Daughter of Hela

By StoriesLoubbie

34.7K 1.1K 702

Lou Miller never thought she will meet her biological mother. She was angry for leaving her in the doorsteps... More

Reborn or Newborn
Tammy and Tom
Unshed tears
Debbie meets Hela
Ocean's 9... Hela?
Welcome to our team
Debbie + Alcohol
Testing the skills
Did you worry about me?
What's going on between you two?
Daphne's in Danger
Lou's insecurities
Anxious hearts
Awkward moments
A special moment for Hela
A dream of happiness
How to train your daughter
It's storytime
Lou and her powers
Hela Vs Lou
Deal with the destruction
The past, present and future


944 39 26
By StoriesLoubbie

After breakfast, Debbie and Hela were sitting on the couch waiting for others to get ready. Lou was dressing Keri and Derek.

"So, mom... Tonight you will be training with Lou... I want to know... How powerful is your punches and kicks? I mean... I don't want Lou to get hurt"

"Don't worry. I will go easy on her. But, only for first few days. She is my daughter. Until she gains her full strength, I won't let her stop training"

"Tell me, you can break the bricks with one stroke?"

"Brick? You really don't know what I can do. I don't blame you though. Let's just say, even my least powerful punch can crumble this whole building into dust"


Hela smirked.

"Damn. Then Lou too is that strong?"

"Yes. She is"

"Hmm... How did you get these powers?"

"I am a goddess honey. But don't worry. I will be saying my story to you in the afternoon. You will know. You may not understand everything but I will try to give you a brief idea about who am I and who is Lou"

Debbie nodded. She again had one more question.

"The swords and the blades... Are they coming from your body or it is somewhere in other dimension and you summon it?"

"It is from me. I mentally create it and summon it, and it get wielded in my hand or any part of my body"

"They look strange though. Not something what we see here"

"That's because they are not found here"

"What are they made up of?"

"Hmm... Let me show you"

Hela wielded one tiny necro sword carefully in a slow and steady way so that Lou won't get sudden jolt.

"This is necro sword. It is of obsidian. I can wield them anytime and, in any shape, and size. I can even summon them from ground or any other surface"

"Can I touch?"

"You can. But be careful. It's too sharp. It can cut through anything"

Debbie was fascinated looking at the sword. It had its own shine and peculiar colour.

"It is beautiful. Lou will definitely be attracted to them"

"She must"

Debbie gave them back and Hela magically got it disappeared.

"What else?"

Hela wielded her nightsword, again careful not to make Lou suffer.

"This is my nightsword. This is my sword. Official sword if I have to call. This is also a necro sword. Unlike other necro sword which I create on spot, this I have with me always. I only summon them. This is very powerful and so I had to summon very slowly. Else Lou would by now be on ground because of the electric sensation"

"Oh... This too is beautiful"

Hela withdrew the sword. Then she wielded a metal sword.

"And this is the metal sword. But unlike your Midgardian metals, this is very powerful and cuts through your swords and knifes easily"

"You are Hella powerful... Or should I say Hela powerful"


"Nothing. I just complimented you. So what else do you make? Only swords?"

"Nope. I can have them in any form. It can be an axe, pick-axe, rods anything"

"Wow. That is power"

"Definitely is"

"What other power you have?"

"I can see the dead" (check A/n)

"You can see the dead?"

"Yeah. I see them. I mean their soul. I always had that power. I am the goddess of death you remember. Then when I was in hel and ruled there, I saw more. All souls go there"

"You can see any soul? I mean those who are dead?"


"Wait here"

Debbie ran into her room and got Danny's photo.

"Here. Can you see his soul?"

"What are you up to?"

"I want to know whether he is dead or not"

"Who is he?"

"My brother"

"Hmm fine"

Hela closed her eyes and saw all the souls in hel, other places and in earth.

"No. He is not dead. I don't see his soul"

"He is not dead? You sure?"

"You doubting me?"

"No. But I am not able to control my feelings. Thank you so much. Thank you so very much", Debbie hugged Hela and Hela lightly pat her back. Debbie then released her.

"So, Lou too can see them?"

"Once she gets her powers, she can. She is me and I am her. So whatever power I have, she will also possess"

"Hmm. So, my girlfriend is equivalent to goddess of death? Damn. I didn't think anything like that would happen"

Hela smiled. Debbie was about to ask more when Lou walked towards them with Keri in her arms and Derek holding her other hand. Lou sat on the chair. Keri on her lap. Derek went and squeezed himself between Debbie and Hela.

