The Lost Fairy

By goldendragon225

279K 5.7K 2.3K

Over 400 years old, part of a secret scientific experiment by that era's Magic Council. F/n L/n, a wanderer... More

Chapter 1: The Hurting Hero
Chapter 2: The War Begins
Chapter 3: Phantom's Arrival
Chapter 4: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 5: Lost Shirt
Chapter 6: Trains...
Chapter 7: Womanizer M/N?!
Chapter 8: Break The Ring
Chapter 9: M/N's Anger
Chapter 10: New Home/ Nightmares
Chapter 11: Ninja
Chapter 12: Truth's Revealed
Chapter 13: The Ultimate Roar
Chapter 14: Arrival In Edolas
Chapter 15: Edolas M/N
Chapter 16: Return To Earthland
Chapter 17: The Cloaked Man On Tenrou Island
Chapter 18: The Power Of A God
Chapter 19: Training/The 7 Year Time Skip
Chapter 20: An Ancient Dragon Slayer
Chapter 21: Focux
Chapter 22: Neptune Vs. The God of Dragons
Chapter 23: Pushed To The Limit
Chapter 24: Horace and Bora
Chapter 25: The Original Dragon Slayers
Chapter 26: M/n Vs. Thor
Chapter 27: M/n's Enemies
Chapter 28: The Fight For Humanity
Chapter 30: We Don't Trade Lives
Chapter 31: The Light Alliance
Chapter 32: Feelings Revealed
Chapter 33: The Grand Magic Games Begin
Chapter 34: The Grand Magic Games Pt.2
Chapter 35: Pandemonium
Chapter 36: Dragon Force
Chapter 37: Mercurius Rescue
Chapter 38: The Hungry Wolf Knights
Chapter 39: The Death of The Dragon God?!
Chapter 40: The Party
Chapter 41: We have a pool?
Chapter 42: The Eclipse Spirits
Chapter 43: The Sun Village
Chapter 44: Love
Chapter 45: Tartaros Begins
Chapter 46: Tartaros Vs. M/n
Chapter 47: Rockwell's Sacrifice
Chapter 48: Rage of The Water Dragon
Chapter 49: The Will
Chapter 50: Father and Son
Chapter 51: Fairy Tail Zero- The Lost Fairy
Chapter 52: The Dragon God Returns
Chapter 53: A Darkness Within
Chapter 54: Ankhseram
Chapter 55: Neptune's Final Atonement
Chapter 56: Armageddon Part 1
Chapter 57: Armageddon Pt. 2
Chapter 58: Broken.
Chapter 59: The Strongest Dragon Slayer
Chapter 60: Wood God Dragonslayer
Chapter 61: A Broken God
Chapter 62: Magnolia

Chapter 29: Rage of The Dragon God

1.8K 58 1
By goldendragon225

Rockwell POV

I watch as he begins dismantling them all, he first attacked Century and Faze, neither of which stood a chance against his rage, M/n was pissed, no, he was furious. Next came Shurik and Shield. As M/n rushed Shield, Shurik rushed his blind side, but at the last second he rolled out of the way and sliced Shurik's side deeply, taking him out of the fight. He then rushed Shield again, and began beating him down eventually Flash joined in, but I was surprised to see him dodge it and counter perfectly. He ducked down and kicked his back leg out into Flash's gut, knocking him back, then turning around and blasting him with a wave of energy. He then charges after him and begins beating him to a pulp with a barrage of melee attacks. Once he's down he turns back to Shield and charges him again, only to be stopped by Hercules. M/n gets sent flying backwards into the trees. Only to come flying out a second later and fly straight into Hercules' gut. Sending him careening backwards along the ground.

You: "Now do you understand? Thor. I am the king here, and if you defy me... I WILL. Have my revenge."

Thor: "Damn you M/n... damn you to hell and back... you don't deserve the title of the Dragon God. I will kill you some day you bastard, count on that."

You: "Then fight me, here and now, one on one, go until death or someone concedes."

