Pheonix Stark- part 1 of the...

By Secretly_Lokis-girl

466 12 2

Pheonix stark arrived on Tony stark's front steps one day and has been trying to figure out who her real fath... More

New beginings
Birthday shopping
No worries.
Light up like the night
an egg is layed.
Pheonix Lafueyson

Rising of the pheonix

46 1 0
By Secretly_Lokis-girl

Pheonix's pov

I woke up with Jotun sitting happily beside me and I rolled over to pat his head. Today was my last day before school started. I would go and be just the same as last year. I walked over to my dresser and picked out some jeans and a dark green shirt to wear and walked over to my mirror. I took the dress I had worn yesterday off and let the memorys come off with it. I put my jeans on and just as I was about to put my shirt on I saw somthing. There was somthing on my back. I turn sideways in my mirror and yell "JARVIS lock the door but ged Dad up here now!" I tryed moving whatever it was and it moved with ease. It was black with a tint of gold and green in it. I streached it out to a full length of ten feet each and gasped. They gave me wings overnight.

"Pheonix? What is it?" I heard my dad on the other side of the door. I grabbed the scissors in my room and cut large slits in the back. I threaded my wings through and folded them up again.

"JARVIS unlock the door." I said and sat down quickly.

"What is it Phe?" I burst out crying. What if he doesn't love me now because I have extra limbs? He sat down on my bed next to me and Jott and reached over to rub my back but I just jumped back.

"Dont touch me! Im a.... a..." I couldn't bring myself to say it so I grabbed Jott and hoped he would keep my dad from finding my wings.

"Phe... I dont care what it is just tell me. I will love you no matter what." He said softly as my mom came through the door. I realized I was sitting on about a foot of my wings and I lept off the bed and leant against the wall.

"You said you would love me no matter what?" I asked and they nodded. "But promise me you wont give me the boot." They both smiled and gave a small I promise. I snapped my wings out quickly and just stood there looking at the floor.

"When did you... get these?" Pepper asked. I put them back in at my sides and shrugged.

"They stuck needles into my arms and said it could kill me or I could live. I guess this is the consequence for surviving." I sat on my bed making sure I wasn't stting on my wings and I just sat there. Both of my parents starring at me. "I still want to go to school I want people to see who I am now. I feel changed." I said wiping the tears from my face.

"Are you sure about this?" My dad asked quietly and I nodded. I stood up confidently and we all left the room.

"Can I call the principal though? I want to have a peice of the assembly to tell these people who I am. Nobody knows my last name is stark. You told them our last names are starkly." We all laughed at the funny last name we gave ourselves and we went on with our day. Like I was a baby bird learning to fly though. My dad was trying to teach me how to fly with them.

I ran and leaped for I think the fiftieth time and this time my timing was perfect. I flapped hard and I took off into the air. I circled the house twice and aimed for landing. I back peddled on my wings when I got close to the ground and landed gracefully like a bird would have done. "Looks like we nailed it!" My dad said hapily.

"Do you want to race?" I said to him and took a drink. He smiled and got his suit on.

"Sure." He said as his mask came down. We took off the same way and raced almost side by side the whole way but I gave it my all at the end. I landed gracefully again and my dad stumbled to the ground.

"I win! Now lets go eat with mom!" I said quickly. I tucked my wings onto my back and walked inside. The tips of my wings went almost to the back of my knees and at the wrist joint of the wing it went two inches higher than my shoulder.

"I let you win." He said jokingly and put his hand on my shoulder. I jumped off to the side because I was still uncomfortable with people touching me.

"Come and eat!" Pepper yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Coming!" We both yelled and raced up the stairs. We sat down at the dinner table and began to eat. We had some nice tender steak and a Cesar salad with corn on the side.

"Thanks mom." I said before taking a bite of salad and steak.

"Oh yeah I am sorry Phe but my um... boss is going to be here soon. He is the one that wanted to talk to you the other day." I just smiled and swallowed my food.

"Why would your boss want to talk to me?" I said surprised. Just than JARVIS' voice rang out through the dining room.

"Sir, Nick Fury is at the door. Shall I let him in?" My mom glared at dad but it passed quickly.

"Yes I will be right over." I heard the front door open and close and dad stood up and walked out. Mom put her hand on mine and made me stay for a bit.

Tony pov

"Nick, she had a few... changes after the incident the other day." I said as he stepped into the house.

"Like what?" He said impatiently.

"Um... they injected her with somthing that could have killed her but it um... gave her uh... wings." Fury didn't look the least surprised at all.

"Well just get her in here so we can talk." He said sternly. I lead him down into the lab and went to get Pheonix.

"Phe? Can you come here?" I said poking my head up over the stairs.

"Yeah I will be right down." She ran up the stairs to her room and came down with a jacket on and four paws pounding on the ground after her.

"Nick Fury, this is Pheonix Stark my daughter" I began as we came down the stairs. "Pheonix this is Nick Fury." He shook hands with her and than looked down at Jotun who had actually gotten a bit bigger.

"Now, Pheonix you can continue going to school for regular hours but I would like you to begin training to become one of our avengers." I saw her face light up and she looked at me. I gave her a look to calm her down and she did.

"Well if that is what I will be doing I should show you." She took her jacket off and spread the both of her wings like she did when she was flying. "I am a good fighter too. And I know how to fly. I am almost faster than my dad's latest suit model." She was exclaiming Cooley.

"That is good. So go to school tomorrow and the day after that we will start your training." She shook hands with Nick as calmly as she could and he left the house.

"Oh my gosh! I am going to be an avenger! Oh what should I be called? I think my name suits me though. Do you think I should just go with Pheonix? Or The Pheonix?" I let her rant on for a bit about things but I interrupted her after abit.

"You cant tell anyone about SHEILD. Okay? It is aa top secret facility. And you are a part of it. Now lets go up and finish eating. Okay?" I felt like a dick for stopping her but she smiled and we went back up to Finnish eating.

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