Nalu OneShots! ;)

By lezqyft

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Thank you for reading this! NALU ONESHOTS HERE! COME, READ ONE GET A MILLION MORE FREE! These are just some "... More

1.) Sleep~~
3.) A Sick Natsu~
AN. Sorry!
4.) Celebrate!
5.) Sudden Feelings!
Part 6.) "Sick" Lucy?
Part 7.) "Nalu" Day!
8.) A Poem Of Truth.
9.)Late night!
10.)The Walk.
11.)Dense as ever!
12.) Never leave me alone.
13.) Jealous Natsu~
14.) T-Too Many Hugs!
15.) Crying Lucy?!?
16.) Natsu..Do you know about love?
17.) Baking Cookies?
18.)Mating Season?! (Part 1)
19.)N-Natsu..Not There..
20.)Mating Season?! (Part 2)
21.) Hey Natsu, Lucy! Why Not React?
22.) A Sick Cat!
23.) Icy Rain.
24.)Mating Season?!(Part 3)
25.) What's Love?
26.)Mating Season?!(Part 4)
27.) Lil Jelly Luce!
28.) This Time, Im The Knight.
29.) I Warned You.
29.5) You Called My Name.
31.) Payback!
32.) Text Messages!
33.) Hair-Tie.
34.) Mating Season?! (Part 5)
ask me!
Idiotic Moves.

30.) Firsts Kiss, Ended In Last.

2.2K 49 72
By lezqyft

(fowl language!)

(this is gonna be a REALLY long one! Also, high school thing, soo, if you don't like Nalu high school stories, then sorry not sorry?)

(also inspired by a movie i recently watched. if you think you know what it is, comment it :) )

(uhm... so i'm a bit to lazy to draw and color every single one of the scenes that i intended to, so you'll probably see little clouds and those are there cause i'm very forgetful and i needed marks to show which scene to draw. sorry.)

Levy immediately yanked the picture of the locker and crumbled it up in a ball. The words "PLEASURE IS NEVER WHAT IT SEEMS LUCE." were still written on her locker in dry erase marker. Lucy walked through the crowd, pushing through everyone as her best friends worriedly rushed behind. People's eyes landed on her as she quickly ran/walked away.

"..stupid stupid STUPID..." Mumbled Lucy as she speed walked through hallways.

Natsu noticed her. He noticed her rush, her upset face, her clenched fists.

She tried walking past him, but he grabbed her arm with a confused yet worried face.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah! Hey what's wrong?"

"The hell you mean what's wrong?! You dirty bastard!! I knew you were lying- I KNEW IT."

"What?! What are you saying Lucy?!"

"Don't act dumb!" Tears began forming.

"Lucy, Lucy, here let's go talk about this privately-"


"Hey! Nice job making her cry ASSHOLE. Hope you're happy!" Yelled Cana as she threw the crumbled paper at Natsu -which she got from Levy-.

"Wha?!-" He opened the paper and saw a picture of Natsu and Lucy together in bed, Lucy wearing only Natsu's oversized jacket, JUST an oversized hoodie, and Natsu shirtless with only pants. Next to it was a picture of Natsu and Lisanna in a bed. Lisanna in a short dress, and Natsu in nothing but a pair of trunks.

"The hell?!" He was filled with anger as he shouted at everyone in the hallway.

"HEY EVERYONE. I DIDNT DO SHIT WITH EITHER OF THEM. IF I HEAR A SINGLE WORD ABOUT THIS OR LUCY, YOURE ALL DEAD." Everyone felt intimidated, as Natsu was known to leave people in hospitals, so he meant what he said.

So what happened to cause all this? Well~ lemme tell you-... it's a pretty cool story really!

It all began when Lucy was walking out near a tree, for break.

"How should i get him back?"

"You don't. You just move on."

Lucy sighed and held her books tighter.

"Yeah, but it's kinda hard to do that when i still kinda like him.."

"Well he OBVIOUSLY does too, just ask him out again." Brandish said, rolling her eyes.

"Easier said than done. If i did that, then he'd say it wouldn't work out again! I want to make him jealous somehow, but i only have one idea."


Coincidentally, the hottest guy Natsu, was about to walk past.

" Well, my idea was that i'd fake date someone for a while, you know.. to make him jealous.. but i don't want to use anyone.."

Natsu stopped.

"Hey girl, what was that you said just now?"

'oh crap. i'm done for.'

'Welp. she's a gonner, might as well find Mari and plan her funeral.'

"U-Uhm... nothing.." She tried to say it casually, but c'mon.. it's LUCY we're talking about here.

"I'll be back in a sec." He grabbed Lucy's hand and took her behind the bleachers. Brandish shook her head and waved.


"You said you were looking for a fake relationship?"


"c'mon, I didn't drag you here just for you to act dumb. If a fake boyfriend is what you're looking for, then i'm down. I need to make my ex jealous as well."

'a fake relationship with Natsu Dragneel?? That's gonna be awkward, considering our past.'

"Uh, with you? Wouldn't that be-"

"I know we're not necessarily on same pages cause of our incident in 7th grade, but c'mon. deal?"

So what happened between them? oh simple, they didn't know each other, but one day Lucy tripped, and ended up toppling on top of Natsu, which was caused an accidental kiss. After that, they never tried to speak to each other, even though before they wanted to be friends.

"i'll... i'll think ab-" Something caught her eye in an instant.


"Oh SSHHIT." Natsu turned to see who was behind him.

"Oh yeah, hm, i see." He smirked.

"DEAL." Without a minute to waste, she grabbed his scarf and kissed him once again.

"MHH." Natsu stared in disbelief.

They stood there, kissing for a few more seconds. Hibiki noticed and was enraged. But he kept it to himself, and simply acted as if he hadn't noticed.

".... There... he's gone.."

"Jeez, gimme a warning next time!"

"S-Sorry, i panicked. Anyway, i'm gonna need for you to come over today after school!"

"There's only 30 minutes before school ends.." He said, raising his eyebrow in a significant way.

"Are you say we should ditch?"



"C'mon, i've done it once, and you only have to run a lap. It won't be bad! Let's go!"

25 minutes later-

"Before you come in, I need you to-"

"Don't worry Lucy, i'm good with meeting parents. I have my ways." He opened the door, and walked in.


"Hey dad, Hey Michelle!"

"Hi big-sister! Who's this?"

"I'm Natsu, you must be her little sister!"

"Mr.Dragneel! Nice to see you! You've grown so much!" They shook hands, Lucy stared in horror as Natsu got along with her family.

"W-Well i'm gonna take Natsu up to my room now!"

"Alright then." They both nodded as she quickly took Natsu's arm and dragged him upstairs.

"The hell! How'd you get along with them?! Even Hibiki couldn't do that!"

"I told you- I have my ways." He laid in her bed and sat up.


"Oh right! We're gonna need to have some rules to make this work!" She grabbed her notebook and a pen.

"So! Let's- Ah, Hey!" He grabbed the notebook and pen and began writing.

"You're sucha dork."

1. Holding hands is a HAVE TO.

2. Arm around waist.

"Arm around waist'? What kind of rule is that?"

