Why don't we imagines/prefere...

By TianaStyles94

36K 658 74

Why don't we imagines and preferences More

❤️His Favourite Pic Of You Two❤️
Tell me (CB)
❤️His Favourite Vans On You❤️
confession (DS)
❤black dress ❤
Smooth step (JM)
❤the guy he trusts with ❤
Inspiration (ZH)
❤ Movie you both love to watch ❤
Paper Notes (WDW)
Treat you better(JA)
❤ Favorite Bikini ❤
Hardship of being a fangirl (CB)
❤kiss me baby one more time❤
Secret Fangirl (DS)
❤You and the world❤
Unsteady (JM)
❤Both your Favorite song❤
Daddy (ZC)
❤wedding cake❤
lost (JA)
Regrets (CB)
❤Little black dress❤
The matrimony project (JM)
❤black and white❤
His queen (ZH)
❤Boyfriend ❤
Surprising my IBF (JA)
❤Ripped Jeans❤
Regrets 2(CB)
❤Birthday cake❤
Please be his fake girlfriend (DS)
Better off dead (JM)
Babysitting turns to date(ZH)
❤Gifts ❤
Safe with me(JA)
❤Mum and Me❤
**Last hook up(DS)
❤Kinky ❤
**Make you feel good(JM)
❤Sexy lady❤
Polaroid (ZH)
❤Short sorts❤
I have a daughter (JA)
A Corsage (CB)
❤Short skirt❤
**Pamper me (DS)
❤His big surprise❤
Tickles (JM)
Next generation (Z.H)
❤house and Christmas ❤
Pizza boy (J.A)
❤wedding rings❤
Anonymous friend(CB)
Ukulele (DS)

Meeting you (CB)

354 6 0
By TianaStyles94

Surprising my IBF (Alternate Version)

    Right now you are sitting in the plane on your way to Texas. You were visiting your eldest Cousin who lives there with her husband. Well that's according to your parents who think you are gonna stay with your cousin which is partially true but the really truth is your were gonna see your internet best friend of two years and you might be staying at his place too

   You are really nervous about how it will go. Tomorrow you will be meeting him since by the time you land in Texas it will be late night. He doesn't know you are coming, its gonna be a big surprise.

   3hrs later , You reach land in Texas airport and check out. You see your cousin standing in the crowd and run into her arms.

"Gosh I missed you so much."


   You pace back and forth in your room waiting for your cousin get dressed. You walk up to the mirror once again and check yourself. You feel confident wearing your favorite clothing but not so confident since you barely have makeup on. Your sister insisted that you font wear makeup to meet him and look natural. Knowing Corbyn he would want that too so you agreed and only wore nude lipstick and mascara.

   "Ready to meet your man?" She asks walking in.

   You turn around and whine,"Abbey I told you he is my best friend not my boyfriend."

   "Well you do have a crush on him."

   It was true. You did have a crush on him. You love him so much and he knows about it. But you got friendzoned the moment you told him so you kept your love lowkey.

   "Whatever c'mon let's go," You say and storm out.

   You both get into her car and she drives you to the address on your phone. She stops by a beautiful looking house and I peep out.

   "Sure this is it?" She asks.

   "Yes I remember , this is the same house I saw when we video called and this is the address Ashley texted."

   "Okay. Good luck girl. Call me if you need me,"she says and gives you an hug.

   You gets down and take a deep breath. You walk up to the front porch and ring the doorbell. Corbyn's Dad opens the door and frowns looking at you.

   "Good Afternoon Mr.Besson. I'm Y/N, Corbyn's internet bed friend," You introduce yourself and his face lights up.

   "Oh your the one my son keeps talking too. Ashley told me you were coming. Cmon in quick, Corbyn will be coming home any minute."

   You nod and walk inside. Ashley comes out from her bed room and hugs you.

  "Oh my gosh you are finally here. Corbyn has no clue you are here. Actually yesterday I think he saw you somewhere, he came home grumbling about how much he missed you and  that he even started seeing you in places."

   You chuckle hearing her.

   "Okay let's go to his room. You stay in there and don't come out. Let him come in and see you. He might think he's hallucinating again. It'll be fun," Ashley says and pulls you to his room.

   Her dad comes behind you and asks you if you want something to drink. You kindly decline. They both leave and close the door behind them. You walk around looking at all the posters on his wall. All the video calls play in your mind as you smile. You hear Corbyn's voice from outside and you quickly go sit on his bed facing the door. Your heart starts pounding in your chest.

   "Gosh it's so hot. Dad I'm gonna take a shower. I'm sweating. Basketball practice was a killer," You hear him says.

