Into Your Arms (ON HOLD)

By SistahOreo

30.2K 968 633

Is this a story about an average girl, with overprotective parents that hide her from boys every chance they... More

Chapter 1: NO. I NEED. SLEEP. DX
Chapter 2: Oh... Mah. GAWD.
Chapter 3: S.A.M. with the Ninjas in Disguise
Chapter 5: Well, You Look Familiar.
Chapter 6: Interviews and One Direction Family Bonding Time!
Chapter 7: Rehearsals and Lunch with Liam
Chapter 8: Criminal Records: Liam Payne: A Serial Killer in the Making
Chapter 9: Ummm... It's Not Exactly Lying! It's Called... IMPROV.
Chapter 10: HIDE, HORAN! HIDE!
Chapter 11: Crappy Magazines and Sleepovers
Chapter 12: Time For A Concert
Bonus: #UncleLouis, and a Collection of Other POV's
Random crap/facts about my story that you don't care about xD
Chapter 13: What in the Worl--WHAT DA FUQ JUST HAPPENED?!?!
A contest...?
Chapter 14: Why Are My Friends So Weird?
Hello Readers!

Chapter 4: Ditching and a CWUSH

1.6K 72 26
By SistahOreo

Alrighty, CHAPTER TRES! (Cuatro now). How about 12 reads? If you like my story, tell your friends! I would love support! (: By the way I might update next weekend, I have a lot of tests this week! DX

Pulling into the driveway of her parent's mansion, and graciously thanking the gatekeeper, Skylar checked the time. 5:21 PM. Noting that Niall distracted her and left them bickering in the parking lot until 4:51, she was pretty impressed with her speeding skills. Being naturally adept at sneaking things in and out of her parent's sight, herself being one of those things on the list, she prayed that her parents weren't home, so she wouldn't be caught red handed and have to explain and possibly stretch the truth until it became almost a lie. As she stealthily unlocked the front door, and trying to make the least amount of noise possible, she slid into her house, lightly closing the door behind her and locking it. Mom and dad were nowhere to be seen, so she was good. Or so she thought.

When she was about halfway up the staircase, someone behind her cleared their throat. Uh oh.

'Shit, this had worked fine for the past two weeks!'

"Where do you think you're going?" A shrill, and impatient voice called up the stairs.

Gulp. Momma is coming. Get ready to run. FO YO LIFEZ.

"Where have you been? You were supposed to be home almost half an hour ago!" a manly voice boomed.

Now her father too? Great. Just great.

You don't want to listen to a poor girl getting lectured by her paranoid parents, so let's fly our story narrations over to a hotel room in Kissimmee.


Kicking his legs back and collapsing on his back, Niall laid on the a hotel bed and stared at the ceiling. He had broken into Harry and Louis' hotel room, using their spare card key. It turned out that One Direction was touring America, and Florida was their last stop. After the tour, they got two weeks to stay in Florida, and a three month break after that. Liam, who loved Orlando because of all the Disney-related things there, agreed to share an apartment there with Niall for the next three months. Niall smiled at the thought, as he waited for the rest of the boys to come back tonight. Liam went to Universal studios with Louis, while Harry was with Zayn at salon for the day. Harry was suffocating from his costumes that he was required to wear, and his curls were in a mass hysteria from the extreme heat and humidity, so he agreed to join Zayn on his trip to the salon today. Right as he was about to start a new thought about Liam's obsession for Disney Movies and toys, the door of the hotel room that Harry and Louis shared flung open.

In stumbled an exhausted Liam, followed by a very sick-looking Louis. They couldn't even make it to the couch. Both of them collapsed onto the floor of the hotel suite, Louis on top of Liam. Sitting up from his position, Niall stretched and then walked over to the pile of boy that was only 20 feet away from him.

"'Ello Li. 'Ello Lou," Niall said, bending over to communicate better.

"Hi Niaerrr!" Liam's muffled voice called from the carpet, while Louis, who is on top of him, responded with "FUN. SO MUCH. FUN."

Niall chuckled. "Where is Zayn an' Harry?"

"They said they'll be here in a minu--"

Liam was cut off by Harry and Zayn bursting through the half-closed door and bolting it closed. Both of them rested their backs on the door and slid down it, panting.

'Crazy Fangirls?'

