Enchanted: Phoenix Arise

By pigrabbit_09

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In the world where some things can't be explain were into Ares' life. The curse that he didn't wish to have i... More

The Encounter
New Moon
Shield of Sirius
The Master's Conclave
Bound To You
Minion of the Night
Moon and Stars
The End and The Beginning
That's Not Me
The Hybrid
You're My Remedy
Divine Flame
Divine Judgement
Sacred Beasts
Take Over
Deceived By Love
Into The Slumber
Sun and Moon
Rumour Has It
Yin Yang
Blood Poison
Eternal Darkness
Flames of Desire


328 24 2
By pigrabbit_09

Ares' POV

Lucky I am that the earth element was kind. If it weren't for her, I might be crisp in that massive jolts of lightning that Quinn casted. Yes, Terra reached out to me and helped me. She's my Earth Wolf and I bonded with her before Quinn casted his spell. I gained the greatest defense among the elemental wolves. Terra specialized more on defense than offense as what she told me before I bonded with her that is why I managed to survive Quinn's magic. Lightning is not too effective on earth elements.

I didn't expect that I protected a vampire in my life. It triggered me when I saw how destructive my baby was. Too many active spells and most of it were tracker spells. I don't want my baby to kill someone, though that vampire was long time dead, but still I wanted my baby to control his emotions.

He outraged because of what he felt. It made him unstable and very destructive.

After the fight, Dregan explained what he did. He wanted to see how powerful Sirius and he underestimate him. As he said, Quinn is far more powerful than his parents.

What made me curious was Dregan's blood magic. It was very painful when he manipulated my blood. I felt like I'm having a chemotherapy, though I don't know how does it fell, but it was very painful that my veins and arteries were eaten by blood and I can feel that it wanted to burst out from my body.

Dregan explained that it's one of his ability. He learned it from training while he served the Boswell but Quinn forbids him to use it. However, Dregan told him that he used it if his out of options to fight. It was his first time to use it on someone, and why is it that I became a guinea pig for his magic though I am a wolf in the first place.

Dregan and Quinn had a private talked. I don't know what they're talking about because magic prevented my sharp ears to listen to their conversation.

"Well done, Ares. You already have the earth element. Only one element left, the air." Selene said while we were sitting here in the living room drinking tea.

I smiled and thanked her but I owe this to the elements who helped me. Without them, I will be powerless.

While I was waiting for my baby, I had this thought that the witches misled other witches who were on the side of the Boswell. They spread fake news about the very first vampire, Dregan, and most of the witches hated the vampires too.

Yes, I've seen vampires before but I never interact with them. I can smell their rotten bodies and tried to resist myself from fighting. They only went out at night, but I don't know how they feed themselves. There were crimes but it's not related to them. If they live exactly like Dregan, then I don't have a problem with it. But if they harmed humans, then I'll break their bodies into pieces.

"I didn't know that my sweet brother became a mad witch." Garreth said out of the blue while we were drinking tea.

"That's what Sirius need to control, his emotions. If he can't control it, this world will be destroyed." Selene said.

"I was too scared at that moment. Master is very powerful and his spells are like hunters... it hunts you till you're down." Czar said and I can see in his eyes that he's frightened.

Honestly, I am too was frightened when Quinn became mad. He's very destructive and when I thought of it about my final test, maybe I don't stand a chance.

"And else, I used my illusion on him but it looks like it didn't affect him." Czar added.

Selene chuckled and put down her cup on the table after sipping.

"You underestimate him, Czar. You're ability is just a pinky swear to him." She said.

But, Garreth was worried of something that I can see in his eyes. Maybe he's worried about Quinn's unstable emotion and I just thought that I might be one of yhe reason that Quinn went into destruction.

In my very eyes, Quinn is fragile when he's simple, sarcastic, jolly, and naughty but a part of him is kind of scary.

Quinn and Dregan came in the living room after fifteen minutes. They looked okay and settled thingns but my baby is serious as I looked into his face.

"Let's go home." Quinn said and he went outside.