"Well, my ex always wanted me to do that with her, but i just never did." He scratched the back of his head and sighed.

"Well, if you're gonna do that, then i'm gonna do this."

3. Kissing neck.

"Kissing neck'?"

"Mhm! Hibiki always wanted me to kiss his neck, not hickies, just small pecks, but I never did either."

They both stared at each other, and then broke out laughing. It was a cute moment that made the both of them happy.

"Haha! Oh jeez, i'm gonna go insane! Haha! That was funny! Anyway, we can't tell anyone about this deal!"

"Well obviously! The would be humiliating!"

"Right. Anyway, i think we're done! You just need to sign it."

"Aye aye!" They both signed the paper and then smiled at each other.

"Well uhm, thats all i really needed. You can go home if you want to.."

"Nah, I think i'll stay here, it's cozy!"

"1st of all, no WAY you're gonna sleep on my bed. 2nd, what are we even gonna do? and lastly, what's my family gonna say?!"

"It's a pretend relationship right? We'll just we're dating! Simple. Oh and, 1st, i want tooo! 2nd, hang out.. watch a movie.. cuddle, wink wink. Lastly, what i said in the beginning."

"EEP!" He grabbed Lucy's arm and pulled her in bed.

"But first lets think of more rules. Like~~ This'll end once we get our ex's back, and we have to go to the Elegance Cabin trip!"


"Oh and! If we're gonna kiss, it's gotta be with warning before OR only during emergencies."

"That's in a few months! Would we even be together by then?"

"You mean the Cabin trip? Maybe, maybe not. But that doesn't matter now! Let's just watch a movie! Which one do you wanna watch, Luce?"

'Luce?... how cute...'

"Uhm... OH! HAVE YOU WATCHED ONE CALLED 'I Wish You Were Mine.'?!"

"Nope! What's it about?"


"Is she?!- DATING him?!" Michelle said as she watched Natsu and Lucy laugh and play around with each other. She only realized they were 'dating' once she saw Natsu pull out his phone and take a selfie of Lucy kissing his cheek.

"Bahahaha! My turn!" Lucy pulled out hers and took one of the blanket covering their lips and making seem as if they were kissing.

"Woah Lucy, you'd actually post stuff like that?"

"Hm? Oh no i wouldn't, j-just for this instance i will." She smiled as the both of them posted the pictures.

'With my little dork <3'- Lucy's

'This little cutie'- Natsu's


"Hehe.. yeah.."

He grabbed a pillow and lightly threw it at her.

"ow! Ahahah! Natsu!" She smacked him lightly as they both laughed.


Next day~

'Are you gonna go to the party?'

'what party?'


'no way, i don't do parties.'



'fine then.'

'Jeez. I can't believe my plan actually came true. This kind of stuff only happens in MOVIES and stuff! But this-..this is real life!'


"oh boy."


"Natsu?! No way!" She ran downstairs and stared in shock, as the salmon-haired idiot stood at her door.

"Hey Lucy!" He grinned and waved.

"Morning Mr.Heartfilia! Nice to see you again! Mind if i hang out with your daughter for a while?"

"Hello Natsu, it's nice to see you again as well. And i wouldn't mind at all if you hung out with her for while!"

"Got it!"

Lucy sighed and held the stair rails tighter, as Natsu climbed up them.


"Hi.. Dragneel..."

"Welp, let's go!" He grabbed her wrist and pulled her once more, to her room.

"Hey Lucy?.."


"You do realize what you're wearing.. right?"


"I was joking jeez! Hahaha! Your face!"


"But whyy? You're just in short shorts, nothing to revealing. I was only joking."


"Just- c'mon." He took her wrist and sat her on her desk chair.

"Soo~ Watcha gonna do with your hair?"

"My- what?"

"Yeah! You gotta do SOMETHIN' with your hair, you can't just go lookin' like that."

"Gee thanks. And what do you mean?! I'm not going anywhere!"

"Oh yeah you are! We gotta go to the Leo's party! It's a couples party! Lis- my ex is gonna be there, so it'll be worth it.. for me at least."

"Yeah? I'm still not going, if there's no point for me to be there, then i'm not going." She said whilst brushing her blonde hair.

"The only reason we're doing this is to get our ex's back. If you're not committed to do it then what's the point?!"

"OKAY OKAY FINE. I'll go." She slouched down and sighed.

"YAY! HELL YEAH!" Natsu threw his fists in the air and danced around.

'i hate this.. is this even worth it, mom? please guide me mom... i really want your help...'

She sighed and stayed silent.

"Hm? Luce, you alright?"

"yeah.. i'm fine.." She continued brushing her hair.

"No you're not, what's the matter?"

"it's nothing, i'm just not.. a party person okay?" She sighed and held her necklace.

'please don't let it happen again mom. please..'

Natsu saw Lucy was uncomfortable, or upset or something, and scratched the back of his head.

"Err...W-We don't have to go if you don't want to. I-It's not really up to me."

Lucy stopped brushing her hair, and stared at her lap for a second. 'Did he really just do that?' She felt bad and smiled.

"No No! It's okay! I'll go."

"You sure? I-If you don't feel comfortable with goin'-"

"I said it's fine Natsu! I'll go with you to the party! Like i said, i'm just not much of a party person."



"okay... It starts at 6:00 and ends at 10:00."

"He's having a party that long?!"


"Wait, but if this is a party for couples, then why is Lisanna going?"


"Well duh. You almost said her name, and~, almost everyone knew you two were dating."

"That can't be the only way, she's really silent, only her best friends know her name."

"uhm-.. H-Her name was rumored around when you two became a thing."

"Liar. Anyone ever tell you, you suck at lying?"

"uh-.. maybe.."

"Well? How else do you know who she is?"

"Well- let's just say we used to be friends in 2nd grade."

"What?! Really?! What happened?!"


"O-Oh right.. Well it's also for single people since he's a fuckboy remember?"

"Oh yeahh!"

"Now answer MY question!"


"C-COMING DAD! I'll tell you some other time."




"ugh.. what are you doing?"

"I'm bored, so i'm looking through your closet for outfits."

"Hm? You're gonna choose it?"


Natsu is so full of surprises. He always seems so mean and cold yet funny at school. But now that i get to know him, he's actually really nice.

"I'll choose i-"




"Bye bye dad! Bye Michelle!"


"Let's go Luce~!"

I glared at him as he nervously opened his car door. It was a Jeep Wrangler, it kinda fit him. He began driving.

"You look nice Lucy."

"T-Thanks..." I blushed. It was weird getting a compliment from someone who wasn't Hibiki.

"You really do, you seem uncomfortable, but rest assured, you look amazing."

I stared at him, he stared back. We both laughed for second before I thanked him again. He was right, i was sort of uncomfortable in the outfit i was wearing, but it wasn't just that. I was scared if it would happen again. If i would get harassed by a drunk again.

"Natsu...Do you drink?"

"Nope, i'm not gonna since i'm your ride, and your dad said "No drugs. No drinks. No hands." "

"H-He said that?"


"Well that's embarrassing."