Thor: "I accept, on one condition." M/n nods, acknowledging his request. "Either you cannot use your Primus form, or I get 2 slayers of my pick to fight along with me, considering that is the power we are fighting for."

You: "Pick your 2 quickly Thor, I am growing impatient with this meaningless squabble."

Thor: "Brain, Reax." Damnit, those 2 are no joke. Brain and Reax... M/n... I hope you know what you're doing...

You: "Ok, then let's finish this." As he finishes they all disappear, and the fight to determine the fate of this world begins, I hate to say it, but if M/n loses, humanity will cease to exist. And everybody not on Thor's side here today will also be punished severely and then killed. M/n... I hope you know exactly what you are fighting for...

Thor: "Why do you not understand the infestation humans are to this world?! They don't deserve to survive!"

You: "And look at us! We are supposed to be the protectors of this world! Yet all we ever do is fight!"

Brain: "The humans are a nuisance to us, and cause much harm to the world, while we understand the consequences of our actions in the future, they simply try to ignore them."

You: "I cannot stand by and let you kill all of the humans, we were all once the same, all of us were humans before we became what we are, and we still are humans!"

Reax: "No, we aren't!"

Brain: "We are far more superior to them in every way."

Thor: "You are one of us M/N! Why do you not see our way?! You are supposedly our leader, so why do you fight for the humans?!"

You: "Because! They've shown me they can show compassion and love towards one another! They've shown me that humans can change this world for the better!"

Brain: "How blind you've become..."

Reax: "You were once one of us M/n..."

Thor: "And now... you are nothing but a traitor."

You: "I am telling you the truth, Thor. These people." He says gesturing to the members of Fairy Tail. "These people, have shown me what humans can become if they work together to make a change. And I will not abandon them!"

Thor: "Damn you M/n... damn you to hell."

Reax: "I never thought one of our own, much less our leader would become something so low, as to commit treason..."

You: "I have done nothing of the sort. You people are simply too blind to notice that these people are not bad, not all humans are horrible people!" M/n truly did believe humans deserved this planet as much as we did, didn't he?

Thor: "Then you can die along with them!" They charge each other again and begin clashing. Once more M/n throws them aside, standing in one place, decimating 3 of the most powerful beings on this planet.

Gray: "I don't believe it, none of us stood a chance one on one against those guys... how is he doing it?"

Rockwell: "Because he is the Dragon god, the most powerful being on this planet... and he believes in you humans, I highly suggest that you all thank him when this is over, because he is fighting for you."

Lucy POV

I look on as M/n continues fighting them, but then, I noticed a scrape on his cheek, they had hit him...? But... I thought... I look over to Rockwell, and see a look of terror on his face...

Rockwell: "No... Impossible... The Primus state is saved for the Dragon God only... How... How did Thor obtain such a power?" What? I look back towards the fight, and see Thor with glowing gold hair and two golden pupils in the shape of a sun.

You: "What? B-but how?" Thor let's out a maniacal laugh and powers up.

Thor: "Now don't you see it? I Am The One Suited To Be Dragon God!" I see the golden pupil in M/n's eye disappear and I could see how weak he felt...

You: "No... impossible... H-how...?"

Thor: "I guess Etherion saw the mistake he had made making you the Dragon God, and gave the power to it's rightful owner... Rockwell! Neptune! Frost! Come over here and receive your punishment!"

Your POV


You: "No! don't hurt them! Please Thor! They don't deserve this!"

Rockwell: "It's alright M/n, we chose to support you, we fought for what we believed in." No... No please, not like this... ETHERION!!! 'I am sorry my son, but the power sensed you were dying, and left your body in order to try and help you survive, Thor is the Dragon God now...' No, nonono, I have to save them. I see Frost kneel before Thor.

You: "NO THOR! DON'T!!"

Thor: "For the crime of treason against the Dragon God, your punishment, is death." I see an axe form in his hand... and I see Frost look up to me...

Frost: "It's alright M/n, I don't blame you, you fought for the right cause, goodbye, my friend..." Then Thor swings down, and the head of one of my oldest friends falls before me... No... NO!

