When I Come Home ➺ Spencer Re...

By escapinglifee

566K 9K 1.4K

When he's steps into work he stops being Spencer Reid father to three beautiful children, he becomes SSA Dr... More

The Reid Household
When I Come Home - 1
When I Come Home - 2
When I Come Home - 3
When I Come Home - 4
When I Come Home - 5
When I Come Home - 6
When I Come Home - 7
When I Come Home - 8
When I Come Home - 9
When I Come Home - 10
When I Come Home - 12
When I Come Home - 13

When I Come Home - 11

32.2K 572 105
By escapinglifee

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Criminal Minds. Nothing belongs to me except, Morgan Reid, Jason Reid, Ryan Reid, and Ella Reid. The GIF's don't belong to me, the song, or the song video. All that belongs to me is my characters and my book. All statistics or places I use are made up unless said otherwise. If it is said otherwise it will be in the ending author note. Any mistakes please tell me. 


If you or anyone you know is getting any type of abuse call National Domestic Hotline at:

Or call this number for child abuse hotline:


Monday, Septemeber 11, BAU Offices

1:03 PM

"I demand you let me meet the good doctor's family!" Spencer turned around to Garcia's voice before turning back to his desk to finish grabbing his bag. 

Spencer grabbed his fully packed bag and hoisted it on to his shoulder before turning back to Garcia, "I'll have to talk with Morgan about a time."

"Now what does my Chocolate Thunder have to do with your family?"

Spencer let out a small laugh, "Morgan is my wife's name." Garcia gaped at this, Spencer's wife had the same name as her hot chocolate? "Look would you like to go get some lunch with me so I can tell you a bit?"

Garcia eagerly nodded before remembering the rest of the team, "Let me go get the rest of the team." 

Garcia ran off to get the rest of the people who made up BAU's elite team while Spencer sat back down in his chair. Might as well start a new file, or finish in his case. A couple of minutes later Garcia walked back over with Morgan, JJ, and Prentiss following her. "Rossi and Hotch opted out of this lunch. I think it has to do with Hotch already knowing all about your family."

Spencer shut his case file and picked up his bag again before following his three friends as they walked towards the elevator. The ride to the lobby was awkward, for everyone but Spencer, as they all wanted to start asking questions right away.

Once in the lobby, Spencer walked out and made his way out of the building and to a shawarma restaurant the team often frequents. It was a, slightly uncomfortable, silent walk to the small restaurant. The bell rang overhead as they walked in single file. It took a minute for them to find a place to sit, a far corner near the window which looked out on the pedestrians on to the sidewalk. 

The second they sat down Garcia immediately leaned forward to start her questioning, but was interrupted by the waitress who came over to take their drinks. After getting each person's drink choice situated, the questioning started. 

"Have you known each other long?" Garcia started off the questioning. 

"We met when on April 15th in 1997, Morgan was sixteen and I was seventeen. We met at the Long Beach Boardwalk. She was out with some friends and I went to Long Beach for a seminar and decided, on a whim, to go to the boardwalk."

"How did you guys begin to date?" Morgan asked this question.

"Well we didn't for a while, Morgan wasn't allowed to date at that time. Morgan had very abusive parents, while no they would never hit her, they very much emotionally and verbally abused her. We were friends for a year before Morgan agreed to a date with me. At the time I didn't know that her parents had no idea about us and that she was getting more abuse by being friends with me. Once she graduated she got accepted into Washington State University on a school counseling masters degree. I decided to go with her and we left California. In her second year, we decided we wanted to get married. I was scared it would be too much pressure with her schooling. But we decided to throw caution to the wind and we got married on April 15, 2001, exactly four years after we met. The next year Morgan had been volunteering at an orphanage and fell in love with this year-old named Ryan, and begged me to adopt her. She didn't have to ask too much, I will do most anything Morgan asks of me. So, I went and met the little girl, and lo and behold I  also fell in love with her very quickly. We quickly got the papers, it also helped that Morgan was volunteering at the orphanage." 

"Wait so you adopted?" JJ interrupted.

