Enchanted: Phoenix Arise

By pigrabbit_09

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In the world where some things can't be explain were into Ares' life. The curse that he didn't wish to have i... More

The Encounter
New Moon
Shield of Sirius
The Master's Conclave
Bound To You
Minion of the Night
Moon and Stars
The End and The Beginning
That's Not Me
You're My Remedy
Divine Flame
Divine Judgement
Sacred Beasts
Take Over
Deceived By Love
Into The Slumber
Sun and Moon
Rumour Has It
Yin Yang
Blood Poison
Eternal Darkness
Flames of Desire

The Hybrid

308 24 8
By pigrabbit_09

Ares told me everything about Quinn's past. He showed it through magic and I can't believe on what I saw. Quinn and I have the same face and I don't know if Ares told me the exact truth.

He was Quinn's boyfriend. He's also known to be the strongest magic user.

The events showed me by the power of the magic staff that Ares had. The staff was originally from Quinn, who was lost and captured by a hybrid.

Though I can't accept what I've witnessed, Quinn and I are exactly the same, from head to foot. If I were Quinn, why is it that I don't remember anything about these events that the magic staff showed me?

I am certain that my past is intact. I had a family but my parents died in a tragedy and my brother was the only family that I had. My childhood, it was clear and bright. I went to school, finished college, and had a job as an actor and model. It can't be that I am Quinn because I don't have powers.

The wolves they existed and also witches. The guy who helped me the other day was a wolf with special ability. Ares also showed me that his a hybrid, a wolf and a witch. He's huge when transformed into a wolf, that is why his built was too buffed.

Ares took me to another condo building and he did something on me. He casted a shield as what he said just to seal my scent from the wolves who was after me. I was gazing the city, busy cars and trucks, and people were on the rush while the sun was too bright. I thought of what Ares told me. He was my shield and my biological brother as what he said was my sword.

It's fascintating to think that I'm the strongest magic user but I can't fully accept it unless my brother Josh will tell me the truth.

That black-red sphere on my heart and brain, the woman, who was my biological mother, said that it's consuming me  to darkness. I don't know what she said but I can't deny that I saw Ares' face when she tried to break that sphere in my heart. It really hurts and it's tearing my heart apart.

Maybe, I can slightly trust Ares about the whole fiasco that I am into.

"You're awake. Are you hungry?" Ares asked when he entered the room.

"I don't have the appetite." I answered.

I don't know what to believe.

My brother wanted me to imprison because he said that someone was after me. If Ares and the people that I've met was that someone, then why is my brother so agitated? Since our parents died, he used to lock me in his house because of danger but I don't know what's that danger he was talking about. Something is fishy about and even Maxima and his men tried to hypnotize me.

"Eli, come let's eat. You need food for the workshop today." Ares said.

I looked at him and he already prepared our breakfast.

"How can you be so calm even you know that my brother is on search?" I asked.

"It's because you are at my side. As long as you're with me, I can be calm." He said and went closer. His eyes were really expressive and not lying unlike my brother's eyes, it was filled of unknown intention when he looked at me. "I won't force you to be Quinn. Honestly, I'm happy that you live a normal life but you can't totally live like that until that black-red sphere is inside your body."

I thought I was an ordinary person but I am a big deal in the world of magic and mystery. Ares promised me that he'll find a solution on how to detach it from my body. He already explained to me that the black-red sphere is a curse. If a witch tried to break it, I will die with it.

"Ares, I don't know if I can accept what you've said to me. In my whole life, I believed I was an ordinary person but until today."

He touched my face and pinched my cheek.

"As what I've said before I showed you who you are, I won't force you to believe. I will let time answer all your questions but for now, I want you to live just like an ordinary person." He said with his soft voice.

Maybe I was pulled by his presence because I am connected to him. He was Quinn's boyfriend and if Quinn and I were one, it means, Ares is my boyfriend.


What am I thinking? I've got hot flush on my cheeks.

