will set up a trap for us." Itachi finished. "Either way it doesn't matter. Worst case scenario we hunt down the man from the other day and go from there." Itachi said walking out of the alley they had been in with Kisame following.

"It's not like it'll be more difficult than hunting the damn jinchuriki." Kisame said when they were back on the street.

"Agreed, but for now we should probably find something else to do." Itachi said. Neither of them were really in a hurry to do anything since they didn't have anything specifically to do.

That is until Kisame thought of something. "You know it's been a while. Why don't we have a quick spar?" He asked with his signature grin.

"It has been a while." Itachi said with a small smile. "If we do this then we don't need to be anywhere near the city. It'd draw too much attention."

Nodding in agreement Kisame thought for a moment. "Even outside the walls of the city we don't know where people might randomly be, so we might need to get a second opinion on this." He said.

Itachi nodded and made the half-tiger seal.


RWBY was sitting in Professor Port's class listening to his stories of the past. Well maybe not really listening. Yang was slumped on the desk probably asleep. Blake was reading and occasionally taking notes when the teacher said something important. Weiss was actually taking notes and attempting to keep her leader on task. Ruby was doing just about anything she could to keep herself occupied.

She stopped trying to balance a pencil on her nose when she felt that familiar feeling wash over her. With a small smile she closed her eyes. 'Hey Itachi.' She said.

'Hello Ruby, I apologize if you're in the middle of a class, but Kisame and I were wondering something.' He said.

'Don't worry you're actually giving me something to do. This class is sooooooo borrrringgggg.' She mentally sighed.

'Classes are important even if they are boring.' Itachi thought with a chuckle before getting back to the reason of his call. 'Do you know of any private places where Kisame and I could spar?'

'How private?' Ruby asked thinking.

'Maybe a five-mile radius as long as we don't do anything over the top.' Itachi answered.

'Hmm that's a big radius… I don't know of any places within the city, but if you wanted to leave the city then I might know of a few places. My uncle took me to a lot of different places beyond the city for those training trips.' She said.

'Outside the city was our preference anyways.' Itachi thought.

"Miss Rose."

'Alright then I can tell you where-' Ruby started before Port yelled loudly.

"Miss Rose! Do refrain from sleeping in my class." He yelled causing the girl to blink multiple times and look around finding her team awake now too.

It took her all of five seconds and the looks of surprise on her teammates faces when she realized she had both eyes open.

'Uh oh.' She thought causing some minor confusion for Itachi. 'My teammates and teacher just saw my red eye.' She thought before counting down in her head. '3, 2, and 1.'

"Ruby what happened to your eye!" Yang yelled causing her sister and Blake to wince although for different reasons.

Ruby grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head. 'This is gonna suck Yang already doesn't like you guys.' She thought to Itachi before looking to her sister. "We can talk about this back in our room." Ruby said just as the bell rang. "If you want to talk about it, then we can do it during the lunchbreak."

With that Ruby packed up and closed her eyes momentarily offering a quick apology to Itachi before cutting the link.

Yang didn't seem to want to wait, but Blake put a hand on her shoulder. "We can find out during lunch. It's only one more class." She reasoned causing her blonde partner to nod slowly before packing up her own stuff.

When the team left Port continued looking to where they had been sitting. 'I have a feeling Ozpin is going to want to hear about this. It's not everyday that your student's eye changes colors.' He thought to himself before making a note for himself to call the headmaster later.

With Kisame and Itachi

"Well we might have to hold out on sparring for now." Itachi said before explaining what happened.

"It was bound to happen eventually." Kisame said when he finished. "I guess we'll stick around here just in case." He added.

"Maybe it won't be a total loss." Itachi said looking to a familiar person walking towards them.

"That was fast." Kisame muttered as Neopolitan walked up to them and beckoned them to follow her.

"You're right. Just be ready for anything." Itachi said before following the girl.


The lunchbreak has just started and Ruby already finds herself being pulled towards their dorm by an impatient Yang.

"Yang relax I'm not gonna run off anywhere, so let go." She said making her sister look at her for a second before letting go of her wrist.

"Alright but you have a lot of explaining to do." Yang said. 'It's the same eye as that man's.' She thought to herself. She blamed herself for not preventing this.

Ruby just sighed and shook her head. 'Uncle Qrow likes them why can't Yang?' She asked herself.

Their teammates were just following behind more curious than anything.

When they entered the room, Ruby decided to sit on Weiss's bed rather than her suspended one, so she could still look at and see her teammates.

