A Gypsy Wish (Genie X Male OC)

Od Katknightmare

104K 3.3K 440

A Gypsy moving across the world and soon end up in Agra-bah, what happens when he bumps into a now brother li... Více

The Traveling Gypsy
New Home?
Fitting In
Things Are Not Always What They Seem
The Cave Of Wonders
The Lamp
Foreign Prince's
History and a Parade!
Be Yourself.
A Gypsy's Secret
This is War
A Gypsy's Wish
The Road So Far
Start Of The Second
Feast Of Fools
nothing in the world quite like a friend
Cooling Down
Quite Talk

Lies Break Bread

2.3K 84 33
Od Katknightmare

( I meshed two chapter in one here.)

When we were poofed back to the garden, I noticed that dark had fallen. Hm...Who would've though a song could take up so much time. "So Genie," Aladdin started, "how does it feel to be free?" 

"Seriously?" Genie asked, feigning disappointment. "I LOVE IT!" He jumped up into the air with his arms raised high. A sickening crack was heard and he doubled over. It was obvious the poor thing was in pain. When he stood straight again, he said "Okay...So maybe my powers aren't what they used to be."

He poofed in between Jasmine and Aladdin and continued in a whispering voice. "Let's just say they're semi-cosmic...nearly phenomenal." He then shrunk down and made his voice squeaky. "But don't sell me short!"

He made himself normal size and continued. "I may be free but I still have some magic in me! I can still do this:" He poofed into a magician's garb and pulled a flower out of thin air, smiling triumphantly. This quickly ended when the flower sucked off his face.

"Whoa!" the faceless Genie exclaimed. Grabbing his face back out of the flower and putting it back into place, he looked at us sheepishly. "Hate to loose face in front of you guys. Give me another chance."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. He hasn't been back a day and the puns have already started. Genie poofed out a long box and a saw. "Okay, who's first? I CAN do this!"

"No thanks. I trust you but, Aladdin isn't there-" I said, to Aladdin who knew what I was gonna say. "Actually Genie," Aladdin said, saving me from embarrassment, "we have to get to-"

"Dinner!" Jasmine cut in, realizing their predicament. "We're late!"

"Oh, you probably have a romantic dinner for two planned." Genie said, slightly disappointed. "You don't want a big blue lug gumming up the works"

"But, Genie-" Aladdin tried to explain, but Genie wouldn't have it. "Three's a crowd! You kids go on!" I saw this as my advantage and I walked up, taking Genie's arm. "Y'know Genie...Since you're not going with them, we could go somewhere quiet and...catch up..."

By this time, I had snuggled myself into his shoulder. I breathed in his semi-familiar scent and sighed as I felt my heart start to soar....

....But it was all cut short when Genie peeled himself out of my embrace.

He laughed uncomfortably.

"Hehehe... Actually Besnik, I think maybe I should...ah, get some rest. Yeah! See...like I said I'm not as powerful as I used to be and see....I'm kinda tired...yeah...tired." Genie then let out an obnoxious yawn and backed away from me. 

"Oh...okay then." I said as I pushed my choppy bangs back, only to have them fall back over my left eye; a nervous habit I've had since I could last remember. Not many knew about it because I'm never nervous, but this... it's something to be nervous about. "That's too bad," Jasmine said, stepping up, "because we would be honored to have you at dinner Genie."

"You would?" Genie asked, turning sharply and seeming much more alive than he had a moment ago. "We're all suppose to be at dinner." Aladdin explained.

"Ah, c'mon, all of ya! Get in here!" Genie pulled us all into a group hug. After we were all thoroughly choked, he dropped us and made his way towards the palace. "I'm cookin', let's go!"

My spirits lifted slightly at seeing him so happy again. But as soon as the feeling came, it left. Tired, huh?...Yeah right. I felt my heart drop into my stomach as I remembered the way he pulled himself away from me. I started walking slowly behind everyone else, my head down, concentrating on the ground beneath me.

Okay, Besnik...Let's asses this. The man you're deeply and truly in love with, whom you have not seen for six months, just walked away from you when you offered to spend "quality time" with him, claiming to be tired. But then, when Jas invites him to a group thing, he's wide awake and ready to go...Conclusion: this isn't good.

Solution: Ask?

I know not to beat around a bush, it could have a wasp nest if your not careful and it'll do nothing more than blow up in ones face.

Maybe he's still nervous about all this? It was true. Genie was obviously still deeply in love with me, I could still see it in his eyes, but he didn't know how to act around me... Why would he be nervous around me? The man flippin' kissed ME back six months ago!