"It's okay to feel that way Eli. But remember, I am the only who loves you more than any person you've met. I swear, I can protect you now not like before." He said.

I don't know how to react but Ares made me blushed everytime he said something. My heart race, my breathing became irregular, and my blood rushed all throughout my body.

"By the way, I'll ask your permission that Czar will be on watch for you from afar. He will not interfere your daily life but in times of danger, he'll do what he is supposed to do just to keep you safe." Ares said.

Czar, the wolf who had an ability to teleport. He saved me once and his a friend of Ares too. I started to put my trust on Ares but not with other people.

"Okay... I agree. But I don't want him to enter my room without any permission just like now!" I exclaimed because I saw Czar appeared and was eating our brrakfast.

"Oops! Sorry... I'm very hungry." Czar said and smiled at us.

"Just let it pass for today, okay?" Ares said and I nodded.

We ate breakfast together and Czar shared his life together with me as Quinn. He was one of my people and helped me in my needs but I really can't remember him. He also mentioned two other names whom I don't know.

We went to the Network Station for out workshop. Ares told me to act naturally like no one was after me. Well, I can act naturally knowing that Ares is with me. I felt that I'm safe in his hands even Maxima and his men found me.

I forgot all my worries because we were occupied by the workshop. It's getting intensed and Miss Thea became a monster now. She's not forgiving anymore and shouted at us if we did mistakes or can't portray the role. Ares and I received a very loud shout from Miss Thea. I almost cried because I felt like I was insulted but Ares always smiled at me like it was nothing for him. He told me to ignore it and just do out best.

Our workshop was only half of the day. Miss Thea was calmed and apologized to us for all the screams, insults and others. I can understand her because she's a famous director and wanted the series to be perfect.

When we were about to leave the studio room, Ares stopped me and he was cautious.

"They're inside the building." He said.

So, Maxima and his men took an action on capturing me. I asked Ares to get me out of here and he pulled me, walking to the hallway and entered the men's restroom. Ares took his phone and made a call.

"Czar, we need you." He said and hanged up.

Just a second, Czar appeared and he held our arms then teleported back to my new condo unit.

"Crap! I was tensed when you don't call me." Czar said to Ares.

"Are they following us?" I asked.

"Yes, Master. Those wolves were tracking you. They badly needed you." Czar answered.

"What about Henry? Did he find anything?" Ares asked.

Henry? Oh yes! I remember him. The wolf who saved me on the alley while Maxima and his men hypnotized me.

"He's still on search. He's tailing Maxima and trying to find their hideouts." Czar answered.

"Hideout? Maxima don't have any hideouts. They stayed in my brother's house." I interjected.

They looked at me and Czar grinned. I don't like his face because he's telling me to guide him to my brother's house.

"No! I don't want to go back to my brother's house. He will lock me again." I said.

"Who said you'll go with us?" Czar asked and grinned.


What are they planning? They really thought that my brother is the bad guy and behind my disappearance. They also wanted to meet my brother and they told me their plan.


Ares' POV

Three days after, when we were done with our workshop, I smell the scent of the wolves who wanted to capture Eli. I can't asked Czar to teleport us because we're still in the building and a lot of people were here. We can't get a chance in the restrooms too.

"What are we going to do, Ares?" Czar asked me.

"Escape in a manual way." I answered.

We've got no choice but to ran. Eli was nervous and he held tight on my arms while were brisked walking. The scent became stronger as the elevator headed up to our floor. We took the fire exit and went down. I asked Czar to teleport us but something blocked his ability.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I can't use my ability." He answered.

"What are we going to do?" Eli asked.

"Only way down." I answered.

We head down the stairs but unfortunately, the wolves caught us. We stopped and the rest of them were at our back too.

"Young Master, Eli... come with us and your friends will be safe." A big tough guy said.

If I am not wrong, he is Maxima that Eli told me. I can tell that Maxima is a strong wolf. He got a big body and his fist too were big. I guess I'll be crushed if his fist punch me on my face.