"For our first, it became official on Valentine's Day of 2002. The day we took our daughter home was the day Morgan's parents showed up for the first time in two years. What was a good day quickly became sour, Morgan's parents are very wealthy and have a lot of pull in California. They spouted off a lot of bullshit about how they could call their lawyers- corrupt lawyers might I add- and get us divorced before we could even blink. They demanded that Morgan was to return Ryan and divorce me so they could keep up their perfect family image. That was the first day Morgan actually stood up for herself, so they left pretty quickly realizing they had no more control over her. But she was paranoid, she knows her parents better than me and she knew they would come back. So we used our second option.

I had known for about a year at that time that I wanted to do good in the world and wanted to go into the academy; our plan was to wait the last year until she graduated and then move to Quantico, but the unexpected visit moved it along quicker. We were moved to Virginia a month later, I was enrolled in the academy and Morgan was accepted into Georgetown. During the day when neither of us were home our neighbors- an older couple- watched Ryan. Our lives stayed like that for about eight more months until Gideon picked me up from academy and Morgan graduated. So I started at the BAU and Morgan picked up a job as a therapist. We stayed in our apartment for another two years before learning Morgan was pregnant. We decided our apartment was too small so we bought a house in Stafford a couple of weeks later. We still live there with all of our kids."

"Just how many kids you got, Pretty Boy?" Morgan asked.

"Four." Spencer smiled at the thought of his kids, while Morgan, Garcia, and JJ's eyes widened. The waitress came over with their plates and set each plate in front of the person who ordered it.

Spencer took a bite and started back up his story, "The pregnancy was smooth sailing and Jason Derek Reid, was born on his due date. Did you know only five percent of women deliver on their due date?"

Morgan's eyes widened at the name, "Derek?"

A spark came to Spencer's eye, "We named him after you and Gideon."

Derek swallowed a forming lump in his throat, refusing to cry because of alpha male and all, "Thanks, man." While Garcia had a few tears slipping down her face. 

Spencer smiled and continued his story, "It was fine until Jason was about two when I got kidnapped by Tobias." Everyone grimaced at the memory, "Morgan got really really worried when I didn't call, I make sure to call every two days at least. So she called Gideon, except Gideon, didn't pick up Hotch did so that's how he learned about them." 

"Why keep it a secret, to begin with?" Morgan inquired.

"When I first started at the BAU Strauss and Gideon wanted me to keep it quiet, they thought because I was so young it would have a negative effect on me having a family at such a young age. Once they both left I could have told you, but I got scared and selfish. It was nice to have something away from work, and I wanted to keep them safe."

"Yeah, I get it." Was all JJ could muster out to the revelation. She would do anything to keep Will, Henry, and Micheal safe, and if that meant keeping them a secret she would do it in a heartbeat. 

"After the kidnapping, it only further cemented my thoughts on keeping them a secret. Morgan understood my reasonings and supported my decision, so I kept them a secret. Haley's murder was just another reason I wanted to keep them away from work. After that Hotch would come over with Jack pretty often, Jason and he became best friends."

"Jack always talks about Jason, I never realized he was yours," Garcia revealed. 

Spencer huffed a laugh, "He wasn't supposed to talk about him, we're past that though. Anyways, when Ryan turned nine, and Jason was five Morgan announced she was pregnant again. But this pregnancy wasn't as smooth as Jason's, early on the doctors found out that Ella had ectopia cordis, her hearth was growing outside of her body. The doctor's wanted to have her develop for as much as she could before she was born. 

"Couldn't they have done the surgery while the baby was growing?" JJ asked she knew all about ectopia. When she was pregnant with Henry she had done all the research she could.

"The surgery would have been way too risky, Morgan and Ella could've died. So we let her develop for as long as we could, it was really hard and draining on Morgan. It hurts to admit, but at one point we talked about if the risk was too much." Spencer stops talking seeming guilty for even thinking of nullifying his daughter, she slowly comes back to. "But we didn't, thank god. When Morgan was at seven months she went into very premature labor, she was rushed to the hospital where she had emergency C-Section. Morgan was fine but Ella was immediately rushed into surgery for her heart. Because of all the complications and that she was premature she was kept at the hospital for three months before we were allowed to bring her home."

"Wait how did we not notice you gone?" Garcia asked. 

