More Than Politics {Book 1}:...

By Sarcastic_Mango

213K 9.8K 577

(FORMALLY MR. POLITICIAN) He barely made a move before he felt a hand on his chest. He looked down to see Ama... More

BONUS - 47
BONUS - 51
Mama Africa {Sequal}


1.2K 81 12
By Sarcastic_Mango

The strong smell of Alcohol was the first thing that hit Richie's senses when he opened the front door. It wasn't unusual, but he preferred such activities to be done in the basement.

Suddenly, there was a loud smash, followed by soft groans and whimpers.

"Hello!" He called, making his way swiftly towards the sound. When he reached the kitchen, a horrible sight  met his eyes.

It was Ama, curled up in a ball, covered in blood and wine. Broken glass spread all across the floor and some wedged into her skin.

She was clearly drunk and had tear stains all over her face.

"Ama, what did you do this time." Richie said, frantically rushing to get her up.

"Leave me. Leave me." She fought back. "Just leave me to die."

The words were like a stake through Richie's chest and he worked hard to swallow the lump in his throat. "Now why would I do that, huh sis? Let's get you cleaned up, I'll call the others to help."
Ama fought Richie off as much as she could, but soon, exhaustion got the better of her.

It didn't take long for the others to arrive. Richie, insisted on bathing Ama himself, but let Yulia tend to the wounds she'd sustained. Bulldog, Donny and Phoebe, set to work on the kitchen in silence.

Once everything was clean and Ama was in her night gown, they all gathered in one of the ground floor guest rooms.

"Don't you dare scare us like that again, Ama." Yulia said, wiping the tears from your eyes. "Don't even think about it."

"Yeah, what was the reason this time?" Donny sighed.

"I'm sorry you guys, it's just... Elick threatened me... I... I didn't know what to do..." It was a lie, and everyone knew it.

"C'mon now people, let's let her sleep." Richie announced, ushering the begrudged friends from the room.

But before he could leave, he felt his sister tug at his shirt. He turned, seeing her innocent looking eyes look up at him, begging him to stay a little longer. It reminded him of when she first moved in, and didn't want to sleep on her own. How she would pout and hold onto the toy unicorn for dear life.

"I love him." Was what she said.


"Graham, I love him Richie. But he can't know, you most never tell him. I love him more than I care to understand."

"So what in the world made you think to kill yourself."

"Because he hates me."

"No, he doesn't. He's just confused. Look, how about I take you out on Friday. He's sure to be clubbing that night. We'll doll you up,yeah. Put on a sexy number. You'll be irresistible, then we'll see how jealous he gets." Richie smiled at his bright idea.

"Will it work?"

"If you love him like you say, fight for it. Forget Eric, the Migosa, the danger. Just focus on getting your man back. Now get some rest."

Ama nodded, wrapping her arms round Richie's neck. "Thank you."

"Anything for my little sis."

Graham decided to close early, it was a Friday after all. It also meant he didn't have to see a smiling Ama leave her building, looking like nothing had ever happened.

She'd even waved at him as she passed in her limo. He missed her more with every passing hour. But that was not an option.

He spent the afternoon at the gym, working out all his pent up frustration. But he didn't want to spend the night alone.

So he put on a T-shirt, some jeans and a jacket before heading for the Hamster Wheel. The queue was conveniently short and he was able to land a spot at the bar without a hitch.

"Two ginger beers." He said to the bartender.

"Are you with a date sir?" She asked.

"No, why would I be?"

"Well why don't you just ordered one then?" Graham gave her a pointed stare, hoping she would just move on.

The girl rolled her eyes and went to get the drinks.

Something sparkly caught his eye on the other side of the club. Though he didn't care what it was, he had the strange urge to investigate. He craned his neck, trying to see past the tangle of dancing bodies.

Suddenly, the crowd parted to reveal a shining star. Her hair was done up to reach he shoulders, skin showed no flaws at all. She wore a very short halter neck dress, made of diamond crystals, as well as matching boots.

She strutted up to the bar, black out shades masking any trace of expression on her face. Her hips swang in slow motion, taunting all the males around her.

"Mango juice, ice cold." She said in that sultry voice. The bartender had the beverage done in record time.

Sliding two $100 bills across the counter, she thanked them and made off with the drink. "Keep the change." She said, not sparing Graham a single glance.

"Your order sir." His bartender said.

He looked down at the two glass bottles, beer was clearly not going to cut it. "On second thoughts, I'll have five shots of vodka, straight."

It was going to be a long night.

Ama was greeted with whoops and cheers from her friends when she got back to the table.

"You are a bomb girl!" Richie exclaimed. "The look on his face, I thought he would jump you right there."

