By CaptNAndrews

11.9K 853 73

Salem Rines keeps dying prematurally. Well, it's not like her life has ever been easy. With her parents murd... More

| Prologue|
| One |
| Two |
| Three |
| Four |
| Five |
| Six |
| Seven |
| Eight |
| Nine |
| Ten |
| Twelve |
| Thirteen |
| Fourteen |
| Fifteen |
| Sixteen |
| Seventeen |
| Eighteen |
| Nineteen |
| Twenty |
| Twenty One |
| Twenty Two | Special POV chapter!
| Twenty Three |
| Twenty Four |
| Twenty Five |
| Twenty Six |
*Shameless self-advertising >:)
| Twenty Seven |
| Epilogue |
My Blog!

| Eleven |

382 27 6
By CaptNAndrews

| Eleven |


"Thank you Doctor," I sighed, "Have a good day."

She nodded, smiling at me as I left. Holding onto the new prescription dosage I was not happy. She had upped my dosage to a hundred twenty five grams a day. It wasn't fair, I was doing better – I could feel it. Why didn't she see it?

Because Carter talked to her, I thought bitterly. Ever since the scene at the funeral home a week ago, I had barely left my bed. Carter thought this would be an excellent thing to tell Doctor Amkor thus the old woman upped my dosage.

Not that I had told Carter about the scene. To be fair he didn't ask. He never did. Instead he worked seven days a week and most of those days came home at one or two in the morning. Not to mention he had been doing it more and more lately and it was starting to piss me off.

"I'm home," I called, reaching our apartment then pushing open the door.

"Oh hey babe," he greeted from the couch, "can you make steak for dinner? I'm starving."

I frowned slightly, peeling off my shoes, "Do we have steak in the fridge?"

"Well no," he replied shutting off the t.v. to stare at me, "But I thought you wouldn't mind running to the store? Bright side I'm off work at ten tonight so I can come back and I can show you how much I love you."

My brow twitched with annoyance, "Well I do mind. I had a hard day, thanks for asking and I don't want to cook let alone go to the store."

His eyes turned to slits as he stood slowly, "You know you're being really unfair. I work all day and you stayed in bed for a fucking week. I thought you'd at least cook breakfast but nope. Not you Sal, you think you're too good for me now because your work at that damn cemetery?"

"That's not it at all!" I snarled, "But I am starting to see how much of an asshole you can be!"

He moved towards me like a snake. His hand striking across my face. A cry left my lips as my eyes widened. I was frozen – never before had he hit me. Sure a push here and there, or even a pull but this was a slap. A sober slap.

My fingers rose to my hot cheek in disbelief, "You hit me."

"Sure," he snapped, pushing past me to grab his coat, "Make me look like the asshole. I'm going out and I want space. I'll be back at eleven. So you can find somewhere else to sleep tonight."

I looked at him, my lips quivering, "I don't have anywhere else to go."

"Maybe you should have been a grateful girlfriend tonight than a bitchy one."

The door slammed shut loudly making me flinch. I didn't know what was wrong with me. No...that was a lie. I don't think I truly did anything wrong. Even if I did he kicked me out for tonight? I don't know where he expected me go to.

Not like I could run to my parents like he could.

"Fuck him," I muttered bitterly storming into the kitchen.

In the cupboard above the fridge sat Carter's collection of fancy rums and whiskeys. I grabbed the biggest bottle and sat on the kitchen floor. Carter would be home in around five hours – I wondered how hammered I could get in that time. If he thought I would leave he was more fucked in the head than I was.

I cranked open the bottle and took a sip. The spiced rum burned my throat and made my eyes tear up. However, like all things it took practice. By the time ten rolled around my mind was settling with a delicious haze.

Speaking of delicious...I wondered how Enirr was doing. I felt bad about just leaving like that. Had he planted the garden – or did that idea just rot without me there. I needed to investigate. Blinking, I realized my body had the same thought and had already pulled on my shoes. Grabbing my purse I shoved my half drank (drunk?)...drank-drunk bottle into my purse. Narrowly remembering to put the cap on.

In another blink I was somehow on the bus. Had I remembered to lock the door? Well, I don't see how I could be responsible for something so important when I was drank-drunk. Carter should have been more responsible in my steed.

I blinked again, and found myself luckily at the funeral home. Unluckily though, it was also this time my body decided to fail me. A terrible, nauseous feeling bubbled up and then out of my mouth as I doubled over and vomited all over the walkway.

My head began to pound as I threw up, and I began to regret my super-duper blinking power. With a blink I could skip all process of travelling – it must be a super power. Definitely nothing to do with the amount of rum in my tummy.


I tilted my head slightly to see an angel standing on the path very confused. He wore a pair of tight, black jeans with a black V neck sweater. His black hair was free around him – not constrained in a hair tie and his eyes...beautiful golden eyes stared at me with confusion and annoyance.

"Enirr," I sighed happily, "You must be an angel."