He chuckled lightly, it was really cute. I could tell why girls fell for him instantly. We arrived soon after, Leo's house was BIG. We could buy a mansion anytime, but we honestly don't need to.


"Let's go!"

We walked to the doors, he held my hand and smirked. He was honestly kind of hot.

"Hold on-"


He took his phone out took a picture of me, I smiled.

"Here, gimme that." He took my phone and took a picture of himself.

"Now then, just use that as your wallpaper! And i'll use this as mine!" Oh i see! Pretty smart.

"C-Can we maybe wait out here for a seccaghh"



"You want anything to drink?"

"Hm? Oh uh, just get me what you get."

"Got it."

He walked off as i stood near his friends.

"Hey Lucy, long time no see!"

"Oh hey Gray!"  We did our secret handshake like we used to in 6th grade.

"Where's Juvia?"

"She should be here soon."


I stared at Lisanna and Flare who were calling me over. Gray nodded and lightly nudged me.
I walked towards them and started panicking. This is gonna be bad! My ex-best friend, CALLING ME OVER?! This is gonna be bad.

"Hey, take a seat!" I sat down on the other side of the couch and stared at my lap, and then my surroundings.

"Sooo.. What is it with you and Natsu?"Asked Flare.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"You've never hung out with him, hell, even TALKED, to him. So what's up between you two?"

"Oh uh, we're dating. You never knew that?"

"WHAAAT?!" Was that Gray? And Gajeel? And Jellal? And Loki? And Flare? And Lisanna?

"Y-You?! HAHAHA-" Lisanna stopped laughing after Natsu hopped next to me and put his arm around me.

"Hey babe, here ya go!"

"Thank you Natsu!" I kissed his cheek and giggled.

"Hehe." He rubbed the back of his head and chuckled.

Lisanna stood up in the middle on the carpet , in front of us.

"Natsu-... you're dating her?! But why?! She's so...EW.. you know?!"

"I-" I was about to say something, before Natsu pushed me back. Accidentally pushing my chest in the making. Wait- HE JUST GRABBED MY BOOB AND PUSHED ME BACK.

"Look Lisanna, Lucy's perfect just the way she is. And that's why I love her. So back off." I blushed at his words, but then remembered it was fake. What a shame..

Everyone began cheering and whooping, and celebrating for some reason.

"Hmph!" She stormed off, with Flare following behind.

Natsu turned around, where i was sitting with my cheeks puffed and my arms crossed. He laughed and lightly flicked my forehead.

"Y-You grabbed my b-boob you pervert!" I said trying to yell but stay quiet at the same time.

"I did that on purpose for multiple reasons!" He laughed and then bent down to face me. He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"You did great Lucy." I blushed IMMENSELY, and pouted even more.


"Haha! I'm gonna go grab us some food, i'll be right back."


"Hold on!"

"Hm? Yeah?"

"Can you hold on to my bracelet? I don't want to lose it since it's loose around my wrist."


"Mkay... please don't lose it! Thank youuu!"


Well... what now?

I pulled out my phone and took a sip from my drink. Juice huh? Whatta dork.




"Oh, hey Lis."

"So you're actually dating her?"


"Hm! Kinda hard to believe."

I sighed, "Well it's true.", I said plainly. She took my hand and kissed my cheek, pulling the bracelet. I blushed, like i always do. I tensed up. Finally, i've missed those lips for so long..

"See you.." She waved.

"Just give it back Lis, it's Lucy's!" She simply winked and walked away.



"Natsu, where's my bracelet?"

"Oh uh-... I'm not sure.."

"I told you not lose it!" I sighed and hung my head. "ughhhh..."

"I'm sorry Lucy."

"It's... It's fine... it's just... it means a lot to me.." I sighed again and placed my empty plate down.

"let's just get going.."

"Yeah, i'm sorry."

"It's okay." I slightly smiled, but on the inside, i was so depressed. That bracelet was my moms.. and i lost it..


"Thanks for comin' to the party with me Luce. And sorry again for losing your bracelet."

"It's okay.. Well, i better go inside, i'll see you on Monday. Goodnight."

"Night!" He kissed my forehead and smiled.
I blushed and called him a perv. He laughed and we said night one last time before i want inside.

I walked up the stairs and into my room.

"today... sucked." I walked to my heart shaped box and opened it up. Mom..

"Thank you mom." I took out my moon and stars earrings and placed them back.

"But i lost the bracelet.. i'm sorry." Tears began forming in my eyes.. i'm so stupid..


'Hey Lucy, are you gonna go to the park today? There's gonna be a small hang out and a bunch of people are gonna be there.'

'Yeah sure! I'll be there. what time though?'

'4:00 i think.'

'okay thank you Gray! i'll be sure to get there on time, bye!'


A hang out huh? Knowing Hibiki, he'd probably be there, he LOVES hangouts. Hehe! Time to get payback on Natsu for dragging me to that party!

I grabbed a pair of leggings and a big hoodie, to go with it, some light blue boots.


"Heh! Lookin' pretty cute Lucy!" I said to myself in my mirror. I grabbed my phone and walked out of the house, telling my dad i was going just before i closed the door.

"Now then, Natsu livess.." Where does he live actually? He never actually gave me his address... OH I KNOW! I'll just look around for a Jeep Wrangler! Hah! I'm so smart!



"AUGH, this isn't gonn- going to work.. Am i starting to get in the habit of talking like Natsu?" I sighed and checked the time.


"Welp.." I checked around ONE last time, annnddd... no luck- HOLY SHIT THERE IT IS.

I ran up to the jeep and stared at it for a second... it's gray.. it has similar car plate.. SCREW IT.


"if it's the wrong house i'm gonna die." I mumbled to myself.

"Oh, hi there. How can i help you?"

It was guy with black hair and soft eyes. Along with a blue cat, that was purring behind him. He had a nice smile and voice was calm and cool. He looks familiar... I panicked and stuttered a bit.

"U-Uhm.. Is N-Natsu there?"

"Yes he is! Are you his girlfriend?"

"W-WELL UH ACTUALLY-" Oh yeah.. we're pretending.

"y-yes.. i-i'm his girlfriend.." I stared at the ground as my face began heating up.


"IM SO GLAD TO FINALLY SEE YOU LUCY!" He hugged me and i nearly died.

"Wait what."

"It's been so long! I just realized you're Lucy! The last time i saw you, you were a small potato! Now you're all grown up!" He began crying streams of rivers once he let go.

"U-Uhm....." I stared at him for a while and then it hit me.


"LUCYYY, YOU REMEMBER MEE!" He hugged me again.. but even tighter.

"Uh- actually I-" No i can't ruin his happy mood. I don't actually remember him, i just remember mom telling me about him and Natsu, reason why i wanted to become Natsu's friend in 7th grade.

"The hell is goi- LUCY?!"


"H-Hi.. N-Natsu.." I said, still dying from Zeref's hug.

"Zeref, you're killin' her."

"OH!" He let go once more, and i stood there for a second taking a breath in. I think.. I think i saw the light for a second..

"I think i died for a second there.." I said out of breath.