He didn't say his farewell to his big brother. We followed him and Selene did the trick to teleport us back to Quinn's mansion. He went in right away and I felt there's something bothering him. I followed him down to the magic hall where I saw him sitting on a large chair. It's my first time in the magic and it's flowing with strong energy. The large chair, it looked exactly like a throne if the time is in medieval.

"Quinn, is this..."

"This is my throne as Quinn Sirius Boswell, the powerful witch." He interjected.

It's awkward but he looks royalty sitting on that large chair where there was a large bird, a dragon, a lady, and a lion carved on it.

"Quinn, about what happened a while ago. I want you not to think over it now."

"No, I won't. What I'm thinking right now is how I can get my parents out from your father's hands. My father is getting weak and can't sustain the time spell and if that happens, the time spell will vanish and the Spear of Oblivion will hunt my mother." He said and I can feel that he's going to rush things.

The moment he told me this, I worried too for my family and the pack. I don't want anyone to die. Even though my father did many mistakes, he's still my father. The only plan that I have now is to make my first move before Quinn will commence his plans. I'd rather save his parents than him saving them.

"Do you have any plan?" I asked curiously. I wanted to know so that I can act right away.

"I have but let me deal with this. I'm going to save my parents." He answered.

"Can't you trust me?"

He looked at me seriously and I felt that Quinn has this aura of a royalty and I'm his knight. Such aura that made me conclude that I'm one of his minions.

"It's not that I don't trust you but they're my parents Ares. No one can break the spell that your father casted, only I can do it." He answered.

I nodded and his back in his thoughts leaning on the large chair. I looked around the magic hall, it looks mythical. Dragons, a large bird, lion, and a lady with vines around her... I don't know what they were. I looked down on the ground where I stood. There's a magic circle, Quinn's magic circle. Though this place was lit only by mystic fire on each corner of this hall, I can still see clearly the carvings around. There were four pillar too on each corner.

"Sirius..." I heard Selene's voice. "I need to talk to you privately." She said and looked at me.

"I need to go, Quinn. I'll see you later."

He nodded without saying any word. I walked, passed by Selene who was looking at me. And when I stepped out, I immediately used my barrier to conceal my magic presence and listened to what they're going to talk but... I can't hear anything.


The magic hall has also a barrier even my senses can't get through. I was curious on what they're going to talk about but there's no other options left. I went upstairs, back to the main floor of this mansion and I saw Czar outside, doing something.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Mastering the illusion." He said.

"Okay. Is it hard to master that ability?"

"Not really but I wanted to make it strong. Quinn isn't affected with it and it drives me crazy."

"Why? You really used it on him?" I asked.

"Yes I did but nothing happened. I thought he'll be lost in my illusion 'coz that's the only way I can stop him. But, Master is too strong and how much more if he's going to wipe out those who were against him."

That's not new because we already knew that Quinn is very powerful and destructive. He really mastered every magic and the magic that he casted has a life too. It follows what Quinn wanted to do and also, those elements, they have their own minds too. Maybe that made him special but scary at the same time.

"What if the dark witches and the wolves will know about him?" I randomly asked Czar and he was surprised.

"Don't tell me you're going to tell your father about Quinn."

"In my thoughts, yes."

I noticed Czar reacted to my answer. He's serious and I don't know what he's going to say too.

"Did you still consider your father's actions? He's the reason why the wolves are struggling. He cursed them Ares because he wanted power."

"I hope you understand. He's still my father and I don't want him to die. I want to prevent such events as much as possible." I said.

But Czar laughed at me and said. "You're afraid that Master will kill him?"

I nodded.

"There's a space for forgiveness Czar and I know Quinn is that kind of person." I said.

"But what if your father will kill Master and took his powers? Will you still forgive him?"

That caught me off guard. I haven't thought of that and that left me speechless. Even thinking of it, it really hurts. I don't want either of them to die because of power.

"You haven't thought of that Ares. If that happens, I'll cut our friendship and I swear, I'm going to hunt you down wherever you hide. Remember that!" Czar said and went inside the mansion.