Eli held more tightly on my arms. I looked at Maxima and he got the instinct to kill me and Czar through his eyes. Since Eli don't want to go with them, Maxima gave his men a signal to fight us.

We were outnumbered but no one can defeat me now. I've trained for four years on how to fight back. Sir Gilbert taught me how to fight back through martial arts. Garreth and Dregan sparred with me too and taught me how to move like an assassin. And thanks to them, I managed to knock Maxima's men with no sweat and not using magic.

"Can you teleport us now?" I asked Czar after we took down Maxima's men.

"I still can't."

Someone is blocking Czar ability. Maybe there's a witch inside the building and cast a spell. But my ability wasn't affected.

"Young Master, last chance for your friends. Come with me and I'll spare their lives." Maxima said but Eli shook his head and held on my arms. "You've got me no choice."

Maxima buffed his body more. His muscles popped out and he looks like an incredible hulk.

"It can't be!" Eli exclaimed when he witnessed Maxima used his ability.

"Czar, we need to get out of here." I said.

"I tried but I really can't use my ability." He said.

"Okay. I have no choice but this."

I held Czar's arm and used my ability, agility. With my ability, we managed to go down six floors but we started to slow down when heading down more floors.

"Crap! A witch cast a spell on us." I said.

We were in slow-motion and Maxima caught us. He took Czar and throw him down to the ground floor. Then, he took me and I pushed Eli away from me. I tried to fight back but the spell that decreased my agility made me at disadvantage. But before he throw me away, I used my fire armor and burned his hands with it.

"Thanks Raff." I said.

My firewolf Raff helped me this time. He's thristy for an action and I granted his thirst.

"Do you want us to knock him down?" Raff asked me through my mind.

"No... we need him." I answered.

Maxima became mad and I grabbed Eli's hands. We headed down as fast as we could even my agility was decreased. I heard a big loud bang on every step of Maxima. The stairs began to crack and Maxima dashed. I was thrown away and he caught Eli by his hand.

"Ares, help!" Eli shouted.

The spell is freaking me out. I tried to sense where the witch was but there's no witch in the building. It's trying to block me too and I got a feeling that it was the hybrid who did a spell on me.

Maxima was about walked out but he looked at me. He went closer to me and grabbed me by his other hand. Maybe, the hybrid instructed him to capture me as well and a magic teleport us to weird room.

The room was filled with dark aura like it's building more power. Maxima throw me down on the ground while he safely let go of Eli.

I saw a huge chair, same as Quinn's. It's also a throne and I guess I am inside the magic hall of the hybrid. There was a silhouette on the chair. I can sensed his strong dark aura around him and he's powerful too.

"You gave us a hard time, Eli."

No!! This can't be!

The voice is too familiar even his face was hidden by the darkness.

"Brother, what is this?" Eli asked him.

"I'm sorry Eli but you made me do this. I don't want to reveal my true self but you're making me crazy. You know how I cherish you with all my heart and you... you tried to escape from me."

"You can't be!" I shouted at him.

He laughed out loud like a demon and stood up, walked towards me until I saw his face.

"Are you surprised, Ares?"


"Yes... your only brother." He answered.

"No... you're disguising as my brother. My brother is in the university. He's teaching right now." I exclaimed.

I'm pretty sure that Vladimir is in the university. He always does and this is some sort of disguise to despised my own brother.

He laughed at me and said.

"The Vladimir you knew was just an astral drop. I perfectly learned it from my dear Quinn. He shouldn't taught me that kind of magic but he did anyway and used it against all of you. The moment I kept my distance and said that I'm trying to save Quinn's parents was a perfect opportunity to switch myself with that astral drop."

I can't believed that he did this. I thought he's not defiled by darkness and trying to help me.

"Why did you do this, Vladimir? You made me and father fight then most of the pack died for nothing!" I shouted at him with anger.

I attempted to fight him but he cast magic on me and paralyzed. He grinned at me and went to Eli.