"Hotch and Strauss knew what was going on and I was granted two months leave when Ella was allowed home. I told you guys that my mom was really sick and needed surgery." The friends thought back they could remember, they thought Diane was badly hurt and in need of immediate surgery. "But now, it's been four years since, and Ella is as healthy as a four-year-old can get. She's a little small, and still needs frequent checkups, but she can talk your ear off."

"Wait what about your fourth child?" Morgan asked.

"Right, Kitty isn't technically our child, but we're in the process of adopting her. Our best friends Dylan and Sierra were involved in a car accident, it's actually the call I got at the airport a couple of weeks ago. Morgan called to tell me about the car accident and that their will stated Kitty was to come and live with us. The papers are pending now, but we should have officially adopted her in about," Spencer thinks for a moment, "two months." At this Reid stops talking about Kitty, the deaths of his friends are still very fresh in his head, and he's not gotten to grieve much.

JJ, Garcia, and Morgan watched as their friend tried to hold in his tears. "Well, that's mostly everything." 

Garcia asked the next question, "Well, can we meet those sweet 187 babies?"

"I'll have to talk to Morgan about it, but it should be soon," Spencer replied looking at his watch and noticed that they had to be back in the office in ten minutes. He pushed away his plate and called over for the check.

The waitress brought over the check and Spencer paid for his and his teammate's lunches and left a twenty-dollar tip. He took one last sip of his drink before standing up with his friends and making his way out the door. Back to work. 

Monday, September 11, Reid Household

6:48 PM

Spencer stood in the kitchen with his wife, watching her make banana shakes for all the kids. 

"Can you grab me the strawberries?" Morgan asked her husband.

He walked over to the fridge and grabbed the strawberries that were sitting on the top shelf. He handed, "I told JJ, Garcia, and Derek about our family today." Reid had told his wife about his slip up in the airport the same day. 

Morgan looked at him and turned on the blender, she finished blending and grabbed the glasses. As she filled the glasses she asked, "How'd that go?"

"Actually pretty good, but they really want to meet you and the kids. I'm wondering how you want to do that?"

"With everything that just happened with Kitty and school starting up, I think it would be best if we did the teammates a little bit at a time. So we don't overwhelm the kids."

"That's a wonderful idea, I'll talk with them about that over the next couple of days, hopefully, they can pick some dates. I think Morgan and Garcia will come together." Morgan chuckled as he watched her husband speak.

"I think we're gonna have to call Morgan, Derek while he's here make it easier." Now it was Spencer's turn to snort, as he nodded his agreement.

Morgan sighed at hugged her husband, she wrapped her arms around his neck as she stood up to kiss his jaw. "I know how hard this was for you baby, I'm so proud of you." Spencer dug his face in her neck as he mumbled out something.

"I love you too, Spen." 

Song: Secrets by OneRepublic

AN:/ Guess who's getting her ass in check. Another update, oh wow. I hope you like this one, sort of a filler. But you guys needed to learn their story and this was the way to do it. All places used in this chapter are all real places. And now you know some names (ie. Kitty's parent's names), Morgan's job, where they live, how they met, etc. Um, I tried to be really good at math before remembering I made a goof in the cast chapter. So I went back there and redid all of the kids birth years as I got it totally wrong. It's all fixed now though. Well, this one was kind of hard to write, thinking of stories is kind of hard. Ectopia is a real thing, it is where the heart grows outside of a fetus's body. Sometimes doctors can operate while the baby is inside the mother, but most times it is too risky and they go into surgery after the mother gives birth. It is also very rare, but only 10% of ectopic pregnancies survive. A paragraph from an article on ectopia, "A 2015 study looking at the who had successful surgery to cover his heart as an infant, found that he had a generally good quality of life, was able to engage in sports and could attend a school for children with special needs." Anyways sorry for the hitting chapter, and I wanted to have Morgan be verbally abused because it is not talked about as much as physical, but still has the lasting effects. Sorry for anyone who that triggers, I hope you are doing okay. 

If you or anyone you know is getting any type of abuse call National Domestic Hotline at:

Or call this number for child abuse hotline:

Date Uploaded- Tue. June 4, 2019

Date Edited- N/A

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