

325K 14K 756


A Normal Day-Edited
A Scream In The Woods Starts It All-Edited
Against The Wall-Edited
Silver With a Tent of Red-Edited
A Million Miles Away
Shopping With Kellin
Ask But Not Tell
I Can't Wait
The Devil's Cry
Possessive Witch
You're mine
Picking Up for Dada.
Precious Gift
Keeping Sin Away
Happy Birthday Baby
Kellin's Daughter
Northern Border
A Gorgeous Place
No Weakness
Like A Dog
Ause and His Mate
Life Is Good
Author's Note

Into the World

7.2K 371 27

A sharp pain hits my lower back. It's so painful it has me doubling over. A whimper leaves my lips. Putting my hand on my side, I rub it soothing the pain a little. As quickly as it came, it's gone.

Gosh I hate being pregnant. It's the worst. Aches, pains, cravings, emotional. It sucks! But there are good things to being pregnant. I get to feel my baby move. He's always under my heart. So the good outweighs the bad, but it still sucks.

I start to walk down the hallway. Since I'm 3 months, Zairian doesn't want me moving around a lot. But I just can't lay down. It's boring.

I waddle into the kitchen. The pack turns to me. We moved into the pack house temporarily since the medical ward is closer.

"Hi." I smile sitting a chair. Finally!

"Luna you're not suppose to be out of bed." A pack mate tells me.

"But it's so boring!" I whine causing the pack to chuckle. That is when Hugo and Ause comes in the room. Seeing me they smirk.

"Well well well if it isn't the bad lil'Luna." Hugo turns to Ause. "What would the lil'Alpha say to this?"

"Well dear brother lil'Alpha would have a cow." Ause smirks.

I blow out a breathe. "What Zairian doesn't know won't kill him."

"Oh really?" A voice I know all to well speaks from behind me. Shit!

I turn to him, pouting. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

Lowing my head. "Nothing."

Footsteps comes my way, how didn't I hear him the first time? I'm wrapped in arms, getting put on his lap. "Baby you're due any day now. You have to be careful."

"I was careful!" I whine pouting. He goes to peck my lips, before our lips touch, the sharp pain comes back. I cry out in pain. It's worst this time.

"Baby?" Zairian ask me concern in his voice.

"It'll pass." I pant out breathlessly.

"You've had this pain before? Baby you should have called me." He picks me up carrying me out the kitchen I'm sure to the medical ward. He's suck a worry wart.

The pain goes away as Zairian somehow opens the door. Walking into the room, he sets me on the medical bed, calling the doctor. He comes into the room wearing his coat.

"What can I do for you future Kings?" He bows making me feel uncomfortable.

"He's been in pain." That's all Zairian had to say before the doctor starts checling on me. I don't pay attention, it was just my baby moving or something.

The doctor gets done doing his test amd smiles at me. "Your in labor."

"Finally!" I squeal wanting to see my baby.

"I'll call the others." He smiles a hundred watt smile. His eyes glazes over, so he's calling them through the pack link. A minute later running is heard on the stairs. The door blurst open Kellin, Austen, Hugo,  amd Ause. Kellin is the first in. He runs over to my bed.

"Hey sweetie. How are you feeling?" He grabs my hand as Zairian grabs my other.

"I'm feeling finaaa!" Another sharp pain hits. Now knowing it's a contraction. It lasts longer this time around.

The doctor comes over to me pulling a screen with him. "Sin I'm going to check and see how far you are dilated after you get in this gown."

I take the ugly green gown, Zairian helps me up and behind the screen. He takes off my clothes for me, then puts the gown on me, and setting me back on the bed. The doctor comes over to me and puts a blanket over my waist. Putting my feet on the foot position thingy. He puts on gloves and puts his fingers on my ass. Zairian growls at this.

"You're fully dilated. Get ready to give birth."

I watch as the doctor puts his fingers in my mate. I growl wanting to punch him, my wolf agreeing with me. I put my hand in Sin's, I instantly calm down.

"You're fully dilated. Get ready to give birth." The doctor tells us. Ause and Hugo cheers.

"Finally dude! We want our nephew!" They say together. Their words causes Sin and I to smile.

The doctor gets between Sin's legs. "Okay Sin when I say push, I want you to push."

Sin nods his hand. When the doc yells out push, Sin squeezes my hand, and pushes, screaming as he does so. This goes on for about 2 hours. Then finally at 4:37 the doctor screams out he sees the head.

"Okay Sin I want a big push." Sin nods his head, gripping my hand, before pushing the hardest he did all day.

I pat his head and kiss his forehead. "You're doing great baby."

Then the most beautiful sound surrounds the room. I go over and grab the scissors to cut the cord. My son is all red and gooy. He looks just like me with Sin's hair. He opens his eyes, his eyes are purple with silver flecks. He's gorgeous.

The doctor wipes him off and wraps him in a blue blanket, amd hands him to Sin. Taking him in his arms. He holds him like he's the most precious thing in the world. Which he is.

"Hello Zaurus Sin Willis."

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