He moved closer to me, to poke my forehead, "What makes you say that – why are you vomiting on my walkway? I believe I told you to not pour alcoholic contents on my path. Where is that dreadful beer you try and hide? Give me your bag."

I giggled. He was funny. However, his eyes looked rather grumpy, so I handed him my bag. Swaying on my feet I watched him pull the rum free then frown. It was then my knees decided to leave the party, and so suddenly I was pitching backwards.

I fell onto my butt, missing my puke-pile.

"This is not beer," Enirr stated holding up the bottle.

I nodded, "You are correct."

His eyes watched me carefully, "This is rather annoying. Why are you here?"

A jolt of hurt ran through my heart and I found my eyes watering. I didn't know how to answer his question but it was clear even he didn't want me around. I'm sure if my parents were alive they wouldn't either...I was just a fuck up after all.

"Carter kicked me out because I didn't want to make steak..." I whimpered softly, "I don't know why I came here. I'm sorry I forgot your rule about no drinking. I-I just wanted to say I'm sorry for running away."

He was quiet for a moment then, he sighed deeply, "You frustrate me."

"I'm sorry," I sniffled.

"Stop apologizing."

I looked back at him, my vision blurry, "I-I'm sorry..."

"I do not know why I am surprised. Humans are very disappointing."

Suddenly, quicker than silver, I was in his arms. My eyes widened as I wrapped my arms around his neck and prayed he did not drop me. A little sob escaped my lips as I realized he had expressed being disappointed in me. I had really let him down if he didn't call me Salem but a human. I had been reduced to my species.

"Stop crying, it irks me," he snapped softly he carried me inside the funeral home then towards the stairs.

I whimpered trying to bite my tongue but realized he could look at me and see my tears. So instead, I buried my face into his chest. Now, he wouldn't know I was still crying. He muttered something under his breath along the lines, "what would Lucifer do?" but I instead listened to the sound of his heart.

I think I was expecting him to not have one because of his cold skin. Actually, I was expecting a vampire cause of the skin and due to the fact he owned a graveyard and funeral home. Also the fact he spoke like he had grown up in the ancient days. I was pleasantly surprised to find out he had a heartbeat.

Suddenly, I was put down on something soft. Blinking around me I found out it was a dark bedroom. Was this his bedroom? I took in the shapes of the furniture – the room was very plain. The large bed I was on, and a desk. There was no personality to this room. It reminded me of Carter's.

"Sleep Salem," Enirr commanded softly.

I tilted my head towards him. My heart panicked as I realized he was turning to leave. Without thinking my fingers snared his wrist and he froze in my hold. I blinked back tears as I tried to speak without crying once more.

"Can you stay for a little while?" I asked quietly already expecting a no, "please."

"Very well. Until you sleep," I could hear the hesitation in his voice but for some reason he agreed.

I brightened through my haze as he sat on the bed beside me. He paid me no mind as I snuggled against him, wrapping one arm boldly around his waist. However, I couldn't seem to fall asleep. Not yet...not when my heart was so giddy.

"What are you doing?" he practically growled, "go to sleep woman."

"I'm sorry," I whispered pulling away.

His arm wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me onto his chest. I yelped, looking at him with wide eyes. A blush decorated his sharp cheek bones, and it would seem his eyes were focused on anything but me. I sighed softly.

"Am I really this much of a burden," I whispered so softly I barely heard myself.

However it would seem he heard. He tilted my head up until I looked into those golden eyes. They softened, until he looked away again. I thought he was going to let my comment slid but instead he spoke, surprising me.

"Long ago, my brother fell in love. Because of that, my family had decided to banish him. A few of my siblings had dare defend Cronas and because of that, they were also banished. My eldest brother was one of the ones forced to leave, and so I stood by his side and we fell. The fall was horrid and lonely. So terribly lonely. I felt as though I failed my family, and my brother. I had become a burden. That is what I believed for so long."

"You're not a burden!" I blurt out loudly, "Y-You're amazing and worth so much."

His eyes slid to my face and he smiled slightly, "It took me a long time to realize that but I did have worth. My life was not one that could be replaced. You are the same Salem, your life is not one anything could replace."

Tears collected in my eyes, "You really think so?"

He leaned forward until our noses touched, "I do little one."

My heart skipped at beat as my breath caught. Then, feeling bold in my drunken state I pressed my lips to his. He froze under me, and my hands moved to burry themselves in his black locks. I kissed him, hard and desperate for something, anything to show these feelings inside. After a moment, I could feel his lips move under my own. His hands dug into my hips as he kissed me just as hard.

A moan bubbled from my lips and sudden our moment faded. I pulled away quickly, panic gripping me as I realized I had just cheated on Carter! Oh god, I was a terrible girlfriend. I pushed Enirr away then fell backwards onto the bed, breathing hard.

"You should sleep," Enirr said lowly, his voice hard.

I swallowed then nodded, "R-Right. G-Goodnight Enirr."

"Goodnight Ms. Rines."

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