Oh how Ama wished he had, he looked beyond irresistible tonight. His look was so simplistic, so masculine. The ache in her core increase when she thought of how much better he looked without any clothes.

She just hoped that Richie's grand plan worked. It was all she could do to at least get him to understand, and hopefully rekindle some kind of relationship with them. But is was a lot to hope for.

"WHOOO!" Yulia jeered, linking her arm with Ama's. "Darling you look delightful tonight. I think you should show off how sexy you are and dance. That'll get his attention for sure."

Ama grinned, she felt more than sexy in the ensemble that Richie had bought for her birthday. Not to mention the knowledge that Graham would be watching her, she was going to give him a show he'd never forget.

Graham was drunk, the most drunk he'd been in his life. After his vodka shots, he'd went ahead and ordered a whole bottle of their strongest liquor.

He currently had a glass of whiskey in one hand and was babbling with the equally drunk man besides him.

All thoughts of Ama Jenkins had left him, he was a very drunk young man who could get any chick he wanted. He had all the money in the world to spend on whatever he wanted.

"Wow man!" The guy said, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "Who's she!!"
Graham followed his finger to see none other than sexy Ama Jenkins dancing with some guy. He snorted, she could do whatever she wanted, they weren't together.

Only the more he watched, the harder it became to look away. Her hips swung to the rhythm, feet tapped to the beat. Her ass... His ass was grinding into the crotch of another man.

And the man had the nerve to dare touch what was his. Graham's teeth ground together as he watched him squeeze her hips. Ama allowed the stranger to rub his hands on her ass, up her stomach to her breasts.

She leaned into him, allowing him to graze his lips up her shoulder to her neck to her...
It was enough, Graham had seen enough. He was not going to sit and watch and undeserving, unattractive, stranger with no rhythm whatsoever even lay a hair on his woman.

Ama was his, he'd claimed her. She belonged to him, her body, her soul. Everything from her round ass and perky tits, to the plush warmth of her sweet sweet pussy. It was his, and Graham hated to share her.

He grabbed a half empty tequila bottle off the counter, took a generous swig and made his way towards them.

"Damn baby, you making it hard for me not to fuck right here right now. Just wanna sink into the tight pussy of yours." The guy said when Graham was in earshot.

"How can you be so sure I'm tight." Ama flirted back.

"Wanna bet."

"There'll be no need to bet. She's tight alright." Graham interrupted. They both looked up, the man looked annoying.

Graham wasted no time in grabbing him by the collar, and pinning him to a wall. The room went silent.

"Hey there buddy." He slurred. "What the fuck were you thinking when you decided to dance with her?"

"That's none of your business."

"It is my fucking business when you're touching my woman." Graham took a final swing of tequila before smashing the bottle against the guys head.

Cries came from the crowd as he continued to beat the guy up. "No one gets to touch her but me. She's mine, you cunt!"

Graham didn't stop until the man started to bleed. He turned to see Ama, locked in her place with a stunned look on her face.

"And you." He said through a grin. "Did you think you could tease me like that and just get away Scott free..."

Ama tried to leave, but Graham managed to catch by the waist and drag her out of the room. They entered the corridor leading to the VIPs where he wedged her up against a wall.

"How many time do I have to remind you who you belong to..." He growled.

Ama didn't know what to do, she'd never seen him this angry or aggressive before. She could easily disable him, but the ache in her sex said otherwise.

"What are you going to do about it." She challenged.

But this seemed to have an opposite effect, he coked his head to the side, looking at her with an unreadable emotion.

"I'd love to punish you. Bend you over my lap and spank that pretty ass of yours."
He grabbed her wrists and bought them above her head. "I'd love to tie you to my bed and fuck you till you're spent. I'd love to tie you to a chair, play with your beautiful body, watch as you orgasm so much it becomes painful."

Ama moaned at the thought of it, he knew how to turn her on, even when he was beyond drunk.

"Please..." She whimpered, trying to push her self into him.

"How could I... How could I still want you so much, even after everything that's happened. You killed someone, I should be disgusted. But here I am pressing you into a wall."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ama asked, not quite sure of what he was getting at.

He cocked his head, looking at her with that emotion in his eyes again. It unnerved her to feel his gaze in that way.

The sound of sirens broke the moment and Graham seemed to miraculously sober up.

"What the fuck have I done..." He muttered. Making a dash for the door.

"Graham, wait..." But he was already gone.

So yeah, that's that and that's all. Like I wrote this all, but when I read over it, I react like I didn't know shit was gonna happen.

Hope you enjoyed. Like comment vote share and I think I'll update weekly.
Love ya

Bo Xxx

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