Why is it that I have to choose? It's very difficult to choose when I know that I have no sides to choose.


Three days later, I tried to reach out Quinn but he's more occupied on his plans to save his parents. He doesn't have time for me and I was lonely... even my friend Czar had a cold approach.

Dixon and Largo were always out. I don't know what they're up to and I guess, they're helping Quinn. No matter what I try to know Quinn's plan, I always end up with nothing.

I decided to go to Garreth's mansion to ask him if he knew anything about Quinn's plan but Dregan appeared while I walked through this forest of silence.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"I'm here for Garreth. Is he there?"

"He's out."

He suddenly ran and I followed him until he stopped somewhere in this forest where there were a lot of magical creatures. I was surprised to see blue- colored bunnies, squirrels with wings, deers with silver horns, birds with red-colored feathers and when it flap their wings, an ember appeared, and more creatures who gathered around Dregan.

"First time to see such kind of creatures?" He asked me.

"Yes. I didn't know that they exist." I answered.

"The Boswell cared for them. But after the incident, I tried to save them as many as I can and let this forest their home."

I didn't know that Quinn's parents really cared for the lives of this magical creatures. As what father said, the Boswell were evil.

And I changed the topic and asked Dregan if he knew about Quinn's plan. I remember that they talked after that fiesty battle between him and Quinn.

"No, I didn't. Quinn is such a powerful witch that I encountered. He's much powerful than his mother and I know he had plans on his sleeves and I'm waiting for his command." He said.

I doubted him but I can also see in his eyes that he's tellingn the truth. If he knew nothing, then that means only Selene knew his plans. But Selene is very loyal to Quinn and she won't spit a word.

"Come, Ares. I want you to see something even magical than these creatures." He said and ran.

I followed him and we went through deep in this forest. I didn't know that this forest is too big. The forest of silence was well taken cared of. Maybe him or Garreth used to care this forest so much as Garreth's mansion was in the center of this forest.

For how minutes we've ran, Dregan stopped in front of a big tree with a cave under it that was covered with vines, grasses, and bushes. I felt an extreme power from the cave.

Dregan went inside the cave and I followed him. It was dark so I took out some fire on my hand. We walked through this cave until we reached the end of it where there was something glowing. I saw four big eggs laid on a nest.

"They resonate with you." Dregan said.

He was right. I can feel a very strong power from these eggs and it glows brightly. While looking at the eggs, I saw something like a symbol of the elements.

"What are these?" I asked.

"Can't you see? Eggs of course." He answered.

"Don't be sarcastic. What I mean what are these eggs doing here?" I asked again to clarify my question.

He laughed and went closer to the eggs but a shield repelled him. Dregan was thrown away a few meters from the eggs.

"They're too sensitive. They knew that I wasn't their mother." He said.


"Yes... mother."

"I mean, who's the mother you're talking of?" I asked.

"Of course, Sirius."

Geez! My mind went crazy when I imagined Quinn laid eggs. Ohh! That's creepy and I don't want to imagine it.

"These eggs are deity. The sacred magical creatures born from Sirius power." He said.

"What? Deity? You mean these eggs will give birth to a very strong strong creatures?"

"Yes... but I don't know any details how these eggs will give birth to the deities. As far as I know, they were created by Sirius to protect the world." Dregan said.

Four strong magical creatures created by Quinn's power... it means that, the power that I saw from Quinn's battle is just ten or twenty percent? If that's the case, maybe that's the reason why he always conceal his magic. If he won't conceal it, he'll be easily detected through his power and father will get attracted to it. Then I come to a conclusion that father will steal Quinn's power.

Dregan pat on my shoulder and said. "Go... try to touch the eggs."

"No! I won't allow that these eggs will repel me just like what happened to you." I said.

He laughed and pushed me towards the nest where the eggs are. I even closed my eyes because I know that it will repel me. But when I opened my eyes, nothing happened to me.