Screams came from the other side of the door, confirming Niall's convictions. Niall loved the fans, but sometimes he wished that they were on some type of sedation drug or some kind of tranquilizer to save his ears and his head, and prevent them from both exploding one day. Feeling a migraine coming on, the Irish boy went over to his suitcase and got out his headphones. He scrolled down the song playlist and selected one of his favorite songs.


"I'm falling in love,

But it's falling apart,

I need to find my way back to the start! 

When we were in love, 

Things were better than they are! 

Let me back into... 

Into youuuur arms! 

Into youuuur arms!" Skylar sung gleefully, as she danced around her room, echoing the beautiful voice of John O'Callaghan.

As for her lecture, it turned out that her parents believed her big fat lie. Yup. The girl didn't like to lie, but she had to. If they ever caught her with a boy, they'd seriously have her on house arrest. Especially strangers. And she wanted to see Niall again before she turned 50; and probably by then he'd be long gone and probably would've forgotten all about her. And that was if she was lucky enough to be put on parole and then finally getting the chance to be be released from house arrest. So she felt that she was openly obligated to upset her parents over this one boy, who she met not even a full day ago.

The girl laughed at the thought, reminiscing the scene from earlier.

"Skylar! Who were you with?"

"Ma, I was with Sydney. We were staying after school to attend the college application thing, so we can get a letter of recommendation from our teachers. There were a lot of other students, so it took a long time," I replied smoothly, lying right through my teeth.

"... Oh. Good for you. Next time, remember to call me, okay?"

"Yes, mom."

Now Skylar pouted as the song ended. She wondered what Niall was up to.


Niall finally felt content as the song strained it's last lyric.

"Into youuuur arms...

Into youuuur arms."

By then, Paul, their bodyguard, and the rest of the hotel security team were able to get the hysteric crowd of girls out of the hotel hallway, and back outside the hotel, where they were still causing a ruckus, screaming bloodcurdling screams at the top of their lungs. Still. The Irish boy was genuinely curious as to how those lunatics could scream for so long and not obliterate their lungs and vocal cords. Nevertheless stand the annoying screams surrounding them. But fangirls will be fangirls. Obsessive, protective, and more delusional than a kid who went to the dentist and had a good dose of laughing gas put into their system.

Plopping back down on his bed, the cerulean-eyed boy put his headphones back on, and went to the song he was last listening to. Niall decided to play the song on a loop, liking the way it set the current mood, and more importantly, the fact that it always reminded him of Skylar. Something about it just made him think about nothing but her. Images of the girl started popping into Niall's mind as the song played. It began with the flip of her mid-length and extremely voluminous, dark brown hair, with bangs that were lightly tousled and pulled back at the crown, revealing her flawless and make-up free forehead. Then came flashes of her deep brown eyes, that were rimmed with long black eyelashes, and framed by her perfectly arched eyebrows. What Niall thought was extremely adorable was her constant and natural flush in her cheeks. It made his heart flutter. The last thing Niall thought about was her full, pink lips. Man, he really wanted to kiss her. But he knew that they should remain friends. At least for now.

The soft strums of the guitar started, but from a new song. It happened to be another one of Niall's favorite songs. As he drifted off to sleep, he smiled at the lyric that lingered in his head, replaying itself over and over again, before it ingrained itself, and Skylar into his dreams.

"Cause it's you and me,

And all of the people,

And I don't know why,

I can't keep my eyes off of you."


"NIALL! THAT WAS MY PANCAKE!" Shrieked a fuming Liam, who angrily got up to cook himself another pancake.

"...But, but, but..."

"You were hungry, and you're always hungry," said Louis and Harry in unison as they strolled into the apartment kitchen.

"An' why are yeh in me flat?" Niall demanded through a mouthful of food, furrowing his eyebrows together questioningly, while the whole sentence sounded more like, 'Anf rhhy ahhju ihnn mhhhy fwat?'

"No reason," Harry drawled lazily, looking at the floor, smirking.

"No, re'lly, 'm serious. Why are yeh 'ere?" Niall asked in a stern tone after he swallowed his pancakes.

"Well--" Harry began before Louis, who looked like he was either having a spaz attack, about to suffer a heart attack, or he was about to wet his pants, interrupted him.

"Who's the gurl?!" Lou shouted, taking out his sass out Niall.

"Um... What ah-are yeh talkin' about...?" Niall stuttered, glancing down at his feet to hide his very obvious blush.

