Falling for You {Jojen Reed x...

By bagsybaggins

63.7K 1.1K 691

YN Black is sent to the world of Game of Thrones one year before season one started. She arrived in the Stark... More

My normal life
Meeting the Starks
The Fallen
The Death of the King
So Long and Farwell
Closer to Home
A Meeting in Greywater Watch
Going North
Growing relationship
I can't lose you
Together at last
Nothing can ever change that
Where are you?
I'm back home
Till the end of our days
A family
The Call
Bran Howland Reed
Final Chapter
Brandon Stark X Reader story

One of the Family

3.5K 67 47
By bagsybaggins

-Your narration-

It's been a month since I've been in Game of Thrones. And the Starks have been making it easier for me to adjust to the change. I've almost completely stopped wearing my normal clothes, and started wearing dresses and such.

And Ned, Rob, Theon, and Jon even agreed to train me in sword fighting and archery! It took a while for me to convince them, but they soon agreed. And everything I learned, I taught to Arya.

I've gotten closer to Bran and Arya. Their like my two best friends. And I may have developed a small crush on Bran....

And somehow the phones and speaker don't lose battery power!

~time skip~

A year, and no sign of me possibly returning home. And soon everything is going to fall apart.

But I can't stop it.

Bran is going to climb that tower, and  he's going to become paralyzed.

Seven dierwolves were brought to Winterfell, and I got one. I called mine  Snow, because it was pure White like freshly fallen snow.

-Arya pov-

Ever since YN has been here, everyday has been more fun. She showed us how to play a game called Monopoly, it's fun at the start, until some one starts losing. Last time we played I think Theon was about to pull out his sword and slice the board in half.

And She taught me and Bran how to send pictures and music to eachother.  And she also managed to find a way for us to send 'texts' to eachother. We usually send texts to eachother in our 'group chat' when we weren't together. So we don't do that very often.

"Arya!" YN yells.

I turn around and see her running in her dress towards me. I smile and stop walking.

"Is it true?! Is it true the kings coming?" She asks.

I nod. "Ya, and Sansa won't stop swooning at the thought of meeting Joffery." I say as I roll my eyes.

YN laughs and rolls her eyes too. "Seems like something Sansa would do."

I giggle and nod.

"How did you find out?" I ask as we walk together towards the tree.

"I was walking past Sansa' s room and heard her talking to herself. Saying something about becoming Queen of the seven kingdoms with Joffery." She said.

I roll my eyes again and see movement in the corner of my right eye. I look up and see Bran climbing the tower again.

I smirk and look at YN.

"So, has Bran made a move yet?" I say loudly.

I see Bran freeze, before he climbs into the window. His head pops out the window and he watches her reaction.

I turn to her and see her face bright red.

"N-no wh-why would he?!" She stutters.

I shrug, and glance at Bran again. "No reason."

YN looks at me, but I smile innocently. She frowns but then moves on.

~Kings arrival~

-Your pov-

"YN, your going to stand in between Arya and Bran. And Rickon stop picking your nose." Lady Stark says.

I nod and walk up next to Bran, and frown. "Where's Arya?" I whisper to Bran.

He shrugs.

I look past Sansa and see Arya walk up with a helmet on her head. I giggle as Lord Stark takes it off her head. Arya pouts and makes her way towards us. She smiles and takes her place next to me.

I stand up straighter as I see the King arrive on his horse. Behind him are his guards and a carriage. I feel a shiver go down my spin as I see Cercei enter Winterfell with Joffery.

King Robert gets off his horse and walks up to Lord Stark.

I zone out when I feel eyes on me. I search for the burning gaze and trace it back to Cercei. I look at her with a frown of curiosity on my face. She raises her eye brow at me and then a body towers over me.

"And who is this?" The King says.

I gulp and look at Lord Stark and Lady Stark.

"She's someone we are taking care of, your Grace." Lord Stark says.

I look up at him and smile. "My name's YN Black, your Grace. It's lovely to meet you."

He smiles down at me, and I try to resist cringing at the smell of alcohol. Thankfully he moves onto Bran and Rickon. I take a deep breath of cleaner air, and I see Arya trying not to giggle. I smile and bite my lip, not wanting to let my own laugh escape.

~Time skip to dinner~

I sat next to Arya and enjoyed the food, I see Arya pointing to the wine in the cup a seat away from me. I smirk, and glance around looking for any grown up eyes watching me.

When I find none, I quickly swipe the gauntlet and replace it with my empty grape juice. I giggle with Arya as I pass it to her.

"YN Black. What an unusual name. . . Where did you find her?" Cercei asked Lady Stark rather loudly.

I freeze along and glance at her from the corner of my eyes. She was looking right at me now!

Lady Stark glanced at me and I grab the drink from Arya. She already had a sip and was making a face of disgust. I sniff it before shrugging and taking a sip.

Pure regret.

I swallow it down before grabbing another cup of juice. I down the juice and put the wine next to me.

"We didn't find her. She found us." Lady Stark answered.

I smile at the answer, and turn to Arya to continue our talk of my world.

"YN, can you tell me where your from. And of how you got here?" Cercei asked.

Me and Arya look at eachother with blink faces. I blink and turn to Cercei, and furrow my brows.

"Why do you ask, Your Grace?" I ask.

She smiles her half smile. "Just wondering where the Starks found such a beauty? And why your actually here."

I glancd at Lady Stark and she slowly shakes her head. I clear my throat.

"I lived in a small farm house with my family. I had two younger brothers, twins. I was working the field with my Mother and Father, while my brothers were inside the house. Our house was in between the Wall and Winterfell, and the crops needed to be taken care of. So I helped out. And one day I was the farthest away from everyone else, and Wildlings attacked. I managed to run away before they could kill me, but my family wasn't so lucky. So then I ran for Winterfell, and when I arrived they let me in and took care of me from that day forth." I say.

Lady Stark and Arya, the only Starks that were paying attention, were staring at me. Obviously surprised how good and quick my lie was. I see Cercei giving me a small ounce of sympathy from her eyes, but the rest was fake.

"Oh, well I apologise for your loss." She says, before going back to drinking her wine and looking at other people.

I let out a breath of relief and slump in my chair next to Arya. I look at her and see her staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

She shakes her head and grabs the cup next to me. "Nothing." She mutters.

She takes a drink from the cup, and spits it out automatically. I burst out laughing, and I see it landed on Sansa. Arya soon starts laughing with me, and eventually we run away from a wine covered Sansa.

《Sorry for the late update! Hope you liked this chapter!

Later ya players.

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