You: "FROST!!!" I clench my teeth and turn towards Thor. "You Bastard!" a charge him, only to be swatted aside like nothing.

Thor: "Wait your turn trash." No... no... I-I still wasn't strong enough...

Lucy POV

I look on as he falls to the ground in tears, it was strange though, nothing had happened... B-brain's power, it must be similar to Midnight's, that has to be it, he's stuck  in a nightmare... Wait, maybe... we're all caught in his nightmare...?

Thor: "Rockwell, step forward, your crime was the same of Frost's, and the punishment also will be the same, death."

Your POV
No. Rockwell... H-he was my oldest friend, ever since I found out who I was, and who I had to be, he had always been there for me, I can't let him die!

Lucy POV

As Thor summons his axe again, something rattles the ground, and I look over to M/n...

Gray: "W-What's he doing?!"

You: "TTTHHHOOORR!!" His head snaps up, then I see it, the ring, it's vein had grown all the way up his arm and onto his face.

Thor: "What?" His claws release on each hand, but I notice they were chipped and cracked throughout, and looked dull and rusted at the tips.

Rockwell: "It's his power, the Dragon God's power must have been keeping his claws upkept throughout the years... And now without it, they will deteriorate rapidly."

Thor: "Calm yourself M/n! I Am The Dragon God Now! Kneel To Me!"

You: "Never! You Killed Him! You Killed Frost!"

Thor: "If you do not kneel now, I'll kill the humans here..."

You: "If I don't stop you now, you'll kill them anyways."

Thor: "Fine, then come at me!"

You: "AAAHHHHHH!" He charges full-speed towards Thor, only to be swatted away shortly now.

Thor: "Now Watch! As Your Friends Are Killed!"

Your POV

No... I see the others begin walking towards them.


Natsu: "I'll never run from a challenge!" No... damnit Natsu... Please, don't do this... They all begin fighting each other, and I watch helplessly as my friends are being beaten to death...

Thor: "Now watch, as your friends die..."

Rockwell: "Get Up M/N!" I turn to Rockwell, who was pinned to the ground, Brain standing over him. "These people need you M/n! You Cannot Lose! DO NOT LET ANYONE ELSE DIE!!!"

Brain: "Silence, and except your fate." No!

Thor: "Stop Brain, let's see how his loved one is doing..." what...? I turn... and see her... Erza, being held by her throat, I could tell she was already barely breathing as it is... No, she-she'll die! "Watch, as I snuff the light out of her heart, as she screams for your name to save her..."


Lucy POV

I push myself to stand back up, and feel the ground trembling... I look around, and see a white flame surrounding M/n.

You: "Stop it Thor..." I turn to Thor and hear his twisted laughter.

Thor: "Never, you did this to her, now watch her die." What was he talking about... Wait, M/n, he's till caught in Brian's nightmare... Erza wasn't even near Thor, she was fighting Reax with Rockwell.

You: "I told you to stop Thor." I could see that the flames were growing around M/n, and I could feel their heat from here.

Thor: "Watch, as I snuff the life out of her, then kill every last person you love." M/n stands up, his head lying slack and looking at the ground so the area around his eyes was blackened.

You: "Stop. It." He strains through clenched teeth.

Thor: "Make me." He says coldly.

You: "Fine. I'll just kill you all." W-whoa... H-his eyes, they were glowing white, with a shining golden pupil in each one... And then, there was... That mark between his eyes...

Thor: "Hmm?" M/n begins walking towards Thor, the ground trembling with every step he takes.

You: "REAX! Set Her DOWN!!" He screams towards him.

Reax: "You can't touch me M/n, I see everything." M/n continues towards him, and as soon as he's within arms reach, Reax drops Erza and jumps back.

Thor: "What are you doing?!"

Reax: "He's changed Thor, look at him..." Thor looks towards M/n, then his eyes grow wide...

Thor: "His ring... Where's His Ring?!"

You: "Thor... I am going to kill you." Thor takes a step back in shock at M/n's voice, it sounded so... gruesome...