"Derek wants new toys"

"Then he will get new toys"

"What about Tammy?"

"She too needs toys?"

"Dumbo. I am saying Tammy will be angry if we get more toys"

"Don't worry. Her anger is short lived. Where are your grown-up kids?"

"They are still inside their room. God knows what they are doing"

After five minutes, Nine and Constance joined them.

"What took you guys so long?"

"We were listing out what we need to buy. I want a new VR glass"

Debbie didn't understand and so looked at Lou. Lou signalled her. She will explain later.

"You can buy all you want Constance but don't dump it somewhere. Use them", Lou said and Constance nodded. They all went out.

Lou and Debbie were on bike while others were in Lou's car. Nine was driving. Kids and Hela were sitting backside. They stopped by a mall. Debbie had mentally prepared a list of things that Hela needs.

Hela can get any clothes through her magic but that will be suspicious. So, Debbie had decided to have Lou's clothes in the beginning. But how long can they share? So, they are having this shopping spree.

When Lou and Hela entered the mall, the security guy was staring at them in awe.

"Never saw twins before?", Debbie said to him and went in. Lou was smiling. Once inside, Lou lifted Keri, and Debbie was holding Derek. Constance and Nine were off to electronics retail shops.

"So, Helly, first let's buy you tops. Come on"

Hela was surprised and looking around and taking everything in. Lou thought maybe because she was not much privileged, this is overwhelming for her. Now she is in their team though, so she will make sure Helly will be comfortable. Speaking to Helly in a nice way had an affect on Lou. She is getting more and more comfortable and also happier in her heart.

They entered a shop which had very good collections. It was one of Lou's favourite shop and she never allowed Debbie to steal anything from there.

They started going through different collections. Debbie showed Hela some tops which were too feminine, she didn't like it. Lou, Derek and Keri were ahead of them and Debbie saw Lou picking few shirts and pep talking the kids.

"Hmm... I guess you will like this", Debbie showed a black cold shoulder top and Hela did like it. Obviously, she will like. Her Original costume is somewhat cold shoulder style.

"Try it. Go to that room", Debbie pointed at the changing room. "But don't remove these price tags or the magnetic tag. Don't do anything to this top. You wear it. Look into the mirror. If you like it then remove the top and get it with you. We will give it to the shop girl. She will pack it for us. If you don't like then just remove it and hang it to the hook with the help of this hanger. The hook will be inside the room itself. Don't worry", Debbie explained. Lou was not around them so she could explain well.

Debbie guided her to the restroom, showed her how the lock works. Good that there were not much people. Hela went inside and Debbie was waiting outside. Lou and the kids joined her; she was holding 5 different shirts and almost 10 jeans, various shades of blue and black. All screamed Lou Miller.

"You buying all of these? Typical of you"

"It's for Helly"

Debbie smiled and nodded.

"But I love them too. I will inquire if they have more of these kinds. Hold these. It's my size. So, I guess it will fit her. Come on kids"

And Lou and the kids went in search of similar shirts. Debbie knocked the door.

"What?", Hela asked without opening the door.

"You wore it?"


"You like it?"


"Then open the door. Let me see"

Hela opened the door. Debbie saw her. She was looking beautiful.

"Wow. That top looks beautiful on you"

"So, I can have it right?"

"Yup you can. Remove it and give me. Try these shirts and jeans. Lou got them for you. If you like, we will buy all of these"

Hela took them. The fact that Lou got them is enough for her to have them.

She tried all those clothes and Debbie was actually impressed by her dressing style. Lou and Hela were exactly same in style.

Finally, Lou joined them when Hela was done trying the last shirt. Lou was holding few track suit pairs, some jeans and T-shirts for Derek and some frocks ad overalls for Keri.

"Did she like them?"

"Yup. All"

"Good. I got these track suits for her. They too are my size, so I guess it will also fit"

Hela opened the door. She gave all those clothes to Debbie. Debbie called the sales girl and told her to pack them. Lou also handed clothes that were on her hand.

"Helly, do you feel comfortable wearing some pants or boy shorts while sleeping? Or you prefer those satin nightdresses which Debbie wears normally?"

"Except for those hideous night dress, anything is fine"

Debbie made a face and they laughed at her.

"Will buy some more in other shops. Let's pay and go"


"We need lingerie"

"Oh yeah. Hmm there let's go". Debbie said.

They went inside the shop. Hela was confused as to which one she should choose.