He had been struggling and been trying with all his might to clear his mind of Skylar since he ran into her the day before, and this wasn't necessarily helping with trying to forget her. She was eating away at his mind, and she was even in his dreams after just a day of knowing her; it was as if it was supposed to mean something significant about her, like the way he felt so gravitated to her wasn't just a silly crush, that it was a form of fate--but the question was, what was it supposed to mean? Niall, who still couldn't think straight with the thought of Skylar on his mind; and still didn't know whether to be happy or confused, really felt like he needed to see her again.

"Ooooh our Nialler's in love!" Cooed Louis, placing both hands over his heart, and looking up at the ceiling in adoration.

"Louis, why are you eye-raping the ceiling with that creepy look on your face?" Asked Liam from the kitchen, making Niall snicker and Louis give off an insane reply.


Niall loved Louis, but sometimes he wondered whether Louis was insane sometimes. One of those times being right about... NOW. Because Louis was currently dancing around the hotel room like a drunk hobo, while shouting a string of "Kiss the girls"'s and "You're naming your children after me!"'s. Niall swore that if he didn't know any better, he might've ran away from Louis, and thought that he was a madman. Either that, or hit him upside the head with a book or something. Whatever it took to calm him down. But nothing could ever calm poor Louis down, sadly.

"Niall is in looove!" Louis continued shouting, trying to do what looked like a failed pirouette, and ended up falling on his face.

"No 'm not!" Niall said defensively, flushing to a deep shade of pink.

"Admit it Niall, we all know," Zayn said, rubbing his temple in annoyance as he sulked over to the bathroom to check on his hair.

'When the heck did Zayn get here?!'

Realizing that Louis probably wouldn't shut up until he got the details, Niall threw up his hands in defeat. The Irish boy composed himself, before the older boy could bury him in insane questions that would either have various answers, or no answer at all.

"What do yeh wan' to know?" Niall asked timidly.

"Everything! Where you first met and who she was, what you think of her, why you like her, and most importantly... When you're gonna name your child after me!!" Louis yelled, fully unloading every thought, and bombarding Niall with questions that he wasn't even sure if he could even answer yet.

Overwhelmed by the amount of questions that Louis asked, Niall ran a hand through his hair, thinking of ways to revert the attention away from himself. Hoping to catch Lou off guard and get him off his back, Niall thought of an ingenius question.

"How do yeh know t'at it's a girl, an' t'at I 'like' 'er? And how long have you known this for?!" Niall asked, putting in extra emphasis on the word "like" by making quotation marks with his fingers.

Or so he thought.

Louis' face went blank for a second, making Niall almost sigh in relief, thinking that he had finally gotten Louis off his case. Poor Niall underestimated Lou.

"Oh, well that's the easiest question that I could answer right now! It was totally obvious!"

"See I told ye--Wait a second, what are yeh talkin' about? How could you possibly tell?"

As if on cue, the other boys all joined Lou in unison as they held their hands over their hearts, and looked up at the ceiling with a dreamy look in their eyes, sighing in contentment. Whoa, rehearsed much?

'Was I re'lly T'AT obvious? Am I re'lly T'AT easy to see through?' Niall thought to himself, as the boys were continuing to freak him out with their "in love" faces.

"Yes lad, you are really that easy to see through," Louis said, his smirk evident across his face.

"Yeah, for the past two weeks, you've had that stupid lovestruck look on your face. It was getting quite creepy actually. You were staring at everything with that stupid grin on your face," Liam added.

'Oh crap, did I seriously say t'at out loud?!'

"Okay, okay. I like 'er, but jus' as a friend. I just was happy--not in love--at t'e fact that she didn't fangirl over me like other girls. Not only t'at, it's also t'at she wasn't tryin' to flash me or act like a slut in front of me to impress me or anyting. She treated me like a normal person, an' was one of t'e most down-to-Earth people I've met in a while. An' for some weird reason, I felt t'at she would be a re'lly good friend. So t'at's why I was prob'ly extra peppy last night. Wouldn't yeh lads be happy if yeh made a friend? A real friend, as in a non-famous an' normal friend?" Niall said almost nonchalantly, not necessarily lying, and not telling the full truth.

But it was true--Niall did see her as a good friend, the way that she was laid back and had a good sense of humor. He hated to think that they would only be friends, but he was going have to settle with that, at least for now. Niall didn't want to say that he had a crush on her either... Not yet, anyways, because he wasn't sure of it yet. Yes, she did make his heart flutter, but he might just get over it after they get to know each other a little better. The only thing that he was sure of, is that their accidental encounter wasn't going to be the last time that they would see each other.