"The reason was Eli... or should I say Quinn." He said and licked Eli on the face.

"Stop this, Josh! I know you're not this evil." Eli said.

"I am not evil, my dear Eli, when it comes to you but to other creatures, I will be an evil and destroy who tried to take my happiness away." He said and looked at me.

I didn't know that he really love Quinn so much. But that's not enough reason making our lives miserable. He made us fools. We searched everywhere for Quinn and my brother had him for a long time.

"I love you Eli and that battle gave me a chance to reset everything including your memories." Vladimir said.

So, he manipulated Quinn's memories while he's weak. That was the reason why he can't remember me and his family.

"How dare you!" I shouted.

"Yes, I dare you my brother. I dare you to break the spheres that I put inside in Eli's heart and brain. I put dark magic on it to slowly erase his memories and the moment that he'll remember you through his heart, it will cause him pain."

Damn it!

He's putting a bomb inside Eli's body. He don't want Eli to remember that he is Quinn and it's also a suicide if Eli will love me again. Darkness will consume him and put an end to his life. I won't let that happen. I am out of options too on how to take that sphere out from Eli's body.

"Isn't it fascinating Ares? The only person that Eli can remember is me. I can reset him and erase the memories from the first time you two met each other."

"Damn you, Vladimir!" I shouted and I can't move any muscle from his spell. "I treated you good and you repay me with this? I thought you're the smartest among the three of us and..."

"And yes I am. Made everyone a fool with my genius plan. I don't care about father to be my pawn. He gave me an opportunity to have Quinn. Because of my love, I resort things through my power. I became a hybrid... the first hybrid."

He's totally insane and out of this world. He risked everything even our lives. He doesn't care much if we live or die. He's self-centered and wanted Quinn alone for the very first time.

I looked at Eli, he was kneeling and can't move too. He make his love one suffer before he did something to him. It hurts to see that my Quinn has no idea what's happening to him. He became Eli just because he slowly erased Quinn's memories. If those memories were erased, does it mean that it can no longer be restored?

"I'm sorry brother but Eli is mine. He's no longer Quinn and the only person he trusted is me." Vladimir said.

"Really? I thought your smart but you failed, Vlad." I said and used Quinn's magic to break me free from his spell.

He was surprised to see how I break his spell. I intended to be weak for a moment just to spill out his own reasons. But I can't risk Eli's life now.

"You... you have Quinn's magic!" Vladimir exclaimed.

"You're not the only hybrid now, dear brother. I am too and I'll make you pay for what you did to us." I said.

"Maxima! Kill him!" He commanded.

Maxima called out his men and attacked me but they didn't know that I build up my shield while they captured me. Maxima's punch and attacks were ineffective now.

I used fire magic to attack and wore the fire arnor for protection. Although I'm not as skillful as Quinn, my spells were massive too but I can't command it to track down my enemies. Only Quinn has that ability.

I managed to take down of his men but Maxima is a pain int the ass. He can endure the fire magic. I saw my brother trying to get Eli out from here but...

"Sorry to disappoint you brother. It's not only you can use astral drop." I said and grinned at him.

"Damn you, Ares!!" He shouted.

I break the astral drop and cast a spell for my exit. A portal appeared at my back and it is one of my new spell that I've learned from my training with the help of the elements.

"I'll see you again, my dear brother. Next time we meet, I won't show mercy." I said and jumped off into the portal.

Before the warp portal closes, I saw Vladimir cast a death spell on me but too bad, my shield protected me from any magic.

I found myself back in Eli's condo unit and he was crying.

"Is it true, Ares? That I am really Quinn?" He asked me.

I nodded and he cried on my chest.

That astral drop was a connection to him. He can see and hear in that astral drop. I bet he heard it clearly from his so-called brother which happened to be my brother. I can't believed it too that Vladimir was the culprit and made us fools through his astral drop.

"Czar, can you check on Vladimir?" I asked him.