Weiss didn't visibly object, but she internally sighed at her leader just sitting on her bed without asking.

Regardless the heiress sat down next to her dolt of a partner while Blake sat down on her bed. Yang decided to remain standing.

"Well?" Yang asked.

"Well what?" Ruby asked back. "You'll need to be more specific with your questions."

"Why did your eye look like his!?" Yang shouted earning looks of confusion from the other two.

"Because he's the one who gave it to me." Ruby responded calmly.

"What does that mean?" Yang yelled her own eyes turning red.

"Exactly what I said. Whenever we communicate my eye changes to look like his." Ruby said before noticing the lost looks on her teammates' faces. "I don't know exactly how it works I just know it does, and we are talking about those friends of mine Itachi and Kisame, or in this case specifically Itachi." She said clarifying to her teammates.

"So whenever you communicate with this friend of yours your eye turns red?" Weiss asked before pausing. "You talked to him during the initiation, didn't you?" She asked.

"Guilty as charged." Ruby said shrugging her shoulders. "I didn't mean to laugh out loud like I did, but I just couldn't help it at the time."

"I was sure you were insane when you did that." Weiss said. "It doesn't make sense for me to say this because of what we're talking about, but it does make more sense."

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around it myself." Blake added in from her spot. 'Just who are these friends of hers.'

Almost as if reading her mind Ruby smiled to the two. "It'd probably make more sense if you were to meet them. Next time we go into Vale I'll let you guys meet them, and then I'll let you make your own judgements on them. Yang doesn't like them, but my Uncle Qrow does." She said sticking out her tongue to the blonde still standing where she was.

"Wait how does Uncle Qrow know them?" Yang asked.

Looking at the clock and seeing their break was almost over Ruby decided to tell that story later. "He met them the other night, and I'll tell you more about it later, but for now we have class." She said causing the others to look at the clock.

"The next class is on the other side of the school we need to hurry!" Weiss yelled running out of the room. She would not have a tardy on her first day at Beacon.

"Here we go again. Let's go!" Ruby shouted speeding off after her partner.

Yang was still gathering her thoughts, but she shook her head and looked to her partner. "Let's go Blakey!" She yelled running out.

"Don't call me that!" Blake muttered to herself before following after the rest of her team.

With Itachi and Kisame

'She's still low on aura.' Itachi noted with his Sharingan as they followed the girl.

The three had been walking for a few minutes before finally entering into the criminal district, or as it used to be known the old business district.

"How much further?" Kisame asked growing bored of this already.

Neo rolled her eyes. If he didn't stop asking that question every 30 seconds she would do her damnedest to stab him.

"Patience Kisame." Itachi said looking to his partner with a concealed smile.

Before Kisame could give a retort Neo stopped in front of them. Turning around she took out her scroll and typed into it. "He doesn't exactly know why I told him to come here, so don't be surprised if he reacts… poorly." She typed with a grin.

"Ohhh I think I'm starting to like her." Kisame said matching her grin.

"Wonderful now there are two of you." Itachi mock complained.

The grinning duo smirked to each other.

'Even though I don't trust them they're kind of fun.' Neo admitted to herself before walking into the warehouse she had told Roman to come to. Knowing him it would be a while before he showed up, so in the meantime she could try and learn more about this mysterious duo.

Itachi was looking for any other aura signatures in the immediate area, and not finding any aside from their own. 'I could've sworn she would try and lead us into a trap.' He thought before shaking his head. 'This could still be a trap.' He thought looking to the shorter girl in front of him.

'He's smart not to trust me.' She admitted to herself. 'Too bad he's wasting his time now though. Roman wants out of this damned job as much as I do.'

Kisame meanwhile was watching the both of them. 'If Ruby was born on the darker side of the law she probably would've ended up like this girl, but she'd probably still be kind to a fault like Itachi.' He thought to himself with a chuckle.

Kisame wasn't really worried about a trap if he was being honest. Even after death he always had a knack for getting a good feel on a situation, and this one unfortunately screamed boring.

After a few minutes the door to the warehouse opened revealing one Roman Torchwick.

"Neo! What's so important that I had to sneak away from the hideout?" He asked looking at her and then noticing the presence of the other two in the room.

Neo just waved him over. Roman looked towards the black-haired one cautiously, and slowly walked forward never putting his cane down. That ability of his was a complete unknown, and Roman hated the unknown.

"We have no reason to fight you here, so just hurry up." Kisame said causing the man to tense up before walking forward.

'If Neo is so calm around them then I guess I'll see where this goes.'