"What're you doing here, Luce?" He seemed irritated, but then Zeref spoke.

"Natsu, don't be rude to her. She's your girlfriend jeez." Natsu stared in shock for a second, before calming down and i guess remembering our deal.

"s-sorry if i came at a bad time.. i-i'll goOAH!" Zeref yanked me in and sat me down in their big, cozy, house.

"Nu-nu-nu-nu-no! It's been YEARS, we HAVE to catch up!" He smiled brightly. I looked at Natsu, he was wearing a red hoodie and black pants. I looked down, the cat rubbing against my leg, and was about to say something before Zeref spoke again.

"Natsu doesn't have to stay here, he seems to be annoyed. It's rude. I know you came to to speak to him, but he's annoyed for some reason. So let's catch up instead! Without, Natsu's rudeness."

"You know Zeref?" He looked hurt. I panicked and quickly responded.


"So you don't remember when I held you as a baby?" He said crying rivers again.

"Uh- no?"

"What a shame. Whatever! So~! How's it going? How are Michelle and Jude?"

"They're good! Actually! Just last week we-!"

"Lucy came here to see me Zeref. I'm gonna take her up to my room now.."

He took my wrist and took me upstairs. I looked down for a brief moment and saw Zeref smiling softly again.

"S-Sorry for coming over unexpectedly. I-I can go if you want!-"

"NO." He suddenly yelled. I stood in shock, but he sighed and sat down on his bed and looked down.

"sorry Lucy... i'm not the best mood today.."

"I-It's okay... We all have those days.." I sat down next to him and rubbed his back.

"So what'd you come here for?" He asked, with a somewhat mad tone. To be honest, he's had a mad tone the whole time i've been here so far.

"W-Well.. Now that i think about it.. i'm kind of embarrassed to even bring it up.." I said, lightly scratching my cheek.

"No it's okay, just say watcha came here to say." He said sitting up a bit.

"I-I changed my mind.. It wasn't very important anyway. And it's clear you want to be alone." I got up and stood in front of the bed where he was sitting. "So i think it's best if i leave. Sorry for botherin-"

"I said NO." I flinched at his sudden change of mood. He seriously is mad.

"It's just!-.. the thing had to with a hang out and I-... I just don't want to bother anymore than I am... You're in a bad mood, and I don't want to drag you to some dumb thing cause my idiotic self said to. s-sorry.." i'm seriously the worst.. i should've texted him instead of coming over...

"i'm sorry for yelling again. And it's fine. I'll go to whatever you want me to go to."

"What?! No! I don't want to go anymore! I'll just go home and!-"

"How many times do i have to say NO?! You're not going home! I don't want you to! I want you to stay here with me!" He stood up and hugged me.

... he... he wants me to stay? but-... why me?.. He gripped me tighter.
he isn't okay.. he's going through something and i have to be here to help him...

"okay... i'll stay.." I hugged him back, but even tighter. I rubbed his back again and ruffled his hair.

"thank you.."

is he- crying?!

"of course..." I slowly brought his head lower towards my shoulder and held him even tighter.


i held him for a while longer. He silently cried on my shoulder as i held him telling him he'd be okay. After a while, he calmed down, but we stood in the same position for a few more minutes, until he spoke.



"you can-... you can let go now.."

"oh okay!" I slowly let go, as he turned around in an instant and wiped his face. I giggled and turned him around.

"Aww! Is someone a little embarrassed?" I wiped the rest of his face with my sleeve. He simply glared me as i laughed.

"You feelin' better now?" I asked softly.

"Much." He smiled lightly and rubbed my head. He's so cute...

"Thanks Luce."

"Hehe, yeah of course, anytime." Well... if we're gonna make this fake relationship work... then i might as well get close to him. I raised my hands up and cupped his face.


"Tell me... why were you crying? You can talk to me." I smiled softly as he blushed a bit.

"I-... C-Can we talk about that later?"

"Sure, you can tell me whenever you feel like." I  hugged him one more time, i let go before getting yanked onto the bed.

"AH!.. N-NATSU! Q-QUIT DOING THA-" I suddenly realized what he had planned... I was on top of him, he had a huge smirk on his face.

"Natsu? Lucy? Is everything oka-...





"s-sorry.. 😓"

"jerk." I crossed my arm and pouted. What an imbecile!

"A-Anyway.. What did you want to go to again?"

"Oh uh- i-it's nothing! It was just some silly hang out. But i'm not going anymore." I smiled and nervously giggled.

"NooOo. We're going alright! Wether you like it or not!"


"I'll put on my shoes, just wait here!" He ran into his closet and stayed inside for a while.

His room is neat. It's really nice and tidy -i'm guessing cause of his brother. It's big and his bed has a lot of room. He has a huge beanbag in one corner and a desk in the other.




"So you're telling me.. that you walked around neighborhoods.. looking for my car.. JUST to find me?"


"wow Lucy, i underestimated you. You seriously went through all that trouble just to find me... you really do love me~.." He said in a playful voice.

"S-Shut up Dragneel!" I would hit him, but he's driving. So i can't. And now i just have to sit here and listen to him laugh.


He began pulling into the parking lot, after he had taken out the keys, we sat in silence, I turned to get my purse but accidentally caught him staring intensely at me.


"I'm not sure why, but i always have an urge to play around with you."



I blushed softly and smiled.

"Then i might as well play around with you sometimes!" I said while lightly punching his shoulder.

"Now let's go!"

We walked to the park and the first person i saw was Hibiki. I didn't even bother going up to him, but i was so happy that he was there. I ran up to a picnic table and leaned against it since the seat was dirty.

"So Natsu.."

"hmYeah?" He leaned against it as well.

"Tell me why you groped me at the party." I said demandingly. He laughed and blushed a bit.


"Well~, Lisanna would always talk about how she didn't have a fully developed body, so i thought if i touched your boob, then she'd get jealous considering how huge they a-"

"OKAY OKAY! Thank you, but that's enough! You said there were multiple reasons as well.."

"I just wanted to touch them, cause i held back the urge to many times. And i just wanted to see your reaction really, Haha." I pouted and hopped on the table, as did he.

"So why are we here again?"

"Cause it's a hang out! I thought he'd be here, so i wanted him to see us. But he hasn't even turned around ONCE." I pouted and crossed my arms.

"Like seriously! One day, he's being all sweet and flirty, then the next day he wants to cut ties?! Honestly, the nerve of him!"

"How'd you guys break up anyway?"

"We were on our way to lunch when he stopped, let go of my hand, and said it was over." I sighed played with my hair for minute, "He said it was cause things weren't 'Working Out', so he thought i'd be best to separate. Ah jeez, i remember how much that hurt... but whatever." I jumped down and turned to face him.

"Wanna hot dog?"


"Alright, sit tight!" I walked towards another picnic table and grabbed two plates of hot dogs. I put ketchup on both since i didn't know what Natsu liked. I took two sodas as well and walked back to the table.

"Here. I don't know what exactly you like, so i just put ketchup.. if that's okay.."

"Yeah that's fine. Thanks." I nodded and sat back on the table.