"See... it concludes that you're the father." Dregan laughed.

I glared at him while he was laughing. While I looked at the eggs, they even shine brightly compared the first time I saw it. Suddenly, the element of fire, water and earth came out from my body and it resonate with the eggs who had the same element.

I can feel the heartbeat coming from the eggs. They're alive and waiting to be born.

"Now I get it why Sirius gave these eggs to his brother. Maybe he's waiting for the shield to complete the process." Dregan said.


"You, Garreth, and Sirius will give birth to these eggs... that's just my speculation. Garreth did the same thing and the elemental swords resonates with the eggs." He answered.

So, they're waiting for me to acquire the air element then these eggs will give birth to the sacred creatures. I don't know what those deity will do in this world but I know Quinn created these eggs for the better future.

If these eggs will give birth to a deity, then the forest of silences is the best place to keep them away from those who seek more power. The forest blocks or conceal any magic power but how come this forest didn't nullify the powers inside these eggs?

Too many mysteries that happened in my life since I met Quinn and too many secrets were revealed too.

Though I felt warm and calm with these eggs, I must train myself to acquire the air element. I also want to see the deities and how they look like.

We went out from the cave after Dregan showed me those eggs. We decided to go to the mansion and had a cup of coffee.

"Ares, are you sure that go against your father?" He asked me out of surprise.

"That's what I'm thinking this past few days. Even my father did somethig wrong, he's still my father." I answered.

"I feel sorry to Beatrice. She was bound by her husband's evil doings. The moment she saw me near the cave, she talked to me."

That's new! I didn't know that mother encountered Dregan.

"I wanted to save her from your father but she wished to protect you and your siblings. She wanted me to guide you together with Sirius and hoping you'll end your father's greed." He added.

I know Mom knew everything but she decided to shut her mouth for my sake to my siblings. She knew what happened before father stabbed me with a knife. She knew what happened to Quinn's parents now. But, I don't judged her for her decisions. Everything has a reason and I know mother tried so hard to resolve the problem.

"I need to act first before Quinn will attack." I said.

"Are you afraid that Sirius will kill your father?" He asked me.

I nodded and he sipped his coffee before he said something to me. "Sirius is a fragile child before. I'm always on watched while you guys were playing because Lady Vivian told me that he's the successor of the Boswell. I knew Sirius has a heart and he won't kill anyone, though he's emotions were unstable and I don't want that to overrule him that will lead him to kill."

Yes, I know that Quinn is kind but what if something might happen that he can't control his emotions. I know my father well, he'll do everything to get more power that he desired.

If father knew that Sirius is much powerful than we thought, his greed will empower him and might kill Quinn.

"I have something to tell you about the power of the shield which Gilbert told me." Dregan caught my attention and he's too serious now. "The shield isn't just for defense... it is also used to contain or suppressed the magic power. That is why Lady Vivian isn't destructive because Gilbert used his shield to calm down Lady Vivian's magic power when her unstable emotions kick in."

That surprised me and I wanted to know how to do it.

"Can you teach me?" I asked.

"No, I can't. The only teacher you need to do that kind of technique is the Shield of Vivian."

Damn! So only Quinn's father can teach me that technique which is currently in father's hands. This is too unfair. What if a battle will happened while saving Quinn's parents then he'll go destructive because of some tragedy? And to think of, my shield is to protect Quinn but what if I should choose in such situation?

This is too frustrating!

"If you want to learn that technique, you need Gilbert alive." He said.

Thinking of it, I don't have time to learn that technique. I don't know what will happen in the future. If I need a teacher, then I'll let my experience be my teacher. I can learn it on my own.

After having a conversation with Dregan, I went back to the Quinn's mansion. When I went inside, no one is inside except Quinn's scent. He's in his room so I went there and knocked on the dood. He didn't answer so I opened the door and saw him on the balcony.

"What is this?" I asked when I saw a table with for two with food on it and a champagne on the side.

"Lunch date?"

He was busy preparing the other food for lunch.

"You sit down. The beef is almost done." He said while he's attending to the grilled beef.

