The boy who was given up

By Wasabi0_0Slytherin

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Harry Potter, a young wizard thrust into a world of death, evil and lies. In order to navigate through the fo... More

Chapter One: The Night Of Terror
Chapter two: The incident
Chapter three: Diagon Alley
Chapter four: Welcome to the gang
Chapter five: Sorting
Chapter six: Class and confrontations
Chapter seven: The boggart and flying
Chapter eight: Weekends, God fathers and the strange man...
Chapter nine: New information, who is this dude?
Chapter ten: A disastrous end to year one...
Chapter eleven: Coming home and starting again
Chapter twelve: God fathers
Chapter thirteen: Parties and sleep overs
Chapter fourteen: The zoo
Chapter fifteen: Back to school
Chapter sixteen: First day detentions!?
Chapter seventeen: The voice
Chapter eighteen: McGonagall and Dueling classes.
Chapter nineteen: The diary...
Chapter twenty: Answers and secrets
Chapter twenty- two: Inheritance...
Chapter twenty-three: Gringotts...
Chapter Twenty-Four: Training
Chapter twenty-five: Mastering and the holidays
Chapter twenty-six: Year three and secondary responses
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The inheritance...
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The scolding and the "incident"
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Memories
Chapter Thirty: Questions and TEA...
Chapter Thirty-One: The first date
Chapter Thirty-Two: Hostage
Chapter Thirty-Three: The new era
Chapter Thirty-Four: Christmas Special
Chapter Thirty Five: The Quidditch World Cup
Chapter Thirty Six: The Triwizard tournament announcement
Chapter Thirty Seven: The silent war
Chapter Thirty-Eight: DADA? I think not
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Sleep Over Part One
Chapter Forty: The Sleepover Part Two
Chapter Forty-One: The Tri-Wizard Tournament Troops Part One
Chapter Forty-Two: The Tri-Wizard Tournament Troops Part Two
Chapter Forty-Three: Feeling light-headed?
Chapter Forty-Four: The Shadowland
Chapter Forty-Five: And the Champion is...
Chapter Forty-Six: Too Much
Chapter Forty-Seven: Getting out of it?
Chapter Forty-Eight: Helping Harry
Chapter Forty-Nine: The First Task
Chapter Fifty: The Clue
Chapter Fifty-One: The Garden
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Second Task
Chapter Fifty-Three: The Annoying Beetle
Chapter Fifty-Four: Ballroom dancing
Chapter Fifty-Five: Is that a promise?
Chapter Fifty-Six: The Final Task Part One
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Final Task Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Final Task Part Three
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Infirmary
Chapter Sixty: The Beginning Of Forever
Chapter Sixty-One: Here is to Forever
Chapter Sixty-Two: Not Even Death Could Part Us, My Love.

Chapter Twenty-one: Stopping the basilisk and rage...

9.7K 345 46
By Wasabi0_0Slytherin

(A/N I decided to write parstletounge like this *parstletounge* because sounding it out was weird and I am doing convos so yeah)

The next few days Harry kept himself. He was slowly but diligently planning how exactly he was going to stop the basilisk.

If you didn't know Harry well then you would just think he was tired or sad maybe, but if you know him then you would know that his mind was racing with all the different possibilities and scenarios.

"Do you need any help?" Draco asked him.

"No I'm fine thank you I'm just running through my plan making sure that there's no holes or errors." Harry replied casually.

Draco nodded and continued eating his breakfast.

Unfortunately for Harry, his behavior didn't go unnoticed. Little did he know that James and Lily has been casting him worry filled looks throughout the whole week.

Neither of them thinking that they had a good enough relationship to straightforwardly ask him what was wrong.

But they decided it was time to ask him before anything got worse.

They planned to catch him after his last class, which happened to be charms.


"Brilliant work everyone I'm glad to see you all improving, have a good afternoon! Don't forget your homework, I know we only have one more class until holidays but it is still important!" Lilly told everyone as they left.

" Harry could you wait please?" Lily asked.

"Sure is there a problem?" Replied harry as he walked over to her.

"I was just wondering if you're okay? Recently you've been looking down so James and I thought we should ask, considering the rumors and all." She said softly.

