He Was My Student [[KTH]] ✔️

By IMSugaWonho

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What happens when an old student becomes a colleague? -AU- More

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By IMSugaWonho

-Some of this chapter might be triggering-

I tried to push Jin away from me, but he caught my wrists and pinned them above my head, pressing his body further into me. I whimpered and he slapped his free hand over my mouth, his eyes burning into mine.

"Do not scream," He said quietly, "Don't try to deny me, baby. We are meant to be together and we can get over the bump in our relationship,"

I shook my head and tears ran down my face. Jin moved his hand and gripped my chin tightly, making me wince. I opened my mouth to yell for help but he slammed his lips against mine, kissing me. I struggled against his grip and his tongue forced its way into my mouth. He let go of my chin and his hand worked its way down my body settling on the waistband of my trousers. 

My eyes went wide as he tried to undo the button and when he couldn't, he let my wrists go. I reacted before I could think and I grabbed the stapler that was sitting on my desk and cracked it against his head.

He howled out in pain clutching the red mark on his head. I stumbled away from him and he came at me. His fingers caught my ponytail and he yanked hard, making me cry out slightly in pain. My body crashed against his and he shoved me over the table, slamming me face first into the desk making my vision blur slightly and nose crack. I grunted as he pulled my arms behind my back and tied them together with something soft, most likely his tie.

"I told you," He snapped, "You can't fight what is meant to be,"

"J-just let me g-go!" I cried, feeling blood trickle from my nose "I don't love you!"

"That's just bullshit," Jin scoffed, "You can't tell me that you love that bastard. He doesn't know how to treat you,"

"At least he doesn't beat me!" I said struggling in his grip.

"It's just a small bump in the road, baby. We can get through this," He said lowering his body onto mine "Now, try not to make too much noise because we don't want to be caught,"


"I will shove something in your mouth if you don't shut up,"

There was a knock on the door and Taehyung called "Hana? Are you in there?"

"Tae-mmph!" Jin slapped his hand over my mouth and I kicked as much as I could, to make noise.

"Stop struggling,"

His hand moved slightly and I bit into his little finger making him gasp in pain and yank his hand away from me. I opened my mouth and screamed for Taehyung. It didn't take long for him to kick the door down and his eyes went wide. He rushed into the room and punched Jin in the jaw, knocking him to his ass. 

"Oh my god," He said yanking the tie away from my wrists "I'm so sorry baby. I should have followed you,"

I cried and held onto him. I heard more movement and I spotted Jimin and Namjoon walk into the room, closing the door behind them shutting the drama from the students. Namjoon grabbed hold of Jin and slammed him against the door by his throat making him grunt in pain.

"I hope that you never leave prison," Namjoon said, "Men like you don't deserve to walk in society,"

"She b-begged for i-it," Jin choked out.

"Fuck. Let me punch him. Just this once," Jimin said, cracking his knuckles.

"No," Taehyung said, "Call Yoongi and tell him what happened. Baby, look at me."

I looked up at Taehyung through my blurry vision and he reached onto my table for tissues. He dabbed gently at my nose and my bottom lip trembled at the pain.

"Jimin," Namjoon said, "Once you call Yoongi, get the students into the main building. No student is to leave that building and if anyone asks why, tell them there was an incident,"

Jimin nodded "Oh, hey Yoongi, can you send some cops to the school?...yeah something happened and...no, she's ok...well, it looks like she has a broken nose and...I will ask her. Hana, do you want to talk to Yoongi?"

I nodded and he handed the phone over to me "Hey Yoongi,"

"Don't you fucking hey Yoongi me. I told you not to go to work until this was sorted out," Yoongi said "Hoseok and I are in the car now, and we are on the way to you. Are you ok? What happened?"

"He cornered me and...Yoongi, I was so scared!" I cried.

"Don't cry, sweetie. It will be ok. I'm on the way and what more can you want? Shut up babe, she doesn't love you as much as she loves me"

"I love you both equally," I said quietly.

Yoongi scoffed "Well all know that is bullshit, sweetie. How can you not love me more? I'm amazing anyway, can you walk? Because Hoseok is pulling into the school now along with some police cars,"

"I think I can," I said, "I've not tried to stand,"

"I'll carry you," Taehyung said, wiping more blood from my nose.

I shook my head, "I'll walk,"

By the time we left the police station, the sun had long set and there was a cool breeze. I couldn't help but cry throughout the questioning and more pictures were taken for evidence, but I finally felt that all of this was coming to an end. I just had to go to court and I wasn't looking forward to it. I was worried that one look from Jin and I would break and just drop the charges.

Taehyung slid his hand into mine and broke me from my thoughts "Are you ok?"

I nodded "I think so,"

"The guys are at the flat, but we need to go back to your place first," He said, "You need to pack your things. Everything you can get, that is. We can go back another time to collect everything,"

"Taehyung," I said, "Thank you,"

"For what?"

"Everything. You've grown up and I'm glad that you appeared in my life again,"

"Ugh," He said, "If you are going to get cheesy with me, I will just ignore you. I might be an adult but I can't be dealing with the cheesy shit so soon after being interviewed by a cop that arrested me when I was in school. Let's just go home, alright?" 

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