Spiders Mark [discontinued]

By luna_renn

4.6K 93 116

Jade Rose lived a peaceful life with his family. There was only one danger and that was they lived on the out... More

bank robbery
The beginning
Beacon pt.2
Dying star
Unusual snow
Snow fall
Speacial surprise
On the other side
A talk before the trip
forever fall
Following the trail
Even more complicated
The day (volume 1 end)
Best friends
Another escape
defeated by cookie
The dance
Golden Rose
field trip
the first day
All aboard
ice cream problem
A Grimm situation
An Experience (volume 2 end)
a new gem
start of the Festival
Winter is coming
a bird came to visit
crime decrease
the return
A single choice
beginning of the end
A slow destruction
A blinding white end
Without a doubt in the world! (Volume 3 end)
A big reunion
Back in action
Moving on
A hard encounter
What're you doing here?
Taking things apart
Oniyuri Pt.1
Oniyuri Pt.2
The Rose curse (Volume 4 end)
Back in the saddle again
A very random set of events


129 2 12
By luna_renn

Jade was awakened by a whistle. He was so surprised by it that he almost shot a web at the source, good thing he wasn't wearing his web shooters. 

Yang: why is your hand like that?

Jade: it's good for stretching.

He stops and sits up from his bed.

Yang: but your should have seen that spider-man fight! He got thrown into a car and the rhino charged at him and got his head stuck in the car, then Spider-Man uppercuts the rhino and kicked him in the face!

Jade holds his back as he remembers being thrown into the car.

Jade: ugh, I'm gonna take a shower.

He leaves his hidden blades under his pillow along with his web shooters. He steps into the bathroom and after a minute he steps out shirtless thinking they wouldn't really care.

Jade: uhh, did anyone drop off a male uniform?

Yang just throws one of her uniforms at him.

Sento: today is the day I crossdress!

He stares straight ahead as He walks back into the bathroom.

Ruby: jade is ripped!

Weiss: why is he so....big?!


Jade steps out the shower and wipes himself off.

Jade: is this really the day?

He stares at the woman's uniform with a thinking pose.

Jade: hmm, the real question is do I have a choice?

He thinks to himself more.

Jade: nope. I don't.

He puts on his underwear and socks and puts on the uniform which fit comfortably for some odd reason.

Jade: I expect the shirt to be baggy? Especially around the chest....

He pats his chest which was fitted perfectly. He feels the skirt which he really just wanted to take off because he doesn't like shorts, and this is even worse.

He puts on his black combat boots and slides out the bathroom to see the room looks like a complete mess and his bed was gone.

Jade: what....what happened?

He looks at the makeshift bunk beds that were made from the wood of his bed.

Jade: where's the stuff under my pillow?!

Blake: on the desk.

He runs over and checks the insides. He finds his web shooters and he quickly puts them on their bands and puts on his hidden blades.

He slides his sleeves down as he finds all the girls looking at him.

Jade: what?

Weiss: you surely are toned.

Yang: are you crushing on my brother?

Weiss: what!? Of course not!

She crossed her arms and looked away from everyone as Yang smirks.

Jade: also this place looks horrible and where's my bed?

Ruby: we may have...uh, used it to make the bunk beds.

He just sighs and walks over to Yang.

Jade: what time do we have class?

Ruby: hmm, 9:00.

Weiss: did you say 9:00?!

Ruby: yes?

Weiss: it's 8:55, you dunce!

They look around to see the door open and jade gone. Weiss left soon after him.

Weiss: why are you so fast?!

Jade: this isn't even my full speed! HAAAAAAAAAAAA!

He starts running and screaming leaving everyone in the dust and makes it to class in under 30 seconds. He runs over and jumps into his seat.

Jade: easy.

(Author: yeah, so apparently captain America can run over 62 mph running to class is literally easy as pie for Jade since Spider-Man is probably stronger than him? Maybe? I don't really remember right now...but spider-man did knock out a t-Rex once!)

After a minute team, RWBY and JNPR run through the door.

Weiss: how fast are you!?

Jade: fast.

Weiss: that doesn't answer my question?!


Jade just sleeps through the lecture. He wakes for a split second and sees professor port wink at yang. His left blade pops out and he points it at him.

Jade: aye! That ain't it. Don't do that again.

Yang: thanks.

His blade retracts and he lays back down.


Weiss smacks jade awake.

Jade: pancakes?

Weiss: what? No, you idiot! The teacher just called on you.

Jade: for what?

Weiss: just get up there.

She gets him out of his seat and pushes him down to the middle of the floor.

Jade: what do you want?

Port: well, since you wanted to be smart and sleep in class...how about you fight this Grimm?

Jade: yup, yup let's get it.

Port: fine.

He chops the lock off the cage and a boarbatusk charged at jade. He catches it by the horns and he slides back a bit.