I ran a hand through my hair frustrated-ly, another nervous habit of mine. We soon got to the dinning room in no time. As we walked into the dinning room, we were greeted with the sight of a long dining table with the Sultan sitting at the head.

When the Sultan saw Genie, he jumped out of his chair and shook his hand enthusiastically. "Glad to have you back, Genie!" Genie flashed his award winning smile. "It's good to be back! Now, everyone sit down! I'm gonna make dinner for ya!" We all sat down in our typical order; Sultan at the head, Aladdin, Jasmine, then me at the other end.

I put my elbow on the table and put my chin in my hand. I know it's not perfect table manners. But I never cared for them to began with. Genie got in front of us (via Japanese sake house) and poofed himself into a chef's hat and neckerchief.

"Okay! Prepare yourselves for a real culinary treat!" He took out two knives and held them in one hand. He then through a carrot into the air and chopped it up lightning quick, using the stereotypical karate saying.


He reaped the process twice more, causing both the Sultan and me to laugh. What can I say? I just can't stay mad at the guy when he is obviously enjoying himself so much.

Not only that, but I had reassured myself so... I think I'll be ok. Suddenly there was a sickening slicing sound. Genie had just cut off his own hand. "Whoopsie..." he mumbled as the hand flopped itself in front of the Sultan.

I just looked at it for a minute, in uncertainty, not knowing whether to panic or not...that is until it started tap dancing. I slapped my hand to my mouth and giggled like a maniac. The Sultan laughed widely. "Most amusing!" he exclaimed.

"Ahem...amusing..." Genie commented as he got behind his bowing hand. "Right...'scues me while I..." He grabbed his and screwed it back onto his arm while finishing his sentence. "...pull myself together."

I let out a small chuckle and took a bite of my food. I then paused and looked at Genie. "Wow...this is great!" I exclaimed. "You're a good cook, Genie." The sultan then picked up his fork and motioned with it as he spoke. "Now, to business. Aladdin, you have proven to be a man of strong moral character..." Aladdin shot us his cheesy "heroic" smile.

I could rolled my eyes.

"...That is why I have decided," the Sultan continued, "to make you my new Royal Vizier." Aladdin's fork stopped midway to his mouth and he looked up, shocked. "Me? Really?"

Jasmine was absolutely beaming with pride. "Isn't it wonderful?' Genie poofed next to Aladdin in a pink tuxedo and top hat. "Wow! Royal Vizier!" He then poofed Aladdin into a black evening tux and gelled his hair back. Genie handed Aladdin an Oscar-esque looking trophy and shook his hand vigorously, causing the hair to fall out of place.

"Aladdin would like to thank the Academy for this great honor!" He then poofed himself into a New York street vendor. "You want 'em, we got 'em: Royal Vizier T-shirts!" Then he changed into an Elizabethan Harold and blew a trumpet. "All hail Aladdin! The Royal Vizier!"

At this point, Genie zoomed next to the Sultan and threw an arm around him. "So, ah...what's a Royal Vizier?"

"Uh...Well-uh, he will be my most trusted adviser," the Sultan sputtered out. Finally understanding, Genie zoomed up to the top of the room. "Well, that makes sense! Pfft!" He waved his arms away from himself in a dramatic motion. "He's bound to be better than that Jafar character!" As Genie said the last two words, he replaced his head with Jafar's head and made his usually soothing voice sound like Jafar's voice.

"And Iago!" continued Genie, obviously not finished with his tirade. 'Talk about a rat with wings!" As much as I agreed with that sentiment, I couldn't help but stiffen slightly when Iago was brought up. "Whew! That bird was mean!"

This was NOT what Aladdin needed right now. So, as discreetly as I could, I made the 'cut it' motion with my hands and started whispering: "Genie, chill out." But he was, apparently, oblivious to me; as he turned his head into a replica of Iago's and shoved a cracker into the Sultan's face, saying: "Sultan want a cracker! Sultan want a cracker!"

Aladdin grimacing was the last thing I saw before I put my head on the table in a defeated motion. "Yes sir!" Genie exclaimed. I looked up to see him grab Aladdin (from where he was probably trying to slip away) and ruffle his hair. "You don't see this guy hanging' out with any evil parrots!"

"Heh..." Aladdin laughed nervously. "It's funny you should mention Iago..." Genie let Aladdin go and he slipped back into his original seat, shifting uncomfortably. "What about it, Aladdin?" Jasmine asked, turning towards him. Just as he was about to answer, the doors burst open and Rajah came sliding in, making a horrible screeching noise.

