Rumpelstiltskin's Heir

By PaulandPaulina

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Rumpelstiltskin had a son named Baelfire, a son he lost many years ago. Now that the curse is broken he must... More

I run from my fake brother, the prince
Out the window
I mentally laugh at my ex-boyfriend
I Fall Into My Brand New House...The Cave
Broken heart....broken leg
Auxiliator Falls for the Maid
Tonight I'm Yours
No Good Reason
I Share My Memories With A Wooden Man
I Didn't Want to Let Go
When Spirits Rise, Things Run DownHill
A Death, A Tear, A Story And A Bean
This is Not at All What I Expected
What do I Have to Lose?
Houston, We Have A Giant Problem
Dreams (Part one)
Dreams (part two)
New Life And New Room
I Dont Like This
I Dont Want This to Be True
Some Family Time Would Be Nice
Im Sent to My Room.
Numb (Part 1)
A Family
Don't Get me Started
I don't want to talk
Why don't you believe?
No. I'm not leaving Our father.
Let's do this then.
The two stars
Where is he?!
In Your Arms
No don't leave me
The Curse Again
The return of Balyn
Lake Of Avalon
Hold me
Band of Merry Men!

Numb (Part2)

248 8 0
By PaulandPaulina

I heard my name being called but I slammed the door and dashed out to the Charmings house. I guess Laceys kissing was better then going after me, cause my dad didnt come after me.

I pulled down on my skirt. I hate wearing skirts, even if I have tights. My look was in honor of Winnie the Pooh. But I was regretting it. If I wanted to help out in finding Regina, I might have to run. (This is my 

As soon as I got to their house I saw Snow and Charming walking out.

I ran up tp them "Hey guys! Is everything ok? Did you find Regina?"

"We think we know where she is. We are on our way now.", answered Charming as he took out the keys to his car.

"Can I come? Please?" I pleaded "I can help! Im useful!"

Snow looked at me for a momment until she agreed "Ok. Ill explain everything on the way."

My head was racing. Snow had told me everything, even that Emma thought it was Tamara behind all of this. I seemed to be the only one who agreed with Emma...I didnt trust Tamara...

Finally the car came to a halt and we climed out in search of Regina. Because once again the adults thought it wasnt safe for me I was to walk behind them. Stupid. Anyways I was the last in the room where Regina was being held against her will. When I saw her I felt really bad for her. I cant imagine the pain they had caused, for her to look the way she did. Snow wanted to stay with Regina and take her somewhere safe, before they could tell me to go with them, I dashed and yelled, "You take care of Regina! Ill go help Emma and Neal!"

I mostly did it cause I didnt think there was much danger left, and I really wanted to see my brother. I went the way the guy had gone, but the sound of voices stopped me.


I turned on my heels and ran to Neals voice.

"Neal!" I called as I approached him.

He turned around and smiled. "Hey kid! What are you doing here?"

"I came to help."I answered plainly.

"Do you know whats going on?" aske Emma as we moved on.

"Yep. We actually just found Regina. The guy got away though."

"What guy? Do you know who it was?" asked Emma

"No I wasnt able to see his face."

Then Charmings voice came out from Emmas walkie talkie "You got to block the entrance."

"Already on it."

"Is Aldara with you?"

"Yep shes right here."

"Great. We have Regina. Keep an eye out for Greg Mendell"

"Greg Mendell." repeated Emma as her eyes widened with disbelief.

"So I was right it wasnt Tamara." beamed Neal

"Actually it was." said a voice behind me. I wsa barely abble to turn around when something hard him me in the head and everything went black.

~In my head~

I slowly stood up. My head hurt like hell, my leg fely like jelly, and my eyes felt watery. I held on to my head, wondering if whatever hit me, got blood out. I looked around. I was in a grassy field. It was extremely foggy, I couldnt see a few feet away from my face. Where the hell am I?

"Hello?" I croacked


I turned around put I couldnt see anything.

"Hello? Neal? Dad?......SEB?"

I wanted it so bad to be Seb. But then would I be dead?


I heard again, but this time the voice was closer and I recognized it.


I called out frantically.

"Aldara calm down." came his calm and soothing voice.

I turned around and found myself in his conforting arms.

"Auxi!" I squealed with joy before throwing my arms around him.

He chuckled lightly before returning the hug.

"Ive missed you so much!" I pulled him closer.

"Ive missed you too Aldara." He said softy in my ear, sending butterflies to go off in my belly.

I knew we would be together again. Then a sudden thought went through me head.

" I dead?"

Auxi soflty put his tumb under my chin and made me look up. "No. You are very much alive. Your time has not come yet."

"It wasnt your time either." I whinned

He smiled thoughtfully "Do not dwell on the past my love."

"How can I not Auxi? You are the only one I have truely loved."

"I know. But we cannot change the past." He brushed my hair with his fingers.

"I wish we could."

"I do aswell. But that is not why I have come."

"Then why?" I said trying to hide the disappointment from my voice. 

He took a deep breath and said. "There are hard times coming your way Aldara. Bad things will happen, but you must be strong. Promise me you wont give up? That youll do your best, always."

I processed what he was saying. Hard times? Bad things? "I promise Auxi. Like I always have. Ill do anything for you."

"And I for you."

"You wont leave me will you?" I asked with fear. I wasnt sure I could handle all these hard times without him.

"I am always with you."

I smiled. I knew that one day I would find a way for us to be together again. I stood on my tiptoes and our lips connected.