"So you and Lisanna, how'd you guys break up?" I took a napkin and took a bite from my hot dog.

"Well.." Natsu had already eaten most of his, but he was busy eating the piece he had just taken a bite of.

"She called me over to the bleachers and when i walked over, she kissed me, stood up, and said it was over..."



"She does apparently." He said plainly. He's into that hot dog, i don't think he cares about anything.

"What's so good about Hibiki anyway?"

"Well, he's nice.. he always checks up on me... he's a huge sweetheart. He always makes me happy somehow... he's good-looking, he has a good personality. What about Lisanna?"


"I mean.. she's kinda cold and mean, what's so good about her?"

"She-.... She's nice to people she knows..."

"I guess i'm an unknown thing to her then."

He sighed and continued, "She's really sweet and cares a lot about her friends, she always makes me smile, she always worried for me.."

I remember when she used to be like that with me in middle school. Before she met you.. and completely changed.

"You said you Lisanna had some kinda past together..."

"Oh right! I was gonna explain that wasn't i? Well uhm... her and I.. used to be best friends from 2nd to 5th, but then she saw you in 6th and slowly started getting attached to you. Then she started growing cold and eventually ended our friendship. But when I accidentally kissed you in 7th grade.. she lost it and began bullying me.. It sucked to have someone i always trusted leave again... So i eventually told on her and we never spoke after that. She just hates me now I guess.." I took a sip from my soda and placed it on my empty plate.

"Ugh.. I'm sorry Lucy..."

"No it's okay! You didn't do anything!"

"It's just-... No nevermind.. Why don't you stay over at my place today?"

"Hm? I-I can if you want.."

He nodded and smirked again. Oh god, he's gonna do something isn't he?

"Hey Lucy?"

"Yes?.... AH!" He held me by waist and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him since i was scared,but it only put fuel to the fire.


He laughed and eventually out me down. I whined and hugged him for some reason. He chuckled for a second, before taking my hand and lightly pulling me towards his car.

"Time to go home!"

"J-Jeez Natsu! What was all that about?!" I said blushing.

"Hibiki was watching.. so i thought i'd do you an favor! You should thank me." he said while opening the door for me.

I sighed and tucked my hair behind my ear, "Then... thank you.. i guess.." He smiled and nodded. "Of course."



"uhm.." We were about to walk into his house, but i stopped. i want to ask if he had fun.. but i feel like that'd be embarrassing..

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"it's just-... d-did you have enjoy it?"

"... Hehe, yeah, i did." He pet my head as i blushed nervously. He took my hand and took me to the kitchen.



There was no respond, Natsu sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

"I think he went to Mavis's house.."

"Mavis?... oh yeah! The girl who lives in the forest right? Are they dating?"


"Aw, I seriously wanna meet her! I heard she's SUPE smart, and that she's read a WHOLE LIBRARY! Awg, she's so inspiring!" I've always dreamt of meeting her! She's like my role-model!


"You don't think she's weird?"

"Huh? No! Why would I?!"

"Well, it's just a bunch of people pick on her cause she lives in the forest and is always barefoot."

"That doesn't matter! I see her as an amazing person!"

"I'm glad, Lisanna didn't like her, she saw her as an animal. That's why she never came over. When Zeref heard her talk bad about Mavis, he got mad and told her to leave. I don't like that about Lisanna either, Mavis means so much to me as well, she's the only one who makes Zeref happy, and I like it when Zeref is happy. So when Lisanna said that, I got mad as well and took her home."

"oh.." I jumped on the marble island.

"whatta bitch..." Honestly, how disgusting can one's personality get?!.... WAIT WHY DID I JUST CALL HER A BITCH RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM?!


"I-I MEAN- I-IM SORRY, I SPOKE OUT LOUD." AGHH! IM SO STUPPPIIDD. I embarrassingly covered my stupid face.

"No No it's okay!!" He laughed while grabbing two glasses of water and adding some ice.

"I COMPLETELY agree with you on that." He gave me the glass, then leaned next to me on the table.

"..thank you.." I said as i drank from the glass he gave me. "Lisanna wasn't necessarily the best person." He said plainly.

"Heh, yeah. But Natsu.." I turned a bit to face him.

"You said you liked it when Zeref was happy.."

"Yeah i did... so?"

"Well, I have two questions.."

"Go ahead."

I took a deep breath and fiddled with my thumbs.

"If you're happy that Zeref's happy, why weren't you happy when Zeref was excited to see me? A-and.." I began panicking and silently spoke.

"why... were you uhm... crying?"


Oh crap! Why did i ask that?! I'm so stupid!
"Y-You don't have to answer! I just!-"

"No it's okay.. You just caught me off guard, that's all. I wasn't happy, cause, 1. I wasn't in a good mood, and 2.,... i guess i thought you knew him without telling me.. But mostly the first reason. When i'm mad, i take it out on other people.."

"Well you shouldn't do that Natsu.. you never know if one day, you get way to mad, and end up hurting your relationship with someone."

"Relationship? Why would I be in multiple relationships? I'm not like that Lucy!"


"No idiot, not just romantically, but friend relationships, family relationships, stuff like that."

Natsu sighed in response and nodded.

"You're right... I should've realized that a while back."


"To answer your second question, I was crying because i was mad at myself. I was mad because i scared you, because i yelled at you, because i was mean to you.." I softly blushed, he was mad... cause of me...


I hopped down. "You didn't do anything to me Natsu..." I smiled and cupped his face again. "You never hurt me in any way... Now tell me the whole story, you're keeping something hidden.."

He sighed and held my hand that was holding his face, "I was also mad... cause... my parents.. They're both gone... i'm partly the reason for it.. I was looking through my room for something , cause Zeref cleaned it, and i found my picture book, and i remembered everything that happened.."

"what happened..?" I began pulling him in, and burrowing him in my chest. I knew he'd probably cry, since i always do whenever i talk about mom, so i don't want him to be embarrassed and hold his tears.

"We were arguing.. dad wanted me to move with him to different states, but i didn't because i had everything i wanted. My mom was cooking and when she heard us arguing, she rushed upstairs and began shouting at us to stop. I ended up telling my dad i hated him and i ran into my room. Zeref came out of his room cause he heard everything and began arguing with my dad as well. He ended up doing the same thing as me.. My parents went into their rooms and argued. We all fell asleep, but my forgot to turn off the stove and in the middle of the night, the house caught fire.. my mom and dad helped us out, they even saved Happy, but they got stuck when the roof collapsed-... and they-...." I heard and felt him start crying. I got off the counter and held him. He hugged me and began crying even more. I feel so bad.. he blames everything on himself.. even though he didn't do anything wrong...

"Natsu... don't argue back... but... you didn't do anything... you've never done anything... it was an accident... it was never anyones fault.." I held him tighter and rubbed his back.

".. it's okay... I lost my mom as well... she died of illness... i understand how you feel.. i blamed myself for it as well... but understand... you didn't do anything wrong Natsu.." I pulled him up and wiped his tears away, it hurts seeing him like this.

"i'm sorry... i shouldn't be crying right now... i'm pathetic..."

