Jyrus Oneshots - Part II (COM...

By matters17793

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Part II of Jyrus Oneshots, with a few Jasher fics added in too. A sequel to my original book. These will tend... More

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Pride Of Shadyside (Jyrus)
The Prom (Jyrus)
The Audition (Jasher)
Split Decisions (Jyrus)
Teach Me (Jyrus)
The Psychic (Jyrus)
The Beginning (Jyrus)
The Agent (Jasher)
Not One Sided (Jyrus)
In The Background (Jyrus)
I'm Here (Jyrus)
Fan Meet & Greet (Jasher)
How Well? (Jyrus)
Protect You (Jyrus)
Your Thoughts (Jyrus)
Fall Out (Jyrus)
Next Step (Jyrus)
Casual Revelation (Jyrus)
The Surprise Choice (Jyrus)
Looking On (Jyrus)
The Script (Jasher)
The Wrong Number (Jyrus)
Should I? (Jyrus)
I Didn't Know - Part 1 (Jyrus)
I Didn't Know - Part 2 (Jyrus)
Confident (Jyrus)
He Who Really Cares (Jyrus)
Thank you!
My Little Dork (Jyrus)
A/N - Update
Rely On You (Jyrus)
Hurt My Feelings (Jyrus)
A/N - Update
I Think I Always Knew (Jasher)
A/N - So It's Been A While...
You're Wrong (Jyrus)
What Do We Do? (Jyrus)
Full Responsibility (Jyrus)
Hard To Ignore - Part 1 (Jyrus)
Hard To Ignore - Part 2 (Jyrus)
A/N - Thank you!
Your Soulmate (Jyrus)
A Friendly Reunion (Jasher)
A/N - Changing (A Bit)
Coming Out - Extended (Jyrus)
Questionable - Part 1 (Jyrus)
Questionable - Part 2 (Jyrus)
A/N - New Book
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You Are Everything (Jyrus)

300 8 3
By matters17793

Cyrus feels alone at school when his friends avoid him, causing his self worth to go down. When he needs it, there is only one person he can lean on. Told from a single POV

Cyrus POV

I was always lacking in confidence, always afraid to take risks. I thought that lots of people would like the fact that I wasn't arrogant, but I guess I was wrong. Over the last few days, Andi and Buffy had stopped talking to me.

I'm not even sure why they have avoided my presence. Last time I checked, friends are always there for each other, right?

I was sat down alone, strangely enjoying the peace I was experiencing at that point in time. It gave me a chance to think about everything.

I saw Andi and Buffy across the way when they walked around the corner. Part of me wanted to go over and confront them, but the other part of me wanted to ignore them. The decision was made for me when they came over.

Andi: What's your problem?

Me: Excuse me?

Andi: You've been so annoying recently.

Me: I've been annoying?

Buffy: Yes, you've been attention seeking, it's really sad and pathetic.

Me: I've not been attention seeking.

Buffy: Whenever I try and talk to Andi, you interrupt. You only ever talk about yourself and we're sick of it!

I didn't get a chance to respond, as I was stopped by the arrival of Jonah. I could sense that this was not going to end well. I had no idea what Jonah thought of the situation, but I was convinced he would take their side over mine.

Jonah: Am I interrupting something?

Andi: We're just telling Cyrus how annoying he is.

Buffy: And we were just leaving.

As Andi and Buffy turned around to walk away from me, I felt like crying. I didn't realise that I did have a knight in shining armour.

Jonah: Wait a minute, what do you mean annoying?

Andi: Come on, you must think Cyrus is annoying too.

Jonah: No, I would never think that.

Buffy: And to think, this situation all started because Cyrus wouldn't shut up about how he has a crush on you!

I was going to argue back, but I couldn't find the words. How could Buffy reveal my secret like that? I looked at them with a frown, and then I turned to Jonah. His face was difficult to read, I couldn't work out if he was happy, angry or indifferent.

Jonah: Y-you have a c-crush on me?

Me: I...

Andi: *laughing* good luck saving this friendship!

Buffy: Later loser!

Jonah: Wait girls, just before you go...

I was not sure what was going on, but before my brain could process anything, Jonah pressed his lips firmly into mine.

Unfortunately it did mean our noses banged together, which really hurt. That soon passed as I took in what was occurring. Jonah, my crush, was kissing the face off of me.

Andi: I guess you're both losers.

Buffy: What a pair of dorks!

I didn't care what they thought about me anymore. I was more interested in why Jonah had kissed me.

Me: I wasn't expecting that to happen.

Jonah: Sorry, it was a bit of a quick decision. But I have been waiting to do that for ages.

Me: What took you so long?

Jonah: I was scared that I would lose you.

Me: Oh... If it makes you feel any better, I was scared for the same reason.

He smiled at me, and I instantly relaxed. I allowed myself to escape from reality for a few seconds to relive the kiss. That wasn't a long affair, as Jonah spoke up.

Jonah: Why didn't you tell me they were being horrible to you?

Me: I thought you would take their side.

Jonah: Cyrus, I would never pick anyone over you.

Me: Thanks Jonah.

Jonah: But I believe that you owe me something.

I was puzzled by what Jonah was saying, it was news to me. I was a bit nervous that it would cause problems.

Me: What exactly?

Jonah: A kiss.

I chuckled lightly at how confidently cheeky he was, but I loved him for it. I did as he asked and kissed him lovingly. No one was there to see it, to my relief. The kiss was a special moment shared by just the two of us, and that was the best feeling ever.

Thank you for reading.

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