Thor: "Everybody! Attack him at once! Even now he is no match for all of us!" Then I hear a crack, and turn to see Rockwell standing out of breath, his foot on top of Faze's crushed neck, and Frost, standing next to a frozen block of ice, with Shield in it...

Rockwell: "Now, let's finish this war."

Frost: "Once and for all."

Thor: "Together! We Cannot Lose!"

Rockwell: "We will never let you kill the humans!" I hear Natsu's battle cry, then chaos pursues. Although I noticed something while helping Natsu, M/n was simply standing over Erza, his hand on her stomach. Then, after summing another spirit, there's a bright light. I look over, and see a strand of Erza's scarlet hair turns white, and all of her wounds disappear... but then I see M/n cough blood, and see wounds opening all over his body... "H-he took her wounds? B-but how..." Even Rockwell didn't seem to know what had happened...

You: "THOR!!" M/n finally turns to find him, and when he does, the flame ignites around him again. "I'm not just going to kill you... I am going to make you suffer for what you did to Erza... I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY!!!" And with that he charges, and punches Thor square in the face. Only to then be stabbed in his back by one of Shurik's weapons. He growls and turns to Shurik, then charges him as well, he releases his run down claws again and slashes Shurik across his face, then drives both sets of them through his chest, twisting them before he yanks them out. Shurik falls to the ground immediately after. Lying motionless, M/n then turns to Brain. "You're next." He says as he begins walking towards Brain.

Brain: "Fine, do your worst." He gets into a stance and focuses in on M/n, but then, he begins shaking...

Brain POV

H-his head... i-it was filled with nothing but hatred and rage... O-Oh god... I-is that what he was planning on doing to us...? Good god, w-we need to run. We Need To Run Now!

Lucy POV

I see Brain begin frantically searching for something.

Brain: "Thor!" He says finally finding what he was looking for.

Thor: "What is it Brain?!" He screams back finally getting back up.

Brain: "We must retreat!"

Thor: "WHAT?! NEVER!"

Brain: "THOR! I have seen it! We must run while we still have our lives!" Thor growls, then nods, and they all disappear, and reappear right next to each other, including the frozen Shield. Then there's a flash of lightning, and they all disappear. With nothing but the shape of a lightning bolt left burnt into the ground.

Rockwell: "No honor... Pathetic." I see M/n again back kneeling over Erza, although he had returned to his normal state. Rockwell walks up behind him. "She will live, do not worry yourself."

You: "I know, but... we still lost a friend." Rockwell looks confused.

Rockwell: "Who?" M/n looks up confused.

You: "They killed Frost..." Rockwell looks back to... Wait?! He WAS Killed Though, Right?!

Rockwell: "You attacked Thor right before he was about to be executed, screaming about how you were going to kill him for something." M/n looks astonished.

You: "B-but... I-I saw you die..." He says quietly, tears in his eyes.

Frost: "Don't worry M/n, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Then I hear something behind us, I turn back and see, Neptune?

Neptune: "What happened? I was fighting Simon and he just disappeared."

You: "They ran away."

Neptune: "What? Why?"

You: "They were scared, of me."

Rockwell: "He broke the Ring Of Pride Neptune." Neptune looks towards M/n in shock, and I see M/n's face also in shock.

You: "I... did?" He looks down at his hand, and sees a cracked ring, now glowing a very dull white.

Rockwell: "Well, it seems you have achieved your previous powers, but your skills still seemed very basic, I am guessing you broke through some kind of barrier, but not fully. And, you have also retained your Dragon God powers, I can sense them within you again. Although it scares me you managed to lose the power. You must be more careful. You have that power for a reason M/n. Etherion knew you weren't the strongest. But he also believed you knew right from wrong. You showed everybody here that today."

Sup everybody, yea these last couple chapters haven't been my best but bear with me. Once we're finally done and get into the GMG arc and Tartaros arc I promise it will be WAY better and many questions will be answered. If you guys have any input, questions, or suggestions feel free to leave them. Peace ✌

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