"What?! No you're not!" I hugged him, an actual hug this time, and whispered in his ear.

"don't think like that... cry when you need to... i'll always be here for you.."

"i-...... thank you... but... you're also hiding things.... i can tell.."


He wiped his face and cupped my face. I blushed and stared in confusion.

"you're hiding stuff.... you're keeping it in... tell me what's wrong..."

"n-nothing's wrong! I-"

"don't lie Lucy... remember, you suck at it... just talk to me... you're sad.. you're hurt.. i saw it when you were talking about Hibiki and Lisanna."


"what's wrong?"

I can't hold anything in anymore... the tears are just falling by themselves..


"it's just... i-... i-..." oh no, don't cry, please do- shit.

"shh.. it's okay... let it out..." He hugged me and pat my head. I felt so safe in his arms... so warm and comforted. I couldn't help but hug him back.

"everyone... in my life... is leaving... they're all disappearing.... and abandoning me... i feel so used... and so worthless... I just want someone... who won't leave me!..." i cried so much... i let out so many emotions i've held back for so many years.

"I'm here Lucy... It's okay..."


We told each other our personal problems for a few more hours... most of it in his room cuddled up, and talking, before Zeref came home.

"Lemme take you home Luce."

"Hm? Oh, okay." He parked in front of my house and walked me to my door.

"Thank you... Natsu ...and sorry for coming over unexpectedly.."

"Heh, it's fine, and thank you as well, Lucy." He hugged me one more time, I hugged him back walked inside, before saying goodnight.



"ughh... stupid school..."

I got ready for school and walked towards my door.

"Sister, are we gonna have to walk again? I know we only walked a week, but that's 7 days to long!"

"Yess, i'm sorr-"



"gEt iN lOseRs!" He laughed at his own joke and waved at us to come in. The hell?! Why is he here?! I ran up to his car and hopped in.

"Why are you here Natsu?!"

"To take you to school? Duh." What. an. idiot.

A few days passed and Natsu decided we should get dinner together. I reluctantly agreed and met up at the cafe.



"Soo, i wanna ask a single question."


"You said a few days ago that you're aren't very brave. Yet you're in a relationship with me and you've dealt with so many things. How is that not brave?"

"Well, i've dealt with all this stuff, because i talk about it with people i trust. When people left me, i went to the people who wouldn't leave me."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"And why would i be scared about us dating?"

"Why wouldn't you be?"

"Well, cause it's just pretend." I shrugged. He stayed silent and sighed.

"Yeah yeah! It's just pretend... you're COMPLETELY right.." He got up, but he seemed upset.

"Wait Natsu!.... We're cool right?"

"Yeah yeah! Sure yeah, of course Heartfilia! Now, i'm gonna go home." He smiled and walked out.


Why was he mad?

The next day he acted weirdly, he ignored me and he didn't pay much attention to me. I got scared and confronted him. Even though i was still confused why he was mad.

"Natsu... listen, i'm sorry. Please tell me what i did."

"What?.." He stayed silent and sighed. "You didn't do anything Luce. Sorry for acting weird, i just haven't been in the best mood lately."

"I-It's okay! I just thought you were gonna leave me as well."

"What?! No! I could never!"

"You aren't lying?"

"No! I would NEVER leave your side, EVER. I promise."

I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you."

He hugged me back.

"Of course.."


It's been three months since the fake relationship plan started. Me and Natsu got closer and I think i accidentally developed feelings overtime... but Hibiki ended up confronting me at the park when i went for a walk and asked to get back together. I told him i'd think about it, even though i would've said yes. I have to 'break up' with Natsu before to date him again.

"And that's what happened."

"Jeez Lu-Chan. Your plan actually worked." I nodded.

"So why do we have to eat here again?" We were under the bleachers, eating In and Out.

"Teachers would go INSANE if they saw us eating In and Out! But c'mon, it's In and Out!"

"Listen Lisanna, you're already dating Bixlow!"

"Yeah but, there's always something called breaking up."

"Sh sh sh!" Levy said. We both shut up and eves-dropped. Natsu and Lisanna walked towards the bleachers and sat down talking above us.

" Why would you date someone else if you don't even like them?"

"To get you back love."


He stayed silent.

"Listen, i'll just think about this for a second okay?-"

"It's Lucy isn't it?"


"Lucy's holding you back. You don't actually like her, it's obvious. Just break up with her and leave her behind. Everyone's doing it- wait actually... never mind. You'd never be able to hurt her feelings. So just break up with her, and still be friends, presto!"

"I'll think... I... because..."

I stopped listening since Levy began talking.

"Woah, Lucy she's trying to steal yo mans!"
I sighed shrugged.

"I was kinda expecting that to happen."

"WHA- You aren't gonna do anything about it?!"

"Nope. No point, it's his decision."

"But... Lucy..."

"It's fine.. Now let's go."


I talked with Hibiki near the library and told him everything.

"Well you didn't necessarily need to do that, Love. I always loved you, i just thought you fell out of it."

"Well, i'm sorry i came to you for this, i just didn't have anyone else to talk to."

"I understand." Everyone had left since it was the end of the day, so the hallways were kind of cleared out.

"Wh- HEY! LUCY!" It was Natsu calling me over from down the hallway.

"Welp, i better go see him.. bye bye."

"Bye cutie." I slightly smiled and walked towards Natsu.


"What the hell was that?!"

"What?! I just had to talk to him! Listen, I think everything's in place now! We just have to-"

"What?! What do you mean everything's in place?"

"You act as if you didn't make up with Lisanna either! She was practically BEGGING, to get back with you!"


"What, so now you're spying on me?" He said irritated.

"Not intentionally! I just happened to be nearby!"

"Well, you can't break up with me before the cabin trip."

"You said we'd only go if were still together."

"and we ARE, so c'mon!"

She tapped her foot and thought for a second.

"Fine, but only if Levy comes."

The next day, Lucy and Natsu went to the trip, Levy ended up going, since she wanted them (Natsu and Lucy) to spend time together. Everyone agreed that Lucy had never been so happy ever since Natsu came into her life.

"Lucy! Where ya goin'? I saved you a seat!"

"I'm gonna sit next to Levy." Levy was sleeping with a book over her face.

"I heard she stayed up late reading books, she'll be fine."

"That's just more of a reason to sit next to her."
I smiled and went to sit next to Levy.

Lisanna smirked and sat down next to Natsu.


By the time they got there, the sun was setting.
After a while, Lucy avoided Natsu, and hung out with her boy best friend Leo -Loki- in her room eating ice cream. Since Levy went with Gajeel to the beach.


"So you're avoiding him?"


"Well you gotta realize Lucy, maybe he wanted to sit next to you. He insisted and I mean, the whole conversation about how he had to think about  it, if he loved her, he would've said yes and broken up with you right after, but he didn't. I just think he-... y'know..."

"Why would he? It was all fake."

"What if he didn't want it to be.. you said he got upset one time when you mentioned it was all pretend. Maybe he felt hurt that it wasn't more than just that."

"n-no way that's true.." I stared at my bowl and thought.