He was confused why I want him to checked on my brother. He teleported and after a few minutes, he told me that Vladimir was at the university.

Such a clever man!

He tricked us through that astral drop. I didn't have a doubt on him because I can smell his scent and sensed his strength too but that was just a fraction of his power. I didn't get the chance to ask him how he became a hybrid. I'm sure that Quinn didn't make him a hybrid though he taught him some plain magic only.

Vladimir made us his pawn for his goals. He let us killed ourselves and even fight against my father. But his main goal was to get Quinn for himself. I thought Henry was our enemy but he atoned for his sins through helping us find Quinn.

And now, how can I tell my mother and Hailey about Vladimir's greed? I don't know how to tell this too with Quinn's parents. Vladimir is my brother even he became evil, he's still my brother:

Eli didn't know how to react for the truth that he knew. But the worst thing is, he will die if he will love me again.

"Eli... I asked you not to fall in love with me." I said.

He looked at me and I can see in his eyes the great sorrow after he knew the truth about himself and the one he called his brother.

I am mad that I have to come up in this kind of decision, telling the one I love not to fall in love with me. It's too risky if Eli felt that way and in exchange is his life. I can't allow that fate to happen. Even I felt pain in my heart, I can endure it, as long as Eli or Quinn will stay alive.

"Don't worry. I won't let myself fall in love with you." Eli said and it was the most painful to hear from the one I love.

I have no choice but to keep him alive from the curse that my brother put in him. I need help from his parents to break the curse without afflicting death on Eli.

Eli kept on crying until he stopped with no tears to shed. I know that he loved my brother as his family but the most painful that a person can have is that his or her family will cause the pain and that's what Eli was feeling right now.

"Ares, how can I continue my life with this identity? I am not Eli... I am Quinn." He asked me.

"Are you planning to stop your life as Eli?" I asked him.

For me, I wouldn't let him stop and just continue his life as Eli. There's nothing we can do but to keep Eli's identity. We can't call him Quinn because he can't remember anything because of the curse in his brain and I'm sure, the memories that he had before was erased and can't be restored.

I don't know if Eli or Quinn is still the strongest witch after what Vladimir did to him, I doubt that Eli can still cast a spell just like before.

"If I keep myself being Eli, then I should act naturally as an ordinary person?" He asked me.

"Yes... I am certain that Vladimir can't kill you because he loves you. Since we already knew about his secret, he will plan things to bring you back at his side." I answered.

Eli grabbed my left arm and he held it tightly. I can no longer feel pain from his grip, he's just an ordinary person and he forgot how to cast spells. Even the elements can't recognized his presence.

Speaking of the elements, I haven't asked them about Quinn as Eli. They were silent too especially Flint, who always complained and rant at me when I'm on training for the past four years.

"Alright. I'll follow your plan Ares, as long as you'll protect me from my brother." He said.

"I will."


The next day, on the Sunday morning, I went to Quinn's mansion and looked for Lady Vivian but I was too late. Selene told me that Quinn's parents went for a trip and she didn't know where they're going.

"Ares, about Sirius... he really can't remember us?" She asked curiously.

"Yes, he can't remember us because Vladimir put a curse on him." I answered.

She was surprised to hear my brother's name and it confused her.

"What? Vladimir? How can your brother put on a curse on Sirius?" She asked me.

Largo and Dixon came in the magic hall together with Vladimir's astral drop. Selene asked me why my friends tied him up and I stay silent. It drives me mad when I looked at Vladimir's astral drop. He tricked us with this kind of magic and saw everything through it.

"Look closely Selene." I said.

I draw out Sirius' staff and stabbed the Vladimir's astral drop. Selene tried to stop me from killing my brother and the astral drop shattered into pieces. Selene was shocked on what she witnessed.

"Yes, it was my brother's astral drop. He made that so that none of us can suspect his disappearance." I said.

"Are you telling me that your brother took Sirius away from us and made him forget everything about his past?" She asked me.