I was kind of surprised that he did something like this. For three days that he was busy and cold, he finally gave some of his time for me. I sat down and watched my baby grilling the beef. I can't stand watching him so I went to him and gave him a backhug.

"I miss you." I whispered.

He turned around and kissed me on my lips.

"I'm sorry if you felt that I'm having a cold shoulder on you. But now... I'll set aside my plans just for you." He said and smiled.

"Thank you."

My heart wavered a few days ago because Quinn didn't pay attention to me. I was thinking that I'm not important anymore.

When the beef was cooked, we went back to the table and we ate oir lunch together. We didn't talk anything magical things. We talked about how's our day as he asked me where I went. I told him the truth that I went to his brother's mansion but I didn't tell him that I knew about the magical eggs.

I was happy... no, we were happy that we have each other's time. We ate and drank together, spent the time with only us.

"Ares, have you thought that someday things will get different?" He asked me while we were drinking the champagne.

"Kind of... but it's just a thought that can be change. It depends on how we settle the future." I answered.

He nodded and took a sip of his champagne. He smiled at me and stood up. He sat on my lap and kissed me so passionately.

"I love you... and please always remember that." He said.

"I love you too, my baby."

It was stranged that Quinn was getting sweet today. Usually, I always initiate this kind of action because I like the feeling of love and to be loved by him. But, it bothers me today. He's telling me he'll do something in the future. After which, he gave me a hug.

Days passed by, I've got a call from Vince and he's asking me to meet him but instead I call him.

"What's wrong Vince?" I asked.

"You have to comeback, Ares. The management is too mad about your absence." He answered.

"I already said that I will resign if you won't let me take a long vacation." I said.

"But Ares, most of the clients wants you to be their model and Mr. Carter is threatening us. He will fire us if I don't bring you back here."

What was Henry planning now? He wanted me back and he threatened my management. It was bright as the sun about my decision of resigning but Henry is pulling me back. I also don't want the management to suffer.

"I'm sorry, Vince. My decision is fix and I have to settle my personal issues too. I can't go back to work without resolving this." I said.

I heard him sighed on the other line and he didn't force me.

"I guess, I need to pack my things now. Mr. Carter always throw a fit at us." He said.

Damn that Carter!

He's too unprofessional and trying to blackmail me. It's better that Vince will resign in that company. He can find another company though he's a good manager.

"I'll see you soon, Vince. And after I fix everything, I'll find you." I said.

I hanged up the phone and gave out a sigh. I already told my lawyer to fix everything for any compensation in behalf.

I went out from the mansion and went to the forest of silence. I started training myself in this forest. It's calm and made my mind blank and clear, nothing to think. In this way, I can meditate and find my inner power. While I was meditating, I heard a snap of a twig and I immediately activated the barrier.

It surprised me that I smell the scent of my sister, Hailey. I think she was lost and tracked her scent till I found her.

"What are you doing here?"

She jumped out of the blur when I asked her.

"Crap! You surprised me!" She said and went closer to me. "I was following you and saw you entered this forest."

"You shouldn't be here."

"Yes I shouldn't be here but I want to talk with you."

I looked around and used my senses if she's alone or not. I didn't smell anyone or hear any footsteps.

"Did someone told you that I'm not staying in my house anymore?" I asked.

"Yes... Largo told me and I tried to track you with yoir scent."

I grabbed her hand and dragged her somewhere else. I stopped under the big tree then we started the conversation.

"Ares, we need to hurry. Father is planning to attack the dark witches three days from now. The wolves are ready and something stranged was happening to them." She said.

It doesn't surprise me anymore because Czar told me about what Quinn saw in that undercave. Hailey doesn't know about the dark magic and I wanted her to be blind about it since she wasn't affected by eat.

"Where is Vladimir?" I curiously asked.

"I haven't in touch with him since the last time I saw him the cave. He's always on a rush and I don't know why." She answered.