"Honestly, i wouldn't be surprised if he was waiting for you in his room."


"Yeah, he's probably waiting for you to knock on his door and make things up."

I stared blankly at him, before smiling and getting up.





"hi.." He wasn't wearing a shirt -revealing his very hot body- just black sweatpants.

"Can i come in?"

"sure." He opened the door wider as i walked in.

"Uhm-... you're here alone?" He stayed silent as he sat down on his bed, back facing me, and sighed. I smirked.

"So now you're ignoring me?"

"Oh, now i'm the one ignoring you?"

I stared at him in shock for a second, but then i sat down on the floor.I hugged myself since i was only wearing a robe, and his room was cold, probably cause it's nighttime.

"Look, i'm sorry i didn't sit with you on the bus. But at least you got to sit with Lisanna. So you should thank me!"

He sighed and turned a little bit.

"You're seriously, just as dumb as me sometimes."

"Scuse' me?"

"I wanted to sit with you Lucy! Not Lisanna! I brought the snacks and everything!"

"really? i'm sorry.."

"it's- its whatev- what're you doin' on the floor?!" He turned to face me, but saw me sitting on the floor instead. I glared at him and shivered a bit.

"Oh nothing, i just wasn't offered any seats."

"Jeez, c'mere." He turned his whole body and pat a spot on his bed.

"What're you doin' in a robe?!"

"You're very observant aren't ya? Well I was in a rush, so didn't bother with an outfit and just changed into a robe."

"Here.." He tossed me his red hoodie.

"Wear that."

"Are you sure? I-I'm not wearing anything else under this."

"J-Just... put it on.." He blushed and turned around again. I smiled and changed into his hoodie. It was a bit TOO big, but it was warm, and his soft scent comforted me.


"You done?"

"Yeah." I crawled into his bed and hugged him from behind.

"I'm sorry.."

He turned around and smiled.

"It's fine." I wrapped my legs around him.


We stared deeply into each others eyes, i smiled, as did he. I gently placed my lips on his, and he kissed back. It was nice.. feeling his warm, soft, lips on mine. I enjoyed it. How weird is that? My first kiss from seventh, is now kissing me.. I guess... my first kiss was my true kiss.


After a while, we both accidentally fell asleep, we didn't do anything, but we cuddled each other and fell asleep.


I sat next to Natsu the whole ride back, we ate snacks and made jokes. It was fun. Until we had to get off.

I took my luggage out from the side of the bus, and then Lisanna came up to me.

"Hey Lucy, I just wanted to thank you for letting me sleep with Natsu one last time."



"Yeah! He did tell you right? He came over and slept with me. Most girls would get mad and freak out over it, but you're actually understandable, i remember that about you. Ugh, this bracelet is so loose!"


"That's... thats MY bracelet!" I yanked the bracelet off her wrist, not breaking it, and holding it to my chest.

"Where did you get this?!"

"Natsu gave it to me..?" She tilted her head in confusion.

"Whatever, but thanks again. I'll see you."

he... gave her my bracelet? why? why would he do that?... i told him not to lose it... but he said he did... he... he lied...

"Hey Luce."

" me that."

"Say what? What happened?"

"You slept with Lisanna? AND gave her my bracelet you LOST?!"

"Okay, just-.. let me explain-"

"NO. I think i understand what's going on completely... this bracelet... this is my mom's! and you GAVE it to her! AND TOLD ME YOU LOST IT... you just used me..."

"No Lucy I-.. just-... Look i'll drive you home and i'll explain EVERYTHING on our way there."

"Forget it. I'd rather walk home then get in a car with you. You're terrible.." I turned around and walked towards the sidewalk.


"Lucy wait!"



I ended up calling my personal maid, Virgo , to come pick me up. She was calm and collected when i told her my problems, which calmed me. I can't believe this is all happening... i actually trusted him... how foolish of me.. trust is never good. never.


It was winter break, Tuesday. Which SUCKS. UGH.

"Lucy! Guess who's back?!"

"Huh? STING!"

"Hey Lucy!" I ran up to my brother and held him tightly. I seriously missed him. He had to move away to a different state since that was where his girlfriend lived. He would've gone to my school, since he's my age.

"You're back!"


"So you gonna spill the deets on this guy Natsu?"

"Uhm... s-sure..." should i tell him about what happened? no. he'd hate Natsu... but isn't that what i'm supposed to be doing? hating natsu?


"OH uh-.. so.." I began explaining our whole story, apart from the fake relationship part, and all the other bad stuff..


We watched a movie after, but we didn't even watch the movie, we just talked.


"Oh, so Yukino bought a house already?!"

"Yep, i'm moving in next week!"

"Woww! but we're 17! How did she buy a house?!"



"hold on, sorry." I picked up my phone, which automatically turned on, and i saw that some @'ed me on instagram, so i checked what it was, and saw video of me and Natsu making out.


What the hell?! How in the hell did this- who- what in the actual FUCK. how did this happen?! the poster in anonymous... no no no.

"Oh no oh no oh no. OH NO. hoooh my god oh my god oh my god."


"Lucy! What's wrong?!" I groaned and hit my head repeatedly on the couch.


"WHAT?!" He grabbed my phone and saw the picture.

"What the hell?! Michelle, go into your room!" She nodded and ran upstairs, but she seemed determined about something.

"what the FUCK. Ohhh my GOOOD. i literally have a fucking sex tape leaked that isn't even a FUCKING SEX TAPE." I smacked my head and repeatedly again, but with my hand.

"LUCY CALM DOWN! Just tell me what happened.."

"Well, i visited him in his room in a robe cause it was like 11 at night. and he let me wear his hoodie since it was dark, and then we made up after an argument and then we kissed AND TOOK A NAP. LITERALLY ALL THAT HAPPENED!"

"Sister! Big brother! Check if the video is still there!"

"uh... wait-... it's gone?..."

"PHEW!" Michelle sighed in relief and sat down. What did she do?

"What'd you do Michelle?"

"I contacted Instagram, and told them to bring it down since it was considered child pornography. So they took it down and said they apologized and that they won't let the video surface anywhere else!"

"YESS! THANKK YOUUUU!" I jumped up and hugged her SUPER tightly!


"Eheh... p-please let g-goACHA.." she coughed.

"OOPS. S-Sorry..." I set Michelle down and we continued on with life :D


Two passed, and the whole video situation, was just a thing of the past... i hope..

Sting, Michelle, and were making cookies at 9, don't ask why we're just some late night cravers, until i heard someone knock.

"I'll get it." I walked over to the door, expecting our pizza.

"Hel- Natsu?" I was happy, yet mad to see him.

"Can i talk with you now?!" He seemed depressed and bitter.

I sighed and looked behind me at Sting and Michelle, they nodded and i walked out, "Well?"

"C'mon, you're not gonna let me explain, like.. ANYTHING?"

"Fine!! Go ahead!"

"Look, i only went to her room to say it was over! And that i didn't want anything to do with her! And i have no explanation for the bracelet... i was being stupid Lucy... i'm sorry."

"Yeah? I understand you went to her room to say that, but sleeping with her was an accident?!"