I withdrew the staff back inside my body and answered her question.

"Not just erasing his memories, also he put a curse on Sirius. His dark magic erased Sirius' memories and the love he felt for me." I said and looked at her wth my sad eyes. I don't know how to break the curse. "The curse is like a double edge sword. If we try to break it, Sirius will die with it."

"What? How did you know aboit this?" She asked me.

"I met my brother. He confessed everything and made Sirius believed that he's another person." I answered.

I come closer to the throne and looked at those carvings, the sacred beasts. While I was looking at it, something came in my mind.

"Maybe the sacred beasts can help me." I mumbled.

But, they were not yet born. It stayed as eggs for four years. I can still feel their life force in it and I know that Quinn was alive on that time. Those eggs were created by Quinn and only him can give birth to them.

"Ares, how can I help Sirius?" She asked me while I was thinking for a possible way.

"I know you're smart Selene. Look for any possible way to save Sirius from that curse. If you need to read all the magic books then do so." I answered.

"Alright. I'll inform you when I get some clues." She said and disappeared like a thin air.

Largo and Dixon were still in the magic hall. I know they waited for me to order them what I wished for.

"Alpha, what are we going to do?" Largo asked me.

"I don't have any orders, guys. You are free to do whatever you want as long as you won't hurt anyone." I answered.

Dixon laughed at me and said.

"I don't know if you're the Alpha. The way you act is like just an ordinary wolf."

"I don't control your lives and I don't have that right. You are free if you want to help me or get away from this trouble that your Alpha had. This is my fight..."

"And it's our fight too!" Dixon interjected.

I turned and face them. They were serious to help me in this fight even though they will end up dying. I don't want to risk any of their lives just because of my brother's greed and selfishness.

"Since we met Sirius, we already swore our loyalty to him and also, to you, our Alpha." Largo said.

"You can't win a fight without any help from your race. Vladimir is a hybrid and we know that he's stronger now, both a witch and wolf." Dixon said.

"And I will help too." Suddenly, Henry joined the conversation. "Let me join the fight and correct my mistakes."

Still, I doubted Henry's loyalty. He's one of the reason why Quinn almost died and captured by my brother. Until now, I can't forgive him and even he atoned for his sins is still not enough.

"You know that I still doubted you, Henry. For what you did and what happened to it, afterwards." I said.

"I didn't forget it, Ares. I may be a lone wolf but my resolve is to protect Sirius at all cost. And if I betrayed you, Lady Vivian will automatically kill me as she put a light spell on me, the Heaven's Judgement." He said.

Well, it serves him right. I'm still mad when I looked at him but I guess, I need help. My brother's dark magic is building and I can sensed that he's the one who'll put this world into eternal darkness.

After I agreed on their terms to help me, I asked them to leave and let me be alone first. I still have business to do with the elements why they're silent since I met Eli.

"Come out, elements!" I commanded and they appeared right in front of me.

They were sad and has no energy. I don't know what happened to them and I guess they were depressed.

"What happened to you guys?" I asked them.

Atalanta, the air element, the kindest of them all came near me and asked.

"Why our Master can't recognized us? Did he abandon us?"

I shook my head because that wasn't true.

"No... Quinn is in dilemma too. He was cursed by my brother and I don't know how to break it. If I have to break it, Quinn will die and so are you." I answered.

Luna and Elio came closer to me and they looked to each other before they talked.

"There's a way to break the curse, Ares." Luna said.

"Really? How?" I asked and they gather around looking sad.

I don't know what they're up to but I can feel that it's really risky. It might end up that someone must die. The room became tensed as they showed me how sad they are.

"How, Luna? I must do it if it risk my life." I asked them again.

They were hesitant to tell me about what they knew but I have no choice to risk it. I looked at them seriously and they nod together.

Elio breathe in and he did the talking.

"The only way to break the curse is..."

And it made me deaf when I heard Elio's answer on how to break the curse and that left me speechless.

pigrabbit_09 —

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