Bloody moon/ Yoongi FF

By kOokiewithSpRite

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"Nerd" Jungkook said "They look ugly as always," Namjoon said I looked at the girls we didn't care and conti... More



906 24 35
By kOokiewithSpRite

(A/N= the media is just so aesthetic)

"What? Am i supposed to believe this?!" She shouted facing the TV. "How can you just be sitting in a library with seven pounds of makeup and a handsome guy comes up to you and says 'Oh! I like your face! Wanna drink coffee?' and the girl says 'Yeah sure!' and six months later they get married an have eight kids. BULLSHIT!"
"Give me chocolate!" She shouted so i throw the last chocolate bar to her in which she ate in fifteen seconds.

I woke up with a weak headache. I looked around me to see myself on the couch and Luna sleeping a few inches before me. Her hair was messy as f*ck but it looked pretty. She looked so innocent and cute, but I clearly knew she was not innocent, like at all, not with the death score she has. I stood up carefully not to wake her up. I walked to the kitchen and didn't see any breakfast. This means Jin hasn't woken up yet. I walked upstairs to my room. When i entered, i was faced by six curious faces looking at the door with wide eyes and pink cheeks.
"What?! What are you doing in my ro-" I said

"hugging," Taehyung added to Jimin.
"-SLEEPING AT THE COUCH, HUGGING," Jimin shouted again.
"We want to know everything!" Jin said.
"I- I don't remember us hugging..." I said.
"Well, you were hugging and not a friendly hug. A Cute Couple Hug." Hoseok said, pressure on the word 'couple'.
"I really don't remember hugging!" I shouted this time.
"I DONT CARE. What happened?! From the moment, we left the house." Jin said.
"I don-" I was going to not to tell them but i realised that it was impossible for them to let me go at this rate. I sighed. "When you left, she asked if we have chocolate so i brought her some. We watched a movie and she screamed about how love doesn't exist, and ate more chocolate."
"That's it?" Namjoon asked.
"Yeah. I really don't remember cuddlin-" I stopped because i remembered something i must have forgotten before. "She cried about what happened and talked a lot. I- I think i hugged her because she was crying and she hugged me back. she told me that i was an amazing friend?" I said slowly. I said the last sentence really quietly.
"I this it?" Jimin asked sarcastically.
"Yeaaah..." I said
"Aish," Jin said and stood up from my bed. "You're no fun."
"Exactly, nothing happened except the fact that you got friend zoned," Jungkook said.
"Y-yah! I didn't get friend zoned! okay?!" I said.
"Yeah sure. If she hugged you and said that you are an amazing friend, congrats my friend. YOU JUST GOT FRIEND ZONED." Hoseok said

"I- i'm going downstairs you morons," I said and slowly walked downstairs, to the living room. Luna was awake and was looking around to probably figure out how she fall asleep at the couch last night.
"Good morning," I said and sat at the top of the couch.
"M-morning." She said and rubbed her eyes.
"Did you sleep well?" I asked softly.
"I- Yeah kinda. I saw a lot of nightmares." She said with a morning voice.
"Nightmares like what?" I asked and sat next to her on the couch.
"Lisa cheated on me." She said and looked at me with swollen eyes. Her under-eyes were dark red and looked like she hasn't slept in a week. It was obvious that she cried last night. I guessed that she wanted it to be a nightmare and her brain made her thought that Lisa did not cheat on her, and it was a nightmare all along. I looked deeply at her eyes. I shook my head slowly. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again. "It wasn't a nightmare wasn't it?" She asked.
"No, it wasn't," I said. She sighed.
"Sorry. I must have talked a lot."
"It's fine," I said. "Hey! Do you want to go and get chicken for lunch?" I asked
"Lunch? But we just woke up." She said.
"W-we can get chicken for breakfast! Who says we can't?!"
"No one."
"Exactly. Let's go then!" I shouted and dragged her to the bathroom. I pushed her inside and closed the door. "Brush your teeth, it stinks. There is a new toothbrush and clothes for you to wear!" I shouted. After a few minutes, she was done and so was i. Because she didn't take just a few minutes, noooooo. She took her time. A lot of her time. A time that I stopped counting after forty minutes.
"I'm ready. Let's get some chickeeeen!" She shouted and dragged me to the door. I waved slightly at the rest of the BTS members as i got dragged.

We went to Onew's chicken place and ordered huge buckets of chicken. by the time that we finished the buckets, it was lunchtime already. So we decided to get another round of chickens. So that we would eat breakfast and chicken in one seat. See? Genius! After eating chickens like crazy, we decided to go to the mall nearby. Which wasn't a good choice but... you'll see.

We went inside the mall. Our goal was to buy supplies that Luna would need while she stays at our house. We walked to the drug store and started looking at the isles. They sell a lot of useless stuff here. Luna pointed at the isle she wanted to see, which was period products. Ohhhh, so she's in her period and also going through a breakup. Oof must be hard.
"But how can i know i haven't got my period yet," I said out loud for some reason. I accidentally spoke my thoughts. Luna looked at me, very confused.

"Your period? Yo- you don't have a period. Its basic biology." She said and got closer to my ear. "It's obvious why you are a gang member now."
"You just humiliated gang members Luna. You are a gang member too." I said sarcastically.
"That's a great point." She nodded and held my hand, for two seconds as she pulled me closer to where the products were standing in. But those two seconds still felt so good. "Look, there are lots of product for periods. I'm showing you this because i may need it one day and you will have to buy it for me." She said and smiled. She started to explain how each of the methods works.

~Time skips~

"So this goes inside?" I asked while pointing at the box she was holding. Luna nodded slowly. "Ouch, that must hurt," I said.
"No actually. It feels kinda goo-" She said but stopped by the sudden sound of a gun firing. The sound got closer and closer until we heard a voice.

"I heard Moon is here. Get out or someone dies."

Hello my dear friends
Thanks for reading.

Well, I don't know about you but I really enjoyed the part where they talked about period products. Probably more than I should've but why the HECk not.

Anyways, there are only 3 days, 18 hours, 15 minutes and 4 seconds until the concert so be prepared for a spam of photos for next week.

See you next Wednesday!🎋🎍

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