Genie poofed out of the way, to avoid being hit and Rajah careened right into the table. "Rajah!" Jasmine scolded, "You know better than to tear around the palace like that!"

I got Aladdin's attention and nodded my head at Rajah. Rajah's mouth had a certain red and blue parrot.

"Help..." Aladdin rushed forward and held Rajah's jaw together, while Iago protested. "Hey!"

"So...Aladdin," the Sultan continued, as if nothing happened. Wow...talk about a one-track mind. "Why did you bring up that deceitful parrot?" Aladdin turned his face to the Sultan, while still having his grip on Rajah's jaw. "Sultan, I have to tell you something about Iago.

Just as Aladdin was taking his hands away from Rajah, I saw a red and blue feather sneak out of Rajah's mouth and tickle his nose. Not being able to watch anymore, I covered my eyes with my hand. I heard Rajah give a loud sneeze and plates crashing. Then, I heard Aladdin say in a meek voice: "He's...here."

I lowered my hand away from my eyes as I heard the Sultan gasp. "Iago! Guards! Get that bird!" The guards came trumping in like the monkeys they were, deaf to Aladdin's please of "No, wait!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" said Razoul (the head monkey) as he lifted his sword to kill Iago. "It would be my pleasure." Aladdin had successfully relieved Razoul of his sword and was trying to explain himself to the Sultan, Razoul interrupting him every time.

The Sultan silenced both of them. "I trust he has a fitting explanation for this--this scandal!" By this time, Jasmine had taken her place by her father and she looked thoroughly pissed. "He had better." she added to her father's statement. "Your Highness..." Aladdin started, "I think Iago was-uh..."

"Mesmerized!" Iago whispered to him. Oh no, Al. Don't lie!  I thought to myself. You're in deep enough as it is!

"Yeah, yeah! He was under Jafar's spell! Remember the snake staff?..." It was pretty obvious by now that neither the Sultan nor Jasmine was buying it. "Iago was just-ah...Well, um..." Aladdin knew he was sinking, so he finally just gave up. "Iago's not all bad! At least, I don't think so anyway."

At this point, I was pinching the bridge of my nose in exasperation from irritation at Aladdin's pitiful lies. "'Not all bad'?" the Sultan asked incredulously, "He only served my greatest enemy, that's all!"

"We can't have that treacherous bird run free!" Razoul exclaimed. "Look, I'll watch him!" Aladdin exclaimed, having enough of Razoul. But then he caught himself and walked over to the Sultan. "Uh- that is, with YOUR permission, Your Highness. I'd like to take up full responsibility for Iago."

"You would?" Iago asked, not quite believing he heard right. "Your priorities seem questionable to me..." said the Sultan, "but, so be it. Aladdin, you will watch Iago every moment."

Aladdin bowed slightly as the Sultan stalked out of the room, only to come face to face with Razoul. "And if the bird makes one wrong move, you shall be the one I PLUCK boy!" Razoul then left the room and we were left in an awkward silence.

A silence which Genie (of course) broke. "Eh...That could've gone worse." Aladdin plopped unceremoniously unto the cushions on the floor, exhaling a large breath. "Oh, Jasmine. I thought I was sunk!"

"Ooh, not good." Iago whispered, flying off Aladdin's shoulder. That's when Jasmine exploded. "You were hiding Iago all along, weren't you!?"

Aladdin visibly stiffened and I heard Genie mumble: "I think it just got worse."

"I...yes, but Jasmine I-"

"How could you!" Jasmine interrupted him. "More secrets? More lies? And you!" I jumped slightly when Jasmine rounded on me. "You were covering up for him weren't you?!"

"Jasmine," I started, "let me explain-"

"No!" she exclaimed, "I'm not going to let you try and defend his LIES to me!" Jasmine started walking out of the room, tears in her eyes. Before she was completely out, she turned to Aladdin. "Aladdin, I thought you had changed."

"Jasmine, wait! Back in the market place! Iago he-" We heard the door to her room slam. She was gone. "..He saved my life." Aladdin concluded to no one.

That's when I decided to speak up. "Look, Aladdin. I told you from the start not to lie to her and you wouldn't listen to me." He looked at me sadly and I sighed.

"Look, I'll do the best I can. But she's pretty angry at me to, so don't count on me pulling you outta this one." I made my way to the door of the dining room. Before I left, I turned back and looked at all my friends. "Wish me luck...I'm gonna need it."

And with that, I started off on the most dangerous trek of my life:

Calming down an emotional and scorned princess.

I wish Djali and Clopin were here.

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