Ruby: you can do it!

Yang: yeah! Kick it's butt Jade!

Blake just waves a flag around with the word RWBY on it.

He forcibly moved the Grimm to its side and put his foot on its head. He covers his right hand in his suit's glove and holds the tusk as he punches the Grimm in the hard in head forcing his hand through its armor.

Weiss: just like that!

She stands up putting her hands on the desk leaning.

Weiss: you can just hit a Grimm so hard you can put a hole in its head!?

He covers his hand as the glove retracts.

Jade: yeah, just about.

Port: hmm, does anyone else think they have the merit to take on a Grimm?

Weiss throws her hand up looking eager.

Weiss: I do professor!

Port: very good! Step down to the arena and face your opponent! You may sit down mister rose.

Him and Weiss switch places and he immediately lays his head down when he sits.

Port: do you need your gear? You may leave to get it.

Weiss: thank you.

She hits a 180 and walks out the classroom.

Yang: Weiss sure is talkative when it comes to Jade.

Ruby: yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

The two stare at each other and then look back to professor port.


Weiss walks back into the room in her combat outfit and with myrtenaster. Jade slowly wakes up and rubs his eyes.

Yang: oh yeah, Jade.

Jade: yes.

Yang: how much do you like Spider-Man?

Jade: yes.

She just doesn't say anything else and turns back to the fight between Weiss and the Grimm. She had just got knocked back and her weapon thrown across the room.

Ruby: you got this Weiss!

Jade: you can do it!

She gets up and rolls left as the boarbatusk charged at her. She runs across the room and slides to pick up her weapon.

Ruby: go for its belly! It doesn't have armor underneath!

Jade: Stab it right in its dumb heart!

Weiss: will you two shut up!!

They both just lean back in their seats.

Jade: sorry...

Ruby looks hurt as the boarbatusk jumps into the air and starts to spin. It spins at Weiss and she stands there. She makes a Glyph in front of her and slightly above her behind her. The boar crashed into the glyph and Weiss flips onto the one behind her and jumped forward impaling the Grimm.

She stands up breathing heavy but she puts her weapon on her hip. Professor port says something that no one is listening too as the rose twins sit there unsure of what to say to Weiss. The bell rings and she was the first one to leave.

Jaune: sheesh, what's up with her?


(Author: yeah so are they twins? I mean they look the about the same but we're born at completely different times. I'm just gonna say that it's that looks that count and not dates.)

The roses round a corner to spot Weiss walking away.

Jade/ruby: Weiss!

She turns to them still with anger all over her face still.

Weiss: what?

She sounds annoyed.

Ruby: what's wrong with you? Why are you being-

Weiss: what's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you! Your supposed to be a leader but you've been nothing besides a nuisance!

Ruby scoff at Weiss's words and leans forward.

Ruby: what did I do!

Weiss: that's just it! You haven't done anything!

Jade: now hold your horses!

He steps in between the two girls separating them.

Jade: ruby.

Ruby: yes?

Jade: you could be more of a leader, I'm not agreeing with Weiss but you can be a bit...loud?

She steps back.

Jade: Weiss.

Weiss: what?!

Jade: you can be hard to deal with and hard to talk to. You said that ruby hasn't done anything but in the span of two days she's done a lot.

Weiss: like what?

Jade: she came up with the plan to cut a nevermore's head off. She also solved the spacing problem in our room, she even told you how to defeat the boarbatusk since you had no idea on how to do it.

Weiss: yes I did!

Jade: come on, you literally slashed at one of the most armored parts of its body. Now stop acting like your better than everybody and get down to our level. Ruby is a great leader for her age.

Weiss: ......

She just stared at Jade and listened to his words.

Jade: are you two good?

They don't say anything but don't exactly look angry anymore.

Jade: now, I'm gonna leave and you two and you're gonna make up?

Weiss: fine...

Jade: good!

He walks back around the corner and sees ozpin looking at him. He motions for him to follow and they end up on a balcony.

Ozpin: beautiful view isn't it?

Jade: I guess so.

Ozpin: you handled that like a professional. I think you really got to them.

Jade: I hope so, ruby and Weiss would be good friends if they can get past their differences.

Ozpin takes a sip out of his mug.

Ozpin: perhaps, I should have made you leader instead.

He chuckled as he walks away leaving Jade to himself.

Jade: first day and Weiss almost made my sister cry.....I need better weapons.

he remembers how fun it was wielding Magnhild even though it was just for one attack.

He pops out his blades and decided he needed an upgrade. He puts on his suit and was about to swing away until he heard a very loud gasp from behind him.

Mina: you for real just got found out in the dumbest way possible!

She laughs at him as he turns around to see jaune. His lenses narrow as jaune just stares in disbelief.


Jade: okay stop.....

End of chapter 8 volume 1

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