Let Me Heal Your Broken Heart


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its been a year since 21 year old Rachel Smith moved to Seoul, South Korea to be with her dear boyfriend Suga... More

Chapter One: My New Home
Chapter Two: Date Night
Chapter Three: Tension
Chapter Four: Big Argument
Chapter Five: Mine and Jungkook's Day
Chapter Six: Suga's Jealousy
Chapter Seven: Beach Day
Chapter Nine: I Disappear
Chapter Ten: Where Is Rachel?
Chapter Eleven: I've Been Found
Chapter Twelve: Suga's Private Vacation?
Chapter Thirteen: Garden Meeting
Chapter Fourteen: Suga Comes Back Drunk
Chapter Fifteen: The Boys Have To Hide Me
Chapter Sixteen: Suga Wants To Talk
Chapter Seventeen: We Worked It Out....For Now { WARNING DETAILED SMUT }
Chapter Eighteen: Count Down To The Dance
Chapter Nineteen: Suga Disappeared Again
Chapter Twenty: I Take A Long Walk
Chapter Twenty One: The Dance
Chapter Twenty Two: Me And Jungkook Disappear
The Final Chapter: The After Effects
Dedication Page
Meet The Author

Chapter Eight: Bad Night

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After we ate lunch the boys and I all got back in the car and left the beach the whole ride home was silent and awkward Suga and Jungkook refused to look at each other and at me, Suga was looking out the window with aggravation and Jungkook was looking at his phone with pain, I was looking out the window with fear in my eyes because I knew what was going to happen as soon as we got back to the dorm,I watched as the sky grew darker as the sun began to set, it was around 10;30pm when we finally made it back to the dorm we all thanked the driver for driving us and we walked into the dorm silently and we all walked to our rooms In silence.

As I walked into mine and Suga's room in silence I herd the last door shut and i was left alone in silence as Suga walked in shutting the door behind him and clearing his throat and my body tensed....here we go, Suga cleared his throat angrily and spoke, " so Rachel care to explain why in the fuck I swam over to see you and Jungkook intertwined with one another?", I huffed and spoke " there is nothing to explain Suga all he was doing was hugging me and comforting me because I was in tears because you screamed at me on the beach in front of millions of other Idols calling me names", Suga scoffed and yelled " BULLSHIT RACHEL THATS ALL BULLSHIT", I jumped at the fact of him screaming at me and turned to face him now angered.

I let out an aggravated laugh " that's bullshit Suga?....I fucking heard you calling me names, other idols heard you calling me names Suga Jungkook and RM and Jimin and V and Jin ALL HEARD YOU CALLING ME FUCKING NAMES SUGA SO DONT SAY IT WAS FUCKING BULLSHIT WHEN YOU WHERE CALLING ME FUCKING NAMES SO DONT GET ALL BITCHY BECAUSE JUNGKOOK WAS BEING A REAL MAN AND COMFORTING ME WHILE YOU THREW A DAMN TANTRUM SUGA", as soon as I finished screaming at him he looked at me with a look of fire and hell and I knew I over stepped my boundaries but I didn't care I was tired of him mistreating me.

Suga stared daggers at me as he spoke, " what the fuck did you just say to me?", he stepped closer and I backed up aggravated " don't play fucking stupid Suga you know you fucking heard me", I don't know where all this courage came from but I knew it wasn't going to last long because I could feel it fading away the closer he got and he picked his voice up, " NO I DONT FUCKING THINK I HEARD YOU CLEARLY BITCH", Suga was now right in front of me and he grabbed me roughly and I cried out in pain " SUGA LET ME GO YOUR HURTING ME", Suga tightened his grip on me even more and I could feel his nails digging into my skin and I felt a warm liquid fall down my wrist and I looked at it and once again I saw the crimson river rush down my wrist and hand and I looked at him with pleading eyes and tears " Suga you cut me with your damn nails let me go".

My pleading only seemed to make his anger even worse and again he was shouting at me, " IM NOT A REAL FUCKING MAN HUH?", he laughed a demonic laugh and as I looked in his eyes all I saw was anger, Lust, and madness I could have sworn I was looking in the eyes of the devil himself and I became silent and weak again and he spoke, " YOUR NOT SO BIG AND BRAVE NOW ARE YA HUH?", he let out another demonic laugh and it was like he changed and became someone or something different...this is not MY SUGA this is a monster this is not the Suga I fell in love with this was a demon in disguise he shook me violently as he spoke again, " NOT SO BRAVE NOW ARE YOU BITCH?...ALL THAT BIG TALK SAYING I WASANT A MAN AND THAT I COULDNT CALL BULLSHIT BUT LOOK AT YOU NOW....ALL THAT BARK AND NO BITE TO BACK IT UP, FACE IT RACHEL....ALL YOU ARE IS A WEAK LITTLE CHILD WHO'S BARK IS BIGGER THAN HER BITE".