"Oh yeah I am fine just working on altering a spell, so just concentrated that's all." Harry replied.

"Oh well that's good then what spell?" Lilly thought aloud.

"It's a surprise, but for now I have to go, bye!" Harry said as he ran out of the class.

"I have a bad feeling." Lilly muttered to herself as she watched her son leave.


Harry ran out of the class and all the way up to the abandoned girls' bathroom, ready to have his plan spring into action. 

"Hey Myrtle!" Harry greeted at the door.

"Harry!" Myrtle yelled, "Yay you finally came back did you find who threw the book at me?" 

"No sorry there was no clue but don't worry next time it happens I will get them for sure." Harry said confidently which Myrtle smiled at.

"Thanks Harry you are a great friend!" Myrtle boasted to which Harry smiled genuinely at.

"Anyway sorry to cut this short but I have to get somewhere." Harry said sadly.

"Oh where?" Myrtle asked.

"Down there." Harry pointed to the sink.

Myrtle's face paled if that was even possible, "No Harry you will get hurt!" She frantically said.

"Don't worry Myrtle I have a plan." Harry smiled which instantly set her worries aside.

"Okay Harry, good luck."

Harry nodded and turned to the sink, carefully tracing the engravements before he whispered, "*Open*" 

There was a huge clicking sound, as the floor bellow the sink disappeared and in it's place cane a set of stairs leading to a dimly lit passage. 

Harry turned and waved to Myrtle before walking down the stairs and starting 'phase 2' of his plan. 

Once he reached the bottom of the stairs he used his wand to light the way. 

What he stood in front of stopped him completely. 

In front of Harry was a huge statue of Salazar Slytherin surrounded by water and a gold isle down the middle. 

But before he could fully enjoy the view he heard a rustle from inside the statue.

Harry instantly snapped out of it and put on the blindfold he packed. 

*Approach!* Harry commanded.  

Out slithered a huge Snake 10x the size of a normal one. 

*Who is this, a new speaker?* The snake asked cheekily.

*I am and I am also your new master courtesy of Tom Riddle, who sent me.* Harry snapped.

*Very well then Master who do you want me to kill.* The snake asked.

*No one that is why I am here, you were not put on this earth to kill. You will never harm another soul and you will stay down here forever more until I and only I say so. Got it?*

*You are no fun Master! But I will obey.* The snake said sadly.*

Harry nodded and began to turn before the snake blurted out *Who are you? I feel the power radiating off of you and I haven't felt that since Salazar?*

Harry turned and looked the snake directly in the eyes before smirking and saying *Harry Potter, pleasure.* 

The snakes eyes widened in shock *How did you do that!* The snake asked gobsmacked.

*Just a precaution but I made a spell that blocks the power of you killing eyes so no harm can come to anyone else, no matter what.*

Harry then turned and walked away through the entrance and sealed it once again by saying *close* 

Harry turned to be faced with a widely smiling Myrtle.

"Harry your still alive!" She beamed.

"Yep and don't worry Myrtle that beast won't be killing anymore innocents." Harry smiled back.

"Thank you Harry I can't tell you how much this means to me!" She gushed.

"No problem Myrtle stay well I will visit soon but I need to tell the good news." Harry said before waving and walking out. 


The group of Slytherin friends were all sitting waiting for the nightly Dumbledore speech in comfortable conversation when there was a bang. 

All conversations stopped and all eyes were at the front of the hall watching intensely. 

The bang was now a swarm of colors all mixing together slowly making a sentence that now read, "The beast is dead and will never harm again, Hogwarts is saved." 

There was loud cheering all around the room and at that moment everyone who had been petrified came in and there was huge hugs and reunions from all. Harry smiled as Hermione got up and ran to hug one of her Ravenclaw friends. 

Draco turned to Harry and smiled and mouthed 'good job,' Harry smiled back and mouthed 'thanks.'

Harry then turned and saw that Dumbledore was looking directly at him, all twinkle gone and a snarl placed on his face. 

Harry simply smirked at him as Dumbledore remembered where he was and fixed his face to a forced smile. 

Scarily though, Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as though an idea went through his head.