When he walked up he saw Neo turn around and lead them into another room that had a table.

The ninja decided to humor her and sat down at the table with Roman and Neo sitting across from them.

"Alright… Neo… explain." He said.

Neo shrugged towards the other two. "They wanted to talk." She typed.

Roman facepalmed. "Alright then gentlemen what can I do for you?" He asked looking to them.

"Hopefully answer our questions." Itachi said. "Why is it that you keep sending…

"Neo." Roman offered.

"… Neo to spy on us?" Itachi asked.

"Well after you decided to help out little red that painted you as a possible threat, so Neo was sent to find out more about you." Roman answered.

"I understand that, but what I don't quite understand is why she was sent back after us after she failed the first time." Itachi asked. Neo on the side bristled a bit at the reminder of her failure.

"I wanted her to try again since she hadn't learned anything the first time, and she got away pretty easily the last time." Roman said.

"You wanted her to try again? Or did your employer want her to try again?" Itachi asked staring into the man's visible green eye.

Roman narrowed his eyes and sent a sidelong glance towards Neo who looked away. "I see." He said after a moment. "What do you really want?"

"What we want is simply information." Itachi said causing Roman to give him a questioning look.

"What kind of information?" The thief asked.

"Currently we are looking for all kinds of information, but from you we are looking for information on Vale's underground as well as your employer, and if they have one their employer as well." The Uchiha answered.

"Alright and what exactly would I get out of this?" Roman asked. Double-crossing Cinder was basically a death sentence. If the reward wasn't worth the risk, then there was no way he'd make this deal.

"Well I already have an idea, but what is it you want?" Itachi asked.

Roman paused in thought for a moment. "Frankly speaking I haven't the slightest idea who you two are, so I'm not really sure what you could offer me that'd be worth selling out my boss." He said.

"What if we could free you from your boss's grasp. It's apparent that at least one of the two of you doesn't like them, or else this meeting would've just been an ambush or another kind of trap." Itachi said looking to Neo who just stared back at him.

"I'm not sure who you two think you are, but I don't imagine you'd be able to beat that witch." Roman said flatly.

"That would be our problem to worry about, but I can understand your concern." Itachi admitted. 'He's worried that if we were to lose then he would be in a bad position.' He mused.

"If your boss wants to know about us then we are more than happy to meet her." Kisame said with a grin.

'These two are either stupid or mad.' Roman thought to himself. 'But she did want to know more about them… maybe something good will come from this train wreck of a week.'

"She has taken an interest in the both of you, so a meeting with her isn't impossible." He admitted.

"That's good to hear then. If you can make this happen then we'll get back to our negotiations another time." Itachi said before nodding to Kisame.

"Ice creams already heard this, but if you try and lead us into a trap we'll rip you all to pieces." Kisame said with a dark grin.

"I'll keep that in mind." Roman said adjusting his hat and standing. "Neo will come find you both again when everything is ready, but don't do anything that'll get us all killed please." He said before turning around and leaving with Neo.

"His boss must be quite strong if he is that scared of her." Itachi said thinking aloud.

"Maybe so or it's just that she's stronger than him." Kisame added.

"Regardless things are going well, so let's not mess any of this up as we go." Itachi said.

"Coming up with a plan already are you?" He asked.

"You could say that." Itachi said with a smile. "For now, we should get out of here, and then probably check in on Ruby." He added.

"Good idea, but after that I want to hear this plan of yours." Kisame said.

"I'm still working out a few minor things, but that shouldn't be a problem." Itachi said standing.

With that the duo left the warehouse and made their way back towards the center of the city again familiarizing themselves with the ins and outs of the large city.


The team had just finished eating dinner with team JNPR and were heading back to their dorm.

"Alright Rubes I think now's a good time to tell me about how Uncle Qrow knows your two… friends." Yang said. The word friend leaving a bad taste in her mouth.

"Oh right that. Well I actually just got the full story from Uncle Qrow last night." Ruby admitted as the four walked into the room.

"Well go ahead and tell me about it." Yang said. 'Maybe this'll explain why she thinks Qrow likes them.

"Alright then Team Story Time." She shouted drawing the attention of the other two who just sighed and walked over to the two sisters before everyone sat in a circle.

Ozpin's Office

"What do you think this could mean?" Glynda asked.

"I'm… not sure Summer never reported having her eyes change colors, and she doesn't have Branwen blood as far as the records state." Ozpin said thinking to himself. 'Why do I feel like those two are involved in this?'

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