"You need sports bra, right? Let's go there", Lou said pulling Hela with her. Debbie went with them holding Derek who was getting restless and Keri who was too much excited after spending time with Lou.

Lou was selecting when Debbie whispered in Hela's ears about what to buy and the size, in short, select the similar pieces what Lou selects. The planned worked well.

While paying and walking out of the shop Debbie's eye caught a particular night dress that would be scandalous if worn in day time or even if her teammates see her wearing it. She quickly got separated from others and went to buy that.

Lou and others, now outside that shop were planning to go to food court. The kids wanted to eat something.

"We'll go to food court. Just one floor above. Okay Deb... where's Debbie?"

Lou and Hela looked around but couldn't find her. Lou told Hela to take the kids upstairs while she went in search of Debbie. She bumped into her.

"Where did you go?"

"Oh, just wandering. Something caught my eye"

"Did you steal?", Lou said while taking Debbie's bag but Debbie pulled it back.

"No, I didn't. And you cannot see inside this bag"

"Why not?"


Lou raised her eyebrow and Debbie pulled her closer and whispered in her ears.

"You gonna like them very much", and lightly kissed her right below her ear. Lou shivered.

"Well, it better be good"

"It definitely is", Debbie said quickly kissed her.


Hela was able to go upstairs without any problem. She had been in escalators and lifts when they had been to LA, Debbie had shown her how to use them. And now Lou had clearly told her one floor above. So, she did well. She was holding Keri in her arms who was speaking something childish to Derek. Hela was enjoying the baby talks.

Lou and Debbie joined them. They had texted Constance and soon those two joined them too. Nine and Constance were surprised to see so many bags in Lou, Debbie and Helly's hand.

"Did you guys rob the stores?"

"I would, but she didn't allow me. Had to pay for everything"

"Debbie", Lou tried to stop her before she could say anything in front of the kids.

"What? I am not going out without..."

Lou shut her mouth by feeding her four to five French fries at a time. Debbie however continued speaking, the kids didn't understand what she spoke.


After visiting few more shops, buying lots of t-shirts, boy shorts, perfumes, body sprays and cosmetics where Debbie didn't accompany, Lou and Hela were finally done. Hela managed well there. She didn't have to bother much regarding the cosmetics. She won't be using any of them. She has her magic.

Debbie was with kids, treating them with whatever toys they asked. They also ate some ice-creams. Finally, all five adults and the kids walked out of the mall with many bags. Debbie made sure her lingerie bag was covered and hidden inside Lou's t-shirts bag. No one can see it between the t-shirts. While keeping them all in the car, Lou was sure that they got more items than they purchased. She looked at Debbie, who was smirking. Lou just shook her head.

Lou told others to go home, for, she had to buy groceries. Debbie was however with her.

"I kept eye on you. When did you manage to steal? Also, wait... were you busy stealing while looking after the kids?"

"Baby... I stole when you were waiting at the billing station"


Debbie laughed and held Lou more tightly.

"I love you Lou"

"You just say those words every time. I feel I don't express my love for you enough"

"But I know that you love me. A lot"

"I love you a lot. And I will try to say that more and more"

"Even if you don't say, your gestures say that baby. Don't worry"


They reached home. Lou had planned to cook tonight. She was keeping the groceries inside the kitchen when Hela joined her there. Hela and Debbie actually thought Lou would take a nap and planned their story session but Lou didn't take nap today. So, they cancelled. She was wearing a beanie which Constance had insisted her to buy. After wearing it, Hela liked too. It was covering her head and her hair was tucked in, it gave the feeling of her helmet. She was still wearing one of Lou's shirt and pant though.

"Liked what you got?"

"Yeah. I liked them. Thanks"

"Oh, don't mention it. If you need anything, just say or you can go buy them"

Hela nodded.

"You need some help in that?", Hela asked when Lou was trying to fit certain ingredients inside the shelf.

"Oh, no. It's fine. It is just... we got excess I feel. But no worries. Will be cooking tonight. I am planning for a feast. So, some will be used"

"What special?"

"Nothing. Just, happy. Also, Tammy and others will be back. Anytime now"

"I will help you while cooking then", Hela said. She cannot believe she said that. She doesn't know to cook. Definitely doesn't know how to cook mortal food.

"Ever cooked before? I mean I know you were a waitress, but have you?"

"Not in my life"

"How did you survive then?"

"The diner food. Employees had the opportunity to eat their tasteless food"

Debbie had prepared her on the first day, and Hela uttered the same words here.

