The past, present and future

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Lou knocked at Hela's door. Hela opened.

"Honey you are here? Is everything fine? Are you in pain? Did anything..."

"Mum, I wanna sleep here with you"

Hela looked at her with all love. She nodded. Lou walked inside.

Lou slept on the bed, her head on Hela's chest. Hela was rubbing her hand against Lou's back, eyes closed.

"Mum, will you tell me everything?"

"You know everything. You just have to recall"


"Sit and hold my hands. Then concentrate"

Lou followed Hela's instructions. After few seconds she remembered every single event in order up to her birth. That was the memory Hela had given while designing her. Rest of the things what Lou had seen earlier were through Hela's memory, which she was desperately remembering to make Lou realise.

"I was born from your brain? I don't have a father?"

"No darling, you don't have any father. You were designed by me. Actually, I was trying to reform myself so that my father would accept me. But the reformation resulted in you. And with you, I was able to walk out of that prison"

"You thought Odin released you"

"Yeah, I was wrong"

"What happened then? Earlier, I had seen how you left me in the orphanage. Why am I not able to continue the story now?"

"That was my memory and I was making you see that while fighting"


"Honey, we are connected. And we always had a bond. We can sense each other when needed"


"Yeah, so when i saw an escape portal, I thought my father sent it, I went through it to reach Asgard. But instead, I ended up in Melbourne. I thought maybe I ended here by mistake. I wandered a bit. Then I sensed my father somewhere close. I thought he was there to take me and you back home. But..."

"He wanted to kill you..."

"Yeah... He had his own family and children. He didn't want his sons Thor and Loki to know about me. I was his biggest success and biggest failure based on his early and latter part of life. I was everything when he was bloodthirsty and wanted power. But then I became the curse for him", Hela said with bitter anger.

"Mum you alright?"

"Hmm... I am, honey. So, when I realised, he was there to kill, I had to protect you. I didn't know what to do. Also, you were hungry and crying. I didn't have milk. You know, you weren't born naturally. So, I had no other option. I left you in front of that orphanage. I casted a spell upon you so that my shadow would protect you always, no matter what. I was then arrested and this time, Odin used all of his life force to lock me down in Hel"

Lou looked at Hela with sad eyes.

"Then, he died. I mean his life force was draining in faster rate. I was no longer interested in being his best person. I wanted revenge. The day I realised that he was about to kill me, my love for him vanished. I only wanted revenge and get Asgard back to its former glory. He died. Thanks to his stupid and useless sons"

"Don't call Thor useless"

"Honey, he is useless. And also, stupid. So, yeah, Odin died. I was released. My stupid brothers thought they could fight me. Even in my weak state, I just destroyed his hammer. That's when they got to know how powerful I was. Their ego broke. I threw them somewhere in the space and went to Asgard. But those people were changed. They no longer realised who I was. And they didn't want Asgard to return to its earlier powerful state. I didn't have any choice but to..."

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