When Suga said that I was immediately filled with rage as my memories of the years of abuse I went through with my father came back....I felt my wrist bleed even heavier and all of a sudden I felt just a slither of my courage come back and it was enough to give me the strength to stand up and push Suga back and off of me as I was standing up I spoke to him " I SAID TO GET OFF OF ME BECAUSE YOU ARE HURTING ME", with the little bit of strength I had I shoved Suga off of me so fast that I felt his grip loosen on me and he fell back words over the bed ripping pieces of my skin from my wrist with him and dragging the side lamp down with him shattering it on the floor of our bed room.

Just as I thought I had won this argument I hear Suga laugh a sickening laugh and stand straight back up,from the looks of it the shattered lamp must have struck him on the head for he had blood trickling down the side of his head and he spoke with a voice of a mad man, " SO THE BITCH DOES HAVE ONE HELL OF A BITE TO BACK UP HER BARK BUT ITS NOT ENOUGH", Suga then jumped over the bed and tried to pounce on me but I quickly darted out of the way causing him to slam into the wall and I now stood on the side where Suga was just at...this is not Suga this is a mad man, as he collided with the wall he let out another Sickening laugh.

I was now terrified I have never seen him like this before he's completely lost all sanity and was acting completely mad,tears began to swell up in my eyes as I screamed at him " WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?", Suga just laughed again as all that was separating me from this mad man in front of me was a small king sized bed and when he spoke his voice was deeper than usual and was like a growl and it sent chills down my back as he spoke in madness, " WHATS WRONG WITH ME YOU ASK?....WHATS WRONG WITH ME?....IM NOT THE ONE WITH SOMETHING WRONG HERE KITTEN YOUR THE ONE WHO KEEPS WHORING AROUND ON ME WITH FUCKING JUNGKOOK HELL IT WOULDNT SURPRISE ME IF YOU ARE EVEN WHORING AROUND ON ME WITH V AND JIMIN AND HELL MAYBE EVEN JIN I MEAN AFTER ALL YOU ARE THE ONE WHO TOLD JIMIN ABOUT YOUR FUCKING HEAD PROBLEM INSTEAD OF YOUR OWN FUCKING BOYFRIEND".

I couldn't fight these tears anymore this was not Suga this was not my boyfriend this was a mad man and I spoke not out of anger but out of fear and concern, " YOUR FUCKING CRAZY....YOU ARE NOT MY BOYFRIEND YOUR A MAD MAN", He growled " IM FUCKING CRAZY? IM A FUCKING MAD MAN? BITCH YOU HAVENT SEEN CRAZY OR A MAD MAN ILL SHOW YOU CRAZY ILL SHOW YOU A MAD MAN", Suga leaped over the bed at me and I screamed and made a run for the door but he was faster than me Suga grabbed me by my hair and pulled me back and I fell back on the broken lamp slicing open my hands, knees, and feet on the glass and Suga hovered over me and he spoke with a growl.

" ILL SHOW YOU WHAT CRAZY IS RACHEL AND ILL SHOW YOU WHAT A MAD MAN IS....IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT RACHEL?", Suga grabbed my wrist and slammed them down on the glass above my head pinning me on the floor and I hiss in pain as I feel the glass slice through my soft pale skin and I looked up at Suga tears in my eyes and he spoke, " IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT RACHEL? HUH? DO YOU WANT ME TO BE CRAZY TO YOU BITCH? DO YOU WANT ME TO SHOW YOU A MAD MAN? BECAUSE DAMN IT RACHEL I WILL", I had enough of his shit so I lifted my knee and at full speed with full strength I rammed my knee into his groin causing him to fall to the side growling in pain.

" YOU FUCKING BITCH", I darted up and ran to the door and unlocked it and flung it open and I ran out of the room and down the hall covered in blood and it didn't take long for Suga to be right behind me screaming like a mad man, " RACHEL GET BACK HERE YOU BITCH", I was terrified " LEAVE ME ALONE SUGA", I ran to the nearest bathroom and I flung the door opened and slammed it shut and locked it and I climbed into the closet and slammed it shut and locked it and turned on the faint light of my phone to see and I silenced my breathing and my racing heart as I heard Suga's rambling outside.