I hope Vladimir didn't do anything wrong. I haven't talk with him too since the last time I saw him in the university. He's trying to save Quinn's parents too. Hailey asked me if Quinn had plans and I told her that I don't know if there's any.

"I wanted to save Quinn's parents but something takes me back to where I started everytime I go deep in the cave. There's magic that surrounds deep inside." She said.

"Yes... there's magic in the depths of that cave. Only Quinn can break it but the thing is, I don't know what his plan."

Suddenly, Hailey did something that surprised me. She stopped Dregan's attack with her bare hands.


In her face, it's evident that she was surprised to see a vampire. She threw another punch but Dregan dodged it with his speed.

"How can see my sneak attack?" Dregan asked her, standing on a branch of the big tree.

"Who are you? You shouldn't be here!" Hailey exclaimed.

I stopped her and told her the truth about Dregan. She was surprised to know that Dregan is on our side. But Hailey was against it and she don't want to cooperate if Dregan is involved.

"I'll go on my own Ares if that's the case. I don't have any intention to hold hands with a vampire." She said.

I wanted to stopped her but her eyes were glaring and serious. Dregan went down and he faced my sister.

"Your face... similar to Beatrice." Dregan said.

"How did you know my mother?" Hailey asked.

Dregan just smiled and I told her that Dregan was the first vampire in this world and served the Boswell. However, Hailey denied all what I told her.

"I hope you still have your sanity, Ares. Let me remember you, that vampires were the cause of those animal attacks to the humans." She warned me although I already knew about it.

Hailey's perception is fixed. A vampire to her is the bad guy and cannot be trusted. If she don't want to cooperate because Dregan is involved, then I didn't force and let her be.

I believe on what Quinn said to me. I know Quinn won't lie to me because I know when my baby will tell me lies.

"I'll go now, Ares. I hope you can stand together with this murderer!" She said and ran off.

My family is starting to crumble because of this mystical things that happened to us. Hailey and Vladimir were on their own while I was with my baby and his followers.

I hope that I did the right choice on choosing Quinn's side.

"Are you on training?" Dregan asked me after Hailey left.

"Yes... I need to gain the element of air or else, I can't fully protect anyone." I answered.

Dregan nodded and he jumped up on the branch.

"I can help you. Air is the last element that I acquired too when I was the Sword of Vivian." He said.

"Will you?"

"Yes and I won't go easy on you." He answered.

In a split second, Dregan vanished into thin air. I can still smell him just near me. He's in hiding and preparing to attack to me but how can I see him in this kind of situation. I know no one can use any magic in this forest but he's assassin skills aren't magic.

I tried to sense him but he's good at hiding though I can smell him. I just can't locate him because of the other scent too in this forest.

"Focus, Ares." He said.

I looked around and tried to figure out where he's standing right now. I kicked some trees just to ahove him off but nothing happened.

Out of nowhere, there were daggers that attacked me from above. I immediately dodge it with my speed.

"Concentrate!" He shouted.

More daggers appeared and attacked me but I can't distinguish where it came from. It simultaneously attacked me in different locations. I can hear his footsteps but not accurate as he kept on moving and this forest is trying to penetrate my barrier.

My mind and senses were unstable. I was struggling to locate Dregan who was moving around, hidden from his ability. I was caught in a surprise when a lots of daggers appeared and dodged. However, one caught me on my shoulder and it stuck. It hurts so much when I took off the dagger.

Dregan became faster compared before as well his attacks too. I kept on dodging and wanted to attack but I'm not certain where he is. I kicked some trees as hard as I can but no Drega fell from those tree that I kicked.

"This is not a guessing game, Ares. Concentrate and think how deeply you wanted me to get down." He said.

I was irritated and my temper rise up. Only a good concentration can take him down so I sat on the ground and concentrate. While I calm my mind and think of nothing, I felt the air from Dregan's movement. Though it's just weak for now so I concentrate and get focused.

Footsteps, movements, and his breathing... I hear all of them with my sense of hearing. I felt Dregan stopped by on a branch and attacked me. Lucky I am the air helped me locate him.