The boys finally let his impromtu speech sink in, and replied. "Okay, we believe you, for now anyways. I guess we'd be happy as well. Just promise us one thing, Niall," Liam spoke for the boys.

"Yeh? What do yeh wan'?"

"YOU HAVE TO INTRODUCE US TO HER SOMETIME!!! WE WANNA MEET THE FUTURE MRS. HORAN AND WE HAVE TO GET HER SIDE OF THE STORY!!!" Louis shouted, obviously infatuated with the thought of Niall finally having a girlfriend after almost two years, and not believing his speech or his excuses for a minute.

"Okay Lou," Niall said, chuckling.

"EEEEEE OH MY GOSH! YAYYYY A NEW FRIEND!!!" Louis cheered, as he charged at Niall, tackling the 5' 7" boy to the floor.


From: Niall (:

Received at: 12:04 PM, Jun 14th

Skylar had changed the obnoxious contact name Niall had given himself, because she thought it stood out too much from the rest of her contacts, and if her parents ever checked her phone, she'd have some explaining to do. So she just changed it to "Niall (:", hoping it would blend in with the rest of her contact names for her other friends.

Hi Skylar!! I was wonderin if we could hang out 2day! I hav some people who wanna meet yeh! xx, Niall

Skylar was a little intrigued, yet a little afraid of the message. Her paranoid side took over, and began battling with her relaxed side, it like one of those deadly battles between two armies.

'Oh my gosh, what if he IS a murderer/kidnapper/rapist?! No, Sky, you're going crazy, listen to yourself woman! But what if he's working as a slave for some secret pedophile ring in Venezuela?! You listen to your parents too much! WHAT IF HE IS GOING TO FEED ME TO HIS RABID MUTANT MONKEYS IN A CRAZY SCIENCE LAB IN SPACE?!'

Skylar shook the craziness that was eating away at her, and decided to let her fingers do the thinking. Once again, it wasn't the response that she, or her parents would approve of. But it was too late to go back now.

To: Niall (:

Sent at: 12:23 PM, Jun 14th

Sure! I'd love to meet your friends! Meet me at the shopping plaza at 1!

The brown-eyed girl looked over at the clock on the wall. 12:23.

'Oh crap! I gotta hurry up!'

The small girl ran back into the bathroom to finish fixing her hair and makeup. After she was finished, she disappeared into her vast closet, shoveling piles of clothes, scattering them all over the place. Spotting the pile of Abercrombie tanktops, she dove right into it, flinging clothes in every direction. She settled on a white tanktop that had silk-textured ruffles across the front, with a navy blue sash with small white polka dots tied around the ribcage of the shirt, and a pair of navy blue shorts. Filing through her sock drawer, she found her special socks she used for her infinite collection of Vans. Picking up her purse, she put in her phone, her wallet, and her house keys, along with her lipbalm. She trudged downstairs, where she was greeted by another dilemna with her shoes. Sighing, she grabbed her white lace-up Vans and hastily put them on, before hopping into her Bentley.

Looking at the digital clock, it read 12:51. Sighing, she texted Niall, informing him that she was going to be late. Making sure that her text sent, she tossed her phone into her purse, and sped out of her neighborhood.

Speeding down the city streets, she got on the freeway, which was partially clogged. Annoyed, she thumped her head against the steering wheel, making the horn blare, and the other two cars in the lanes beside her freak out, thinking that she died. Nope, they weren't getting rid of Skylar that easily. Slowly, one by one, and fed up with the horn noise, the cars ahead of her cleared out of the lane. Smirking, Skylar slammed her foot down on the gas pedal, speeding her way down the empty lane. The faking death/heart-attack/fainting stunt works every time.

Arriving in record time, she got to the mall parking lot in 15 minutes. Skylar remembered Niall telling her that they were going to meet up in the food court, so made her way towards the food court, and when she got there, she saw Niall, and four other guys. Niall saw her, and waved hi, before alerting his friends that she was there. They turned around, and it was definitely not what she was expecting.

ANNDDDD CUT! XD that's chapter 4, your typical filler chapter. Comment, please? I wanna hear from my silent readers, to see whether this story is crap or not! And more importantly, if I get 12 reads and at least 1 comment/vote, I'll be doing point of views! (: 


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