" OH RACHEL.....I KNOW YOUR HERE....SO YOU WANT TO HIDE NOW DO YOU?....THEN LETS PLAY HIDE AND SEEK BITCH", I jumped as I heard him kick open the closet door in the hall and as I did I bumped the top shelf in the closet I was in causing a pill bottle to fall into my lap...what the hell is a pill bottle that's full doing in this closet?.... I quietly picked up the pill bottle as I heard Suga kicking open every closet and bathroom door trying to find me, I shined my light on the pill bottle and it was a mood stabilizer medication for anger control....what the hell is a mood stabilizer for anger doing in this closet?...with shaking hands I carefully turned the bottle for a name to see who the pills belong to and why they haven't been taking their pills.

As I saw the name on the bottle my heart dropped and tears fell from my eyes for the name that was on the pill bottle was.....Min Yoongi....oh my god these are Suga's pills...that explains it all....the jealousy....the outburst of anger....the yelling....the screaming...the changes in his moods...Suga has an anger disorder that he's suppose to take these pills for but he hasn't that's why he is acting like a mad man...I drop the pill bottle when I hear Suga's voice right outside the bathroom and I hear his spine chilling laugh as he spoke, " why Rachel could you be in here?....your little blood trail stops here", I jump as I hear him kick the door open and I silently grab the metal towel rack hanging on the door and I hold it at the ready with shaking hands as I wait for him to kick open the door I see his feet right in front of the door.

" I FOUND YOU BITCH", Suga kicks open the door and with my full strength I swing the metal rod and with all my strength I smash the rod into his head causing him to collapse in front of me unconscious and I run out of the bathroom closet and out of the bathroom dropping the metal rod in front of Jungkook's room as I slip on my own blood and slam into his door but I get back up and run to the front door of the dorm and I swing it open grabbing my flats and I run out of the dorm and out of the building and down the dark streets of Seoul.

I heard a loud bang on my door through my headphones and I was immediately filled with fear and I jolt up and run to my bed room door and swing it open, my heart immediately drops and tears pour from my eyes when I see the Scean,In front of my door I see a bloody steal rod and a puddle of blood as I look down the hall I see the trail of blood leading straight to Suga and Rachel's room and I begin to panic has he finally done it?...did he kill her? I dart out my room down the hall screaming her name " RACHEL?.....RACHEL WHERE ARE YOU?....RACHEL?" when I reached Rachel and Suga's room and I saw the Scean my heart dropped even more...I saw blood drops on the floor near the window and I followed the droplets around to Rachel's side of the bed where I saw the shattered lamp on the floor with the pieces laying in a puddle of blood.

I then look near the door and I see the trail of blood leading out and I follow it in tears screaming her name " RACHEL WHERE ARE YOU DAMN IT? RACHEL?", I didn't care if my hyung's where trying to sleep or not all I cared about was finding Rachel and finding here alive and conscious,I swear if I find out Suga killed her or even harmed her really bad I'm going to fucking kill him.....I followed the blood trail screaming her name begging her to call out back to me....she must be so terrified? " RACHEL?....DAMN IT RACHEL PLEASE ANSWER ME....RACHEL?", I reach the end of the blood trail and it ends at the bathroom closes to my room I see the door slightly ajar is obvious that Suga kicked it open to get to her.

With shaking hands I slowly reached for the door to open it...I was terrified not because Suga could still be in the house in a rage,and not because I cant find Rachel anywhere and she wont answer me,but I was afraid because....what if when I open this bathroom door I see the girl I love so much laying on the cold hard floor dead in a puddle of her blood because he murdered her?,....bracing myself for the worse I open up the door and I let out a sigh of relief as I see Suga laying there knocked unconscious bleeding from his head....I found Suga but where is Rachel?,....I look beside Suga to see a full pill bottle laying by his head...I kneel down on my knee and pick up the pill bottle and read it,....what in the hell is a mood stabilizer for anger issues doing In this bathroom?.