"Hmm I know how that feels. Don't worry. Here you won't eat such food. You have tasted Tammy's food. Today you will taste my food. You can help in cooking. I will also ask Debbie to join. She too doesn't know anything about cooking though"


Debbie, who was walking downstairs, saw Hela in kitchen. Because Hela's hair was covered and she was wearing Lou's clothes, she misunderstood her as Lou. It didn't flash to her that Hela was not wearing any jewelry. She couldn't see Lou who was sitting on floor, with all the boxes and containers. She looked around. No one was there in the living room.

She walked to Hela, thinking her as Lou and hugged her tightly.

"I love you", and was about to kiss her lips when Hela stopped her by holding her jaws firmly and turning her head towards the direction where Lou was present. Lou was amused.

"Your girlfriend is there. I am Hela"

Hela? Helly right?, Lou thought.

"Fuck", Debbie was embarrassed. Lou understood what happened. She laughed loudly. Seeing Debbie Ocean embarrassed is a rare sight.

"I'm sorry Helly", Debbie said and stood next to Lou who was still laughing.

"... and you, stop laughing"

"Look at your face", Lou said and again laughed.

"Stop. It is not my fault. You both look alike"

"Well, you can't recognise me? Your friend for last 20 years? She is not wearing any rings or chains hon"

I would if you were not each other's exact copy

"Come on. Look. You both... look alike. I didn't give much thought. She has black hair. I wasn't expecting her to cover her hair. And Helly, remove that beanie. Everything happened because of that"

"Why should she remove that? She looks good with that beanie"

"I get confused"

"Then try hard. And Helly... Hela... You just said you are Hela..."

"Hela. Helly is the name someone else gave me because they felt Hela unsuitable in this city"

"Nickname? Hela is actually nice compared to Helly. Whoever named you Helly clearly are fools. I will call you Hela"

Hela looked at Debbie and smirked.

"So, I was saying... whatever happened here... just don't tell anyone. I mean I am sure you now know that Debbie and I are more than just friends. We actually didn't want to reveal soon. We..."

"I get it Lou. Don't worry. The secret is safe with me"


Lou continued her work while Debbie and Hela stood there chatting something random.

After she kept everything, Lou took two bottles of vodka and a bottle of beer from her stash. She gave one bottle vodka to Hela and beer to Debbie.

"You have same potential as I have. So, we both won't be high if we drink this bottle. Debbie, don't chug the beer at once. Cheers"

They all lifted the bottle and then began drinking.

Finally, Hela is drinking with Lou. She was happy to reach this stage. Debbie too was happy to see them.

Within a minute the vodka bottles were empty while Debbie was still drinking her beer.

"I don't understand how you both can drink like that"

"C'mon baby. Don't whine now. Also, you need wine?", Lou asked while going through her stash for second round.

"I am not done with this bottle; you want me to drink more?"

"Hmm... You can try though"

"Nope. This will last till you both drink two more bottles"

Lou took two more bottles of vodka. She and Hela again drank the whole bottle in one go.

"Debbie... the one thing I master over you is this", Lou said proudly.

"You actually master in many things. But you need to realise it yet"

"What? Other than drinking, I don't excel you in anything else... Well may be combats. But you too are good at that to some level"

"You really underestimate yourself a lot. By the way, you both are supposed to train tonight"

"Oh yeah"

"Lou, Helly is..."

"Oh, stop Deborah. Call her Hela. Her real name. Helly sounds so dumb"

"Fine. Hela... she is trained since her childhood. You on the other hand, you learnt by yourself and is not exactly any form. You do it using your own techniques. So, this match is not equal at all. And obviously one will be overpowered by other. I don't want you guys to lose your confidence by that. I just... You understood right what I am trying to say"

"Yeah Debbie. If I fail to match her, then I won't be depressed. Also, after seeing her stunts I am sure she will overpower me. Though I was too proud to accept it that day, she was awesome. So, I am fine. I will get a chance to learn everything from the beginning with the actual techniques if I get defeated. Otherwise too I want her to teach me"

This was the biggest change that happened in Lou. Few days back she would not say this. But now she is. Also, Debbie's talk that day helped her in reaching this decision. Debbie was really happy. Hela was the happiest here. Her child wants to learn from her. This was the big step for them.

"That's good. All the very best to both of you then"

Debbie said and about to walk out when Lou pulled her back.

"Where you think you are going? Help me with cooking"

"Oh no. That is another thing you excel and I suck. I am out"

"Hold her Hela"

That's it. Hela and Lou both caught Debbie and there was no way she could escape from them.


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