"Ladies and Gentleman if I could have you attention please, I would like to thank the champion who has done this, who is none other than Harry Potter, the real boy who lived." 

Harry's mouth dropped due to shock as did nearly everyone's and all eyes turned to him. 

"Don't be ridiculous I didn't do this and Evan is the boy who lived." Harry defended trying to sound as confident as possible. 

"I am sorry my boy I know that is what you want everyone to believe but you can't turn away from this you are the professed savior." Dumbledore stated before he turned to address the rest of the school.

"You see for a while I have let Harry live a normal life but the truth is I found out at the end of last year that he was the real chosen one, because The Dark Lord came for him." There was a series of gasps around the room and the headmaster paused for dramatic effect which made Harry and Draco roll their eyes.

"Tom said that he would never forget the eyes of the boy who killed him, piercing green, and seeing as Harry is the only twin with those green eyes logically..." 

The headmaster trailed off  and Draco shouted, "That doesn't prove anything Voldemort could have been bluffing." 

"Well, that's not all, when the Dark Lord told Harry this he being the heroic soul he is decided he couldn't take that away from his brother so to keep the secret hidden he killed Tom, of course not fully because Tom is crafty but he did it all to save his brother. And now he has killed a monster in the name of Hogwarts, I don't know what you are thinking but I think that Harry deserves the credit." Dumbledore then started clapping.

Soon the entire Great Hall was clapping but Harry's eyes were glued evilly to Dumbledore who looked back at him with twinkling eyes. Which only enraged Harry more.

"Now without further ado the feast in dedicated to Harry!" Dumbledore yelled and the food appeared. 

Though Harry didn't touch any he just stood and calmly walked over to Evan with a mask so thick no one knew what he was thinking. Not even Draco, although he could guess.

"We need to talk." He said simply once he reached Evan and he nodded and they walked out of the Great Hall.

They stood on the astronomy tower in uncomfortable silence before Evan blurted out, "I'm sorry."

Harry looked confused, "What for?" 

"I would wish this on no one, a while ago I actually wished I was you, no expectations to defeat a Dark Lord or anything, but now the roles are reversed I just feel guilty." He stated.

"Evan it's not your fault." Harry said.

"No it is you protected it because you thought I wanted this and I just wished my problems onto you." Evan said sadly.

"Evan if it weren't for a psychopath we wouldn't be in this situation." Harry said bitterly, both of them thinking of two different people.

"At least you are safe and don't hate me." Harry said once silence filled the room again.

"Why would I hate you?" Evan asked.

"I thought you would seeing as the boy who lived was your title." Harry said it as if it was obvious.

"I could never hate you, were twins, it would like be hating my other half." Evan said which made Harry smile and a small weight was lifted off of him. 'At least he doesn't hate me' Harry thought sadly.

"I can't believe that Dumbledore said that in-front of everyone." Evan said as he looked out at the stars. 

"Mhm," Harry said as once again anger boiled in him, Harry would make him pay. That he was sure of. 

"Harry?" Evan asked. 

But Harry couldn't hear him, he was too wrapped up in his own hatred he forgot everything else. His hatred towards Dumbledore currently rivaled his hatred for Vernon. Which was hard to beat.

"Harry!" Yelled Evan trying to get his attention.

"Harry!" Evan yelled once again. This time it snapped Harry out of his thoughts and he realized what he was doing. The temperature had dropped drastically and the snow was all floating around him, sharp enough to cut.

"I am so sorry." Harry apologized and instantly the snow fell back down softly and the temperature went back to normal.

"It's okay I totally understan-" Evan started.

"I'm sorry Evan but I have to go." Harry interrupted.

"u-Uh okay bye!" Evan yelled after Harry, before he started walking back to the Great Hall.

  Harry ran, the fury powering his every step. He didn't know where he was going but he knew he needed to get away from the suffocating air of this all. The place he could do that without getting caught? The cupboard. So that's where he went. He bolted to his room and threw up the strongest locking spell he knew before getting into the cupboard and focusing on Malfoy Mannor.

Harry emerged in the same place as before, but unlike before Narcissa and Lucius were stading there. 

