Anxious hearts

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The following day, they broke into Kurt's another bungalow, and found few more devices. But didn't find any videos. Instead returned with documents. Then they began their journey to LA. Daphne had arranged private plane. Tammy got fake IDs for Hela on Debbie's request. Also Debbie had to cover her appearance, she isn't supposed to travel.

Lou arranged vehicles for them prior to their landing. They reached his house at night and started their search. They did find some videos but they weren't of Daphne's. But was sure it's of some poor lady caught by him. So they deleted that too. Finally their mission was completed. It was dark. Around 3am in the morning. Debbie called Tammy to know their progress. Tammy and others had managed well, made sure of Daphne's safety. 

Lou didn't want to travel at night. So they decided to return in the morning. They crashed in some hotel. Lou and Debbie took one room for themselves, others had their own. None had questioned them of taking single room. Or mostly it didn't come to their mind. It was natural for them to see these two share room.

Hela wasn't able to understand the door locking system and other things. She asked Debbie to accompany her. But Debbie cannot do  that, she's bothered about Lou's reaction to this. So she insisted others too to spend whole night awake and have some fun. They all were in Lou and Debbie's room. Constance and Nine insisted on watching a movie.

Lou had made sure Veronica and kids are safe. She had informed Tess to watch over, because Veronica herself is a teenager so she too needs to be taken care of. Debbie and Tess don't get well, thanks to Danny and her divorce, but Tess is the only one Lou can trust regarding kids safety when they're not in town, Debbie too knows that it's right but too proud to agree.

She was also constantly googling "Daphne Kluger", just to make sure the paparazzi aren't following her or the event. Can't trust these hidden camera agents. It might cause trouble.

"Baby, I talked to them. Everything's fine"


"Hey guys. How about Finding Dory?"

"It's Finding Nemo", Debbie said as if correcting the young girl. She wasn't ready for any kids movie.

"That's old. This is a new one... It's sequel. Released in 2016"

"Oh...", Debbie said and her face frowned a bit because she hadn't fully caught up with the world she's lagging by 6 years.

Lou hugged her sideways, "I'll make up for the lost time baby". It wasn't only about the movie, but everything she lagged.

Debbie just nodded.

"So what this movie's about? Dory's lost and that clown fish will find her?"

"Somewhat. Mainly Dory finding her parents"

"Oh you watched it already? Then we can change..."

"Nope I haven't. Didn't feel like watching it without you. You know I .. I won't be the same while watching... such... movies"

Debbie just kissed her forehead. Lou curled at her side, placed her head on Debbie's shoulder. She knew about the turmoil Lou goes through whenever they watch family reunion kinda movies.

The day when Debbie and Lou were watching Finding Nemo because they didn't have any other choice, Lou lost her mind, went berserk and started breaking objects in anger. The anger on her parents for not attempting to reach her. Anger on herself for not able to trace them. Debbie didn't stop her. She needed Lou to get it all out. It was the first time Lou had shown her emotions completely in front of others. Lou trusted Debbie so very much that she dropped all her guards.

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