   You hands start to sweat and you feel a little light headed. You can't believe its happening. You were actually gonna meet him. You take a deep breath just as the door opens but once your eyes land on his you stop breathing. He is pulling his T-shirt over his head as he walks in. You notice his abs and you can barely move a muscle. Once his Tshirts is off him he looks at you and frowns then storms away. You inhale deeply and sigh.

   "Ashely I'm hallucinating again. I saw Y/N again. This time she is in my room. What is happening to me??" You hear him grumble.

   "There is only way to stop it," Ashley says.

   "Go back to your room. If you still see her there hug her. You do miss her right? It will help," Ashley says.

   You stand up when he comes back into the room. He closes his eyes and starts muttering something. You chuckle and walk up to him.

   "Happy Friendship Anniversary Bean!!"

   He opens his mouth and gasp.

   "Y/N? " he asks and touches your nose.

   You chuckle and laugh.

   "Yes Corbyn. You aren't hallucinating and I'm really standing in front of you. Surprise!!!"

   "Oh my gosh!!"

   You both cling onto each other and dont pull away for a really long time until you realize he's half naked. You awkwardly pull away and look at his bare chest.

   "Oh Gosh so sorry , I just came home from Practice. Lemme go freshen up then I'll take you out. Whatcha say?"



   You both walk down the street side by side eachother. Shoulders brushing now and then as you have a small conversation.

   "I'm really happy you came. I still cant believe you are here with me," he says.

   "Me too."

   "So where do you wanna go?" He asks.

   "I don't know. It's your hometown," you reply.

   "Remember I told you I'll take you to a Zoo if you got here?"

   "Yeah. That really awesome one."

   "Yes. Let's catch a bus and go there," He says.

   He interlocks his fingers with yours making your stomach flutter. He stars running and dragging you along.

   "Cmon we need to hurry. The bus comes around this time. We dont wanna miss it," He says.

   You run along with him and get into the bus. You both laugh as you too take a seat at the back. You place you bag on your lap and pull out a box from it. You open it and show it to him.

   "What is that?"

   "The delicious sweets my mum makes which I promised to give you when I see you."

   "Oh my Yessss."

He eats the sweets while you'll both talk about random things. When the bus stops at the zoo, you get down and he intertwines with your fingers again. You both walk around the zoo looking at all the animals. You stop by a booth with full soft toys.

   "Corbynnnn get me that teddy bear," You say.

    He nods and pays the money to the man in charge and gets three balls. He aims at the tin cans stacked up and throws the ball. Few cans fall off. He tries again but misses the spot. It's his last shot and he knocks everything off. You both scream in victory and jump on his hips as you hug him. You quickly jump off and get your teddy bear you wanted. You hug it tight and thank Corbyn. Then you'll continue walking around holding hands.


    You walk down the dark street holding Corbyn's hand. He starts humming a tune of your favorite song and at once you start singing it softly.

   "Drifting weightless ways try to break it. I'd anything to save it , why is it so hard to say it."

   He smiles and starts singing.

   "My heart, your heart. Sit tight like book ends. Pages between us. Written with no end."

   He climbs up on a bench and continues singing. You chuckle and sing along.

   " Don't wanna wait 'til it's gone
You make me strong."

   He spreads his hand out while jumping off the bench and singing the chores.

   "I'm sorry if I say, I need you
But I don't care,
I'm not scared of love
Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker."

   "Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong?" You both ask eachother

   "That you make me strong?" He sings and you can't help falling harder for him.

   "Think of how much
Love that's been wasted," you sing as he spins you around.

   "People always
Trying to escape it," he sings and holds your hand as you'll walk.

   "Move on to stop their heart breaking
But there's nothing I'm running from
You make me strong," you both sing.

   You stop by your cousin's house and start walking up to the front porch as he softly sings.

   "I'm sorry if I say, I need you
But I don't care,
I'm not scared of love
'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong?"

   "Cause you make me strong," you both sing and hug eachother.

   Then he hugs the teddy he got you and says, "Keep Y/N from eating the bed bugs."

   You chuckle and take the teddy from him.He looks at you and awkwardly smiles. You wonder why he is so nervous all of a sudden.

    "So I guess it's a goodnight then," you say.

   He nods and keeps looking down at the floor.


   He surprises you by suddenly kissing your cheeks. By the time you can say anything he runs away screaming, "woohoo I can't wait to hangout with you tomorrow."

   You chuckle and shake your head while your cheeks heat up.

   "I cant wait to hangout with you too."


This Imagine will have a sequel A.K.A part 2.


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