"Get down!" I shouted.

I wield the earth shield to blocked the daggers and I jumped then kicked to a big tree where Dregan was standing on a branch. Suddenly, Dregan appeared in front me.

"Is that a luck or you figured out where I was?" He asked.

"Again!" I exclaimed and he grinned at me.

Dregan disappeared again using his sneak attacks and I did the same thing. We kept this thing over and over again until I have progressed.

After an hour, we took a break and I lay down on the ground. Dregan gave me an apple and I grabbed it then eat. Even the fruit in this forest is juicy and delicious.

"You did a lot of progress today." He said to me when he sat beside me while eating the apple.

"It's still not enough."

"You can come here anytime and I'll help you. Air is the difficult element to acquire. It really needs concentration unlike the other element." He said.

Yes... he was right!

Fire tested my endurance when I bonded with it. I acquired water because of my willpower to break Quinn's ice pillar on our battle. However, Earth was the kindest amon them. Terra tested my bravery and the will to protect the one I love.

I don't know with the Air element. I'm having a hard time especially on concentrating. I always got mad and think rushly.

"You know why air is the difficult element to acquire?"


"It doesn't have a physical form unlike the others. You just need to feel it with you mind and body." He answered.

True enough! Air is invisible in naked eye but I can feel it. Maybe that's the concept of concentration. I should need to feel the air around me like I am connected with it.

After we ate our apples, we went back to training. The same thing we did before and I kept on failing especially when concentrating. But, I won't tremble and should try it again and again.

My training became intensed as it exhaust me a lot of my power especially the forest is trying to breakthrough. When I checked the time, it's almost four in the afternoon. I called it a day and Dregan expect me to come back tomorrow. I bid my farewell and went back to Quinn's mansion.

While I was driving, heading to the mansion, a thick fog suddenly appeared that made me stop from driving. I was wondering that I'm not in a high places but there's a fog distracting my way. All of a sudden, I smell the scent of that fraud Sirius and his minions, Amara and Brandon. I didn't get out from the car until a huge fireball appeared from the thick fog heading to my car. Before it hits the car, I used the fire shield to block the fireball.

The three witches appeared from the thick fog and cast some magic. Before he the spell attack, I went out from the car as fast as I can then a lightning hit my car then exploded.

"You're so hard to get, wolf!" The fraud Sirius said.

His minions were laughing and I noticed that they're different now. I can feel that their magic get stronger than before.

"Come on, wolf... you don't need to be rude with your Master." Amara said.

"Master? Who said that I'll serve any Master?" I mocked.

Brandon's temper had him and wanted to cast a dark magic spell but the fraud Sirius stopped him.

"I'm here to negotiate, wolf. Someone told me that you're the Shield of Sirius, I mean, my shield." He said.

I smirked at what he said. He thinks that I will negotiate with them that I already served the true Sirius.

"Then what can you offer?" I asked.

I go along with their schemes and I also wanted to know their plans. This is the only way to get some informations about their upcoming attack to the pack.

"I can offer you great power if you join me and be my shield." He answered.

"I won't lend my power to you if you tell me what's the real reason why you need me?" I asked.

He looked at me seriously and he walked towards me. I guard up my defense just in case he'll attack me.

"There's only one plan that I had in my mind, to kill Andres and the pack. Then, I'll get the Spear of Oblivion to suck out the power he had." He answered.

So, this witch had in his mind to kill my father. He didn't know that he's talking to the alpha's son. Henry didn't tell them everything but only I being a shield. I was wonderig what Henry was thinking too why he didn't tell to these witches the facts that he knew.

The fraud Sirius was about to touch me but my fire shield suddenly reacted to it and emits fire. Sirius move back away from me when the shield repelled him from touching me.

"Why is it that I can't touch you? I am supposed to be yoir Master." He said while wondering about the event.

I knew the answer but I didn't tell him. I pretended that I was innocent about this. Amara and Brandon went to him and asked him if he's okay.

"What did you do?" Amara asked and she cast a gravity spell on me.