~Back to reality~

My eyes shot open I was on the ground. My head heavy and hard, like a huge rock. My fingers were trembling and I felt dizzy, everything was moving. I was able to touch my head, and felt a warm liquid. My blood. I still felt dizzy, but everything came back to focus. Everything happened so fast, I could hardly understand. Emma was getting up from the floor, then she was fighting Tamara. My eye sight was foggy, but I could make out a few details, including Neal on the ground, he seemed hurt. I needed to get to him. I tried to get up, but when I did the world beggan to shake. So I tried to crawl over to him but with all the fighting I could make it over to him. Then finally Emma landed a good blow and threw Tamara to the ground.

I took the chance and crawled over to my brother, but half way threre I heard Emma yell out "Its over"

I looked up and got really scared, she had a gone. Did I do something wrong?! Then I realized nope, she was aiming at Tamara. Well I feel stupid.

"No its not." said Tamara angrily as she pulled something out of her pocket. A magic bean? Tamara threw it towards Neal and Emma. A huge green portal  opened and Tamara got up and said "Good bye."

I turned back to Neal and Emma. No no no no no no no no no no no  no no!!!!!! Please no.

I was finally able to get up but I had to hold on to the wall.

Emma was about to fall into the portal, but my brother caught her.

"Its ok. I got you." he told her

"We need to get you to a hospital."

Suddenly yhr floor beneath them was sucked intot the portal and Neal fell.

"Neal!" I called out.

"No! dont get closer!" he yelled "You could get sucked in."

I looked over and smiled weakly, Emma was holding on to Neal. He was going to make. He had to.

"Let go!"yelled Neal "Or youll kill the both of us."

Wait no. No. He could make it, they just had to wait a little longer. Just wait, they could make. I told myself.

"Im not letting go of you." said Emma

I nodded slowly hardly being able to breath.

"You have to."

"No! Youre shot! If you fall through that portal youll die, no matter what world you land in!"

Hes shot? How the hell-Tamara. I felt my eye begin to water, but I fought the tears back. He was going to be ok, in any moment now the portal was going to close, and he was going to be ok.

"I know. But Emma Henry needs you. He cant loose both of use, dont make him grow up like we did."

"Please dont let go. I need you. I love you."

"I love you too." He said to Emma, then he turned his head slightly to me, "Be a good kid while Im gone ok?"

Before I could say anything or fully grasp the meaning of his words he let go of Emmas hand and fell throught the portal.

Everything felt fake like plastic. Emma and I had walked all the way to her parents house without saying a word. Other than my heart hurting everything felt numb. I didnt feel anything, and I didnt want to. I was still in shock from what had just happened....I lost my brother. The images the evening kept replaying in my head. We walked into the house and everyone ran over to us.

"Emma! Aldara! Are you ok?" said Snow as she checked that we were alright. I looked at them, but they felt so an old memory.

Emma left my side, and sat in the stairs.

"Where is Neal?" asked Charming

When I heard Neals name I felt like some one punched me in the gut. I closed my eyes. I couldnt handle it. He was my brother...even if it was for a short time, he was still my blood...but now he was gone.

"Hes gone. Tamara killed him." answered Emma quietly

My eyes remained closed, and I found myself shaking my head. I didnt want it to her to say that. I didnt want it to be true. I wanted that bean to have taken my brother to a hospital, and at any moment to hear the phine ring, with a doctor on the other side saying Neal was alive and well on to recovery.

"Oh Emma...Aldara...Im so sorry." said Snow softly. I heard her walk over to me. My body stiffen as she hugged me. I didnt want her hug. I didnt want to be touched. I just wanted to be alone. Snow walked away, I guess to sit next to Emma.

"What am I going to tell Henry?" choked Emma.

"Oh poor Henry." said Snow

"How am I going to tell Henry that his dad died?"

I heard them talk about how they were going to tell Henry and I felt anger grow in me.

My eyes hot open "Oh poor little Henry what is he to do?" I mimicked them.

They were all quiet.

I sneered at them. "Is that all you think about? What youre going to tell Henry? Ill tell you what youre going to tell him THE TRUTH! That his father gave his life up for him. That he sacrificed himself and went through a freakin magical-bean-portal, so that Henry could have a mother! Something the bothe of us grew up with out! You know what youre going to do? You are all going to be there for him, love him, supprt him, and all that crap! And after a while he will be alright, be cause he will have all of you! You know Henry is not the only one who is gonna suffer for Neals death! I am too and so is the man who psent 3 hundred years searching for him! The man who raised Bae, and lost him! How are you going to tell Henry? Ha! How the hell am I going to tell my father!?" I was breathing hard and I was incredibly angry. I couldnt believe how selfish they were being. They looked at me with shocked and intrigued faces. If I hadnt heard the words I had just told them I would have thought I had said a bunch of curse words. They just stayed there looking at me like I was crazy. 

Snow finally broke the silence. "Aldara, we know youre tired youve gone through a lot but-"

"But nothing." I snapped "Yes I am tired and I did just go through a lot, but I dont expect you to understand. Because none of you have spent years looking for your brother to have him disappear! If my father calls asking for me...tell him that I went out for a walk. That Ill be alright, he doesnt have to worry."

Snow stood up. "Where are you going? Its late and-"

"Im going for a walk and I dont care."

With that I stormed out of their house. When I got outside I took a deep breath. The cold air piercing my lungs. But I didnt least I felt something apart from numbness and pain in my heart.

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