TRU Life: Freshman Year (Lesb...

By albgotwords

17.4K 879 63

Look out, folks-- there's a new freshman in town. That's right, Gwen Galley has made it to her freshman year... More

New School, New Me
Sharing is Caring
Keep It Classy
Bridging the Gap
You Wanna See Me Neki Nekkid Nekkid
Artsy Fartsy
Cam's Dumb Ass Idea
Candid Cameron
Stranger Danger
Deep Sigh
My Friend, KP
Movies and Chill
Testing, Testing 1,2,3
Life's Tests
Out on the Town
Girl's Night
Me and KP
Peer Pressure
20 Questions
Not A Playa From The Himalayas
Skate to My Lou
Gone With The Gwen
Backseat Bliss
Hairy Situations
Love Calls
F • R • I • E • N • D • S
(No) Love In This Club
All By Myseeeelf
It's A Wash
It's A Wash Part 2
Better Days
Minding (Y)our Business
Still Minding Y(our) Business
Stan Wars
Be Great With Your Lavender
My Giiirlfriends
Gone With The Friend

Reunited & It Feels So Good

398 24 4
By albgotwords

I was sitting outside of Professor Kemp's class three days later, practicing the new signs I learned with Tracey and Iggy. We didn't know what the fuck we were doing, but we had fun. This morning we had learned the alphabet, and how to spell our names. "Bitch, I can't do it right!" Tracey exclaimed. We all laughed at her.
"You gotta use the hand you write with! That's why it looks weird, you don't write with that one!" Iggy replied.
"Oh, shit." Tracey said, picking up her left hand and trying it again. "Oh, that feels more natural." She had been trying to say 'nice to meet you', a phrase we learned from another classmate who had some experience with Sign Language.

"Iggy." I called. She looks at me in response. "How do you say 'shit'?" I asked. She cracks up. "Ooh, you so ignorant! How come the first thing everyone wants to learn in a new language is, how to cuss?" she asked, making us all laugh.

"I can't remember how she did it." she says, looking to the side. She was trying to remember how the classmate showed her. "I think it's like— you put your dominant hand in a thumbs up position, and then you squeeze the thumb with the other hand. Then you pull the thumb out downward. Kind of looks like somebody dropped a deuce." She said, while demonstrating. Then we all copied her. We were having a good time and being ridiculous until Tracey noticed something. Her smile instantly turned into a smirk once she saw who had stopped in front of our group, which caused me to look in that direction. "Excuse me ladies," KP says, formally announcing her presence. "I'm gonna need to borrow Gwen real quick." she said. "Come on." She mouthed to me. I looked at Tracey who now had a knowing smile on her face, and Iggy who was trying to connect the dots. I got up and walked with her. Well, I tried to. She had grabbed me by the arm and led us straight to the secluded bathroom on the next floor. There was no talking at all, but I had a million questions running through my head. I didn't know the school like that yet so I had no idea where we were going or why. I never felt scared, but a bit confused.
When we got to the bathroom, she pushed me in there. "In here. Now." she said, voice calm, yet stern.

"Why are we in here?" I asked KP, watching her lock the door. I just thought it was strange she was cornering me in a bathroom. We hadn't spoken to each other in like three days.

"No time to talk. I got class in like thirty minutes. Don't play with me." she said, sternly.

"What do you plan to do in that thirty minute span of time?"
"Quit acting stupid." she said, frowning for a second.
Just then, she started to kiss me and put me on the counter. I would have cussed her ass out, if I wasn't so turned on. New me wasn't afraid to speak my mind, but new me knew not to talk myself out of any action, either. Especially considering what happened the last time I wanted to talk before anything went down. KP ripped my buttons out of my shirt and ripped off the wifebeater. Now part of my breasts were exposed as they sat pretty in one of my new bras. She attacked them with her lips while simultaneously helping me with taking off my pants.

"Hold on, you're cool with this, right? Like...we ain't gon have no problems?"

I guess I had to admire her desire to confirm my consent, considering she didn't really formally ask if I wanted to bang, before.

"Yeah, now come on". I said, trying to maximize the amount of smash time.

Once I get my pants off, KP goes straight to feeling all on me. It didn't take long for her to find what she wanted and get to work.

Twenty or so minutes later, KP had her fingers inside of me, aggressively tonguing me down at the same time. I had just climaxed for the second time and tensed up around where her fingers were. She took them out slowly and put her fingers in her mouth, staring at me with desire. That look left me breathless, usually. But I was too busy trying to catch my breath to fully register all of the fine.

I was still completely laid out on the counter and gasping for air when KP started to get herself together for class. "What the fuck was that for?" I asked, noticing the change in pacing she used today.

The other day was nice, but today I noticed, like, passion. I noticed intensity, I noticed hunger. It was rough. And it hurt a little bit more, but I discovered that I like that shit.

KP takes a deep sigh.

"Had to teach that ass a lesson. You don't fucking ignore me for three days and get to keep walking... normally." she said, chuckling.

"You must wanna be ignored again." I said, looking at my shirt.

She chuckled for a second, while washing everything down. "Try it again and you'll be sorry.

"KP, you ripped my tank top!" I gasped, realizing that I have to walk back out in public with this bullshit on.

"Nobody's gonna know it was ripped if you just keep your outer shirt buttoned up. Now your hair... is gonna give you away. And those other hickeys. Consider that as part of your punishment." she says. "I'll see ya when I see ya." she says again, before leaving me in the bathroom by myself.

I needed to get cleaned up, forreal forreal. I didn't know why KP wanted to go around smelling like sex, but I couldn't do it. I put my clothes on and walk out of the bathroom. I noticed a few people standing nearby and I prayed to God that they didn't hear me getting it on in the bathroom. I didn't have time to have people be witness to me being a brand new ho. I didn't have enough time to own it, just yet.

I walked outside of the building on incognito mode. I wasn't trying to speak to anybody. However, as luck would have it, I run right into Cam who was coming to the same building for a class she had. She laughed heartily when she saw me. "Damn, G. In the goddamn school buildings? That's bold."

When she called me "G", the world stopped for a second. I was immediately reminded of Tiana. Literally no one but her calls me that. It felt weird to hear it in person, again. I talk to Ti pretty often, and these days she had called me that with so much desperation. These days she sounded like she was pleading with me to be with her again. It just made me a bit sad. I decided to put this issue on the back burner for now, but I reminded myself to let Cam know I just prefer to be called Gwen some other time.

"It wasn't that. I, um, got into a fight in the bathroom. We didn't let anybody know."

"Yeah, you got your neck sucked on that fight, eh? And you're limping something serious! You ain't gotta lie. Hold my stuff real quick." she said.
She handed me her notebooks and her Double Doughnuts cup, which appeared to have an iced coffee in it.

She stepped back and took off her satin scarf. "Here, take this. I was wearing it to cover up my hickeys, but I think you need to cover up that crazy looking shit." she joked, cracking up.
"It looks that bad?" I asked.

"No." Cam replied. "But considering your whole neck is covered in hickeys, it kind of looks like some kind of infection, so take Sophie. I'm trusting you with her."

Instead of immediately thanking her, I furrow my eyebrow. "Sophie? You named your scarf?"

"My mom did. It was hers. So, be careful."

"Your mom? Are you sure you wanna give me this?" I asked.

"Girl, we are not about to have a sentimental moment over no damn scarf. Take it and put it around yo' neck, and then take it off and lay it on my bed once you get back. Okay?"
She reaches for her things so I give them back.
I shrugged my shoulders. "Alright, then. Thanks Cam, you're a lifesaver. And you too, Sophie." I said, smiling. Then we said our goodbyes and parted ways.

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