Yes, the spell was activated the law of gravity but it didn't affect me. I thought they become strong but they disappoint me. Because Amara can't do anything against me, Brandon cast a death spell on me but the barrier on me repelled the spell and it almost hit Brandon with his own spell.

"Damn it! He's the real deal, Sirius. The shield is stronger than us." Brandon said.

The fraud Sirius smirked and he cast a spell. It's a lightning spell but it's different than the spell he casted a while ago. Ten big electric balls appeared and started to attack me and that didn't give me any challenge. Before the electric balls hit me, I turned the barrier into an earth element.

"What?!!" Amara exclaimed when they saw me standing after the attack. "This is impossible!"

"Yes, it's possible." I said and smirked.

The fraud Sirius was pissed and he casted another spell to attack me. He cast a fire spell on me when he saw my barrier's property was earth. Before he had me, I changed the barrier property into water. And when he attacked, the fire just put off like it didn't exist.

"Geez! This is unfair!" Brandon complained.

"That's why we need him in our side." The fraud Sirius said.

I smirked at them then Brandon totally got irritated. He cast dark spells but my shield repelled it and he shouted at me complaining that I'm unfair.

"You make me laugh with your funny acts." I mocked at them. "I thought Sirius is the most powerful witch but why can't he penetrate through my defense?"

Yes! I caught Sirius attention and he's the most irritated among them. As far as I know, only the true Sirius can touched me through my barrier and shield. It finally concludes that this guy claiming as Sirius is just a puppet of the dark witches.

"Shut up! I can penetrate your defense, wolf!" He shouted at me.

"Really? Then why can't you touch me?" I asked him.

His mouth was shut when I asked him about it. I smirked and while they're distracted, I command the earth to pull their feet down on the ground.

"Hey! What is this?!" Amara asked.

"Trapping you on the ground to make you immobile." I answered.

"Sirius, break this." Brandon said.

The fraud Sirius cast a fire spell to break my ground where their feet were. However, the spell didn't work and he again cast an earth spell to breakthrough and also, it didn't work.

"See?! You're not the real Sirius. If you are Sirius, you don't have any problem to breakthrough my power." I said.

I can see madness in their eyes especially to the fake Sirius.

"I am the real Sirius!" He shouted at me.

"Then prove it! Words are empty when you can't fill it with proofs." I said.

He cast any spell at me and nothing happened. My defense is stronger than before and I know exactly that I can be stronger than now.

Suddenly, I felt Quinn's presence watching us from afar together with Czar and Selene. I can smell them too.

"That's all folks! I'm busy with my human life and please, don't bother me again if you can't breakthrough my shield and barrier." I said and turned my back on them.

The fraud Sirius was shouting and throwing spells at me. He never learned that he can't break my defense.

"Czar, take me." I said.

He appeared in front in me and took my arm then teleport back to the mansion. I found myself in the magic hall with Quinn sitting on his throne, and Selene on his side.

"I have one question for you, baby."

"What is it?" He asked me.

"Actually, I don't want to ask you this but I'm too curious." I answered and hesitated for a while.

Quinn stood up and walked towards me.

"Are worried that I will kill your father?"

I didn't expect that he knew what I'm about to asked him. I nodded to his question and he said.

"Still your trust wavered, Ares. I didn't expect that you doubted me."

I saw in his eyes that he was disappointed with me. But, I'm curious too on his thoughts despite that he'll get disappointed.

"Anyway, I don't care if you don't trust me especially that I'm against your father. He's still your father and I can't blame you that you'll take his sides. But..."

Quinn reached out his hands on me and touched my face even the barrier was still activated. It didn't surprised me at all because he's the Master that I'm serving now with my powers.

"I will do anything in my power to bring back my parents even if you have to fight against me, Ares."

With the last sentence that he said, I felt that he knew that will end up in that situation. I looked at Czar and he's glaring at me.

I really don't know what will happen but I'm still positive that everything will be okay and no one will die.

pigrabbit_00 —

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