"No! I mean!- Look, I couldn't get in my room and so Lisanna let me sleep with her, but i slept on the couch i swear!"

"Listen, Natsu- just please leave. You gave away something precious to me WITHOUT my consent."

"If i had known it was your mother's!-"


"What?! You were never the fake toy!"

"She asked you to leave a while back Natsu."
I turned to see Hibiki.

"Hibiki.. Go back home.." I tried pushing him, but he moved forward.

"No! She asked you to leave Natsu. So go."

"It's all cause of this guy huh? Right? RIGHT? This whole time, you were NEVER, NEVER, a toy to me Lucy! JUST CAUSE IT WAS FAKE-"

"Fake?" I turned to see two people standing at the door..

"Sting.. Michelle... Wait No.."

"It was all a lie?.." They both ran back inside.

"WAIT, STING, MICHELLE, I-" They slammed the door as i reached for them.

"oh my goddd... Natsu.. just-... just leave.."

He sighed and nodded, "You were never my second best!"

"just.. leave.." I wiped my tears and ran back inside.

They were both sitting on the couch, Sting was glaring at me, while Michelle was in tears.

"Guys.. please jus-"

"Explain. Explain why you lied."

"Don't-... I-I... I didn't..." I began crying... i don't know why... i just did... the tears rolled down so quickly. I tried explaining through my tears... but every word that left my mouth-... just... hurt.

"S-Sister... I.. just.. calm down.."

I explained everything from start to bottom.. not leaving a single detail out. I cried in the middle of explaining.. but i didn't care..

"i'm sorry i lied.. I just... i don't know.."

"It's okay Lucy.. we're sorry for jumping to conclusions.."

We hugged each other and smiled.

"From now on, no more secrets kept from each other, right?" Sting said.

"Yeah!" Me and Michelle said. We giggled and smiled. Everything is okay now... good..


"So it's NOT as bad as i thought?!"

"mmNope, the whole cheater scandal was #1. You're on the clear Lucy!"

"Pheww, thanks Levy!"

"Plus, it was taken down almost when it posted, people wouldn't have seen." Said Loki.

"Yeah, you're right!" I guess i was just being dumb!


"oh, wait til she sees this.."

" i feel so bad.."

"should i do something?"

"Huh? What's going on?" People were crowded around my locker, either laughing or whispering. I pushed through every one of them.


Levy immediately yanked the picture of the locker and crumbled it up in a ball. The words "PLEASURE IS NEVER WHAT IT SEEMS LUCE." were still written on her locker in dry erase marker. Lucy walked through the crowd, pushing through everyone as her best friends worriedly rushed behind. People's eyes landed on her as she quickly ran/walked away.


"..stupid stupid STUPID..." Mumbled Lucy as she speed walked through hallways.

Natsu noticed her. He noticed her rush, her upset face, her clenched fists.

She tried walking past him, but he grabbed her arm with a confused yet worried face.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah! Hey what's wrong?"

"The hell you mean what's wrong?! You dirty bastard!! I knew you were lying- I KNEW IT."

"What?! What are you saying Lucy?!"

"Don't act dumb!" Tears began forming.


"Lucy, Lucy, here let's go talk about this privately-"


"Hey! Nice job making her cry ASSHOLE. Hope you're happy!" Yelled Cana as she threw the crumbled paper at Natsu -which she got from Levy-.

"Wha?!-" He opened the paper and saw a picture of Natsu and Lucy together in bed, Lucy wearing only Natsu's oversized jacket, JUST an oversized hoodie, and Natsu shirtless with only pants. Next to it was a picture of Natsu and Lisanna in a bed. Lisanna in a short dress, and Natsu in nothing but a pair of trunks.

"The hell?!" He was filled with anger as he shouted at everyone in the hallway.

"HEY EVERYONE. I DIDNT DO SHIT WITH EITHER OF THEM. IF I HEAR A SINGLE WORD ABOUT THIS OR LUCY, YOURE ALL DEAD." Everyone felt intimidated, as Natsu was known to leave people in hospitals, so he meant what he said.

'Shit.. shit.. SHIT. How did anyone get the other picture?!'

"LUCY WAIT." He ran after her, only stopping once she walked into the bathroom... but it didn't completely stop him. He barged in and hugged her.

"LET GO OF ME!" she screamed. She was crying so much, she just hated him so much at the moment.

"Let me explain PLEASE." He held her tighter.

"Natsu LEAVE." Levy said while trying to push him away.

"NO... Listen Lucy.. I'll explain EVERYTHING, and THOROUGHLY.. i'll give you time.. i understand if you hate me right now.. but... I swear, i would never do that to you! You have to trust me... you're the only one in my eyes Lucy.." He let go and wiped her tears.

"You're the only one i love." He kissed her cheek and was about to walk out.. before turning and saying something..


"i promised remember?.." He hung his head and walked out.

"l-levy.. should i... trust him...?"

"i don't know Lucy..." She hugged her and sighed.

"i don't know..."


'It's been two days now.. and i still don't know what to do...' thought Lucy in class. She had been so confused about everything, that she eventually went silent for a while. On the the outside she seemed quiet. But on the inside, so many thoughts were running through her head.

"UGH." Lucy sighed and banged her head on her desk.

Then suddenly, Natsu barged in and yelled out,

He nodded, seeing that Natsu was in a rush.

"Go ahead Lucy."

Lucy nodded slowly, but panicked. What was she supposed to do?


He ended up taking her outside to a shaded area with a picnic table.

"Lucy, it's been two days and i can't wait any longer! I have to tell you what happened!"

"T-Then explain.."

"WELL- The picture?! The picture was from a long time ago at the 'Beach Resort'! That's why i was in trunks! AND I DIDNT DO ANYTHING THOUGH."

"wai- really?!"


Lucy gasped and groaned.

"UGHH, IM SO SORRY NATSU.... I understand that! But i need more time to think.. please?"

Natsu nodded and took her hand.


"But please don't keep me waiting for too long. I want to be with you Lucy.."

Lucy blushed and smiled.

"I do to... but i need to think.."



Soon after, nearly a week had passed, and Lucy STILL hadn't talked to Natsu. It was taking her a while to process everything and understand everything. Until one Saturday, she didn't care anymore after a specific encounter.

"should i forgive him?..."

"she's upstai- OKAY."



Lucy got up off her bed and almost took a step before Natsu barged in and kissed her immediately. He deepened it and held her tightly. Lucy stood in shock and yet-.. she was so happy.



They kissed each other for so long, that their breathe began getting heavy.

"mh... ah.... N-Natsu..." They both let go, panting like wild animals.

"S-Sorry Luce, i just... couldn't... handle another day.... without... you... i needed you.. so badly..." He hugged her and chuckled.

"I love you Lucy.."

"I-...." She took a moment to think.

"What? You gonna break my heart Heartfilia?"

"Heh, no way... never. I love you too Natsu.."


"YES! You don't know how happy i am to hear those words!" He jumped up and celebrated for a second.


He then kissed her.

"I love you Lucy.."

"I love you more Natsu.."


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