I slowly turn the bottle around between my fingers to find a name and when I see the name I cant believe it,...the name on the bottle of mood stabilizer pills for anger issues said Min Yoongi....I growled and chucked the pill bottle at the wall causing it to bust open and spill the small red pills everywhere " THAT SON OF A BITCH", as I cursed out loud I heard other feet running Torwards me and I heard frantic yells...my hyung's must of seen the Scean?,I heard one voice call out my name, " JUNGKOOK? WHERE ARE YOU?", I hollered back at the voice " IN HERE HYUNG ", Jimin came running over to me and when he saw the Scean in front of me his breath hitched.

" JUNGKOOK WHAT IN THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?", shortly after Jimin yelled V, Jin, RM, and J-Hope came up behind Jimin V was the first one panicked and repeated Jimin's question, " KOOKIE WHAT IN THE HELL HAPPENED IN HERE IT LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING MURDER SCEAN?", I sighed before I spoke " I don't know but from the looks of it Suga and Rachel got into a fight way worse than normal and it seems like Suga lost it and attacked Rachel but from the look of Suga's predicament I would say Rachel won this fight".

Jimin snarled " Obviously Rachel won this fight but where in the hell is Rachel at?", I was just as worried as Jimin was and from the looks of it so where V and Jin but Im the most concerned for her....Rachel where are you? and are you ok?....god please be ok I started to shake as I began to speak " I don't know where Rachel is?,but wherever she is?,....she is hurt really bad", V then spoke and I could hear the sadness in his voice, " h-h-how do you know that Rachel is hurt really b-b-bad?", I looked at V and I saw a tear escape his eye out of all us I hate to say it but V was the closes one of us all to Rachel and she was the closes one to V out of us all...I cleared my throat and answered V's question.

" Because all that blood...is not just Suga's blood...Rachel bleeds the heaviest out of us all...you can tell its Rachel's blood by the thickness of it and the bubbles with in the puddles", V's breath hitched and he started to breath heavy I hugged him and patted his back, " Don't worry V we will find her and help her...wherever she is at?, we know she's alive but hurt really bad", V nodded and calmed his breathing as Jin walked In and spoke, " the blood trail leads to the front door and out of the building so from the looks of it...Suga came in and kicked in the doors but Rachel was a step ahead of him...she took the steal rod from the closet and with all her strength she had left she bashed Suga in the head and ran out but fell outside your room Jungkook where the puddle is the biggest and the rod lays".

it then clicked and I spoke, " that explains the bang I heard on and outside my door", Jin nodded and spoke," Rachel had fallen on her own blood slamming into your door but then using it to help her stand and run to the front door and out of the building so she's somewhere in the city alive but seriously injured", I nodded my head and noticed RM check Suga's pulse to make sure he was still alive and breathing,RM looked at me and spoke, " he has a pulse still but its very faint and slow", I couldn't help but growl " that's good for him but I could care less Rachel knocked the shit out of him and he deserved it", Before RM could make an argument Jimin changed the subject and spoke.

" What are these Red Pills here?", I looked over to Jimin and saw that he was kneeled down holding one of the Red pills between his fingers looking at it,...I spoke with a growl to my tone " those are mood stabilizers for anger problems...Suga was suppose to be taking them for his anger issues but the bottle was full so my guess is that he refused to take them? and hid the bottle in the closet and when Rachel was hiding from Suga in the closet she bumped the shelf and found them and learned Suga's dark secret just like the rest of us have", I could see in everyone's face that they where just as infuriated as I was...Rachel please....where ever you are?...please hang on....we will find you....I promise.

I was limping down the dark sidewalks of Seoul...I could feel the blood from the cuts on my feet seeping out into my shoe's...so much for my 300 dollar Gucci flats V bought me for Christmas...now their ruined and covered in blood from Suga's little break down....I cant believe that all of these damn years he hid from me the fact that he had an anger problem and that on top of that he has refused to take his damn pills...your fucking crazy Suga....absolutely mad, my thoughts where interrupted by a familure voice yelling at me from their car, " OH MY GOD RACHEL IS THAT YOU?", cold and afraid I stopped and looked towards the voice and spoke " w-w-won-w-w-woo?....is that you?", the car came to a screeching stop and I saw Jungkook's cousin Wonwoo dart out of the car and run towards me and I smiled with relief as he came into the light.

Wonwoo grabbed me and wrapped me in a blanket I could hear the sadness in his voice as he spoke, " oh my god Rachel...what in the fuck happened to you?,at the beach you seemed fine and now your covered in blood and barley able to stand...what happened?", I could hardly speak as my vision blurred and all I could say was " S-s-Suga....m-m-m-me.....h-h-had ....F-f-fight" then everything went black and I slipped out of consciousness.



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