Awkward moments

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Hela thought of speaking to Debbie. So she went to Debbie's room. Debbie wasn't there.

She might be with Lou

She's standing outside Lou's room, didn't wanna knock and wake up Lou. So unlocked the door using one of her blade. Once entering the room, she regretted. She didn't expect to see both Debbie and Lou, sleeping naked, holding each other.

She immediately turned back and started walking out. Debbie being light sleeper woke up and saw her.

"Hey wait", she said groggily.

"I'm outside. Meet me there.. and for my sake, cover Lou", she said facing the door.

"Oh well, yes mommy"


Debbie walked out wearing Lou's plaid robe.

"You... You and my Lou... You both.... Naked... I can't remove that picture from my brain now"

"Oh come on mom in law.. what did you expect us to do. We're lovers now"

"Whatever it is.. I'm fine with you being her lover and marrying her. But this.... I mean... I... You maintain distance... Don't do anything nasty with my daughter"

"Seriously mom? Nasty? That's what you call? Asgardian couples won't make love?", Debbie asked winking.

"They... Well... Just.. just keep it to yourselves. Not in front of me... Come on I'm her mother..."

"Well, we've been keeping it a secret. You broke into our room..."

"And now I repent"

"If you're not able to take this now, what will you do once we announce?", Debbie asked grinning.

"Yeah... Well... I don't know... Will see that later... but now you both haven't informed others right. What if they see you?"

"I don't think they'll dare to unlock Lou's room. Don't worry mommy... It's all fine and normal. You're just irritated because she's your daughter... But haven't you thought about your daughter's life with someone? Like didn't think about her marriage and all?"

"I.. actually didn't.. I wasn't aiming at creating a baby back then you see. So..."

"What does that mean now?"

"Well, I'll explain it to you. I came to you to explain everything. Everything related to me and Lou... I need your time... And complete attention"

"Okay. How long will it take? Lou might wake up in few minutes now. She's planning to go to her club"

"Hmm depends. I'm sure you'll have your own set of questions"

"Well, that I have. Lou's going to club later. So that time will be fine?"

"Yeah that'll be fine. We'll..... Oh no! wait what's that? I guess something bit you"

Hela pointed at Debbie's neck. It was a love bite.

"Where? What?"

"Hmmm wait", Hela dragged her to the nearest mirror and showed the mark.

"Oh this ...", Debbie blushed. "It's not an insect bite... It's just... Your daughter isn't innocent", Debbie winked.

"What? How's my daughter related to this mar... Oh no!!!... "

Debbie started laughing. Hela's face turned red, embarrassed.

"Really mom. You're this shy? Didn't think you'll be shy when your daughter there is..."

"Shh.. stop.. don't continue... I don't wanna here... Just get in there and wear something that'll cover these marks. I won't be able to look at you otherwise"

Daughter of Hela Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora