Not My Kind Of People

By DesireeWritesBooks

2.3K 98 30

Grace can't believe she's about to spend her summer, away from home in a town she's never been to, staying wi... More

Chapter 1 | Grace
Chapter 2 | Grace
Chapter 3 | Grace
Chapter 4 | Grace
Chapter 5 | Grace
Chapter 6 | Grace
Chapter 7 | Grace
Chapter 9 | Tyler
Chapter 10 | Grace
Chapter 11 | Grace
Chapter 12 | Grace
Chapter 13 | Tyler
Chapter 14 | Grace
Chapter 15 | Tyler
Chapter 16 | Grace

Chapter 8 | Tyler

107 5 0
By DesireeWritesBooks

I've been keeping an eye on Grace all night. I didn't want Katie to bring her in the first place, let alone dressed the way she is.

Don't get me wrong she looks hot as fuck and I got a fucking hard on the minute she came out in those clothes, but that doesn't mean I want her here, dressed like that.

I knew Katie would do this, get her drunk and not pay attention to her. Katie means well, but she just wants to have fun and Grace is innocent. She's never even been to a party before let alone drank, she already let some fucker pour her a drink.

I watch as she has a shot and then another, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall annoyed I'm even here in the first place, but I won't leave. Not when she's here like that.

Joey walks towards me and I just ignore him, he's been an ass lately always flirting with Grace and making her uncomfortable. He calls her fucking "Gracie", anyone with eyes can see she hates that.

"Yo Ty why're you just standing around? Have a drink or something?"

I shake my head "not feeling it tonight"

I keep my eyes on Grace as I speak, Katie's trying to get her to climb on a table and dance with her. I hate to say it, but I think she might actually do it.

Joey chuckles "Can't keep your eyes off her, huh?"

I clench my jaw and scoff.

"someone's got to make sure she doesn't kill herself"

Joey laughs "she'll be fine, plus it's not like you care right?"

I turn to him irritated. I treated Grace like shit the last little while, but it's because I'm bad news. Not like "I don't deserve her bullshit", but I'm genuinely bad news and we all know it. I wouldn't hurt her, but I'm not good for her.

I could tell the minute I laid eyes on her she was a good girl. She's too innocent, too sweet, too smart and I'm too used to girls falling for me, wanting the whole white pickett fence kind of love and that just isn't me.

I tried it, I fucked it up. It won't happen again,

It becomes a whole mess when they realize I can't be what they want. So it's easier if I just don't let them like me in the first place, but that doesn't mean I don't care about Grace, because I do.

Unlike most girls she's sweet and despite my efforts to make her not like me she still treats me like everyone else. I keep finding myself letting my act slip.

"I don't like her, but that doesn't mean I want her to get hurt, I brought her here so it's my fucking responsibility"

Joeys face contorts into a huge smile.

"that's the stupidest shit I've ever herd"

I roll my eyes irritated that he's calling my bluff.

"dude piss off" as I say this his eyes flick behind me.

"Oh Shit maybe you're right and someone does needs to watch her!"

I turn immediately and discover that Katie apparently had convinced Grace to get up on the table, but that isn't my issue. Its the two guys currently trying to convince her to get down.

One has his hands on her waist while she leans down, the other smirks at his friend.
Grace looks uncomfortable and I walk over to intervene.

"what the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

The guy looks over and his face changes,  it's the little shithead from the kitchen who poured her a drink. His hands let go of Grace and he stumbles back.

"Sorry dude"

He elbows his friend "bro let's go!"

They both run away and I turn my attention to Grace, who doesn't look good at all.

"You okay?" I ask.

She shakes her head.

"Ty...Tyler I don't feel good"

I freeze when she says Ty, she's never called me that before, but I don't have time to think about it, I nod at her.

"Okay, come here"

I hold my hands up and she leans down. I grab her and lift her down to the ground

"are you going to throw up? Can you make it home?"

She shakes her head frantically.

"no! I can't go home drunk, not to Leo"

I grind my teeth when she says that assholes name I'm pissed she's even staying with him she shouldn't be fucking going home to him at all.

"we'll go back to mine"

She nods her head slowly and starts to look around.


I just shake my head "Joey will get her" and he will. I usually end up leaving parties early when I have shit to do and Joey ends up bringing the girls home.

I grab Grace's hand and tug her behind me walking over to Joey.

"I'm taking her home, you got Ally and Katie?!"

He smirks at me, but nods.

"yeah not a problem"

I thank him and head out dragging Grace by the hand behind me. We get to my car and I help her get situated before heading around to my side.

Grace looks at me "y your being nice to me?"

She hiccups and giggles making me half smile, I like that she's not so fucking nervous right now.

"You're drunk" I state and she nods.

"b but that doesn't mean you have to be nice to me"

That annoys me a little bit, because she's right and I don't have to be nice to her and if I want her to hate me I probably shouldn't be. And that's what I want right? I want her to hate me so I don't hurt her.

"Did you want me to leave you with those two?"

She blinks at me before looking down at her hands in her lap.

"n no, he said he was going to show me a good time"

I clench my fists I knew their intentions weren't good, but hearing it makes me want to go back there and lay into them.

"he fucking what? That little mother fucker"

Grace shakes her head.

"it's o okay you got me"

My resolve softens hearing her words and I don't turn the car around. I pull up outside my house and park helping Grace out of the car. My dads out again tonight and thankfully so. I don't want to try and explain to him that I took the girls to a party and let them get wasted.

My dads not dumb, he knows we drink and he knows we go out, but I don't think he's appreciate finding out we took Grace with us. Even he can see she's too good for our shit. Not to mention the flak I'll hear because of my shit with Leo.

When we get inside I glance at Katie's room debating wether or not to just let Grace sleep in there. I look at Grace and selfishly decide I want her with me, I don't know why, but I worry about her. I need to make sure she's okay.

"Tyler I I'm going to be sick"

My eyes widen and I quickly lead her to the bathroom.

"okay you're okay"

She falls to her knees in front of the toilet and I crouch down behind her sliding my hands around her neck to collect her hair holding it up well she throws up. I put my other hand on her back rubbing slow circles trying to make her feel better.

She sits back and blinks up at me tears in her eyes and whimpers. I wish my heart wouldn't squeeze the way it does when she looks at me like that.

"it's okay, come on you can sleep it off"

She nods and lifts her arms for me to help her up. As she stands she looks towards the sink and I lift a brow.

"You want to brush your teeth?"

She nods and I grab my toothbrush deciding it's the best I can do right now. She brushes her teeth quickly and I head to the kitchen to grab her some water. I come back with a glass and lean on the doorframe of the bathroom until she's done.

She takes the water and mumbles "Thank you"

I nod and back out into the hallway.

"You good?"

She smiles and nods, I lead her to my room and she glances briefly at Katie's door, but doesn't say anything so I keep going to my room. I open my door and she walks in sitting down on my bed she starts to unbutton her pants and I raise a brow surprised, but when she looks up and notices she blushes and stops.

"Oh! Uh They're uncomfortable.."

I can't help, but chuckle at the way she's blushing.

"you want a shirt?"

She bites her lip and nods shyly "yes please"

I nod and pull out one of my black t-shirts bringing it over to her.

"I'll go out, just call once you're changed"

She agrees and I go stand in the hall. Pulling out my phone I check to see that Joey texted me.

Hey, Katie is crashing at Ally's she's too wasted for me to try and bring home. Enjoy your night ;)

I shake my head ignoring the winking face, Joey already knows how I am when it comes to girls. I don't get involved with anyone who isn't okay with the rules. The rules are simple; no feelings. Grace wouldn't be okay with the rules, she's too sweet for that, and she's a virgin I wouldn't take her virginity unless I intended on  giving her more then a quick fuck, but I have nothing else to offer.

I shake my head when Grace calls out.

"Okay, I'm changed"

I open my door and find Grace standing next to my bed in just her underwear and my shirt. My shirt hits the top of her thighs and I have to swallow to get rid of the dryness in my mouth.

"Climb in bed"

She looks towards the bed and again bites her lip before slowly pulling back the blanket with her ass turned to me, I suck in a breath and turn facing my wall. God damn.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and think about why I don't give more then I can, maybe Grace is worth it but I'm not and I need to remember that.

She makes a sound and I turn back around, shes looking at me sitting up and pulling at the blankets nervously.

"Are you sleeping in here?"

I shake my head because as much as I'm trying to convince myself I wouldn't enjoy spending the night next to her. I wouldn't just assume she's okay with that.

"Nah I'll hit the couch"

She looks up from under her lashes yet again taunting me and whispers a quiet "okay"

I nod and leave the room closing the door behind me. Heading to the kitchen and grabbing a beer from the fridge before going into the living room. I turn on the tv even though I don't bother to watch it too lost in thought as I sip my beer. Its pretty empty when I hear what might have been a yell from my room and stand.

I walk back towards my room just as my door creaks open and Grace pops out making me stop. Her eyes are watering and she wipes at them quickly.

"I..sorry...I....bad dream"

I shake my head, she's looks so sad. So scared. I want to know what scared her, but I don't think it's fair to ask.

"Don't apologize, you need to talk or some shit?"

She yawns and shakes her head.


I step forward and direct her back to my room.

"C'mon go back to bed I'll stay with you"

She considers it for a moment before she agrees and moves back into my room and climbs into bed. She lays there quietly for a couple minutes, but when I yawn she whispers.

"Can you sleep in here?"

I tense "what?"

She shakes her head.

"I can sleep on the floor! I just don't want to sleep in a room alone"

I grunt "no, it's fine. I'll sleep here"

I curse myself for agreeing so quickly knowing this is a bad idea. I'm already crossing lines I've set for myself, but none the less I stand from the bed and shut off the lamp on my nightstand before pulling off my hoodie, shirt, and socks.

When I pull the blankets back and climb into bed Grace shuffles closer to the other side of my bed. It irritates me, but it shouldn't. She didn't ask me to hold her, she asked me to sleep that's it.

I lay down in bed next to her and we both fall asleep. Sometime throughout the night Grace moved closer to me and ended up tucked into my side. I look down at her and listen to her breathing; slow and content. I stay still and try not to wake here. I like listening to her breaths and do so a little longer, shortly after I fall asleep too.

So Tyler's revealing more of his feelings!
What do we think??

Word Count: 2216

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