"Harry? What are you doing here?" Narcissa asked.

"I'm sorry I have to skip the pleasantries but I need to talk to Tom." Harry said before running up the stairs in the direction of Tom's office.

"Call Severus." Narcissa said worriedly to Lucius.

Who nodded and instantly went to the floo.

Harry on the other hand was standing, panting from rage, in front of a surprised and slightly scared Tom Riddle. 

"Are you okay Harry?" Tom asked.

"Does it look like it?!" Demanded Harry but felt bad when he saw Tom flinch.

"What happened?" Tom asked.

"The old man." Harry spat, "Do you have a training room." Harry stated rather than asked.

"Yeah follow me." Tom said quickly and led him down a passage and entered a room. 

It had black walls lined with white and red designs. 

Harry walked in and instantly went to the corner where the practice dummies were. He switched the dummies the maximum and turned to Tom "You can go now." 

Tom looked back dumbly at Harry and Harry just rolled his eyes and muttered, "Or not." 

Harry then flicked his wrist and placed a strong shielding charm on the door where Tom was which as well as made sure he couldn't get hurt he couldn't enter the room. Harry then turned back to the dummies and they swung into life.

Harry immediately started into battle mode. 

Harry was mad. 

Ragingly furious. 

 He was throwing the dummies around like they were rag dolls.

Like they were dirt under his fingernails.

Yet he hadn't even touched his wand once.

He was using pure magic and it encircled the room, creating a toxic and bitter air. 

His magic was as hot as his rage and soon the dummies were nothing but ash on the floor.

But Harry wasn't done, he had grown a crowd of worried people by the door. 

Those of which included Snape, Narcissa, Tom, Lucius and surprisingly enough Petunia and Dudley.

Severus once he had heard Lucius's worried voice came straight away and after seeing Harry he instantly went to get Petunia and Dudley. Knowing at this point they were the only people that could calm him down. 

Harry oblivious to the people standing at the door rapidly trying to take down the shield, continued. 

Only this time without magic.

He hauled more dummies out of the cupboard and once again turned them to the highest level. Although this time he spelled them to instead of trow hexes to have a muggle fight. 

The dummies once again sprung into life and launched themselves at Harry. He dodged their attacks with ease.  

Meanwhile outside the door. 

"How can he fight like this!" Snape asked Petunia urgently whilst trying to take down his shield. 

"We took him to self defense and combat lessons ever since..." She trailed off sadly. 

Harry was still going full throttle, it was amazing he hadn't passed out yet. 

Two of the dummies were on the ground half crushed and the third one was failing miserably as Harry was slicing it up with a knife he had conjured. The third one crumpled to the floor, defeated. He threw they knife at the final dummy which was coming at him. He dropped down with a bang. 

Harry turned and for the first time noticed the crowd by the door. Their horrified looks said it all. He was a monster. No one wants a monster. For the first time in almost a year Vernon's voice popped in his head, 'No one will ever love you freak.' With that sad thought Harry popped away, leaving everyone's mouths wide open. 

-------Outside the door----------

"What just happened?!" Petunia yelled as she entered the room which had been previously locked. The room in which her son used to be. 

"I think he- he apparated." Stated Tom.

"Yes but HOW!"  Petunia yelled (Lol A/N i accidentally wrote yes but HOE!... whoops lol anyway)

"I don't know that is very advanced magic and what happened to his eyes?" Lucius asked.

"They were black, pitch black." Tom whispered.

"I think it was as I feared, he has a creature inheritance and with what the old man did to him tonight I wouldn't be surprised if his rage brought up his dark side." Snape said worriedly.

"What does that mean for him?!" Dudley yelled.

"We need to find him, he will be coming into his inheritance...Tonight" Snape said sadly.

A/N Hey guys thanks so much for your support! I literally just finished writing this and I could barely stop writing, I am way to excited about publishing this one so I am going to now! Sorry for the cliff hanger but everything is coming together in my head. I can't wait to write it all. The song above was the inspiration for the last part of the fight. Anyway hope you enjoy and don't be shy! Comment whenever I love reading and replying to them. BYYYYEEEEEE <3

Word-count =  2784

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